Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/288

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(1 L E Balph-Jobn, 0.14,8.22 July, 1058; William Lyons. .dlcdlta—c’ccses tcyicctt I. In Aug. 1°79 ; Louis’c-llenrictta. 2 Fre Ierick-Nkholson, 8. Ii Dee. 1009. cit. Thomas; cv. Gilbert ; V. handle; all it. una, vi, Charles, of Mount Ida, in Nccrfcclk-, cc. in Feb. 1770, Elizabeth, eldest clan. ccl Ihehard Wood, lOsq. aid 8. in Ec.czaseyu (bSltc). It conic in Sir ltenry Vane icy pnrolmase 1776, Lacing an only dan cmii heir, iic.i,rcrlla - t.iza cind b’r.mnt frocmc lice crown, lie hint no tcloocl of lice Nevillr, beth-Frederic a, cc, 20 Aug. l7l3, to Fir William Lasigham, tlccitcgtc liii calcium, Sir Tlmocccas F-acme, had ccc. lice heiress of llcsrt. ; cocci i0. ii Nov. 1 Ml. 5. Antic, cI. ccci. cc. Elcz;tbatli, .... 1732, to Sir William linmlcle, Mart, sic. .taoe, cc. ti T. Staunton, 151. ci Sto ‘kgro ye, Ducks. his t.crdslcip :7. c.7 April, 1 733, and was s. icy inc eldest son, 110cm, aid bar, u, ccc. ] 725, T.’cdy U rare Fitzroy, clan. of Clcn-les, lot IcicLe of Clevc Lcncl, e”u rf c’scaicrrs ii., by Ilcrhccra Villiero, dan. of Viscount Graudison, and had, 5. hoc cci’, Le i’d Ba,’eoc’d, cc, Fi’eclerick. Sc. in 17.2: ccc, lyt, Henrietta, sister of Sir Will cccii Meredith, hart., cccl, l by her hal an icily den. who is. 02 Feb. 1793, Capl.3letrccif. He cii, Indly, Jane, elclccet clan. ol Arlbcir lcyoaght. Eec1., bretber of John, lord Lisle, lint lccccl no oIlier iosoe. lIe it. ccc 1801; lice cv dccc, 7 . ct-il. I oil. ccc. 1bPs, t. in 1740’, cc. in 1703, Etizalcolti, dan. of George Sayer, I’Ll t., arc hit sciOn of i)cmc lion ; cnccl ‘1. in 17o9, S. 31. c. . nc’, c. lit, 10 11cr lion. (‘liccrtea llejcs—Wrir, bc-oilier of J,uoi’a,Srci Earl of lls;e ticus cccl 2cmdlc . to Brig—Gee. tlcc’ I l,ccc. circ,rc,i_ 3lccccac a 1 acid it. 11 Sopt. 1700. cc. Marc , cc. icc 170.., ccl Ibatldi (‘arc’, lbsg. of Coclcen, cc. liccriccccn c nil if. c cc. Ii .1 1z’iI, 17’l. ccc. I bun,-; Ia, ,7. ccci ,c . hi SI cci eli, I 750. his buildup wccs cc’s dod rico, uccl Ba ncac rut and Earl of CLIFBF.N, VISCOUNT )Henry-Oeorgo Agar.EIIie), Dsrlingtci, ha’ lettors-patc c t, cl.ctod 3 April, t’34. Ho ct. 0 Ol’.reh, 173a. and was a. by his oldest ccci, 11 F.Niii’, 2nd ecirl, 8. lT2fc, oiL’ ccc, It 31,csvlc, 1757, Margaret. Lord Clifden, Baron of Giuwran, co. Killeenciy, in rioter of .Iacnccs, lot Earl of t:cccco,l.c’o, by cc lcocn (who 8. tice peerage of Ireland; a poor of Great Britain, at 28 ,Jcccm, 10’ ccc). be I cccl, Wcssc,scc 11 ocnv, lila ocis’eoaoor, acid Bacon ilc.’lsnlip. of Mondi1i, no. Sotcaorsetc anti a ieer two cicocco., wbci bscttc it. yeccng. ills lordship wcsa lordS of the United Kingdom, as Boron Dover, of Dover, ticccct -naut ,cnd a icr clncbr’cl of tic’ cc lcalatcne of DccrIc’sc cc, Kent; ii. 2 Sept. 1863; s. lais father as 4th viscount, nc-cat r cf tcc j’ cc’,. I—cc’, ‘c cccl ;,‘ccvc’rcsccr of t’cn’bole. lie cl. 20 Feb. 1866. S Srct. I 7;c2. inn cans o, by hi-. c.cccs WiLtcaic.lloascv, art cccl. lot, ; 8. 