Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/329

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CRA dignity to David, grandson of the 71o Earl, to thc EAns.Doas or Caawroan, preferred isis clams to parliament, but ssnsueeesafaiiy. (The Earldam of Crawford and tha estates of that branch of the Lindsays were conferred by art of parliament, in 1014, after the forfeiture lie sic. Stsdly, 51 iso lis’osvsse, scsi Isy Iser lsa’l Slssrgssref, of Ludovie, 14th earl, upon John, I Oils lard Lindsay, of Eyers, afterwards Earl of Craw’fard and Lindsay, lord higls teoasnrer of Scotland.) Jalsn Lindsay of Esheell’s mate line erased with Isis grandsoss, David Lissdsay, in 1741, and the represesstalioss of the Lindsays, tlsen dcccl, ed sspess the descendant of John Lindsay, David, 0th Lord Craw-ford’s 2od son, of sahons we sac about nsore particularly to treat. 51. Jona, ofwlsom presently. 151. Robert, of Ralisall. sv. Walter (Sir), of Eempehill. v. James, in holy orders. r. Ehleaboth, as. to l’alricl.-, Lord Drummond. Is. Ilargarot, es. to John lmssrnseath. The second son, Jowu LINDSAY, a very easement Scottish lawyer, aces ass. Polio, brig. goss. in else arsos’, 0. irs 1755, 8 ones. 1795. made one of the senators of the CoEego of Josetice its 1081, iv. Jasnes-Stair, ealsb. 73rd regt., ci. ho 1103. was sworn of the privy council its 1005, and, in the fellowissg v. William, 8. is 1759, slrowsesl iss I 755. year, ap1sointod a eonasnissiossor of the Tressoury, and vs. Charles, lbshols of Kildare, 5. 14 Dec. 1100; cc. let, secretary of state, when he resigned the post of lord of session Jan. 1790, Elieahseths, essly sloe, of ‘l’lsosoas Fyshehl, Esq. in favour of his brother, dir David Lissdoay. This eminent person was also one of the eight Jlagaat,s Seat he, lordship ci. 8 Aug. 1840, havisig had isous, constitnted governors of the kingdom, who n-ore designated Oetweiasso. He we. Margaret, class, of Alexander Guthrie, basrgeso of Edinborgla, relict of David Jlothwick, of L,,chhill, king’s advocate, assd had two sons and three claus. lie obtained, hy charter, in 1091, the estate of Dalcars’cs, and was s. at his decease in 1500, by his elder son, JonN LINDSAY, of Daicarres, who ci. in minority, Jan. 0600-1, asad was s. by his brother, Ssw Davin Lswnoav, of Dalearros, who was elevated to the peerage of Scotland, 27 Jnne, 2613, by the title of Ler,l Lindsay s.f Baleas-t’ee. His lordship sss. Scphia, dan. of Alexasader, Earl of Denifermlfne, asad was a at his decease, in 1015, by his only son, ALexANDER, 2nd baron, who for his great loyalty and eminent sereices, was advanced, 9 Jan. 1052, to the Eanateas or BALcAnnna. His los’dship was made Iscritable governor of the castle ef Edhobasrgh, secretary of state, and cosnmissienor to the General Aosombly. Ito es. Ansae, dart. and co-heir of Cohn, 1st Earl of Scaforth, and Isad issno, CesnnLee, and Cohn ; and ths-oo clans., Assn, who cf. a nun ; Sophia, as. to Ross. CoO. Charles Campbell; and vu. John, col. in tho army, Cs. Charlotte, 3rd dan. of 2nd Harriet, os. to Sir Duncan Campbell, Dart, of Anebiubreck. vies. Rngh, an El. director, Marshal of tho Conrt of The earl ,h. 10 Aug. 1659, and was s. by his elder son, CnAaLns, Sssd earl. This nobloesass dying wasa. in 1602, the hosaonrs devolved sspen his brother, COLIN, It’d cat-I. His lordship, a stanch adhersrst of the hossse of Stuas-t, was