Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/293

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CLO Anne-Matilda, at. in 1827, to the lion, and 12ev. Edward gonitor with the BilIous, Earls of Hosenmmess, assd the Moore, 3rd son of Stephen, 2nd Earl of Slounteashel. Louisa, so. in 1822, to John, Lord 12db. ills lordship d. 28 Aug. 1797, and was o. by isis eldest son, LURE DsLLON, Esq. of Clessbroelc, son asut heir of Robert Reesssv-CoTTose-So.-Jooss, 28th baron; l. 28 April, 1787; Dillon, Eeq., SEP. for Duugansson ; so !tridget, ‘lass. ,,fJolsso sin. 4 Aug. 1824, Frances-Selina, eldest dan. oi William- Kelly, Esq. of Costls Kelly, cc. Galsvay, t’y t.o’ly Itenoria Stephen Poyntz, Esq. of Cowdray Park, Snascx, but had ROsERT, his heir. ste issue. Mis lordship, who was a eel. in (ha army, ai’tedo-camp Anise, a military officer, wlso s,s in 1705, Margaret-Augusto, to the King, and one of tho lords of the bedehamher, d. Oct. 2832 (Lady Clinton so. lndly, 1825, Sir Horace sesssc , t,me rector of I.ytelsett llolsrovs’rs, co. Dorset, who Seymenr, K.C.H., who A 1851), and wan 8. by his brother, CaAaLcs-Ronos,PH, 19th baron, who wan 8. 9 Nov. 1791, and so. 25 Oct. 1831, Lady Elicahcth-Georgiana Kerr, dan. John, sf. its 1790. of William, 6th Marqncso of Lothian, and had issue, CssARLE5-HENRY-I4OLLE, present poor. Stas’k-George-Eerr-Rollc, 8. 13 Nov. 1833, high sheriff of RenEux D5LL0N, Esq., 0. 27 Feb. 1734, was obovote to tho Devonshire us 1884, aosonsed by royal licence, 30 Jan. 1032, the surname and arms of ROLLE, st 6 Oct. 1860, Certnsle Closstrsrk, cc. Geslscoy. Ilis lordship so. in itlo, Lctitto, only Jane, 5th dau. of Sholto, 18th Earl of Morton, and sat a don. oud heir of John Crecssc, Esq. of Old Abbey, en. Lissrerick, dan. Walter-Itodoiph, Scott fsssilier-gnactlo, 0. Jan. 1830. maternally, r’f Jehss, Earl of Nos’brsry, by wlssssss (who is. John-Schombrrg, 8. 24 June, 1952. Emily-harriet. Story-Louisa. Adtlo-Elizabeth, ri. 23 Slay, 1866. Evelyn-Anne. Helen-Ocergina. Gcrtrodc-Alhcrtioa. Atice-Storwesina. Mis lordship ii. 20 Apr21, 1866, and was o. by his eldest ecu, Lctitia-Suoannats, as, to she lIon. Sir llehcrt I.e P,tcr-Tressels, CnaxLxs-Hcsrav-R0LL0, 20th and present Baron Clisston. He rt. 22 July, 1725, and was c. by his son, Creatisa—27 Feb. 1299. Aroso—Quarterly, 1st and 4th, org. a chevron, between three Anastasia, only dan. and heir of Jeerj’ls-ltcssry, 1st Lord spindles, so., for Tasrusss; 2nd, as. three hoam’ heads, cooped, Walisceurt, by Lady Lonisa-Cotlses’isse I lcrssstssglsans, Isis org. snssozled, go., for Foaacs or PrcsLsoo; 3rd, or, a bend, gn. wife, 3rd dan. and co-heir of Tbesuas, Earl of Ls,uth, and surmounted by a fcsse cusceuney, az. and arg.; in chief, a by her (who sI. 3 June, 1816) hod iesne, Crescent of the third, for STnA]sT. (‘tests—In tlsc centre, Tar- foresT, present baron. rusts, a gryphon, sejant, wings elevated, or, rcstiisg its dexter Looiss-Hsrriet, as. Nov. 1827, to John Congrcrc, Log. of 2lonsst claw on an antique shield, org. Dexter, FnaaEo, issoant onrofa baron’s coronet a dexter hand, holding a scysnitar, ppr. Sinister, STOaT, a dexter hand, grasping a sword, puw. Sappsrlrro— On either side a greyhound, org., collared, and lined, go. Metlecs—Tont vient dc Dicu. Over the crest of Forbes—Nec tim.tde nec tsnserc. Over that of Stoart—Avant. S’osl—ltcanton Satchvilc, llcsford, Devonshire. Tosco flassse—14, Chapel ilis lordship d. in 2826. direct, Park tans. CLIVE, VISCOUNT, 0CC Powes, EARL oF. C L 0 N B B 0 C K. CLONBItOCE, BARON (Rnhert Dillon), of Clonbroek, cc. Qalway, in the peerage nf Ireland; a roproacntatin peer; 8. 