Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/319

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C OU COTTERETJL ________ COTTERELL, SIR GEERO-HENRY, Slsray, son of Gzssnoe Corarn, Rsq. of Hater, near Surly; of Garnons, Co. Hereford, late n. in 1786, Gnsco, dan. s’f the Rev. GeerEe Statt, si Mini- ?iLP., is, 22 Aug. 1334; a. his brother, gaff, by whom ho hasi issue, as 3rd baronet, in 1341 ass. Greoss, created a baronet. lIchen, as. to 0.-C. Jones, Esq. 14 Sept. 1865, Katherine-Margaret, Jane, as. ho J. Bahisgsss, Roq. dan. of Lieut.-Geu. Sir Alcsander, a hoot. iss the royal artillery, drowned sn oecvico Richard Airey, K.C.B., and has Snoas, sss. in John Black, Esq. issue, i. Jonre-Ricnaan-GsEas, 0. 13 July, I. Gnoaoo Corren, u-ho a’as a col. in the arsny, CII., 1866. is. A dan., 1. 24 June, 1667. L iitcac. JoBs Bssoowne, Esq. of Broadway, no. Woreestes, sa. had issne, Anne, only dast of Edward Cotterell, Esq. of Sainthury. s. Gnonnn-Rsrsezeo-i’ss,sose. present barosset. ee. Gloucester, and left an only eon, Jons Baooar.a, Esq of Broadway, whe assumed, in compliance with the testamentary hsj unction of his maternal 555 Raenoay—iiansiltoa, Is. II I let I $29. uncle, Thomas Cotterell, Esq.,the surname and arms of cv. Arthur-t’hortes. 1. 22 Nov. 1831, ef. on Isoard 11.31.5. Consar.Ls.. He sa. Mary, dao. of Thomas Jackson, Esq. of v. Ilnnry-Rdsrard, caps. 155th foul, 0.1$ Slay, 1835. Welsboorss, cc. Warwick, and was a. in 1763, by his son, Sea Jonas Baooaxs-Conrnctn, high-sheriff of the cc. s. Georgtna-t’hrislian-lhary-Anne. Hereford, in 1761, in which year be received the honour of Sir Gessrge ci. 28 l’eh. 1561. knighthood. Sir John so. Anne, only dan. and heir of John Cs’,nflen—l041. Arsos—flr, a cherrna, gu., charged with Users, Esq. of Gsrnons, by wbsm he bad issue. Sir John anether, sun.. bstn-eess three lans’el-leaves, shiNed, vert. fresh Cotterell rf, in 1790. His son, I. Jonas-Genas CavrEaea, Req. of Garnous, 0. 21 Sept. ppr. Jlotho.—Virtsste. Tesra Hss’m—5, Loa-adrs Sqnos’e. 1721, cot. in the army, and col. of the Herefordohire militia from 1796 to 1603, and SIP, for that co. fromlOO4 to 1511 was created a Baronet 2 Nsv. 38111. He so. 1 Jan. 1791, Prances- Isabella, only dan. and heir of Henry- Michael Evans. Esq., by whom (who ci. 3 July, 1613) he had issue, i. Jonr.s-l{nrcsev, 0. 11 Apr11, 1850 as. in Aug. 1820, PynsJesse-Brand, eldest dan. of Henry-Otway, 21st Lord Ilacre, and ci. 3 Jan. 1831, leaving by this lady (wIse a. 2adly, 22 Nov. 1845, Granviilc-Harcourt Vernon, Esq., son sf the late arshbishep of York), 1 Jonae-Hnseav, late baronet. 2 Gxaso-Hsasv, present baronet. it. Henry, 0. 17 July, 1801; ci. in 1025. us. Thomas, t. 14 Stay, 1000. i. Prancso-3lary, ,l. 20 Starch, 1007. n. Anne. see. Mary, so. 27 Starch, 1820, to Thomso Taylor, Esq. of Valetta Lodge, Clifton. and ci. 20 Aug. 1000. sv. Sarah-Frances, Ia. 27 April, 1640, Newton-Byron Hanson, Esq. of mIslead House, Essex; and sI.15 July, 1000. v. Caroline, ss. in April, 1020, to William Leigb, Esq. of Ruby Hall, so. Lancaster. v-s. Harriet, as. 13 Sept. 1030, to the Rev. Edwin Hotham. Sir Joins ci. 20 Jan. 1845, and was s. by his grandson, 11. Sin Joun-Hnrsov COTcERELL, Hart., 6. 