Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/359

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DEB C’reole—lst, an eagle displayed, red; 2nd, a griffin’s head and Sir Juts do lilaqssierc w,so etevate,l t’ ‘ lIsa pees-age ‘f lie— neck, with wings addorsed, org., holding a branch of weodbinc, ppr. Mette—Condect is fate. land, as Il5nN tie liLAstuiene, sf divikIll, te Joly, 1850, BE BLAQUIERE. BE Beagosteteg, BARON (Sir John do Blaqoiere), of Ae,,ss—gnn a lion, mnslnas, ia., charged en the shoulder Ardkill, co. Londonderry, in the peerage of Ireland; test—A gorh, cc. and a Baronet; Great Aloager of Ireland; capt. Sssjossrlss-,—Dexter, a hots, sa., collared sod chained, or, hall-pay; 5. 2 Jnly, 1812; 1t. 1st, 28 July, 1849, ehorgesl oa the shoulder saitis sin estalle, arg.; sisoster, a tiger, Anna, dan. of the late John Christie, Req. (which JJsitta—Tssuis kb vdritd. lady it. 18 Feb. 1851); and 2ndly, 25 Nov. 1552, Tows 55ssse—a, Siratforsi Place. Eleanor-Anselia, eldeat dan. of Sir William-G.-H. Jolliffe, Bait., now Lord Ilylton. Lmncac. Lnsur. -Cot. JOHN nc BLAQU5ERE, of the 37th dragoons, 5th son of John Blsqsderc, Faq., of a noble French family (whn emigrated from France, in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantee, and settled iii Londen as a merchant, where he ‘1. in 2723), having been appointed principal secretary to the lord-tientenant of Ireland in 1772, and invested, in 1771, with th order of the Bath, was created a Baronet, S July, 2781; sworn of the privy eonneil in Ireland, and appointed his majesty’s Great .tlnager of that kingdom. Sir John, who was 8. 15 Slay, 1752, is. 24 Dee. 2772, Elsasser, dan. of Rahest Dahson, Faq. ef Ammo Grove, eo. Cork, and by her (who d. in 2853) bad, I. Jena, 2nd peer. 55 WILLiAss, lass peer. us. George, a military effleer, wiso distingssisheil lnnsself at Stroisgtsow, asssl is snj’p’ ‘eed ts have bmsset,cd tress the Cemuna, b. 27 Jniy, 1782; is. in 1826, SIrs. Leigh; and ci. paresst stock ci t’lanriearele. in the same year. iv. Peter-Boyle, b. 27 April, 1784; wIts served as midshipman lticssonn Gesuner., N’s,2. of Dromsatly, cc. t.inies-ick, sO. in under Capt. Bligh, ef the “Bewsty,” and was preseus ;st Ihe 1764, smd was .v by his elsie-I sits, battle of Censperdewn. tie was daring his laser ycisre seltk’,l Rsesaaon Essuesoss, Faq. of Dr’smsatly, who sn. twice. By in Canada, sod was a member of the Legislative Cosnieil of hia first wife, Sarah, he hal a son, that province, as well as chancellor of the university ef Jnna, who si. Lucia Parker, and st. v.p., lcavissg, with two Toronto; he es. let, 13 Sspt. 1884, thea, dan of Denis O’Brien, Esq. of Neweaatle, cc. Limerick, by whom (,vhe ci. in 1814) lie had issns. I Petsr-Tewnshend, ass officer in -the ss’my, I. 15 Sept. 1805; et. 4 Aug. 1838. 2 George, ii. 2e Oct. 1806; 8.10 1854. 3 Johss, ci. young. 4 William, in the Bombay civil service. I thea-Cecilia, ci, at Jersey, 12 Nov. 1844, to Michael- Elijah Treeve, 2nd son of Capt. Treeve, late st the 2lrsl royal Welsh tusiliers, and gmssdson of Sir Eli)nh Isopey. 2 Aane-Slaria, ci. 6 Oct. 1831, to Samuel Le Fey-re, Esq., collector at customs at Barbadoes, and sO. his widew 4Apr11, 1860. 3 Ellinor, as. in 1832, to Licnt.-Col Re Feyre, of the tlon. E.I.C.S. Mr. He Blaqisders ci. lssdly, 26 Nov. 1918, Ellea, 2nd dais. cc William Roper, Esq., of ttathfsrsshsm Castle, co. tinl,lin, assd sO. at Toronto, 23 Oct. 1860, having by her had issue, 1 Charles, t. 7 Nov. 1819; sis. 1 Sept. 1848, Agnes, relict of W. Lawson, Rsq. 2 Hency, 8. 11 May, 1821; sa. H Oct. 1848, MargaretLucissda, 4th dan. of Colonel Light, et the 25th regt. 3 George, 8. 13 Aug. 1834. 1 P..onisa-Emily, a,. 3 Feb. 1846, to Artlsur-Aegustos 7arnser, Esq. of Woedlands, Upper Canada, brother of 5k-P-Il. Farmer, Faq. at Nonsnch Park, Surrey, and 5’. 