Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/287

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(0 Ic E teosp. HENRY VI., and 1. in 1488, in which year ho will the Prntect,,r’s death. Clarcnd’.u fssrthisr i,lsscrsre sf lutes bears date, 16 April. His youngest son, Josea FANE, Eeq. of Hadloe, iii. Joan, dan. and co-heir the Lord Strall’ord, by his being created Barsu of liaby, the of Sir Edward Hawte, Knt., asid was father of JIcNnv FANE, Esq. of Jladioc, who was unwarily drawn into Sir Thomas Wyatt’s insurrection, let Queen Many, and esntcmpt to Vane), they sucked in all the th’esglsts of committed to the Tower and attainted, hut owing to his revenge insaginable ; and thence, the son betsok himself Is youth, experienced the royal clensoncy and was released, the friendship of Mr. Fyssi, an,1 all other discontented or 24 Starch following. He subsequently represented Winchesea seditions perons, and csmnsnnieatcd all that intelligence in parliament, and became an ohqncst and distinguished that designed the ruin of time earl, and which grafted lum senator. He as. Elizabeth, dan. of Henry Wlute, Esq. of in the entire coufidenee of thoee who premc’teil the same Christchnreb, co. Tiants, and relict of Sh- John Goodealve, so that nothing was concealed from bus, thongh it ie Rot., and dying 11 June, 1590, was e. by his son, HENRY FaNe, Esq. of Hadlee, who iii. 1st, in 1578, his At the Restoration, Vane was arresteil, bist a promise was relative, Mary, sole dan. and heir of Thomas False, Req. of given to parliament that his life should be spared; in Eurston, which lady it. s. p. He si. Sndly, in 1584, Margaret, violation of tins he wae, 2 June. 1665, arraigned for high dan. of Roger Twisden, Esq. of East Peckham, eo. Kent, treason, was found gnilty, and receiving sentence of death, and d. 1196, bavhsg had by her, besides two dans. and two was beheaded en Tower hill, 14 June, 1662. Sir Henry younger sons (Ralph and Charleel, an eldest sen and heir, es. 1 July, 1639, Frances, dan, of Sir Christopher Wnsy, Sm HENRY (avhs resumed the original snrname of his Mart, of filentworth and Libby, en. Lincoln, and had issne, ancestors) VANE, of Raby Castle, en. Durham, his chief place z. Henry it. I Jan. 1660, aged 16. of abode, and which eantinsses to be need by his descendants. is. Edward, it. 1642. is’. Cccii, it. 1646. iv. Cecil, it. 1647. This gentleman (b. 1585, knighted 1620) was a distinguished v. Thomas, of Raby Castle, H.P. for tlnrham. vs. Fmnces, politician, and stood high in the favour of dau. of Sir Themao Liddoll, of Racenswortb, cc. Durham JAMES 9. and CnAnLne I.; in the former reign he was appointed eoffercr to the Prince of Wales; amid in the latter, vs. Cu,issrnpsmcn ‘Sit’), of wham we treat. after sssjoying niany elevated emcee (amongst others, that I. Albismia, or Benina, ci. henry berth, alderman of London. of Ambassador in Sweden to Gustavus Adolphus, and one is. Katherine, ‘1. 24 March, 1678. ef the csmmissiouers of the Admiralty), was constituted The youngest eon, principal secretary of state for life, and sworn of the privy SIR Cnassa’orNEn VANE, 0. Ii May, 1659, was elevated eossneil. His eubsequentdismissal from office was attributed to the peerage as Baron Beraarit, of Barsarit t’aslh, irs Its te his having offended the king by the active part be took Listeprie s,f Dsmrtesm. by letters-patent, d ited 25 Jnly, 1698. in the prosecution of the easi of Strafford, against whom, it his lorsiship ma. Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Gilbert lloflcs, is said, he was influenced by private pique, arising from 3rd Earl of Clare, and sister and ce-heir of John, Duke of that nobleman’s having, when elevated to the peerage, Newcastle, and by her )wbe it. 27 March, 1742) had, issue, taken the title of Baron Baby sf Baby Cadlc, which Sir adau. Grace, and two sons, Henry Vane deemed more properly to belong to himself as i. GILEENT, his owner of the castle. Sir Henry Vane so. Frances, dau. and si. William, who inherited his father’s beautiful seat of cs-heir of Thomas Das-ey, Eeq. of Tolleehunt Parcy, co Essex Foirlawn, and the estates there and at Shiphorne and (dsscessded from Guicciardini, the noble Florentine historian), Hadlow, in Kent, was H.P. for en. Durham, and was and by her (who it. 2 Ang. 1662, and whose sister m. elevated to time peerage of Ireland, by letters-patent, Sir Christopher Nevill, ancestor of George, 11th Earl of 10 Oct. 1720, as Bonn Dsaraaasn uoit Viscoeee Jesse, in itbergavenny) had, besides dane., two surviving eons, HENRY, his suceeseer. George, of Long Molten, es. Durham, whose gs’eat-grandson, vs. Lucy, dau. and co-heiress of Williasn Johliffe, Esq. of Rev. HENRY VANE, lip., created a Baronet 1789; it. 1791, and was e. by his son, Ssn tinny, who, in right two elder sc,ns, Cliristopber amid John, bidh it. underage, of his nsother, assumed the additional surname of TeMPEsT. Sir Henry Vane-Tempest sam 1799, ANNE-CAThERiNE, CnnNvnss