27 Judy, 1788 ; lordlient. acid vioe—rcclcucic”cl cf thu s-a. 1),irlscoccc, cncd colonel r.f Cuonocs Anan, Esq. of Yorkshire, ca. Ellis, dan. of tics ilccrlicccn ,cciliti c, cc Ice was cc-cited .Va,’cjiic as el Cl cc loaf, Potor lilannbevitle, Eaq. of the eo. Kibkonccy, acid settling by lv ttc-rc_iiatc’cct, dcited 17 Sc lit. 1827, cod coos elevated to at Gownon, in that so., died there, 14 Feb. 1006, and was the Ilovonoic, with the Bit c-eccy 0,1 Raty, 13 Jan, 1811, lIe t. by Ins coca, m lot, 10 Soict. 1707, La ly Kccthccrir s.llarganct Powlett. 2nd dAnces Anon, Esq. of Gowran Castle; who ca. mi, 10 Jan. dccc. ccccd no hsir of ilcirry, 8th cud lcc’ct Duke of ialtoci, lfuc2, Snracmualc, dccci. of Jamos Aloxandor, Eeq., bnt by that acid by boo (tyPo waa oo.tceiresi tic the bccrony of St. Joinc lady had cia iascso to nnrvire yoccth. Ito ccc, acidly, Mary, of Baoicig, acid 8. 17 Juno, 1207) icad Hone, S - II sissy, 2cccl cliche. 51. Wcc.Li.oic-Jows-Fnrnctncrce, anl cliche, tic. tt.sccev-i.honue, hod secil Hike. c. I,occiucc C,mthorcne—Ilcmrliccra, 1, 1021, having hceg.n sic, 29 July, sc, Jccccmrs, of lbingwnod. am. 0 dusty, 1741, Rebecca, only dan. 1015, to Major Friccria Forester, cclii, if, 21 Gel. 1001, and ccliii coos hcrcuhcer of 11cr lot Lord Forester, mc. Cccrccl(cie it. vucuno, ccc, ,tnoccsta-ilenric’tta, .,,. 2 June, 1017, to Mark SIiibaahc, Fcc1. ofTicorpe Borrow, I ccrlcctnc’c’, acid hccma iscccm’. cv. La,ir;c, c,. 2 Fob, 1827, lit Co] Witlacz-Ileccry Stoyrirk, bate In] fool gilt.. dcc cc. 29 Feb. 1 sin, having bad isutce. v. rciicc’hla,,’c. 35 April, h1l, to lb, 3rd Lord Alvaculy, c. Looms, -aeated Carcvrsa or Ilanoncux, I .&ng. 1718; echo 1. hi I a77, ‘c lieu that tilts I ceeaccce Eteymsoy, Sbe ci. 20 Nov. 1201. bit gc’aoe cc. lndly, 27 July, 1013, Elizabeth, dan. of Robem’t Russell. hoc1,, bnt by her (csbo if. 11 Jacc. 1401, aged 94) had no issue. lie d- 29 Jan. 1042, when the bonenre devolved cc. Mary, us. is 1712. to damcaes Snaytlc, Eng. of Ticuccy, cc. cia his oldc ot son, IhEanv, 12.11,, lieut.-gen. in the army, and cal. of the Time elder eon, Durham nihlitia, scbo °ii t. 10 Aug. 1780 ; and ci. 10 2Ir.nnv Anon, Rscp, H.P. in 1727, for the borough of Nov. ISO’S, ,Sopbicm, el,test ‘las. of Juchci, 4th 12.n’h I’culetl, Gawran, ac. in Flay, 1732, ANNE, ncchy dan, of the Right NT., which icmdy ci, 0 din. 1079. lilt grace it. 19 Jan. 1004, Rev. WELEONE Et.c.ce, Bishop of Meatb. and had lame, nnd was .c hcy his ,aext hroitirr, Wi m.Lmu -dcc mix l’mn,nacccne, 3rd rtscke, echo ball cossccmsd cc, M’eltcarr-htIlis, 8. to 1772; one of the cocncninsioeers of lice surname of P,cwcaorv, mdcccl ccf V vocs’, 1 cut niusne re-as— onnceit tlcict of Vanr ; he w,cs 8 3 April. 