Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/334

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CEO i. Francos, m. to Iho Rev. Arthur Hyde, vicar of 3lohill, Co. Catherine, si, to Matthew Dodss’eil, Esr1. of Mount Bodsveli, Leslrsin. n. Jane, m. 27 Sept. 1830, to Ross 3lahon, Esq. iii. Barbara, as. to Edward itatiseram, of Crossdrom, and 1. in 1803. iv. Anno-Iiiglsy, as 17 Aug. 1836, to Capt. Itabort-Jocolyn MaLay Ci,ssrreN, Esq. of Longford tlsnsn, 7,. in 1741, or. Ot,eay, U.N., of Castle llrway, eo. Tipperary. Sir Hugh 8. 6 Jan. 1824, and was a. by Iris eldest son IT!. Sin Jlsns,xis.Gnonun, I lent. mN. selso svas 8. 21 Dec. oirly ssso, 1788: and a. 21 May, 1012, Enrily, dan. of lIre Right lIon. Penis Sin Jaasns Cnoreon, of Lssigfsrd JOanne, 8. 8 Ang 3776, I ialy, of llnnsaisdle, en. Gal ieay, and had isosse, i. lloglr-Iienio, 8. 7 Jan. 1814, colonel in the sung, ansi a 3). U., esf Rseksavngn, es. Raneommon, rector of Clsnpriest, slislingniislisrl ofliror, knight r,f rhe legion of honour, and of rs,ssl ls,s,i basic, lire order of The Medjidie si. 26 May, 1019, Georgrana-Luey, Manna, Isrosent baronet. rlan. of Ihe lion. 1.—It. dr ltlaqrdetr, arid nieco of the late James, in issuls’ srders, reeler of she parish of Dunleer, is. (tm. Lord do Illaqolere, and host, I 3tonos’e-Grsinsn. present ban. 2 Ananrn.llaaK, 8. 25 A1nsl. 1052. 3 Edsrard-hiogii, 8. 7 Srpt. 1534. Colonel Crofton was shut l’y a soldier of lIre 32nd regt. nt 3iaria-T.irry, iss. Is lire tIny. William-F. Black, rector of Preston, and s?. of lire seonsnssl, 13 SepT. 1861. us. Penis, 8. 6 A pHI, I ol 9. Sir Morgan, who had Teen a naval officer 8. suddenly 23 june, Crofterr fusnuily in trelaisd, wuss createsh a Daronet in 1838 1o67, and was .s. by isis grnsndson, Sin Monona - Goonon Ire wnss major of the Sligs militia, arsd a deputy-lieutenant CannoN, the dlii and present hart. C,vnlioss—lI Aug. 1501. Aroin—Per pale, indented, or and Creslssn—l639 (a prier parenl, dated 1 July, 1661, was az. a lion, passant-gsuardant, ennnterchianged Creat—Ses en granled to sire faissily as stasenh above). ears of reheat on one stalk, hour. 1hInflDat liens ineremontoin. .Arssso—I’er tale, indented, or and an, a lion, pasnantguardans, S,al—MalniIl house, 00. Leitrim. CROETON OF LONUFORD HOUSE. 000FTON, Sne 3IALBY, Bart., of Longford House, go. Sligo, 1. 21 Den. 1797; ass. 24 Jan. 1821, Sarah.Jane, 4th dan. of the late Andrew Pnrke, Esq., major 8th regt., brother of tbe late Roger Parke, Esq. of Dun’ nally, linnt..nol. Shigo militia; and by her (who ci. 14 April, 1867) lion bad issue, s. llnwnv-BLuen, capt. Sligo Militia Rifles, 8. 29 July, 1833 ,‘ra. 24 Sept. 1836, Soplria, eldest dan. of Thomas CEOMARTIE, COUNTESS OF (Anne Srstherland-Leyeson Hsrrsfall, Esq. of Pinrlcy Ilall, eo. York, ansi haa a son, Malby, 5. 20 Aug. 2837, another eon, and a dan. n. Frederick-Robnrt.Caoaerssn, capt. 06th foot, S. TO Sept. Manleod of Castlo Leod, and Baroness Cnstlehaven, 1837 ; ma. 19 Sept. 1868, luoiaisa, 2nd dan. of Richard- all in the go. of Cromantie, in the peerage of the Graven Brhnekiey, Esq. rsf Portlan,l, es. Sligo. sir. Malby-Edward, officer 4th foot, 5. 