OF ANTNSM; and dybsg in 1819, left ass ossly dan. assd heirese, FRANCEs-ANNE-EMILY, who sss. in 1919, Charles, late Marquess of Londonderry. Sir Henry Vans ,1. in 1694, and was s. by his elder son, the Lord Barnard it. 28 Oct. 1723, and was s. by his elder son, famous Sin HENRY VANE, Knt. of Raby Castle, eo. Durham, and 1704, Mary, dan. and heiress of Morgan Kanuyll, Esq. of of Fairlawn and iladlow, en. Kent, 0. about 1612, kniglsted Cbilwortb, and by her (who it. 4 Ang. 1718), bad issue, 23 June, 1646—whom Clarendon characterizes as a person I. HENRy, his successor. of “great natural parts, a quick conception and very ready, ii. Morgan, of Bulby Hall. Netts, Comptroller of the Stamp sharp, and weighty expression,” and Milton celebrates in Office, who sm 1st, 10 Feb. 1731, Slargaretta, dan. of verse as “Vane, young in yrars, bnt in sage counsel old.” of Robert, Baron Luxbormsgls and Earl of Catherlough, lie was educated at Westminster and Oxford, and on returning frosu Geueva, where he inabibcd these strong prejndieee which influenced his fntnre career, emigrated with some dissatisfied spirits to America, where the coloniete, in admiration of his talents, made him, notwithstanding his by his first wife (who ,l. May, 1710). besides a dan., Margaratta. youth, governor of Slassaebnsetts, which office he did not long retain, but returned privately to England, where tbs-ougb the issterest of his father he was appointed joint treasurer of the navy with Sir William Russell, and outliving his associate, enjoyed the office alone, in which he displayed a rare example of honour and integrity. The fees of the office were at that time four pence in the psussd, which, by reason of the war, fairly amounted to npwards of £10,000 per annum, but Sir Henry Vane looked upon it as too much for a subject, and nobly relinquished his patent, which had been granted by King CRARLEe 0. for life, to the then parliament, desiring hsat £2699 a-year for an agent he had brought up to the office, the remainder to go to the public. The part which this distinguished personage afterwards teak against the Conrt ie well known. Ho aided in procuriug- the condemnation of Strafford, and led the impeachment against Laud. He was twice a parliamentary commissioner, and opposed the terms of peace. After the Ring’s death, in which he had no share, be became one of the supreme governing council. He was a strcnnsns adversary to CROMWELL tbmughont the Protectorate, and eudeavonred to establish a republican constitution aftcr 237 (0 L i thus:—’’ When his father received the diseliligatiun from house and laud of Vane )nhich title bad been proneiscd hineself, but it was unluckily cast open the earl, parely out of believed he communicated his own thoughts to very few.” and it. a. p. 1675. lila widew is. Sndly, Sir John Bright, Part, of Badsworth, cc. York, and it. s. p. the peerage of Trcland. His lordship wcs elected SIP. for eo. Kent, 7th GEe. It. 1734), bit it. snddcnly of apoplexy a few days afteiwards, It Stay, 1734. JOe had Caverswall Castle, co. Stafford, and by her had, besides an osily snrviving son, William, tad Viscount Vane, m. 10 May, 1735. Frances, sole dan. and heir of Francis hlawos, Eiq. of Pnrley Bottom, en. Rerks, amid widsw of Lord William 11 amilton, but it. s. p. in 1760, when the title became sxtis,ct. GsrEeitv, 2nd baron, h.spt. 17 April, 1679, who si. Jan. Robert Knight, Esq.. a,id only sister and ssltisseatsly heir Rh. ; Indly. Feb. 3741, Anna-Maria, dan. sf — Fonler, Esq. )she it. s.p. 39 July, 1756); and irdly, Mary, dan. of — Wo,edyear, Jisq. of Croekhill, en. York; she also it. e. p. 11 Jnly. 1771. The thou. Morgan Vane it. in 1779, leaving who 4. siam., aeon and heir, Morgan, esf Milby Mall, is. May, 1739, C’ imptroller of the Stamp Office, who so. 1st, 4 July. 1 ;oo, A,,na-SlaiiaMargaret Upton; Sadly, Sarah Bres,kes, both it. e, s. and Irdly, 0 May, 1750, Cathe,issc, dan. of John Mrosikes, Esq., and it. 11 Nov. 1785, leaving hy this last named lady )whe m. 2ndly. 21 Slay, 1791, John Dore, Esq., and it. 5 Se1,t. 1839), a dan., Catherine-Mary, who it. unm. in Feb. 1810, and two eons, viz., Robert-Morgan, in lii4y enlers, 6. 4 Oct. 0765; sa. 24,18l2, Sarah, dan. of Joscpb Telson. Req.; and it. 27 Ang. 1842, leaving an only son, MonuaN VANE, Esq., bohr prcsunaptire to the hisrony of hharnard, 6. 22 May, 1813: is. 5 Fob. 16’i5, Alice-Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of ll.-W. Booth, Esq., and niece of Sir IV. Booth, ilart. John-Henry, 6. 32 Aps’il, 1786; m. in 1808, Elizabeth- 3rd dan. of Jshn Nichelcome, Esq. of Glandferd Bridge, co. Lincoln; and it. 10 Jan. 1849, baying twe sons, 3 Henry-MOrgan. 6. 25 Ner. e808, so. 6 July, 1853, Louisa, younger dau. and cu-besr ‘f the hey, Richard FarmEr, of Ashley, en. Nerthisuapt’ in, and of Anna-Il aria, 2nd dau. of Sir John Chetwode, thart., and has had issue, Iheury-PoVere, 6.10 May, 1t54 ; Gilbert-MOhlee-Farrcr, 6. 26 Sept., 1855