Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/375

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DEN Anthony’s grandson, Sir Edward Donut’, Earl of Norwiel,, for 22?. Is.; the mittens, lJrosented by QUEEN ELIZAOETII to Margaret Edgecombe, for 221. 4e. DENYS. DENTS, SIR GEonoE-WILL1A0I, He wan summoned to the House of Peers, in his St of Easton-Noston, no. Northaru1,- father’s barony, an Petrol; a8foaefe?/ of Biekra’afoft, itt ____________ ton, a deputy-bent. and magistrato Sept. 1844, and r. aa lltla earl, 31? June, 1851. Hia for tho North Riding of lordahip, chaief secretary for Ireletad ft’oni 1830 to Yorkshire, and late of the 68th 1833, secretary of atate for tlte colonies from 1833 light infantry ; 5. 11 Dec. 1811 to 1834, and again froso 1841 to 1845, was First Lord s. as 2nd baronet, on tho deooaoo of the Treasury its 1832, bttt reeigned in the Decemher of his father, 26 April, 1857 as. as 1st Lord of the Treasury, until 1859, when he wan 20 May, 1835, Catherino Flies, made a KG. He waa re-appointed 1st Lord of the oldest dan. of the late Michael. I’rcaanry isa 1866. Henry Perceval, Faq., and has had iaaue, i. George Agar, 15 July, 1527, attsrhd to It.M. Embassy, ADAM nn ALDITOLEY attended Duke WaLLIAM to England, Paris, S. in Nov. 1828. ta. FEANE,o-Cnaarea-EnwAan, 6. 12 March, 1849. s. Caroline-Aagasta-Fermor, 8. 7 Sept. 1840; rt. 8 April, 1827. it. Adelaide-Elba, so. 10 March, 1868, to Jamrs Lamant,, eldest ten, waa falber of A,tam de Aldithlcy, which Esq., J.P., ef Knockdhn, Argyleshire. Iii. Charlettr-Eliza-Mary-Jano. 3tmnrac. PEaLE DENY5, Esq. of hans Place, Citelsea, cc. Middlesex, ADAM DC ALoaToLEv, secend eon, was father of WaLa.raJI cE and of Freminglon, cc. York, ss. 1 Aug. 1787, Charlotte, only ALDLTIILEY, to wham Tiseame Stanley, of Stafford, kinsman of dan. of George, lad Earl of Pemfret, anti loft issue, a. GEOEGE-WILLIAM, created a baronet 23 Nov. 1813; Se. and with her, as a naarriage p’irtiaa,, the manor of Thalk, co 0 Dee. 1809, Elizabelh, eldest dan. of Edward-Geerge Lind, Stafford, he having exchaasgrd’l’halk for Sloaeley, and half Nag. of Strafford-plaee, London, and Posrloa, Weatn,oreland, the manor of Ralterlry, with his cousin Adam, made by srhem (who 4. 28 June, 1828) he had issue, 1 GEOEeE, present baaenet. 2 Slentague, 1.28 Get. 1812; 5. 1st Sept. 1824. 3 Edward-Leopold, 8. 19 Nov. 1817. 4 Francis-Henry, 8. 8 Gel. 1821 ; an. Jan. 1947, Jelsannina, Conquest, atsnnsed the surname of STANLEY, and became tIme dan. of the late John Philips, Nag.; S. Dcc. 1846, and left immediate focmder of tho Stnnleys. This Willinnt was a. by his issue, a san, Wifliam-Henry-Adolphus, 8. 19 Slarela, 1844. son and heir, 2 Chaalea, S. young. 1 Augusta, 8. 4 Nov. 1810; 5. 1826. Waa.LIAM S’raNLnv DE STONELEY, wise was o. by his son, 2 Anna-3laria-Slargaret, ,t. July, 1863. 3 Jssliana-Loniaa, so. 10 Aug. 1846, Artl,ur 3lontngue, Rag. 5. a. p.; and 4 Helen, so. 1st, 6 Get. 1841, to the late ttev. Fredortek Sin ADAM Staney, 2nd ten, bnt heir, wite wan s. by hit son Robertson, of Brighton; sad ladly, 2 Peb 1961, to the and heir, Rev. Edward-tloasghten Johnson, of Aidwirk, Sussex. 0 Georgina-Elizabeth-Eoae, a,e. 1803, to W.-A. Lewis, Rag. Sta R’tLt.taat STANLEY, who se. Joan, eldest dan. and co-heir Sir George, who was egnerry to H.R.R. the late Duke of of Sir Philip do Bamvlie (by Agnea, his wife, one of the dana. and Sussex, a depaty-2tentennnt for cc. Essex, and 0t.P. for }lntl co-heirs of Alexander de Stourten, by hit wife, Antabilla, dan. in 1612; ,L 26 April, 1827. i. Anna-Staria-Draycett, us. 27 Oct. 1820, Sir Francis Slanckburgh, ef Stenrion), by which allianre he because pestesoed of tlte Cart. creatiea—23 Nov. 1813. Arae—Arg., a crosa-patonce, go., the armonial bearings since med by isis deseentnts, viz., arg., between four