Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/328

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CRA CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES. Cc twl’OnD AND Ii SLO tni;o;s, H ma OF (James bound to his saddle. Whereupon he dismou,ited, got on Lindsa), cii. life, and Baron Liiidoay of Balcarros, Lord Lind-sy and L.iline, in the peerage of Scotland; Baron IVigan, of Haigh Hall, cu. Lancaster, dismounting, he snpportod his. ,advorsa,, a,ad, with great in the peeraco ,if the United Kingdnm 8. 24 April, hmnaaity, visited hi,si every day, till he recovered the 1793; inherited tin Scottish hononra’, at the decease dan. of Rsarav II., and was s. hi 1412, by hIs oldest son, of his father, as 7th earl, 27 March, 1825; and AecxAncnotm, 2nd Earl of Cs’awford, who so Mariota, dan, acquired the barony of 11 igan, has patent, dated 5 July, 1923; on 21 lsov. 1811, the lion. Maria- Margaret Franccs Pennington, only surviving child whon,, _tosxas,noo, the 2nd but oldoot surviving, succeeded of John, 1st Lord Mnneaster, and by her (who ml. to tIme EAiLnosL us’ Cii owcenn, and the next, 10 Nov. 1830), has had issue, I. ALrxaancL-W,LI,,An-CnAwFOen, Lsri7 Lindsay, b. 16 har,ety of Pau,hrhie in 1461. Iso cm. let, Sophia, dan. of Oct. 1811; on 21 Job’, 1616, Mar6aret, eldest dan. of Liv upton, of Saitcoatos, bnt by her had no issue, Me at. Lient. -6 ii. Jas. ibm 1st y, of lialcarree, mid by her Indly, Isabel, dan. of Willta,u, Lord Livingston, and had an has, JAils -Li’nevic, lent. gren. gds., ii. 25 Jnp, 1047. I Alicr-i’raeet’s. 2 Margaret-klizabeth. 3 51 nv Satin I Sine. 4 31 ,de’l—,Manan. 5 ,tenc-CaIIi.nine 53 Oil. 5 Jane-Evelyn, ii. James, late 31 1’. fr W’igaii, major- ‘eneral in the army; Walter Lindsay, who fell at Flodden, 0 Sopt. 1511). Ta ii. 2 i An5 151 ; is. 6 Nov 1845, T tidy ‘(mali-i Inulieth this gentlenian,e Dtn-ld, 7th Earl of Crawfard, made an Savile, only tIn, of Jabs. 3rd Earl of ,Slexbiii i ngh,ico,oan assigsmmont of Ins title aimd ostatoe, with the concsa-eneo of of the l,cdch miter to the Queen, anti has had i, ane, tha clown ; and, impost tho docoase of that nobleman in 1142, I James t ‘re Ole, 0. 11 Jan. 1647 ; ii. 5 tprfl, ] 549. 2 Retinali11ialryinp1o, 5. ‘(Jnse, and 5. 14 Aug. 1153. dignity, however, f’ ‘r life only ,‘‘,,nd it ,‘etn,asod at his death 1 Macsi-I, alo’i. 2 Mabel. 3 31st) -k,iiba. ii,. Chance-Hugh, Mr. for Ahingdsn, a,i oom-in-waitirg Jaimct, dan. of A,,drcw, 3rd Lord Gray, and relict of Alexander to the Queen, hent.-csl. in the army, eel commanding bnt by her had no issue, Its to. Indl5, Catho,’hmo, dan. of St. George’s liSt e, 0. 11 Nov. 1816; o. 25 April, 1601, Sir John Campbell, of Cmmider, and had, Enmi i’m- Onto, dan. of the lion a,ni Very Rev. llonryMontague ,. Davin (ii,’), liii successor, whose great-great-yraafooo, and Breiviic, bri,thrr i f Lend Ktlnaai,,e, anti ha h’ d issue, I Charles-Henry-Claude, 0. 10 Nov. lS,i4, 5. 21 Lec. hill ; 2 Janice-Robert, 5. 20 July, 1160 ; 5. It Oniv. lade; 3 Chario,-I.udovic, 5. at Nice, Ii Jan, seo I lie, ry-Edith-Arthur, 5. at Nice, 0 April, i86C; I E hth, ii. I Starch, i’d i; 2 Marl in-Si argaret-S’ioiet; 3 Emily, if. an inf’mt, Ia July, isoS. iv. Cohn, 5. 6 11cr, 1010; 01. 10 July, li4o, Lady Frances Lindsay, having seized, fcltnnnd, sad inlliniaooed their Haward, dan. of ti e Earl i’f Wieklow, and has iosne, fatlser, Davin, 710 Earl qt’ ti’s iiy’ord, were disinherited his 1 S’tillian,-Alccanilsr, 5.0 Joec, 1040. 2 55 ailcr-J sate , 5. “1 Srpt. 1817. 3 Alfred, 5. 7 tpril 1551. 4 I eonanil-Ccnil-Cslio, Ii. 27 Joce, 1017. a Claaii-lloginald, 1, 0 Nay. Clii. 1 Isabel!.,. 2 llarriol. 3 Alexira, His lord.’lnp i’s the acknow lcdgcd clucf of the ancient time letter baseless) Inst liei,ic of a gnacnitns ihhapostthse, he house of Lindsay, and ii id the Eanldo,n of 8 n.twvonD re-cion eyed use titles and estates to David Lindcay, so,, of confrmed to him by the House of Lords in 1848. tl,at failing hicins sale of clii, liavid’s bedy, the estates aod Lüitagc. Sir William Dugdtdo mentions ecvo,’aI considerable families mliii sufficient property Ia ,siahntain Isis rank. Upon the of Lhideay h, Engiami i,, the eleventh and twelfth onrm, An., ilietilil certainly liano descended to the aecector of ce,mturice, observing that the elnaia,no was first assnmed by Lord Dalcarree. the prap-ietsrs