Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/335

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CR0 SIR ttoorascse, of wisosso presently. Cohn, ooccstor of tho MacRondos of Kinnock. Alexander, ancostor of the Mackenzics of Itilcoy, Parts. Tho second son, SIR Roneasost M,scKnsersE, wos a msn of great prudence, conrage, and resolution, and svos instrosoental iss civilioissg sIte northern parts of Scotland, whicls was of vast service to tlse nation, and so agreeable to King Jassas VI, tlsat tsc confccrrd the honour of knighthood sspon hun, and gave him a grant of sororal laods in ttse north csnsstry, tlscn in tise crossn by forfcitorc. Sir Rodorick oh Margaret, ‘ion, of Tocqoiht MacEros!, Williasso, svlso likrwiso aslssptcd a sssilitary career, ansi seas 6 st of Lcsres, sspon whicis ho added to his arsuorial bcorissg of MacLood, via., or, a mountain, in flames, ppr. By this nsarriago ho bad issne, SIR Jona, his heir. Kenneth Macttossaio, first of the family of Scatwell, snccstor t’atris’k, wiso being bred to thr sea, ncqssirrd a considerable of the present Sir JamesJohn-Randalt Mackenzie, Part. Coliss. Alexander, of Italoon. Margaret, as. to Sir James MacDonald, Part. of Slate. Sir Rodorick st. 1625, and was o. by his oldest son, 1. SIR JoHN MACERNOXE, of Tarbat, who was created a baronet Janses, svho s?. young. by CHARLEs 1., 2i May, 1628. Mc as. Margaret, dan. and coheiress Norman, svlso was an officer in the Scotch PatoIs, and perished of Sir George Erskino, of Innortoil, 0550 ‘sf the Senators Hugh, also an officer in thn Scotch Dutch; in 1757 he raised of the College of Justice, and brother of Thosoas, Karl of Ketlie, by svhosss he Isad, GEORGE, his heir. Itodcrick MacKenzie, of t’restonhall, one of use Senators of The earl sI. 1731, and svos e. by his eldest son, the College of Jnstice, as Lord i’restonhatl, who m. Margaret, Gcoaoe, Srsl Earl of Grosrartie, svho, jssining the rising sf dan. of Dr. Alexrmder Burnet, Archbishop of St. 1745, collerlod about fonr tsssndrrd of his clan, svtso were with Andrews, by wlsons Isa lsad a son, Alexander MacKenzie of Fraserdole, srho clsanged his name to Fraser, on account of loisu at the battle of i”olkirk, and, after tiseir svtreot to the north, his marrying Atmilia, Baroness of Lovat, by whom he had a he, svith isis sass Lord 3lscLeod, svas surprised and taken by a nunoerosss issue. Margaret, sss. to Roderick MacLeod, of that ilk. Anne, os. to hugh, Lord Lovst. Isabel, so- to Kenneth, Earl of Ssaforth. Barbara, sss. to Alexander MacKenzie, of Garlock. Catbarine, s’s. to Sir Cohn Campbell, of Aberachil. Sir John A in 1654, and was o. by his elder son, 11. Sits GEORGE liacKErsosss, Hart. a man of singsslar endownscnts, lIe st. isabel, doss, of Sir William Gordon, of lvcrgunton, Part., great learning, well versed in Scottish Iasvs and antiquities, by whom he left issue, and an able statesman, in 1654 be was joined in comsuissian Jonas, Loan SlarLaon, who was convicted of lmigh treason, with General Ohiddleton, by Ring CHARLEs II, to raiso forces for his majesty’s service, which be did, ansi maintained a war against Use English for above twelve months, bnt at last being defeated by General Itorgan, he sras forced to capitulate, wlsioh he did upon hanonrable terms. King CHARLEs sensIble of Sir George Mackenzie’s loyalty and faithful services, masle bins, soon after the Restoration, one of the Senators of restored to him. He sss. Margery, eldest dan. of Jasssrs, College of Jnsticc, and a privy cauncillar. In 1678 MacKenzie was constitnied Justice General, and in 1631 he was mnrlc lord George, on officer in the British arnsy, and heat.