obliged, at the Esvolsstioss, to retire April, 1844, leaving issus, by hor (who ci. 26 May, 3562), to the Continent, avhore ho rcmaissed in exile for tess years. Ho obtained, at lessgtla, pernsisoien to retnrn, best afterwards (iss 2725) joinissg the stassd,n-d of the CnssvaLsess, he s. Anna, so. to Sir Andrew Dos-ward, Esq , ansi ci. in 1823. owed lsis safety to his friend the Duke of Hariboreugh, and it. llargarot, no. lot, to .Alexanabor F’erdyeo, Eeq. ; and the act of indemnity. His lordship ws. fanr tisnee lot, Lady Mam-itia do Nasoass, by whom he had no surviving its. Elizabeth, css. the 3rd Earl of Hardwieke, 26 May, 1838. issue I 2ndly, Jeass, eldest dan. of David, Earl of by whom he had a dau., Anne, Coussteso of Relic Irdly, Ills lordship ci. in 1708, and was e. by his oldest ann, Jonas, dass. of William, Earl of Roxbnrgh, and hind a soss, ALEXANDER, 0th earl, 5. 1798, ona of the rolsresontativs who ,l. seam., and a dass., llargarot, cs. John, Earl of Wigtosx. poors of Scotland; a gon. in tho arony, eel, of 63rd rog. He se. 4tlaly, Margas’et, dass. of James, Earl of t,nndosssa, Ho no.1 June, 1780, his first eocssis, lfhizaheth, only child of assd was o. it his decease by his eldest son by that lasly, As.rxaaneu, 4th earl, avho 1. o. p. 2716, when Isis brsstlsor, property, on fail,sre ssf msalo issue in hrr snalerssal Lasasihy, JAmes, inherited as 5th earl. This neblemass 0. 4 Ns,v. tl,at of Sir Roger Dradohaigh, hart, of Itaigh, wlso was her 1891, sss. 21 Oct. 1749, ,tnno, dass. of dii’ Robert Ilalrymple, ladyship’s great grandfather—.’or Dunce’s Exlissrf .lles’oncieg), of Castleton, Knt., and had, i. As.oxswosa, Ler,l Lissclsoss. is. Robert, 0. in 1704; cc. in I 78, Elicahelb. dass. of she as. Charleo-Rssbert, cslleet.,r ssf cant’ ‘ins at Agra, in the late Sir Alex. Dieb, Dart, and ,1. in 1520, baring issue, 1 Jaasos, lt.-gen., of Ealoarres, cc. Fife, 0. 17 April, 1792; is. 1st, 1919, Hary-Ane, dau: of Francis Grant, Fsq. of leaving isanc by her (who ci. 8 Nov. 1832), ltilgs’aston; and 2edly, 1823, Anno, oldost lass. ci Sir Coutts Trotter, Eart., and dying 4 Dee. 1555, lefI, 1 Ssa Conns Lsansay, Part.; 2 Robert-James, snajor Sects fsssilier-gds., Rot, of tho Legioss of l-loaossr, served wilh disti,sction at the battles of Alma and loleersnass, t. 1822, sss. 17 Nov. 1858, harriet-Sarah, ossly sssrvivisg chil’l ef Lord Overstone; 1 ltargaret, Lady Lindsay ; 2 Mary-Acne, sss. 1854, to Rebers-Ssayoer Holford, Esq. of Wostea-thirt. 2 Robert, sss. in 1824, Frances, dan. of Sir Ilobort lIonderson, sir. Richard, ci. young, } twists, 5.9 March. 1786. Dart., and has Isad issue, Robed., bin 1827; James— s.Ehiraboth-Koith, te. in 3818, to R.-E. Hsatheots, Esq. lfoad, 1l.E.I.C.S., ci. 1856; Aleaan,lor-Wilhiam, 0. 1522; Francis, b. 1830; Isabella; Elizabeth, e. 20 Jan. 1064, of Longton Hall, ro. Stafford, and 1. so 1833. Comm. Thosnas-Noarse Undersroed, RN.; assd Ilariansse, ci. Aono, ni. 1811, Robert Was-dlaw Ranasay, Eoq. of Palgarvie, is. 1857, to Capt. lliekmass-Tlsomas Molcswortls (seeps’sl, 5.Isssaeasrotsvse, V.) 3 11’ihhiass-Dsslf, midshipnsan RN., lost so 1013. 4 Cohn, E.C.S., se. 1st, Clsarlotto Dlair, and hy her Crcolisssoo—Daron T.hadoay. 