Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/383

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P E T Sir. Des Vwux was created S BARONET OF IReLAND Oil sessod of laud there irs the tioce of Kiog JuON. The vill:sgc 1 Sept. 1787; and dying in Aug. 1814,waa e. by his eldest eon, of Nether Tabby, manor, aod Inanoissi, canto to them with II. SIR CRARLES, 8. 9 Sept. 1779; who si. in June, 1801, llargaret Dutton, dau. of Jclfrey iluttin, of Ilictt,os, cc. Christina, dau. of the late Richard Hird, Req. of Rawdon, Chester, no. 1272, as appeai-e in the halsey and Antiquities cc. York, and by her (who ci. in July, 1841) had isane, Charles, 0. 19 April, 1002; m. in 1012, the lien. Frances (says Sir Peter), soil ‘f Adam Dutton de Dutt:,o, gave Law, youngest don. ef Edward, let Lerd Elleuborough; Nether Tabley to his dan. Margaret, sod her Ic-irs, ai,,ott and ci. t Brussels, where he was attached te the embassy, the end of the reign of IlENne Ill. This Slcmrg.cret Si-st in Aug. 1812, leaving no issue. llie ividew ia niarriesl Reharl dc Denbigic, anti h td no ios,ie ; afterwards Indly. 29 Sept. 1841, Sh R.-C. Dallas, Dart. HENRY-WILLIAM, 3rd harenet. Jane-Mary-Anne, in. 1812, Sir C. Douglas, late H.P. Louisa-Harried, ci. in 1521. Caroline, as. to William iliuigan, Esq., late capt. hi the heyceater, Nut., so styled in las2, and was eenesebal to 2nd regt. ef life-guards. Christina-Angusta, as. 11 May, 1847, to Major - General Henry Lacy, Earl of lincoln, c,ssstablo of Choohhe.” lie Corbet-Willoughby Cotten, only eureivhcg aon of Ihe was s. by his san, Roger, who was s, by his son, late Lieut.-Gon. Sir Willoughby Cotteu, O.C.R. Charlotte-Sarah, to. 24 Slarcll, 1863, to Capt. Frederick-A. NIcooLAs Lcvrosvna, who ci. in 1349, leaving two sons, Royce, RN. Georgians-Mary, sI. in 1024. Sir Charles os. iodly, in Dee. 1842, Lady Cecilia Paulet, dan. Teft and dying lewy. 1cm unan H., left three sens, of Charles lngoldsl.y, 13th Marquees of Winchester, and by her had issue, Fnstnr,ulra-AaviarToN, present baronet Cecilia-Louisa, in. io July, 1081, to Lieat.-Col. William- Hicks Slade, son of Sir John Blade, han. ; Mary; acid Augusta. Having adopted the military profession, he entered into aetiee eerviee in holland, in 1799, nnder the Duke of York; and, at the engagement at Alknsaar, received a severe wound from a cannon-shot, which rendered amputation of the right leg immediately necessary. He sf 28 Sept- 1829, and woe a. by his elder surviving eon, Ill. SIR HEsay-W’aLLIAal, a liout.-col. hi the army, and, in 3964, high sheriff of Derbyshire ; he was 8. 10 Dec. 1800, and os. 16 July, 3039, Lady Sophia Greeley, widow of Sir R. Greoley, Dart. Sir Henry ii. 1 Jan. 1008, and was a. hy his half-brother, Bier FREDERIcK-AI5BET0N Doe Vasux, the 4th and present baronet. Ce’eal see—I Sept. 1787. A race—Go., on a pals, or, a squirrel ssjant, in chief, and The eldest eon of Nicholas, a I,loor’s head, couped, in base, ppr. Creel—A squirrel sejant, ppr. JJelfo—Altiora in votis. Seal —Dmkelon’s, Burton-on-Trout, Derbyshire. 1bNe Hooec—39, Berkeley Square. BE TABLEY. D TABERY, BARON, (Sir George Warron,) of Tabby was o. by his eldest a in, House, co. palatine of Chester; and a Baronot of JoslN Lea ersToR, Rsq. of Nether Tshlsy, n-boss son, Ireland; 8. 28 Oct. 1811; e. his father as 2nd baron, WILLIAaI LoacosToR, Req. ci. 5. y., and was c. by his 18 June, 1827; no. 21Jt1no, 1832, Catharina-Barhara, brother, JORN Lovccarcn, Eoq. of Nether Tabby, who ci. 1143; dan. of the late Jorome, Count do Salis, by Henrietta, his son and successor, his 3rd wife, dan. of the Rt. Rev. William l’nren LovcLsTE5, Esq. if Nether Tabby, loft (with other Foatos’, B.D., Bishop of Kilmore, and has had issue, isanel two stills, PnTEn, his successor, and Ao,sis ; and ou s. JoaN-Bvnesn-LoleRsTcn, 8. 26 Aprll, 1815. se. Francia-Petor-Leicester, 0. 