fleura-de-lis, vert; en a chief, az.,a greyhound, three stags’ heads, er, en a bend, an., in ptare ef thosc home renrant, of the field. C’,v,,l—A demi-lirn, ernainois, collared, by hh ancestors, by whom he had issue, beside one dan., two ge’. holding between the paws a French lily, slipped, liar. sent, Jona and Adam The elder son, Platte—Hera e aempre. Seal—Draycett ltall, Fremingtcn, Jonas STANLEY, Lord of Steurten, Ac., s,a. hlIabella, dan of YorkshIre. DERBY. BEaDY, EARL OP (Sir Edward.Geoffrcy Stanley). Thomas I,attaom, Nnl., of lasthate and Knowalay, cc. Lancaster E.G., P.C., E.L.S., Baron Stanley, of Bickerataffc, asad a Baronet; Chancellor of the University of Oxford; 5 29 March, 1799; no. 31 May, 1825, Euma-Carolanc, aeqnisvd ttsase eaGles. In 1390, Sir John Slantry was lorddepssty 2nd dan. of Edward, 1st Lord Skelmeradale, and laaa, Castle, in that kingdons. In 1405, he bad a cesansisasen, sn i. EnwAan-Heaaa Lard Slawtep, P.C., H.P. for Lynn ilegis, conjnnetion svith Roger Lrke, to scion en Ihe city of York and tale secretary of state for india, preatdent of the isa liberties, and also upon the lair of Sian, on Iho forfeitore of indian Council, and secretary of state for Foreign Affasra, henry Percy, Earl of Narthnnst’ertand; a,sd in the 7th HENEY 8. 21 July, 1826. IL Frederick-Arthur, SIP., late capt. gren.-gda., 8. 10 Jan. licence to forlify a hoase at Liverpool, which lie had nesely 1841; se. 31 Slay, 1864, Constance, eldest dan. of George, built, seith enshattled calls. In tiac snnsc yran having laken 325 1) E fl 4lh and peroent Earl of Clarendoa, and has, Edward. Gcorge.Vitliera, 6. 4Apr11, 1860, and Vich,r-Albert, 8. 17 Jan. 1867, for wham 11.51, the Queen steed apoasor; and a dan., t. 21 April, 1868. a. Ensna-Cha,’lctte, r,. II Get. 1860/ta Cat, the lion. W.-P.. 0t.-Chctwyna Talbef, hrethrr ef the Earl ef Shrewahury. fcahlawtng. In 1858, he became again Premier, LflitRgc. and w’aa acrrnspaiated from Alditlaley, in Normandy, by his Lydniph and A,la,n de Aldithley, and had large possesstoat conferee,? open bins by the Covet’raoa. Adam was possessed, by right of isis wife, Slabella, dan. and heir of ttenry Stanley de Sleneley, of the maaar of Steneley and Rallerlcy, ow. Stafford, and cal ancestor of the Barons Amttey, of hlealey Castle, ca. Slaltord; and Henry Stanley, of Stoneloy, gave Ins s’nly dan. and heir, Joan, chetce of Stoneley for Isis teat and in honour ef his lady, and the great antiqsaity of her family (of noble Saxon descent), who flearishod in England many years before the Sta Wta.t.5AM S’aANLex, who Isad two sent, John Stanley, who and heir of Raasslpla de Silvetter, son of Allan Silveater, Lord nsanor and bailiwick of W’yrntl Pores?, and thereupon asssnned Sir Janet Hansket, Nut. of Stourten Parva, by wham he had, WtLLIASt (Sir), hit heir. Jelsn of Greawithin, s-o. Canherland, SIP. for Cart,ole, 28 Enw. Itt., from sehom descends ll,e prceesit EnsrAan SvANLET, Esg. of Pensanby Halt, SiP. for Cansberlaad. The eldest son, Sta WSLLSAM STANLEY, Lord of Sienrton, &e., ass. Alice, dan. of ttngh Massey, of Timprrlcy, and sister of Sir Itataton Massey, of Dunham Massey, and ,5. in the 21st RaetaAan II., by whem he had, beside one dan., ttseee tons, t. Wio.mAat (Sir), eldeot ton, whoa, his father, and ant also ef Hooton, in t’?,esltire, ha’ right of his wife, Slargery, dan. anti beic of William do ttoolaan. Fran, Ibis Sir Wsllian, descend the haronets (now EOOSNOTON) of iioolon. as. Joax (Sir), E.G., of wisons tsrosrntl’. itt. ttenry. The Isad san, Sia JoaN STANLEY, lt.G., sat. Isabel, dan. and lseir of Sir (deaneedod from ttohert-Fitz-ltenry, whaaae son, Itebert, took the nonse of LAvnAM, frntn his place of residence), and titus of Ireland, and had a granl of tho nnnor of Blake 1V., being then treasurer of the ?seassrhold to the king, obtained