27 June, 1631; Lard Lindsay had a son, Charlos-Robort, b. in 1826, sss. in 1048, to and Ralniol and Earl of Dalcarres, 9 January, 1601; Earl of 219 CRA Rlsoda, dan. of Ccl. Edward Gwahlsin ned a danCharlotto-Assgnsla, s. its 10.16, to Olssjer 3 olsn Clsristie ns. to I lessrr SI asssssssg, lassl. asssl lrdlr, htssssss,s, lass. of It. Watsess, lassl., assd s1. Ii Aug.. 1801, hsaring Isy her Isasi Colsss, PP.5., sI. at Straahsessrg, 18 SIssy, 1004 Fredcrirlc and Rssma-Asssso.Elizahsetms, es. 30 Aog. 1000, to llssjer V/—I). lhaeslesss,lsl, Slrsl higislanslers, eldest s’sss of Caist. and use 1kw-Sirs. ltaedssssslsl, of Sassstsido, Caitlsness-shire, 5 t’has’Irs-Razil, of hiss Slaslras cavalry, aalso so. its 1042, Aessa, dan. of Esseas-Il. II’ lbsssnell, Esq., and sI. 31 Asg. 1040. II is widow sss. 255117’, 1052, 1 lssgls-l I. Lissslsv, Las1. I llary-llssller, sss. Ic Clsarles—Maitlssssd Chrishie, Essi. sf Duet-, and ci. in 1829. 2 Anne. 3 t’rchlia, ste. to abc lair) .t. I lead, Esq., and 1. in 1647. 4 Elieabohls, sss. 12 Feb. 1559, to else lhev. Asesheny-Lofs’ey Cosirtessay, MA. of Doatosa (ore Ihnnmr’sLaad,,d Gewfrg); and Sndhy, CatheriDs, dass. of the hats Enort-G. Consomaksr, Eaq. His 3 Charles, in hssly orders, arehdoaeon of Kildare, no. Anne,oldestdau, cfOwahoyRsswloy, Eoq., andhassis-suo, a dan., Carohino.Fo-.sneos, no. 30 Oct. 1849, to GoorgoDawson Itoavhey, Eaq. The As’rhsleaesos sf23 Apr. 1899. 2 Thomas, killed at Vittoria, 22 Juno, 2813. 2 P)shhip-Yorhce, ci. 1823, heaving by hlclorsa-Ehizabeth Blatsoy, his wifo, Charles-Philip, who al. 1054; Elizabeth os. 2847, the Rev, It-A, Gerdoss ; and h{olen-Elioalsoth, 4 Georgo-Idayward (by second nsarriage), 0 in 1799; Es. in 1835, Lady Shary-Catherins Gs,rs, siatorof tho Earl of Asran, and has ioone, 1 Arthur-Alexander, I. 1529, sL 38401 2 Honry-Goro, rapt. riffe-brigads, 0.1830, 55. 1856, Ellen-Sarah, dass. of Load Troshogssr, and has, htenryEdzcll-Storgan,0. 13 Feb. 2087, Claude-Gore, 5. 15 April, 3858, Lionel-Artbssr, 9. 27 Itssr. 1801, and David-Palrarres, 5. 19 Feb. 18621 0 Wilhiasn-Joha-Cenasmaker, in holy orders, rector of Llanvaebea, Moomontbehiro, 9. 1852, ass. 38 Slay, 1059, ltoe.amossd-Emily, eldest dan. of ths Into Frederic-Clinton Musdy, Esq. ; I GeargianaKathleen ; 2 istary-Cathorisso-Carohino; and 3 Alicehstargarst-Emihy. 5 Itenry (by second marriags), 0. in 3809. 3 Elieaboth-Fraureo, m. Sir C. Domvile, Dt. and P.2812. Earl of Gnildford, and ci. 3820. Hiowidewci. 25 Oct. 1849. Admiralty, 5. 30 Oct. 1703, no. 14 Jan. 3799, Jane, 2nd dan. of the lats Hon. Alexander Gordon, ens of the lords of session, under the title of Lord hbsrkvillo, and ci. 25 I Hugh-hamilton, 5. in 1802, sss. 17 Fob. 1852, Anna, dan. of Eneao E. 06’Dsannoll, Eaq., and widow of Charles-Macil Lindsay, Eoq. 2 Anne, no. to Sir Edmonsl Autrohua, Dart. 2ndly, to Sir J.-R. Durges, Dart.: and ci. in 1814. Charlee Dalrysnple, Esq. (this lady inherited tlse Ilaigh by whom (who ci. 10 Aug. 2816) ho had i. JAMES, prosont EArn, or Cmawromn ANtS DALOARROS. East Indies, 0. 20 Aug. 1784; no. in 1814, Rlieaheth, dau. of ThemaoWilliam Thosespoon, Esq.. and ci. 4 July, 1835, O Hugh-Dsrbow. lomb.ay neil service, 8. 20 March, 1832; an 3 Oct. 1503, How, I )sswager Lady Mssneaotcr. 3 Flore-Elirahotis-lleatheoto, ci. an 3814. 2 Elieabeth-Dalrynsslo, d. sonsa. 3 Aloxina-Nisbet, no. 28 April, 1848, to Thomas-Hugh S’andford, Rag. of Sandford, Salop; and ci. 2831. 4 Catlserino-Iletsbsss’no. 5 Mary-Aons-Agasew, sf. in 2837. os. Fife, who ci. in 1917. Hsr iadyshsp ci. Jan. 1846. His lordsldp ci. 27 llareh, 1925.