Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/318

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COT Mary, 0. II April, 1695 a. William Mahony, Etq., tiarrieterat-law. Alice-Monica, 5. 4 Slay, 1696, it. young. Ste James was, in 26711, appointed marShal and secretary of seveial of the West ln,tia Islands. He n-as geVeiiiisr and cellector of Cork, repree. nted that city hi pai•tiiiai ent, iNS was ranger cf the royal park of Shann’ n, in the saisi cemily. Sir James ii. in 17th, and was s• hy his ridesi am, J A stan f’orxitn, F vi. ef Aiiiigrova, t. 4 Aug. 1 fVit, who fell a vieiim to his devotion ta 11w canoe of use house of Stuart, and as aa executed 7 Slay, I 7sf : he e.. Margaret, eldest dan. i Major her e Statlww, of ‘I hsislese (who a. in 1725, ansI was of the taniily et the Earls if Landaff), hy Mary his wife, dan. of Sir itiehard Ahlwerth, and left two sons and lose dons., riO., .1 A M05, ,iltersa aids made a tan net Ednn’n’t (as he ‘0. Silas b ‘llrien, , ‘f use co. Clare, net had I we sons, Boor’s, Capt. in the many, ci. s. p., and Edman,l, a maj’ ‘r in the arts-) ; Ellen, a. to Michael ttalway, Esq. ccf Itsetespring, in the Co. 12, irk and Slicel’rlh, is, I’’ Sean Mahony, SIP. The eldest san, I. Sin ,J sairs (‘crier, (If 10’ .ekf’mrest, near Mallow, represented the I eirengh .f Askeyt is, hi the Irish parliament, end was created a Itarsu, t 11 Ang. 1762. Ste cc. in 1740, Arabetta, widow if William (‘asaul sin, Seq. of Carrtg, in the cc. t’ork. and dot, and es-heir (o’tth her sisters, Elsal,eth, in. to l,ord Erne., and lL.nnah, wife .f A. Jephssn Esq., M.P.) ‘f the fit. lIsts. Sir John Rogers’sn, lord chiefjusitec cC the e’snt if Knig’s Bench, Iw Elizabeth, dan. sf Sts 1ihen t.sellsw, Esq., ancestor it the Sails of f,n,tlow, and tiel hew if the tasnous retlnl dtran, to ner,si Lssdlsw. Sir James ha’t tosne fi’nr a, ‘no. via,, t. Jaasns.Launeaec. his heir, tt.A., Cli. Ch. Csll., Oxen. n. Eclmand, PA., Cli. Cli. Cell., fixea, it. coos. iii. ttsgorsoi, MA., wrnnglrr, and fetlew Trio. Coil., Cans.t barrister—at—law, antI 71.1’. for Charles tile, is. Jane, dan. of 1, I tarrold, Seq., anit ha’t ar, ‘sir child, Jane, smtso in, iii 1022, tlcn. the ‘isesnnt lie La ttilte, Icr ef France, aidedewanip Is the Ihaophin, son of Ctm, N., ant lit sr tinse nnnister far Foreign Affairs, and had issue, Ernest, captain af arnllery It, nersiaa, o. tim. .Ssteillc, Jsdie, a. in 1055, Colonel the Baron ltsisssnnet. me. htcsi-ge.Sactes’itie, MA., Trtn. Cell., Cain., vicar of SiC Sir Jauses Cutter it. 9 June, 1776, sod was s. by bin eldest ma,’ilonongh, i’eetsr of Kilt redaa, I iarrrroe, and tattlernssn’agh, eI’it, it. Sin Jaaara-Lsonr.xgr, H.P. s,f Eoekforest, I. liii 3745. discesm of Cloyne. a.. Stargarel, dan. of Ba ly TIe ‘a. 1st, Anne, aicly data. if Frataeis Kn.srsioy, Esq. of Rogers, Seq., (“c tii’soo’s Le ,,iIob tat ‘h’s, arm. Eogcra of ttarretst,,wu, n,mar Ktns’ste, which larty ci. in 1773, wtthosst I,nta(, by Stsrtha, sitter of the 1 lass. SIrs. .7. Chetirynd, aod dan. ef F. Pig,stt, F01., St. t’., ani’estor ef the l’igetts. Baets. iossae ; and Sadly, Isalsdlla, v’iit,,w of Gs.urge Brereton, Fsq. of Knapten, ascii ,t. in 1031, leaving issnc, I Jaines—Lanrenre, L7..D., vicar of ttsttterani, in. ittatilda, James Ilissgstois, of _lgttols. his the es. Cork, prebsndnry of dan. of A. dampayo, Esq., aid had issue, beortae.Saekvtlte, (‘. It. and rst. retired full pay 11.5., svhs Sturdeek, rector of Kiohaidek. Sir James 1. 