23 Jan. 1847. s. Elizabath-Sarah, so. to HeoryLanrniico Cotton, Fsq., and tine helm’s male of his body. The Countess of oldest son of the Von. Henry Cotton, B. D., archdeacon Cromartie, the only child and heiress of the late of Cashel ; and ii. 11 Sept. 1852. it. Marissis-Lonisa. ii,. Tsabell,s-Chrarlotte. iv. Frances-Caroline. kiitragr. This is new the elder mnln branch of the Crs,ftsn family had issue, in hreland. Tnusuas CnorToN, Esq. of Lsngford House, in the en. a. Grrrge GesnvPJo, Barb Goner, 8.27 July, 1859r sb.O July, huge, younger brother of George Croftsn, Esq, of Mets, us. Cromorhy, .Plamqaezs of illoftursl, 5.20 Johy, 1851. 251 P. in 1632) (wbirh George Croftan’s nun was created a rim. Fnaorss, Vioesssnnl Tsmbub, 5. hAng. 1852. inaronet in 16131.and that hansour ceased with Sir Oliver Cmfton, the 5th hart.) sir. flonssra, dan. of Roger O’Conor (tire O’Csrarr Don), of Cisasalis, in ths co. Rsnsco,ooson, and left (with a dan., glizahctli, wife of Thoanan Nogent. Esq. of Colamber) an only son, lIrNnv Cnorroai, Esq. of Lsngford Itonse, ahrrifl’ ef tire Arson, PiouSness of Sulbenlond, ansi Gonmhess of Cromarhie, is co. Sligo in 1687, and SIP, in 1609. lIon,,. Sarah, dan. nf the descendant of The ihlackennies, Earls of Cromarly, a hmneh Anthony Brabazon, Esq. and had a nan and niaressoor, Eowann Cnoevow, Enq, sf Longfsrd iisnse, who as. Anne, of the ancient and historic family of Mackenzie of Kiotnhl. dan. of George Croftan Req. of Lisdome, ansi bad (witis other children, wIse it. nasa.) a nun, Jaaios Cnonoa, Erq. of 0,ongfsrd House, who it in 1735, Kenneth, crossed Lord btackenzin, who carried on she line of having had, by Elizabeth his wife, dan. of Captain Edward Rs,biason, ilenry, capt. in the army, uS. a. p. in 1762. Edseard, also capt. in lire arm)’, it. Visas. Thomas, lost on loanS a osan-of-war. Manna, of ,ehs,m prrsenlly. Anne, solo— 1tapolher, Esq. of Ititlivanin, cc. Rosessomon. 28d C It 0 es. Shgss. Sarah, so. lo Palriek Oloore, Esq. of Cork 11111, co. Sligo. Tue 4th nor, aisd eventual heir, in 1771, Ehnabeth, second dan. of Tgnatius Kelly, Esq. of Cargiiss, ii,, tire co. Eoseoansnsn, and left at bin decease an wIse,,,. Ii Get. 1794, Siarisii, dan. of the Rev. Johaa Lyster, liarhara, dau. of PrIer North. Esq. of Kildofi’, and han issue, James, Mahhsy, Caroline, and 3larion. Ehianbeth-llarisn, nn. Is William Norcslt, Esq. sf Springfield, rs. Cork, and s. 1849. Nenechsoreh, W’arringtsn, lancashire. Sir Jarasn being the head of the eider main bu-aneb of the of that eonnty Ire it. un 1849. coonlerchaisged. Cs-mat — Seven ears of whcst en one sloth, ppr. .ll1,itiss—Dat Dens iiucremoontans. Ses1—Lourgferd Ilooan, near Coihoonny, es. Sligo. C R 0 2sI A R T I K Gowar), Viognnnteso Tarbnt of Tarbnt, Baroness United Kingdom, being no created 21 Oct. 1861, with hinsitation to her 2nd surviving eon, FRANCIS, John Ilny-Maskennie, Faq. of Ncwhahl and Cromai’ty, is by marriage Dsrclsess of Ssrthenhand (see peat, SUTIIEaIANn, DUKE), having been married 27 Jnne, 1819, to George.Granville-Wihhiam, 3rd and present Dnke of Sntherland. By that union her grace Isas 1858. t. Florence. ii. Alexsndra TLiilfaw of ffLachti4Ic of Ct’omartp. Sun CoLsN 3lasrKENaio, I ilh feudal Baron of Khslail, as. Barbara, sian. of Janres Grani, of Grant, by whoni he had forms Sons, the faisnihy of Kinlail, aod obese son seas rho first of the Earls of Seafsrtb, an earldos,s allainled in illS, again ereatsd in 1771. ansI exhinct in 1701. The Barony of Sersforsh was given by erealisso, in 1796, to sire heir male of the fomsrily, Frnnmis-lsonrberston 3lachcnzie, Esq., and become exhinct at Isis death withont ,nnhe issae, in 1815. Ills eldest dassglsher’s seut is Ihe present Knsrss - Wmnnsjm &rnwssss-Stsenonszin, Rsq. (‘cc psat Gannowav, EA1L).