-rai. 71st register. Bring in no lass favour soitb JAMEs II, tisat monarcis, immediately npan his accession to Ilso tbrune, created bins a IsABELLA, at. to George Murray, 6th Lord Ehibank. hlrrlsdyship peer, as Viscssssst yortut, Lord JIsscLessi, and Lord (‘astirIlrsoess, by letters patent, dated 11 April, 1685, and renescsd his camnsissian for being lord register, which office he last at the Revolution; but King VsLs.sAss being no stoanger to his great abilities, was plesssed to restore hisn to the lard register’s office in 1692. About this time his lordship publishes!, from lhnry, ss. 1st, so Capt. Clarke 2nstly, to Thousas Orayton, authentic documents and records, his learned vindication of King Boarar Ill from tIme insputation of bastardy, and rectified Anne, st. 1st, to she lion. Esinsssnd Atkias ; and 2ndly, to an error which many historians had most unaccountably fallen Gnrollne, so. tat, to SIr. Drane; and 2ndly, to IValtrr hunter, into. In the beginning of Queen Anne’s reign he svas constituted Secretary of Slate, in 1752; and on the tst of January, 1733, her majesty advancad him to ttse dignity of d’art of (‘ccsssas’ty, Ilargoret, sss. to Joists Glassforsh. Viscessat Tas’Isaf, Lard MacLeast, and Larsi (‘,sstteIlaoca, Angusta. sss. to Sir Viilliasn Macray, Ilert. by patent to his heirs-nsalc, and of tssilsic. lIe was W’e nose return so afterwards made Justice-General, whirls aMer he resigned in EosrAr.D hiAv-StArscaseeiE, Rag., who as. Stoasa, dan. of favanr of Archibald, Earl of Isla, in 1710. The Karl of Cromartie Isabrilo, Lady Lhbanls, nmssb srbu €1. braving issssc, isy his wife sss. 1st, Anne, don. of Sir Jansos Sinclair, Part, of May, by (svha st 8 Oct. 1658) three ‘Ions, and an only son, Jonv liAr0IArKENO5E, wham he had, Jossa, bis successor. Sir Kenneth MacKenzie, of Cronsarty, created a baronet, 1704. 1628, Anne, 3nl dan. of Sir toots’s Gibson Craig, had., and Sir James llarKonoie, of Roystonn, created a bns’onet, 1704, dying 9 July, 1649, left on azly dsild, one of the Senators of tlse College of Justice. Margaret, so. to Sir David nonce, of Clacasnanoan. Elizabeth, ass, to Sir George Bronn, of Calsionu. Jean, sss. Ia Sir Thomas Stewart, Part, of Balcnskie. Anne, m. to the lion. Sir John Sinclair, of Otnrkle, brother to Avssss —Quarterly, lot, or, a mossntatn, as., an fianse, ppr.. for the Earl of Caithuess, and one of the senators of Use College StArLEssn or Lawss; 2nd, az. a back’s Israd raisussrd, or, fur of Justice. The earl sss. 2ndly, litargaret, Countess Dowager of Wesuyss, triangle garnished and sparred, or, far the IsLE sc SIAN, formerly by whom he had no issne. Idis lordship d. in 1714, in tbe 84th an imnporial rrosvu, ppr., wsthssn ,a doable Irefosi, ficswrred auth year of his age, and was o- by his eldest sun, Jena, 2nd Earl of Cramarty, wise st. 1st, 1685, Lady Elbabetis connter-flosverrsi, svith flene-sle-Iss, gu., fur },esrsNEof Innertemhi, Gordon, dan, of Charles, Earl of Aboyne, by whasu he bad S,,ppes’tera—Dexter. a wsisI ssstsst srrrahtsrsi about time lotus no issue; he