7 Aug. 1042; ci. 26 Nov. the sau of Adam, 1845. s. Caibarine-Leicestor. is. Meriel-Leicostor, ss. 11 Jan. 1802, Allen_Aloxauder I’eover, and, dyheg 1647, u-as a. by hts eldest son, Hathurst, Esq., H.P. for Cirencester. (See BATRURST, PreEn LEIc0OTLR, Esq., the celebrated antiquarian and EARL.) sis. Eleanor-Loiceotor, in. 30 Jan, 1804, to Baldwin a llsnonot 10 Aug. 1660. Sir Peter so. Elicabeth, yonngost Leighton, Esq. (See LEIOBTON, DART.) iv. Slargaret-Lofeoster. his lordship, who hae boosa a lord-in-waiting on Ssa ROBERT, 2nd baronet, 1 11 Sept. 1641; ci. in 1694, the Queen, assumed, by sign-manual, ill 1832, instoad of his patronymic, ths surname of WARBgN Mend, daut. of Prances Watson, Esq. of Church Aoton, only, with the arms of that family. IL incagc. Tbs LslecoTons (or LEYcE5TBRS, as formerly written) are widow of Drya’s ‘Thoe’sshlll, Esq., by wham he left at his of very great antiquity in the co Chester, and wore pos333 decease (when the baronetcy expired) on only dan. and heir D E T of Cheshire, by Sir l’otor Leiceater, hart. ‘‘Jeffrey Iiuttc,n site snarrie,l Nicholas dc Leycoater, by whom she had issue, and t.s whose succeeding progeny the leaner of Nether Talaley still hehngoth. lie was afterwards Sir Niebalaa s. Jose11, his heir. is. Ralph, who ‘a. Joan, dan. and heir of Robert Toft, of I ROBERT, of Toft, ancestor of the LEveEsTERs of Tofl, in Cheshire. (.8cc hlonien’s Las’led Geniry.) 2 Randlo,-ancestar (if the boYcotT 005 of Wos-lrslsn seol Pesle, whose male representative at the commencement of the 17th century, WILLIAM, mayor of Chester, ci. in 1616, leaving issue, Rl000sen, of i’oole, sosyor of Chester, ci. e. p. in 1619. Randal, whose dan. and heir, Mary, ‘ci, B.r henry Delves, Ban. : but ci. s. J. William, ci. a. p. Jane, ci. usia. hlargarot, also 1, Barn. Mary, as. to hugh Capper. Anne, ci. young. Ehicabeth, as. to liandal Siioshull, ef llampton,sois of John Slinsicull, ltsq. ; slid their great-groat-great- grandson, John Sliushull, Boq., o.. Mary Stantomi, and loft two dana., his co-heirs; Anne, . to Lyiido Wahior, Esq., and Mary. to. to Dominick-Anthony llacringhi, Req., brother to Count ill sccinghi. John. JooN Lcvcrsysn, wits serrod in the wars of France under John of Gaunt, in 1 liii slid 1380, built the old manor-hall of Nether Tabby. lIe was father of WILLIAM Lcvccarcn, Req. of Nether Tabley, the first that we find styled Do Tabley; but this rosy be in consoqoence of the statots of additions passed in the lot of IInNav V. for previously to the onaetmcnt of that law, few were srritton either of the place, or witlun tlso title of esquire. Certain it ii, that this William lived iLt his manor-house of Nether Tabley, which his father, John, had recently erected, and which continues thy seat of the flinshly to the present pedod. TOo as. twice, but hiatt i,aaue by his wife, Agnes, sister of Sir John-Piers Button, Krt.. only. The ci. in 1420, anT was a by his eldest soil, Joun LcvcLsToR, Req. of Nether T.ibley, whod. 0402, and was e. by his eldest son, Jomsn Lnvccsrca, Rsq., of Nether Tahley, who had a numerous Isuuly, and svlro if. in 1406, and was a. by lila eldest eon, TssoalAo Lrvcosrose, Eaq. of Nether Tahley. lIe is Margaret, dais, and co-heir of Robert Grosvenor, of hfulton. He the elder sin Peter’s son dyiug 5. ji., tics eslalos revoeiod to PETER hrycrsToa, Rsq. of Nether Tahisy, who .a. Elicabeth, dan, of Sir Randal Mainwaring, the elder, of Over historian of Cheshire, who, 5. 3 March, 1813, was creatvd dan of Gilbert, Lord Gerard, of Gerard’s Dromicy, Co. Stafford; and dying in 1679, was a. by his eldest son, and was a. by his 2nd. but shiest surviving son (by his wife Salop) SIR FRANOI5, 3rd barossrt, H.P. for Nswtols, eo. Lan- cuter 5. 30 Jnly, 1674. Title gentleman as Frances, da,m. and heir of Joshua Wilson, Esq. of Cotton, eo. York, and