9 Feb. 1029, nat made a lent-eel, and Cl. far his serstecs is the leaving, Indian cassitcaign of 1057; he is. anti has issoc’ a son. m. Jaaiss-Lammnnsccs, his heir. .Janscs—t,,awrence, scering in ttse lists. llndson’t Pay mm Jehis-Itogersan, in holy orders, reeler of lanishonnon, who Company. Ednioesl-Lndlose-Itsgersots, sntdshipatan EN.,,a lie a. 2nflv, I tarrict, dan. of t er. F. Carleton, and had tsro ions, Edsrard-Carlctsn, laces. 1160, Witlians-I tenry en’t it. t ahO. 2 Geerge—Sackville, Cat., served in lIte Penitisala, neil at mit. George-Fdnsonit. ie holy orders, rector of III enanimy, as. Watcrtoo as. lane, ca—heiress of IV. Ci’ofts, Faq., and toss issne. 3 lIngers, SIP., it. itt ls47. 4 Jow1ih-l higersen, 0. .2 Sep. 1711, rector offlenongtsmnore, iv. ttichard—tlaitlhe, P. one,. ia 1041. sen icr ret ‘en’l.iry of C1s7 ne, moral dean, a. 1st, Sties v. Ilenry—Jnlaiisan, heat. ‘23rd regL, st s’uccs. in 1876. (‘hiartotte ltottcr, isicee at Sir. Rennet, lord t’ishop of the vi. Nelson-Eearncy, BIt., sc. in 1042, Slary, don. of the diocese, and Itait issne, fteorge-Saehviltc, ltD., o,. ttetieietla, dan. of tIme flee. ‘I’. ttoare, and gennddan. of SirE. Itoare, Earl., St.F. Eltaaticttt—Anne, si. oil at. lIe ns. Sndly, Is Aug. 1111, Stary. eldest dan. sf George mm. hlearietto, a. to the hale John Wise, Fsr,. of the city of Parecll, Esq., J. F., of tile ancient f,irnt ty of Pureelt, ltarsns of Lnogtsnsee, descended tram Sir hugh de l’nrret, srtss iv. Thomasine, ca. to Arundel ifitI, Faq. of Geaig, in the eo. hail mssi Ii tae’ sonnnons as a Itarso, loop. Enwan 1., by whesn, ,rlsn it. 15 April, loSt, lie hicot, Joseph-ltsgerson, BA., rector of Itosmghton. Dorset, t. The eldest san, I June. 1122: sic. Ptntndetphia—T.osmte.a, dais, of ‘l’t,onmas Ill Sits .faains-Launnaeos, of lloekfoa’ent, s. his father hail. Faq. of I tarpsdon Court, Oxfordsltire, and has in hoOf, anit repi’eseutsd the boi’ough of Mallow, in the three dans. James-Laurence,, it.A , iii Isoty seders t incanihent iaueri,d parhiauaent. Ste m. 1 Jan. 1528, Helena Trydeli, of Lydiate, Laneaatnre 5. 18.50g. 1128 t a. let. Stary, 3rd dan. and c,olaeireas of thu late James Barnhard, Esq. dait. of the Rev. tlichs rd Gaggin, rector of Ctonmott of Lu,snlosrdatswn, iu the ce,. h.’cok, by Attn. dan. of JohnTc’wiaseisd which lady it. s. P. lIe at. Sadly. 7 Sept. 1°7s6, Slary flncher, Bart m’f hiallygitdiei asid Creagh, en. Cork; and 5. lteatriee, dna. of Wittians flros,ntow, Esq. af ltagesfoeh ilnuse, Lanrashire. Charles-Fnreelt. MA., vicar of Stantonhury with New Cce,,timiss—1 I Ang. 1763. Itrnmtsrell, Itneke, 1. 17 Fctm. 1526 ti’s. 13 July, 117,2, MaryAnnc-Carsthte, An,s—Quartcr}y, istand 411s,arg., rhev., gsi., between three’ only eluld and heiress ef the late John- scqsenhs, ppr., for Csrrna; 2sd and 3rd, as., a fete betn’ees, a COT Frederick Gssitslsell, Esst., Beagal civil service, (non 0 Capt. ttenry Gaitshett), and has issue, Cttarles-Ptankelf-Itegersen, t. 16 Ang. 1015. Edmond.latsttaw-Pnreett, 1’. 