29 March, 1807; 0. hia father, as 3rd baron, 13 Dcc. 1826; so. 15 June, 1830, CarolineElizabeth, CLONCURRY, BARON (Sir Edward Lawless), of Cloncurry, eldoot dots, of Franeia-Almerie, lot Lord Churchill, and by her (who ci. 17 Dee. 1864) has had Clossessrry, of Clenessrry, cc. Kildoro, in the peerage issue, s, Lnke-Almeric, 0. 3 July, 1832 ; A in Feb. 1833. so. Luac-thcss.s.Ln, ps’ivate secretary to the lord.licsstensnt 8. 13 Sept. 1816; as. 17 Sopt. 1839, Elizabeth, only of Ireland, 0. 10 March, 1824; so 19 July, 1006, Hots. dan. of the late John Kim-an, Esq. of Castlo Hackett, Angusts-Carolins, only doss, of Edsvard, Lord Lrsftou, cc. Galway, and haa had, and hss a dan., Osorgiana-Csrotine. 1st. Rsbcrt-Vilhers, capt. HA., 0. 10 Dee. 1829. sr. Francis-William, 0. 20 Dee. 1842; d. April, 1858. s. Fonny-Letitia. is. Caroline-Assoetasis. sss. Helen-Isabella. by. Lossisa-Euoilia. T. Osorgiana-Leusa. vs. Allco-Ellxabeth, as. 26 July, 1866, to hor cousin, Amhroso 5. Emily. ii. Elizabeth. its. Rote. iv. Mary. Congrcvc, Esq. of Mount Congrevc. cc. Watcrford. yss. Katherine-Charlotte. vsss. Elizabeth-Octavia (JLO Dillons, Viscounts Dtlless. Dnrke, and had, with two these, three eous, viE.. sssser of Henry, lose slorqness of (tlossrirardc, E.F., and was fatlscr of the 12cr. llcnry-l,00c Dillon, its. hlsos Phwbc I )o,vlrisss, of ltosssscy, llants, an,l Isad iessse, three seas and three dons. The eldest son, peerage of teelond, I Juno, 1700, as DAssess CLs,NenOCR, 0; assd of the Creencvillo ftsnsily, Kilkessssy, ossd niece, 2stdly, Ulesnent Archer, Eeq., and S. in 1841) Iso had issue, LURE, his ssseeessor, Catlserise-Dridget, is. to Tttelsas’d, late Viseatnst Ennisnsorc; aod it. 13 Oct. 1029, N.C.B. and E.T.S., and 5. at Nice, Isis soidesr, H hIards, 1006. Lewr, 2nd baron, 0. 23 April, 1700; as. 6 Jan. 10o3, Congs’evo, co. Watcrford, scbo ii. 2 Jane, bests. Fistic ossly eon Ambrose, now of hlonnt Coogreve. to. 26 Judy, 10t0, Isis eansin Aliee-Elieabcth, 5th dan. of site ps’csent Lord Cloubrock. Letitia, S. seaes. 19 Feb. 1837. Cs’raftess—2 Jane, 1700. A e0o—_krg., a lion, rampant, Itetsvecn three crescents, cods with an cstoils’ bcto’cen thc horns, en.; ever all, a fcosa, sic. Cress—Upon a chsapcnss, gu., tocned up, crm., a falcon, rsssssg, ppr., tailed, or. ,Ssrppos’tcro—Doator. a griffin, wings elevated, pr. emitter, a falcon, wings inverted, ppr. .Oleio—Aoxilium so alto. Serst—Clonbreek, co Ossla’ay. CL 0 N C TI BR Y. cc. Kildore, in the peerage of Ireland; Boron of the Uuited Kingdom; and a Baronet of Ireland; s. VAdNT5NE, 0. 2 Nov. 1040. ss. Edward, licut. rifle brig.sdc, 0. 12 Sept. 1841. 551. John-ttcnry, 0. in 1042 ; 1. in 2046. sv. Fredartek, 0. 20Apr11, 1847. v. Dents, 0.57 July. 1824. 3lIncztgt. The family of Lawless, originally frees Hod,teodon, Herte, were seated successively at Shassgensgh, cc. Dssblin, at Talbot Isehc, cc. Kilkcnny, and at Shankill, also bs the co. Dublin. This family dednees its dcstesst from a eommoss pro- 1L111c21gc. 243