1792, an liii. :1 July, mum. Cscanons, in ‘dy ernlerc. arohcbinlcabc sf llobhin, created lilt, Cancline, 4th dan. ci Wilii,im, 1st Eccrl ef t,icnestcmle, KG. hr il. ci Sopl. 1004, and was a. lcy Isle tidy snrviving icr utber, ci’. hhrccrv, icc bmculy erdom’s ; ccc. Sbarv, ctccu, of Benjamin ll,cccnv-Gc:uunnr, the 41a and present liccko of Cleveland. Cc’ecutisccsltarea, S July, tONI. Earl anti Viscount, 3 April, 1701. Ilccrqccocc, Ii Sept.1927. b’lcsice cciii llccracc ibatcy, 10 tar .1233. c. Diana, it. in h514, A c’—Qncorterly c 1st cod -ItIs, ‘cm.. thin e scoccrdc, in Icoicit, their peiccts to the tcase, plcr., for l’awLeTT 1 2cict, cc.. three Mr. Ag’n’ 8, 18 Nov. 1748 (his widow nc, Sndly, George ainiscor gaccutleta, or, fcir VANE: 3rd. qscartrrly c 1st sact 4tlc, Dnnbar, Esq.), and wan a, by his eldest non, l1uavtorl3 )cnoctercc) FRANrE AND Fanc,accn; 2ccd Sve’rLaocn c 3rd J,ccces AOAR, Esq. of Gowraac Castle, who haviccg for MccANn (being 11cc arnie of CuAsLes it.), rlccn’ged an 11cc ncmcny yearn represncuted the ne. Kilkencuy icc parlimcment, eenlrc 1coiat with a cloister baton, ens., fee FcyzRon, Dnne and SIheut sonce luigh official nitnatioccs in IreLand, woe or CLeveLaco. Cc’mtt—. falcon ricing, or, boiled of the list, and ctcscaily ereccted Baron Cl(fcl,uc 27 July, 1778, and Vcarccuoax Come- gorgod, go. Buj0cs,-ter.c—Deoler, a lion, gnardaat, or, ctaeaily crew-coil, DEN, 12 Jcni, 1781, Ilin tordshnp ac. Lneia, eldest dan. of az. and gorged critic a cellar, cecucpany ercic. and Se.: sinisler, .bohn Slccc’tica, Esq., acid widow of the Hocs. Ilenry-Boyle a greyhound, avg., gorged with a cellar as the dexter. 238 C T4 r Se’cte—llat the Atitcoy, 5cc-nec; Baby Castle, Dcn’lingten, DnrImamic (Ibis castle eras fevcnerty the ohic.frssidenee of the great fancily of Nrvill, Earls of Wrstncorlaccd, and scan forfeited for time rebrllion is the ccec’ltc, by Charles, 0th and last earl, Ieocc. ccitcctlcrr braccc’lc ef ttcat ilhnctnicccccs lcescse, whence lila semi, wlcon cnccdc an earl, tonic lice tills of Earl of Weslamsoeland). l’oic’cc Jfciccse—17, Si. Jacmmes’s Sc;nare. Ct L I F I) E N. Itiiirauc. (‘Vcnoorxvv or Cc.crnrn.) eldest dacc, cf Sir Iteccry Wencyoo, Knt,, of Danenfort, cc. Kilkeincy, acid had by her )wbo if. in 1771, aged 106), 5. IlEany, Icic Icoir. of Willianc, Lard Castledccci’oca nccd ii, in 1701, leaving, I Gncine.n, 8. ISA1dnit, 1734; created 0 Jncce, 1710, Lone CALL-SN, cd lice ci’’0an of I rrlacscl ; anct it. s. p. in Grt, lcl3, ,rlcrmc 11cr tichu- bce’ accue extinct, 2 Cliarks, 8.29 Stay, 1775; in holy orders, arohcdeaenn of Ecucl;’, I lham’y, ccc. 30 Aug. 1700, to Plulip Savage, Esq. ccc. hoc, in Slarchi, 1720, Tlceabohd, 7th Viscoucit Slays; and lndly, 7 clng. 1745. F’rncuoun, Lard abtlcemcm’y accd d. witheat icsae, imc lid, when the peerage of Bracsdon oxpic’ed. Wiekhoao, acid atas cnnhlcer of Sir E. S. Scmcytlc, Mart. m. JAcesia, hcis successor. lice Cccatcccccs ; ccc. 2] (let. 17112, Gortruile, uhan. of Sir Cicanhes tlntluacn, Barl.1 aad it. a.jc. in 1825. EARL or NoascAsyac in 1800. (8cr lhciI clictstls.) - - 1’nrel, ]Osq.; and ci. 14 Ma, 1718, learing I Clcorlec-Welhnrr, in holy orders cl in 1810. 2 blrucry, us, and has isscue. 1 Gertrcnte. Waloinghcmns, 2ucd eon of Henry, Earl of Shannon, and had,