26 Aug. 0030; ford, in the peerage of Ireland; and a peer of Great who ci. under age at Eton, in 1011. C’s’cofis’s—l Nov. 1001. Arseu—Qaorlerly: or and arg., across, engrailed, per pale, 5th earl, 20 Nov. 1858; as. 3 Sept. 1816, the Hon. Os. and gsa.; in the 2ad quarter, two escallops; and in the 3rd, Elizabeth-Frances hubs, 2nd dan. of Lord Sondos, one, of the Ihird; over all, a bend, also sa. Creus—An arm in armour, esnbowcd, the hand in a gonnilet, and han, ppr., resting on an cococheon, arg., charged with a talbot’s s. Jsaans-W.s.LrEa-M5LLEC, Viacsasf Slspfss’,l, is. 3 March, head, sa., collared and lined, or. Alefls—Nco rapui sed rscepi. ,Sesl—Garnons. llcrcferdshiro, Pains Home—Seymour Place, Stay Fair. COil P ER. 2COUPER, SIR GEORGE-EBB1OEZER-WILE0N, C.B., 6. 29 April, JAMES Ss’opa’onn, Req. of Sahtorsforsl, c’s. Chester, c,sI,sssel 1824; a. his father, as 2nd bart., in thee parlianoent’s arsny, u-h’s served in lrehsssd iss 1611, 28 Feb. 1861 ; no. 29 April, ansi upon the reetsrati,sn of the rssyah family sesissired c-nsiderable 1852, Caroline-Penelope, grassddan, partly by grants, took np his abode at Tara Hill, cs. Heath. of Sir Henry Every, 9th lIe cci. twice ; by his md wife, Mary, dass. s’f Sir ltsd,es-t hart., and oldest sister of Sir Forth, Knt, he had two d,sssa, Rmili.s, si. tss Tlsosspisllus, Henry-Flower Every, 10th hart. Lssrd Newtsswss Butler; and tiorothea, es. 1st, t,s Rdwar,1, of Egginton, and has had issue, 4th Earl of Messth, and 2ssslly, to Ltnut.-Gen. Usages: isy 5 Bamsay-George-Jaaoss, 6. 13 April, 1053, and ci. an infant. e. WILLIAM, sd. Slary, dan. ef Cal. Francis Willoughlsv, aod is. Ba.seetr-Gnosan-HENaT, is. 1 Nov. 1011. in. Victor-Arthur, 8. 4 April, 1019, iv. EdwardEdnsonstone, 6. 180cc. 1060. v. Jamso-Hobert, t. 24 June, 1883. i. Careline-Georgina. II. Mary, ci. an infant, Sept. 1857. III. Ada-Lucy. 269 Coil ILtiscBgc. Ronenr CourEn, Esq., 51.0., F.A.S., of Fs.chahcrs, Ce. in 1812. The ehlest son, NIL, and comptroller of the household to the iluchess of Kent, was created a Baronet in Slay, 1041. lIe u-as 0. in 1708 ; and sss. 20 June, 1820, Elizalseth, elan, of tise late Ii’,ss. Justice Sir John Wilsau, of The Howe, Wcslsuorelassd, and is. Jasues-Kemst, major liengal staff eor;’s, 0. 2 Nov. 1827; ia 1114, Emily, dass. of Calsss,el Earle, llengssl ursssy, and Isas issue, Arthur; George; f’as’a-sleargissa ; and Rushy. Baansleso,” is; Nov. 167,1. —Out of a mural cerenes, arg., a hass,l helslissg a garlasd, COURTENAY, VIScOUNT, see DEVON, EARL. CO U R TOWN. CounTowN, EARL OF (James-George-henry Stop- ford), Viscount Stepford, Baron Courtou’n, no. Wox. Britain, as Baron Saltornford, of Saltersford, co. pala. tine of Chester; 6. 24 April, 1823; a. his father, as 1013. ss. E,hward.Barringtan-Lewio-Henry, 6. 20 Nov. 1895. see. George-Prederick-Wihiaso, 8. 1 rIce. soas. s. Charlcstte-Ehi.naheth. cc. Bleaussr-Shargaret. cci. Mary-Jane-Jemima. cv. Grace-Harriet. v. Lily-Frassces. LiilCBgC. estates in that kingdom, partly by pssrehase nigh isis first wife, he was father os three suns, ci. a. p., hsaving an only ssss, JA55EO, osseceeser to isis grandfahher. cc. Jamso, us. Miss Bother, of Eilknnny, and waa tslher sf Janses Sroeroao, lsishohs of (‘layne, the h’iess,l of Ptslsency, Bollagbreke. and Swiftc Ihe last teelified of him as ‘a modest. leansed, virtuess, and ds’servieg gentleman,” Ole cs. 1727, his cousin. _teee Slepfsrd. sioher of James, IsO Earl of Conrsosra -and dying H10, hell isssse,