4 Jan. 1019. Aliee’l tarriel. Riehard-Iteary, BA., in holy orders; 8.5 Feb. 1871 ; m. 18 Stay, 1061, Sarah-Pearce, dan. ofW.-J. Lawrensen. Esq., and has, Joseph-henry, 1. 1 dan. 1807, and a dan., Stetiora-dosephine. Jsha-Qaarry, t. 30 Slay, 1872. Arnndel-ttill, an officer in the 8th feet t 5. II Aprll, 1637; 12 May, 1063, Witliamina torant, dan. of d. .Staelean, Esq. af Adrie hence, Lancashire. Doaean-Lionatst-Darrech, an ehttcer 6 fh feet, ii. 12 Sept toss. Sensnet-ttyle, 1,. lSgOor. 1041. Ittary-Parrell, si. nnai. lhtargarct-Anite, as. Itev. Edward-Pritigie Hodgini, PD., ineonitient of St. Itepisen’s, Liverpool. Jaaticlla, a. Itev. William itidley, tEA. Camherine-Lonisa, ‘cc. Iter. Jelin-Willlsm Stnbbs, IdA., fellow Tim. Cell. Dublin, of Sfnhtnn and Ilowlettown, es. Dabtin. Jaee-Eiscity-Pereevst, iii. Ragereon-Cotter Intler, Fsq. Sarah-Phillips, to. 23 Slay, 1061, Caltt. Edwaed-Langfard Tsitton, loth foci. Georgina-Farcell, is. hunter-A. Cogbtan, Esq., 10th foot, 71.11 .C S.F. Mary-Grace-Jessie, m. 10 Aug. 1861, to G.-W. BrasherCrcagti, Seq., J. F. of Creagh Castle, en. Cork. (Ac F’enge’s Lemasf’it &‘nttrf.) SIr. Cotter as..’lrdty, Story-Anne, relict of Tier. F-B. earmtas, LL.B., nhirh lady a. 13 Ang. 1064. The 11ev. Pretlendary J.-11. Cotter a. 4 Feb. lIfe. .5 Arahella, si. hi. Radkin. Fsq. 6 Eliaabeth, ,,i. hen. Isarrech, of Onsirnek, Eenfrewshire. 7 Stargarel, si. 11ev. J. Calila’ell, MA. 8 Lomsisa, 5. 5 ‘till. 9 Saplaa, ns. llev.Prehesdary Baiter. 35 Anne, ai. let, 16cr. Preliendary Itingaton, aisd 2ndly, W.-A. Spiller, Esq., and was nsoihem of Rev F. CotterStnllcr, incsmnsti,st at Cress’e, Cheshire. arIse is 2 Get. 1016, the lion. ,tnna-Slaria hlhnghani, eldest daa. of the late Coed Clas,niot’ria. 11 lsatiella. st I ‘arripsianey, us the co, t’arlow, and don. of the Rev. home ghmare, I.y Csulaes’iue, only child of the Rev. Boneaer ia. lit, Elton, dais, of the late Rev. Ilobert ScaB, of the city of ttottltn lndly, Ellen, dais, of the tlen. T. Itsare, of Castle- town linde t and 3tdty, in Slay, 1143, Carollne, don. of Sir Rabcrt Show, Part., and a. arilhaat surviving issue : his - n’i,tosn a. I Ear. 1584. Grace, dao. at lice late tVillttm-Ibiggea La Tostche, Esq. of Sans Soon, and Steldictt’s Green. Dublin, aad has had issue, Pauses-Laurence, ,t. 1151,5. 1011: Grace and Isabella. Isle R. Nasoo, Faq. oh Ilettyville, go. Cork, and has sbren utaiss. m. loisella, no ho the lale Jomea-Digges La Teuche, Faq. of Sans touch, nrar Dnl,tin, and lass issue. Carte, sod laos isase. tim. Csithei use. Cork, and lttss isssie. Ileeher, East., s.f Cm’oagh, and amat of Sir William 31 Dec. 1024, leaving an only child, the present baronet. flntsr-do-his in elsiet and a mullet in bass, or, for Reneicso,e. Crest—A dealer ann, embawest, amae2, fir., grasping a dar He seas nnplmesv of tIme 1st Duke at Orissonds, and a Jfstts—Bona spit’s stern. descendant of Sir David Mathear, Great Standard Itearer of Scot—Enckfercst, cc. Cork. Fagland, ht5llJd. FnavAan lv. uj8