Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/360

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I) E U Fronces, to. to John make, Esq. of Ihiss. co. Blare. Maria-Theresa a. to John 7lac Namara, Eoq. of Smtthstoo n, in the same eo. Sir Richard as. 2n,Uv, in iTol, ttlietheth, dais. of Anthony Dwyer, Seq. of Singletois, en. Linseriek, by whom he left two sOno, aod lying in 17(10, w-a s. by use cider, Ii. Sin lbcsLs RI) at win—c decease, in I 53(1, 5)051)., tie was a. by hio brother, Ill. Sin Jssssa-ArIrc, who ,s. 1st, Miss 1LL11, sister of the present tins. I loge J, ‘ten I tall, list liv bce had no incise ; aisil tndly, iii I 810, ,Oisis.s 3latil’ ti, et,Is’st dan. ‘0 Itirhoad r, Easi. of Castle Wailer, en. Ttpperar7 , onsl hasl issue, llirn sr,o—1),5’SNCLLSS. present loiroilet. Williaos_llenry-tredertek-Wtllleh st e. is. 28 3inreh, 1843. ltlas iaThrri so, st. Itt (let. ts4O. Ehzssbeth. st 23 bee. I sIb. Frances, s . in 1a54 Jchnt,obert Stascri], Lsq., late 38th regissselst , and has isaac. Isabella. Josnsssa—Allee. Sir John was s. at his decease, in 1574. isy his eider son, Sin BlellAlsIutIo.NN01,LsN be tic tiiilil5 the 4th and present baronet. t’eiaiho—tO Jane. 17s5. alesss—Erminots, a emil, go. in the first qoarter, a lion rain- 11. Arnonssta—Anne, s,. in 1791, 101111 ‘ery tier. As-Ihiir—JolsIi paul, sa. irs’s—A eat.a-mostntatn, sejant-gnardant, ppr., collared and iii. I larch 1, s. to Jon. 17110, Ia ‘rheinas-Ttermingt.nnm—Bnly— chained, or. JJotts—A rroee satus. Os’s 1—Castle Council, co. i.nneriek. DEC I ES. Decigo, BARON (Will iam-Robert.John-De Ia Purr Hisroloy- Boresforrl(, of the go. Watet-ford, in the heoisa-Elienheeh, s. 1071, ha lhc lii. lIon. Lord Ernest Eroce, peerage of Ireland, 3. June, 1311 a. his fathor, as Cnrahne-Agnes, s’s. in 1536, to the Butte of Stentrose. 3rd lord, 1 March, 1355; so. 31 July, 1360, Catherine-Anne, 2nd clan, of William Dent Dent, Eoq. of Shortdatt eIosvor Northumberland (tee Btgicu S ,-hs’sss 1—Qnorterly t 1st and 4th, org., crosilly fitehfe, three Leaned Gesstry), nnd has had, I. Wiason-Monees-oss LA race, 1’. 32 Jan. 1005. ii. A son, 5. 5 Dec. 1000. i. Caroline.Catharine. ii. Louisa, 1. SPec. ]bto. Lord Dociot was formerly capt. in the gron.-gstards. nod erined, or, ouch holding to the evteriar hand, extended, I.Ltii cac. Bennsroan, trd soia of Marcus Berosfard, Fail &al—hlolaisn Itaose, Storpeth, Nortbomberland. sit Tp-one, and brother of the 1st Itlarqness of Waterterd, in holy orders, was snccnssively Bishop at ldronaare (1780), Bishop of Ooaary (17411, aiait Archbishop of Tnam (1704). Ittn grace, 0. 18 April, 1743, in. id June, 17ii3, Ebeabetis, tud lao. of John Fitzgitdion, Esq., and sister of John, Earl et Clnre, tord•chancelksr ot Isei.snd, aad laad anrvivtttg issue, i. dana, late peer. ‘I. Ororge, in holy orders, as. in May, 1799, Susan, 3rd dan. of hamilton l.iorgrs, Bag. at Ktlbrrw, es. Itteath, and it. It lag. 1542, having had isoar, I W’itliam. 7. 21 iday, l700 an in 1070, Sarah, svidosr of Pasid Simpson, Fag., and daa. at John Boll, Esq., and has a dan., Cecilia-Melanie. 2 .(larcas, heist-gee., ml. 20th faot, tate commandant at Ilangalare, 0.20 dale, la0t s. 1st, 1825, Isabella, doss. of Thonaas-liersniogham-ttdyllenry SeweR Eaq., and tsy her (who 1. 1 836 has tsvo ilaiss., l-lan’iet—l.ooisa ansi DE CLIFFORD, BABONESS (Sophia Roinooll), 3. in Isabella-Elton, a’. 21 Jan. 1550, ta Gearge-Bri dgea (nd. Nw. 17151 155. 21 Aug. 1822, tss John Rnsoell, Eeq., 01 s’, Esq. Ste a. 2odly, 22 Jan. I ols, Caroline, 2ad does. of the lute William Fane, Esq., and by her has a son, capt. R.N., son of the late Lord William Russell, Slarens-he Ia Parr, 0. 2(1 Selst. 1117. 