Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/291

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C L I F T 0 N. The surname of this very ancient family is derived from George, so. Asxse, only dau. and heir of Robert Saclieverehl, Cliffe-ton, or Clifton, a small hamlet, upon an eminence, Sir Oervosc ci. 27 Feb. 1731, and svss s. by his eldest surviving about two milee from the town of Nottingham; which hamlet, and tho manor of Wilford, were purchased, lceip. V. Sin Rancor, R.C.B., ME, for East Itctfosvl, who si. Enwann 1., from John de Solcni, by Sm Gsavass nIl CLIFTON, Ent. This gentleman was 1st, Lady Frances Ceots, dan. of Nsrfan, Earl Iletlanoent, appointed sheriff of the cee. Nottingham and Derby in hy whom he hs,i ssis only doss., Frances; Sndly, Misc Loisibe, 12Th, and continued for seven years; in 1286, he was constituted eldest dun, and c,,-heir of Alderman Sir Thomas Le’nsbr, sheriff of Yorkshire, and continued for six years. Rut. of the city of London; and Idly, Judith, don, of (‘apt. During his sheriffalty, he was committed to gaol, upon Thwsites, by his wife Judith Elwick; who in. 2ud13, Sir complaint of John de Carleton, for making a false return Edward Leighton, hurt. Sir Ilobert Clifton’s 3rd wife, to a writ. He rn. Amffioia, dan. of Sir William Sampson, Judith, sI. 13 May, 1763. By his Snd wife he had an of Eperston, Notts, and d. in 1324. From Sir Gervass we only son, his successor at his decease, in 1748. pass to his descendant, Sea Jonae CL1FrON, lIP, for Nottingham in 1401; who heiress, by whena (who ci. of a pntrid fever, casght in rn Catharine, dan. of Sir John do Cressy, of Hodsack, and attendance npou liar sosss in the disease) lie had, sister and ce-heir of Sir Itngh do Cressy, and thus acquired Roncav, his heir. a considerable augmentation of property. Sir John was Jecoxs-GaaavsLLn, lots baronet. slain at the battle of Shrewsbnry, fighting en the king’s AaTuea-lieaaaniis (Sin, gcscnd, O.C.R., itCh., 1c.S.A., side against the-Perries, ills lineal successor, ROBERT CLiFTON, rn. for his 2nd wife, Agnes, dan. of Henry, Lord Clifford, and sister of Henry, let Earl of Sir Gervase ci. isa 1013, and was o. by his eldest son, Comberland, who, through the lines of Clifford, Percy, and VII. Sin Hopra’r, b. in Jnne, 3767; who d. usia., 29 April, Mortimer, was descended from Lionsi Plantagsnet, fluke 1957, and was a hy his brother, of Clarence, son of Enwann III. Mr. Clifton d. in 1518, VIII. Sin JueEns-GRANv1LLE, whom. let, 1704, Margaret and was a by his son, Sm Gzssvase CLIFTON, Ent., a very eminent person in dais, of James do Laiscy, Esq. of Both; suit Sndly, tn 5812, the reigns of HENRY Viii., Enwanu VI., MAnY, and Marianne, dan. of John Swinfen, Req. of Swisifess, us Staffordshire. Erszaaern. He was a gentleman in great authority in Jtonsnv-Jueees, present baronet. peace and war, yet, notwithstanding his martial inclination, ltariauns-ltaroaret. se. 12 Jose, 1943, to Sir Jlenry-Ilcrvey of so concteons and affable a disposition, that hs was usually styled “Gsntls Sir Gsrvase ;“ and ELizABzTn has The Baronet, who assumed the anrnsmc of Jucices, isa addi’ given him that title in a dietich attributed to her ma,iesty, tion to, and after, his patronymic, ci. I Oct. 1022. on four Nottingham knights :— “Gervaae, ths gentle; Stanheps, the stent Marcham, the lien; and Sutton, the lout.” He in. let, Mary, dan. of Sir John Novill, of Chest, in ceunlsrrliaogcd. .iIstts—Yenez Is dreut. Sot—Clifton iloll, Yorkshire, by whom he had an only surviving