Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/292

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CLI Idonea Say, relinquished all claim to the barony and the name of “the Fair Geraldine.” This great earl d. arms of Say; but how far such a cession affects his descendants, has not been determined. According, however, to the celebrated resolution of the House whe is. 1st, Catherine, dan. of Francis Hastings, Earl of of Lords, 18 June, 1768, “ that no fine now levied, nor at any time hereafter to be levied, to the king, can bar snch title of honour, or the right of any ills lordship so. 2udly, F,lizabcth, dan. of Sh’ Richard Morrison, person claiming such title under him that levied, or whom un had two sons and a dan. The earl 4. 29 Sept. shall levy, such fine,” it wonid appear that it did not 1616, and seas a. by his eldest son, prejudice their hereditary right. The present Lord THOMAS, 11th Baron Clinton, and 3rd Earl of Lhneoh,, Clinton has by royal licence, dated 4 Sept. 1867, taken the surnanies of uEpounN-STt’An’r-FonnEs in addition to that of ‘I’REFusls, and the arms of Stuart co-heir of Sir Henry Rnevitt, of Charlton, eo. Wilts, and and Ferh,ee quarterly with those of Trcfnsis. }t in rilfir. Jons OS CLINTON. S0 of Thenias de Clinton, and tics s. Edward, Lord Clislon i sic. Anne, den. of John Hoilee, descendant of Gsolfray do Clinton, lord chamberlain to Earl of Clare; and dying in the lifetime ef his father, left Ilesnv I., marrying Ida, eldest of the four siotors and coheirs of William do lldingseils, Lord of Maxteek Castle, cc. Warwick, and thns acquiring that lordship, seated isimseif cc. Catherine, ccc. to George, Lord Delamere. there.. This John do C,inton was in the wars of Scotland, sic, Arabehla, ccc. is Esicert Relic, Esq. of Hainten Saichyule, 26th F.owazo land hail snmmsns to Parliament, as BARoN CLINTON of Moxlerk, in Feb. 121)9. lie had two Sons, JOHN, Ins successor; and WILLIAM, created F.sni. or IIL’NTINOI>cN. svhiehs Litter d.c. p. in 1234, when the title rxpired. John, Lrd Clinton, ci. hi 1315, and was,,c. by SIR JOuN ox CLisroN, 2nd Lord CHnton, was summoned to parhiansent from 1332 ts 1133, in width latter year he Sir. and Lady Arahella Relic were s. by their son, died, anti was s. by isis son, Ssa JOHN 05 CLINTON, 3rd baron, sunimoned to liar. liament f,’em 1337 to 1397. This nobleman inherited the estates of his uncle, William, Earl of JIuntiugdeu. lbs V. Margaret, cc. llcagh Bescawen, Esq. of Trcgothnan, in lordship was engaged in the French wars, with little interruption, freln 2c’tls Tiowsnn iii. to 6th RIcnARO II lie 1,,. 1st, lw-sEa nr SAy, elder sister of William, Lord Say, and aunt and sole heir of Elizabeth, Bareness Say; she was aloe cousin and heir of William de Say, BARoN OF Earl Thseophhlus so. 2ndly, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Arthnr SaLe. (Tier father cs-as Jeffrey, Lord Say, and her mother, Gorges, and widew of Sir Ttebert Stanley, but had no other the Lady Macel Beancisamp, dan. of Gay, Earl of Wanviek.) issue. His lordship 1. 1567, and was a. by his only son, By this lady he had issue, WILLIAM 15k), who is. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Join Bela- at whose decease, in 1692, without issue, the Random of cocci, ltnl., and dying hefere his father, left a son, Lhocoho devolved upen hio cousin and heir male, Francis Wittiest, Thomas ISirl, of Ainingtos, en. Waro’iclc, colic left an only ANcE, betcveen the issue of his acusts, and so eentinned dsu. and heiress, A_sw-, is. Is Sir Rsherh Franncyo, of Feremaris, co. Derby. Sir John so. Indly, Elizabeth, dan. and heir of William de Lady hlargaret. yenssgest dan. ef Th,eoplsiloss, 2nd Earl of Ia Plaunch, of ilaversham, en. lhsckingham. lie was a. at Linceln). This uobleman who Oiled some situations in the his decease, in 1197, by his grandson, WILLIAM, 4th huron ; who m. Anne, dan. of William, of Csolii/shhl, cc. Dcres (with limitation to Isis half-brother, Lord Boteraux, and widow of Sir Fmske Fitzwas’ine, ltnt. Matthew Fos’teseno, Esq.), and RAw- Or CLiNToN. Ills and dying 16 July, 1432, was a. by his son, JoaN, 5th baron. This nobleman exchanged his naanor of Maxtsek, in the 16th Htsnv Vi., with ltuniphrey, ABEyANcE, between Jdargas’et Fos-tesone, his lordship’s Earl of Stafford, fer the manors of Whistsn and Weodferd, stsier, and Margaret, Countess of Orfc,rd, osaly dais, and cc. Northampton. his loedsldp, bring a stanch Vorkiet, heiress of Saw-ic1 Belle (refer to