sss. Zudly, Mary Macmy, dan. of Alexander, Lord with oak, holding a chats resfitsg on lime extet’ior shsosslder, FIr.; Eiibnnk, by whom he bed, 285 C R 0 GEORGE, his successor. Csistoin Itoslrrick, who svrnt into tise navy, was iss the fleet in the Itay of (iibmltar, 1720, and eistainesi leave ssf lois eaplain to join the land forces tisat ss era tlor,swss issto tisat gars’ison, svlsere he ressssisoed sinring tlse siece ; tsr saoa got St 1,oir sf rols,ssrs, sod sosne tissse ssftrr a licsstrnassry 1st tho rs’yssl drogosssss; in 1748 sr was ntspointed a calssoiss sf foot, asot us 1715 was sent, srisls a slrsnrlssnrnt frees lrrtnn,l to jul55 Iii Olritisls arsssy tisen lisa F’hsssdrcs, ansi always belsovr,l wHIm distissclioss bat tIme reginsesit in wisicts lie was eldest rail— taut svas reduced at tise Iscace of Aix ha Clsspelle. lie cs. ansi Isad issue. in tlsr service of tise slates of ltollonsl, its misc Scotcis brigsstr, ansI aflrrsrards arrelstrsi of a rssnssssiseissn in the Last lssstia Cossspony’s sssilttsry srrvico in 1737, asssL svrsst wtlh ss sasts al arsssasssent against Angria, svlserc ho and the whssle rape— slitiess perisisesi iss a viubesst tsarricane. fortune in tbr mercantile sisipping affairs. lIary, st. young. Assne. The earl es 3rdly, Anne, don. of hugh, Lord Loyal, by whom Iso had, at sra, going frons Scotland to Ilollend with recruits. a company in Olasstgomes’y’s battalion of lliglslanders, and was tise eldest captain in that regisssent in Aesorira. hnsilia, sss. to Archibald Lawsnont, Esq. of that ilk, and had issue. parly of Lord Sutherland’s nsilitia at Dssnrebiso Castle, 15 April, 1746. Ito and his son were sent prisoners to Issverness, and front thrnrn to London, where the earl ss’as confined in site Tosvrs’, tried Isy isis peers, found guilty of sigh treason, and sentenced to death, and his rslatrs and honoum acre forfeited to ttse crown; but he afterss’ards got a rensissis,n fssr isis life. hot was pardoned, and svesot, wish leave of the British Governnaeet, into the (military) service of Ssveden, ansi sm’os aide-do-camp to Isis Swedish majesty, ansi by hissa crenlrsi Casmt Crosssnrty. lie retssrsted 1st 1777, raised isro battalions of Ihigislenders, and becssnoe rat, of rIsc 01st fosst, wilts wlsiris he served in India with use local rank sf sssajor-grncrnl. On ranting from America in 1781 isis fcs’foilcsl estates were 16th Lord Forbes, and sf. a. p. 2 April, 1700. His widosv as. John, 4th Duke of Atisoll. foot; sI. Na’s,. 4 June, 1780. iniseriled the estates of the Crosssarty fsss’sily in 1796, and P. 28Dec. 1801,leaving (svith a younger dan., lvaiselbz) a dan., Olaasa, sss. Ia EnwAxn l4av, Esq. (brother of the 7th 21cr- qness of Twreddale, sec jsesb that tithe) who thrrrfrons assumed the additional snrnsssse and arass of OlaraENzsE, and of wham presently. Lag.; and Ordly, to John Ainslie, Esq. Johsn lissrrny, Esq.. Ml). Ksq. of l’alsasood, Jean, Ksq. of Newball ansI Crosmsarty, whs,s s’s. 23 April, ANNE, Duchess of Ssmtherbnnd, rreated Corssrrss or CeonAa’tmE, Kr., as above. Cvratiess’—2i Oct. 1861. 0IArstrtszsE; 3rd, gales, tbreo legs of a ason srsssrd, ppr., conjoined in the rrntre at the upper part of she thighs placed in belonging to the 1!Ar.L000a; 4th, org.,, ‘sss a isale, aa., sinister, a groylaounst; arg., rohiom’est, ss. Sessta-”,Scv pssol, SrTmsmtLAND, Drier.