at the lamb and matter of Ltanloai, co. Ci’awford, wam created by Juice Vi. a peer of parliament, Essex. It is the cijanmo,, of Scotch antiqi,arics, that one by tlmo title of Loan Srvx,o. lila lordship vases, by his son, of these Lhidoays, cieaiitg wtth King liALcoLa, C,eaa,one ALrxANnoo, huh Lord Spynic, she it, in hIS, anti was s. in to Seatland , a,,’i nottlitis there, abtainod the lands of Waehopdaia, and other lossoaoiens, fi’ai,i the crawn, acid fommded the fannly of Lindsay hoyond the Tweed. It is Earl of Cravcford, the repretealttnoc of tl,e family of Lindsay certain that the Lhidsays boga,, to he of note in Scotland 1(112, John Lindsay, of Edoell, ancesier of the Lords Salrarer,, fi’tcp. ALExAS’iicsi I. (the ai’i if Jlaecat.a,), who succeeded to the throno in 1107. Froam this era onr limits rocipel us ta pass to the close of the 140, century, when Sin DAVID Lianosas, 7th feudal hird of Crawford and posrtit of cneitisn Isa, net i’ee,i fo,and in tIme beards, esr Gle,,eok, was olovatod to the peerage of SeatLand, 21 April, 1152, 50 EARL or Caawronn, ‘ Sir David Littdsay 278 CRA actod tho principal part in the eeiebratod tonmament at London Bridge, in May, 1100. Joh,m, Lord Welles, ambassador frans i{tcnAttn II, to Scetla,sd, at a solemn banqmirt where the Sects a,id English avoro discoursing of dsods af ammo, said, ‘Let words liaco no place : if you know not the cinvairy amid valia,,t deeds of Englishmen, appoint me a day ai,d place, where you list, and yoe shall have experience.’ Whoreupon, Sir David Lindsay assenting, Lord Welles selected Isudon Bridge ae the place for a trialofskffl. Lindsay rcptiii’od ta London with a gm1laamt traits of thirty persons and oil the day appointed. appea’od is the lists against Lord Welles. At the setnid of rrnmpet they eacommtored oaehi tither, upon their barbed horses, with square groundon sliest’s. lit this adve,,tnt’o, Lindsay oat so strong that, notwithotanditig Lord Welles’ slicer was brokems upon his hclmot and visage, he stir,’od not, insomuch that the spectators c,’ied out that, contrary to tho laws of arms, ho was his horse agaiti witbaut assistance, and, in the third course, throw t.ord Wcllrs set of his saddle to the ground. The,a effects of the fall.” His lordship so Catharine Stuart, 5th and heiress of David Disnbar, of Coekbnrsm, as,d granddaughter of George, Earl of htarch, and had nix sans, of WALTOn L,anoAv, styled of Kinblethmant, had charters of limo baronies of Aids and Bewfart its 1450, and of the only son, his successor, Sia Davrn L,snsev, of Edsell and Dewfort, who was in27, by his grandson, Sin Davin Lnensav, sf Edzoll and Glenesk (oldest son of Sir David bocauae son earl, of Crawford. He rrtsi,med the to the grandson of his proiloceasor. the lordship sim. let, Blair, of Idaltbysck, and of Thomas, 4th Lard Locat; Ibscal desreadaat, Jos,w L,ansav. of Edeell, upon tIme extinetien of the male line of David, SIb Earl of Cras’ford, by time death ci Gosnge, Mind Slo’nie,t Ia 1672, becantng chief of the L,mnlsays, snit o,stitled, by the terms upon which his atmcemtor, Dacid, 0th Earl of Crawford, restored that Alexander, Mailer of Crawford, and Ins brother, John cooseqtmonco by Imis loniliteip, idea aashnaod by deed, dated 20 Doe. 1541, scull ti’e approtiattomm of the croci i, his hoooi,rs and estates to liii c,amati,. soil next male heir after these soul, Sir David lindsay, of Edacll, (mcctio,,ed above) and time said David in,lioniled at lImo earl’s cbceeame, he, 1512 (the Ilaats’r of CrawFord aod his hrcll,or having previously died, time ,mdd Slasher of Crawford, Itat with tho express procisior, l,oaonrs of Crawford should descend to its heirs male of Edeoll. the likewise rcservcd to himself the title for life, denmuso, thi’n, of Lndav,c, ldthi Earl of Craicfard, the hea— Sin ALoxasnra LISr5AY, dhh sea of David, 0th Earl of by him 0013’ smmrcicing so’,, Grocer, led lord Spyeie. At ihc death of Lndovic, I 41h devolved nlion this eobtrauan, and npo,s his decease, is became (as hi the text) head of the aocieimt hense of L,isdsay. on she title of Spy”ic, Ilte lords of session, is tbt’ir retimm’ms 10 tIme blouse of l’rers, 1740, observed, that bbs lies any persem sat in pao’lismment smrdor tl,at title since 1605, neilher has tiny 1 ‘Oreen clai,imed a vote iii virnme thereef at any ohectie sins the Union.