dau., Elizabeth. co Nottingham. He on. indly, Winifred, dan. and heir of Willisns Thwaitss, Nag. of Owlten, in Suffolk, and was o. by his grandson, I. Gsssvasa Crirvos, Ilsq. (posthumous child of George Clifton, Esq., by Winfred, dau. of Sir Antbony Thorsld). This gentleman was suads knight of the Bath, at the coronation of JAMEs I , and created a baronet, 22 May, 1611. Sir Gsrvasc married us less than seven wives—viz., 1st, Penelope, dun. of Rebart Rich, Earl of Warwick, who ci. in 1812, leaving a son, Gnavasz, 2nd baronet; Sisdly, Frances, dau. of Fs’asscis Clifford, earl of Cumbcrland, and by her, who d. in 1627, had a son, Cmsvoan (Sir), who ci. Frances, dan. of Sir Henry Finch. and had, SVILL5AR, wise s. ins nsele as 3rd baronet. Hargsrsl., so. lsl, to Sir John South, lfst.; 2nd)7 to Wiliism Wbichcols, Bag.; sod irdly, to fisher), Loid flunsden. Frances, is. 1st, to Richard Yempest, Esq.; and 2ndly, CLINTON. BARON (Charles.HenrrPsolle HeplinrnStnart’Fnrbos-Trofnnls), to Anthony Fyrs, Esq. Anne, ci. to Sir Francis Rodeo. Lotitia, is. to Clifton Redes, Eiq. His 3rd wife was ltary, dan. of John Egioke ; the 4th, 2 Mar. 1834 ; sit. 29 Jnly, 1858, Hsrriet-Williamina, Isabel Meek ; the 5th, Anne, dan. of Sir Francis Sooth; ossly don, of Sir John-Stuart Forbes, Burt., and lisa the 6th, Jane, dan. of Antliossy Eu-r, Esq., who ci. in i. CnasLcsJaiIN-RO55T, 9. 10 Jan. 1661. 1656, Isavtng, Eonnar, father of Osavase, who inherited as 4th baronet. Jane, iii. to Christopher Parke, Esq. of Prcit;eold, in His lordship, who w’uI SIP. for North Devon, a. his Lsiceilershsirs. Elizsbcth. Mary. His 7th wife was Alice, dan. of Henry Hastings, Earl of has remained in abeyance for wives’s1 esntnrios. Hmatingdon. Tins Isdy survived mm, hnt ci. in the cams When Sir James Fienee obtained the Jlsrony of Say year with him, 1066. He was s. by his eldest son, Ii. Sen Geavass, who dying o. 2, was s. by his nephew, Baron Clinton, great-grandson and representatire of 241 CLI III. Sia WILLIAM, who ci. ania., leaving two sisters. Ins co-heirs, namely, Ca-cnza,rcn, oi. Ic Sir John Parsons. CLIFTON, Slit ROBERT-JCCItES, Arohells, a. to Adinirsl Sir Francis iVheelsr. The haronctey develvsd siposs Ins eonaid, of Clifton, co. Nottinglsnm ; SIP. IV. Sin Gnnvoen, who on. Anne, don, of Dudley ilagnoll, Req. of Ncwry, by whem (who surviving, Cs. 2odly, iVilhum for Nottingham; 9. 24 Dee. 1820; Bluekburnc, and it. in 1734) he had fifteen sOiss, tois of whom ci. onrn., the others were, n. his fsther, as 9th hart., 1 Oct. Roemir, isis successor. WiUiazi, io- to lIes. W’hsrton lint ci. ,. p. Alfied, first aa officer in else French, afterwards in Ihe Russian service. Budlsy, who embraced a religions life. Esq., and had issue. son, VI. Sin OsnevAse. This gentleman iii. Miss Llo3-d, an 1C.S.W., col. 1st dragsons. Frances, so. in 1797, to his Vesi. Robert llarklsssn, awlsdeacons of York, son of Dr. ltarkliasi, archbishop of York. By the latter lady (n-his d. 20 Dee. 1060) he has, Bruce, Boia, H.P. for Colsraise. C,’catisn—22 hay, 1011. Ai’iio—Sa., a lies, rasipast, within an one of einqnefoils, ai’g. Crcsl—fint ef a dora) cerenet, go.. a deioi-peacscls, per pale, arg. aesl so., his wiiigs expaisshcsi. C L I N T 0 N. of Msxtcsek, en. W’anviek, 9, ii. )leury-lValter, Ii. 8 nec. 1804. 5. Ada-harriet. si. Bary-Eiieabeth. in. Ilargarct-.tdeIs. father as 20th Baron Clinton, 10 April, 1566. He is the eldest co-heir of the ancient Barony of Soy, which and Sole, by creation, 1447, John, the 5th and then R CLI 1852; is married.