8 Stay, 1868. 2 Aognals, sss.3 Oct. 1848, to A,-ehihatd-ltasssiltess Farmer, Faq. 3 Georgians-Lucy, ci. 26 Stay, 1849, to the late Lient.-Cel. Hogh-Denia Crotton, eldest son of Sir 3l.-G. Creftoss, Bart. 4 Isabella-Flea. 8 9{arshet-Snphla. s. Aniaa-ltaria, ns. to John, Viscount Kirhwalt, and mother Story Venetian, of another ties, of Thomas, present Fart of Grkney. She 8. iii 1843. ii. Elizabehs, so. in 1807, to John-Barnard Itanhey, Esq. of the arigiusd a,srssanee of lie 12mm,,, arid n-as crested a Fetcham Park, Smvsy. in. Eleanor, as. in 1822, to Joseph KnIght, P.sq.; and ii. Isis in 4755, Prances, eldeet d:nt. of David Webb, l-Jeq. ci widow, 23 Jssiy, 1867. 309 I) F B ansi was o. by his eldest soil, Joins, lnsi l,aress, h. 5 Nv. 177e, avh,s 1. nan. 7 April, 1841, assd was e. by his brother, - Wsooeoas, 3rd baron, gets. iii the arnsy, is. 27 Jan. 1776; sa. 18 Sept. 1512, Lady liars-lest ‘i”’wssshcssd, elssu. ‘f Ge’srgs, let Mat-queen Tswssshend, ssn,j l’y her (who ii. 9 Nov. 1555) hasl issue, Jona, present peer. Wss.osAas-GAscAnn, eoisssn.ll.N,, t. 16 Dee. 1814: s. 25 Selit. lo6f, Assna—St,,s-ie only child sO S. lkersnald, Laq, of itrock— wertis Manor, U losseesseeshire, Bose, i. 2? Get. 1813; assd st. 11 Feb. 1818. herd de Itlatniers, a stiolioguielsed military officer, served with gresst gallantry iss Plassdes-a, at the Cape of Good hops, and in India, He si, 2 Nov. 1031. U5’esstsass.s—Baranel, 6 Joi-, 1784. Baren, 30 Jnly, 1820 witls au eatssile, org. ppr , dsseally eorged suit cl,aissest, or. Be; Bugguo, Ssn RICHARD-DON. YFLLAN, of (‘sAle (‘unoell, en. Limerick; high elseriff of that co. in 1855; 5. 1 April, 1821 ; irsises-ited as -4th h:srt., at tlae slecease of his father in 1834; ci. 8 Aug. 1844, Catherine, -utsngeat risses. of the late llresnke Brasior. Ecq. stf Rivers, cii. Limerick, and Mitchell’s Fort, en. Cork. ILulIC?]RC. This is soc of the fannihea witleSs settled iii t,-elsssd nuder BE BUROHO. dons., one son, Jona, vhs ss. in 1775, Anne, yonugest dan. of Edmusid Ryan, Faq.; and 1. its 1705, leaving, with a dan., Prances, us, to the ilev. Iheneage itsrstev, .s sin, the late LssrT.-Gsa. Sun hlsensnn Horace, K.C.lI., of Thamfield, cc. Limerick, coo of use ,ncsi distissgssislsed military officers of ins time: lie svas 5. in 1777, nod esstered the Rritish arnsy in 1708, and, afh,r Isesg :s,,d s,s,sinent eel-vice, heroine a general las 1551. Ta Isles, irhile gevensor—iss. chief of Nen’ Soutis 55’shes fioso 1.811 to 1437, that rcleuy ewes the eonssueneensesst i’f its prosperity. Sir Itielsard N-os created a NUll. in 1815. tIc was itt early youth the friend of the Bight lien. Rdasnud ltnrke, assd v_atone of the witnesses to his asill. Sir lliehaed ss. in I see, Flieebeths-Jaue, yeuugest dan. of John hh,surhee, Req. of Caishaltoo, Snrsvy, receiver-ceo. of tlis land-lax fcrlllddiesex (of hiss llcsss-kes et lTeey( ; assd Isy tier (‘vito 1. at Paransatta, 7 Slay, 1-432) left issue, at isis slecease 12 Aug. 1855, Jona, b-in 18t3. Richard, barrister-at-law; b-in 1912; e. S Dcl. 1244, Anne, dan. of Be Conrry O’hrady, of htilballyeweus. Mary-Jane, ss. 1517, Sc hsndhey-St. l’srsceval, Faq., 4th sen of the prisise nsiaieter, usc Ihight lieu. Spencer Perees-al. Anne. is, in 1831, ti Pdward-Deai Thonssos, Faq., Colonial Serrelary, Neav Sssssth Wales. Prances, loll, to the ltev..lohn Jehh, H H., preheudary of thereterl, eldest sen of the late eminent Judge Jstsb (ace linen’s Losssl’-sl iJeals’is, -ills cdslisn, Snpplemcnt(. Richard Bossrko, of Drssmsolly, was t;,ther, by his lad v’ife, 1. Rscnann Bounce, Rag. ef Castle Conisell, who aasoniesl llsnowae or Iseo.uu’, 16 Jsme, 17H. Sir Biehsard so. let, Sleadstoavn, so. Limerick, t’y a-hs’sss he had tn-c dane.,