Lady As-abella, dan. of was attainted in 1461, but on the snhocqnent re-establishment Theephilns, 12th Earl of Lincslss) ; but upon the decease of of isis party, he was restored, and en) eyed the favour the forsaaer, 55mm 1766, the dignity develvod upon the said of EDWARL’ lv. lIe so. Elizabeth, dan. of Richard Fynes, MAROARET, Cetnsteos of flrferd, then the wife of the Hon. Lord Daerc, of hhnretmonceanx, in Sussex ; and dying 24 Sewaihie Slserley, as BARoNess CLINTON. Her ladyship d. Sept. 1464, was a. by his eon, JonN, 6th baron ; who so. Anne, dan. of Sir Hansphrey Geonot, 3rd Earl of Guford, as 16th Baron Cilntou ; who Staffr,rd, and dying 29 Feb. l4SS, was a. by his son, JonN, 7th baren. His lordship so. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir claimed by, and allowed (his 1794) to, his cousins, John Morgan, of Tredegar, co. Jlsnmonth, Rut. and dying ROBE5r-GEOROE-WILLIAM TRErt’sls, Eeq.,° as 17th baron 1314, was z. by his son, Tnoaias, 6th baron ; who so. Mary, natural dan. of Sir 9. 5 oct. 1764, so. 26 Aug. 17t6, Albsrlina-Manianue, dan. of Edward Poynings, E.G. and knight-banneret; and dying of the sweating sickness, 7 Aug. 1217, was a. by lds son, Enwaun, 9th baron, 9. too 1212. This nobleman, who distinction, by wlsena (who d. in 1796) he had iesus, was one of the sweet eminent persons of the age in which ho lived (see Dnxn or NEwcAsTLe), was created EAnL or Cnsates-Renntrs, 161h baron. LINCOLN, ha 1271, having previously Oiled the office of Georgo-Rsclhe-W’slicole. capt. RN., 9.6 April, 1791; us. 6 Jan. Loon HInn A0MI5AL. ills lordship ns. let, Elizabcth, dan. of Sir John lllennt, and widow of Gilhert, Lssrd Talboys, by whom he had three dana He as. hssdly, U,snla, dan. of William, Lord Stow-ton, and had, EnwAnn, his sneccesor, with other issue. He so., Elizabeth, dan. his wife, din, of Jslsn lOis, Lord St. John, grandson of of Gerald Fitzgerald, 9th Earl of Rildare, and widow of sir Ssssuel Teefnsis, Esg., by Ehizsbelh Afficek, Isis wife; and Anthony lirow,,e, East., but had no other children, flee greno-grandson of Faxrsecs Taszrusia, Esq. of Treflisie, hy ladyship was celebrated by Henry, Earl of Surrey, under lissnianT P.ote,t, 242 CLI 16 Jan. 1364-5, and was a. by his eldest son, llesuv, 16th llaron Clinton and 2nd Earl of Lincoln; llnntingdon, by whom Ice had Tuoaias, Isis successor, and litany, from whom the extant Dukes of Newcastle derive, and widow of Wihlia,,,, Lord Nos’s’eys of Eyeots, by who had summons to parliament ps’eviensly as Lesci Cliodsos and &y. This nobleman so. Elizalstth. dan and dymg 15 Jan. 1619-19, was a. by his eon, TnroPnILus, 12th Baron Clinton, and 4th Earl of Lhaeohs; who is. 1st, Bridget, dan. of Wifliano Fionee, View-mat Say and Sele, by whom he had, snrvivhag issue, an only son, Enwsxn, who 3. his grandfaiser. cc. Devon, sad had issue, 1 SAssrtt, of u’lsesu peesenily. 2 Bridget, ccc. Fmneis Trofuoss, Eoq. of Trefnsis, in Corn’ wall sssd Ihoir eldest son, Sancuel, was father of Robert, whose son, Eehert-Ceiou Trefssis, had a son and beis’, Ronrsr-GEoacaE-Wn,Lrsn, Taert’sis, who inherited the Baaosy OF CLINTON as 1711, lord. SAssuet Row-c, who left an only dais, and heiress, SlAacsstr BOLLE, who inheriled the Baaorey or Cur. TON; and ccc. lichen, 2,sd Earl of Orferd. Cerms-nli, slid left acs enly dan. and heiress, Bacnor.T-P,00cswxn, v-he ccc. Hugh Ferleseue, Esq. ef Fileigh, slid had issue, 11w-n FonresrrE, who ass 14th Bares Clinton. EDwARO, 13th Bas’on Clinton and 5th Earl of Lincoln; Clinton, Esq., wbcile the IIAOONV ox CLINTON fell into ABET. until calied cccct. 16 March, 1721, by writ of summons, to liven Fonreocre, Roe., as 14th liaron Clinton (refer to honseholsi, was created, 2 July, 1746, Lend Fonlears,e, Bares lordship d. sons. 3 May, 1721, when the RAw-nose expired. The Bareny ef Fentrscs,e passed, according te the limitation, and the BARoNy OF CLINTON was again placed in in 1761, and was a. by her son, d. cocci, in Dec. 1791, when the bareny of Clinton was (refer to descessdants of Lady Anshelia Belie, dan. of Thsophilne, 12th baron and 4th Earl of Lincoln). his lordship, Jehn-Ab,’ahoam-Redeiph Ganlis, a native of Switzerland, of Eoneirc-COTT0N-Sr.-JenN, isis snceesser. 1539. Margaret-Frances, 2nd dan. of John James, Esq. ci ilseighilon Ledge, hands, and by lice (ohio ci. 6 March, ISIS) had issue, Geerge-P.odolph, 5. 1619; Rohert—Edwarti, 9.1641; and Fanny-Aihorlina. lied. hay, 1648. Sen and heir of Rebert-Colton Trefiido, Esq., by Anne,