3 lleargn-Ftamilton, in holy anlers, in. 1st, in Nov. 1820, ausl nephew of John, 6th Dnko of Bedford, and by Elizabeth, dan. of Matthew Nisliet, Fsq. ot Derryearn, cc. him (who cf. in 1835) laor ladyship hod notrviving lIttle, Leitrim, and by her (who 5. aav. 1047), has had iasoe: m. Ense.sen’Sourawnrn, 8. in 1514; os SI Starch, 1957, I (ieorge, capt. Sindias stair corps, h. It Aug. 1830, ss.I0 Feb. 18115, llester-llentrirr, don, of Robert ltnry, Esq. at Cloyrearne, and wtdosv at Capt. Francis Fox, and has issue, 310 13EV o a’sn, 5. 3Nev. 1007; 2 Itrary, b. 29 Jetty, 1841; 3 Itarcns, b. 7 Feb. ls4d; I Mary, 01. 1830, to Antoine, 3rd son ef the late Ste T. PettIer, Part.; 2 Susan 7 Elizabeth. es 1838, Irs (‘ol. Maurice Primrose, 43rd toot; 4 Francen. The lIon, and 11ev. 17.-lI. llereolbrd ci. dodly, 8 illarrh, 1853, M.srtanne .Smnhs, snidase of the hey. John Delap, and dan. of Itabert Sanndersan. 4 Jsdsa-timges, formerly in the E.I.C.S., collector at enstons at I.aedce; a. in t820, Matilda. eldest dun. at the late Stajc’r Franrts-lhn.-ell Batvar, and has had, Feancis-George, b. 21 I let. IsIS; tlamthton-tlr In i’oer, 8. 20 Sept. 1810; 7tzrta Ssssso-tdeaeg-ioa; Ellen-Cnrc’line, s?.25 April, 18011 sod llmssrietta-Lonian. 7 henry, cold. 71st reel., s. in 1470, Barn, dan. of W. Wet— son, Fog, of Norlh Sealan, and el. IS Jlereb, 1842. I Ettzalsetb-Anoe, ss. tim 1.429, ts the late Styles-John O’Reilly, gag. of TIso tflcath hlense, Qneen’s Co., nod st. 27 Slnrch, 1038. 2 Susan, so. 1st, to Mattlsese (t’BeilIy, Esq. of Thamastawn, ma. Lossth, ssha rt. It Ions, toil. She si. 2041)’, 2 June, loll, the lies. tieeatd-S. Fitogerald, at Itlonnl Otfaley. iii. W’iltians, in holy orders, Jib Nov. iToO so. in Joty, 1004, Anna, stsns. of Charles, late Earl 1st ‘t’nnlsrrsille, nod by her (solso ‘5. in Sept. la30 lett at hi, decease, 27 dime, 1870, I William. I Alieta, so. in 1834, to ]Toraee tlammand, Lag. t. Cotheei,se-F.lraonr, as. to l7ttt, Is tlae late Rev. William Arsastreog, of ,3tealiffe, en. Tipperary, and 5?. in 1077. t’resloe, tJ.tI., deass ef hinsertsmls, and 7. ill 1810. Ilenry Sen eli, Log (nbc claimed the Barony of Aihonry), ansi 1. II done, 1034. iv. Ironed a, as. in 1797, Ic Cal. Thomas Ttneraw-es, of Dangan Castle, en ltteaoh, and 0. Isis widaw, 7 Oct. 1 sf4, e. Louise. as. lot, in 1800, to Thomas liaise, Esq. of Beep- dccc, ca. Sairey, sshs it. 2 I5eIs. 1071; ansi SoOty, 29 Nov. 1032, Ia Vhennnc Bereaiord. She o. 21 daly, 1801. The arclsttslsap was rresstcd a peer of treland, 21 Dec. 1512, as Bans so Perses, which title hash been emsjoyed by his nsatern,sl gramsdfathmor, Jssnses Be la t’aor, 3rd and loot S’toessmsmst tlecies asad Essrl at 15,-rrsse, of the Be Ia Foer fansily. ttts grace st. 8 Sept. I0I’, ssod woo a. Iso’ Ida son, issn a, 2nd lssrrl, 5. 20 dams. t774;ss. ito Jisly, 1510, Char— lette-Philaslelptsta, assly dais and heir of the late Robert Ifas’ainv, Bog. s_sf Bslarss thssose, cc. N,srtlosnelscrland, and assossansi, in consequence, the adrlttissssal surname of Hoooi,mv, ansi Isy her (sobs 1. 9 March, 1031) he bad issue, WlLLlAai-RooEeT-Jonna, present iseer. Genrgiana-Catherimse, s. 1st. in 17l, lo William Watson, Esq. ot North Seaton, en. Namtlsossstserland; and 2o4iy, 25 Sept. 1045, lo I lrnr7 -Edwards Itross n, Sog. son of Charles. lot Marquess at Aileohsory. (‘neziisn—Sh Bee. 1012. Sears-dc-his, v ilhin a tomstnre, all an. 1 2nd and 3rd, arg., a rhtef, imatentest. ass. a osssllel, tssr utittmreaee (1cel—A dragon’s head, erased, az., transfixed in the neck wills a broken lilting-siseor, Oi’, Iho broken air potnt, org., thrust throngh Ihe ssp er Jose. ,S’smisjsssrirus—Two angels. p’r , haleted in sohite robes, winged a sssomst, orerd, arg.. pomnsel amid hlll, gold t etch chaa’ged on the bm’enst seith a mallet, for dttforeuro. ,JJsISss—Nil nisi croee. DE CLIFFORD., oldest dass. of Adm. Sir CharIot Elliot, K. C. 11, govoetsor of fit. Helena, sad hon issue,