Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/416

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DUO Thomas Wessinton, of HalIhoad, Weotmorland and Mabel, Wsersaas, (will proved 20 Sept. 1707,) Os, a dais, if wife of John Whittington, of FJarwiek. The 2nd son, WILLIAm Ducuere, of I”Iintham, in the eo. of Nottinghors, and ono don., os. to — Br -nih, Eoq. Esq , itt. a dan. and heir of — ReIsnan, ‘‘I lIarwoad, Geanon Jacnson, of Bichnoi nd, Yorkshire, It. 16sf, u’,, Yorkshire, by whose he liar1 issue, Lt-onel and John lfamsah, 7th dan, of William W’ard, Esq. ot (,iolsorongh, asid Lyoisel, the elder sin, engaging irs e-unnjorce (heingpsrluer by her (who survived his widow fs-ono 1735 to 1 75’S) had issno, wlih Sir Thomas Oreahase), atterwordo heeaioo Sir Lyonol Willians, 1. unitS. gslward, dross-ned at sea, 1)tsckett, Kul., and lord mayor of Lioidon, 1373; and the Ocseoo, crealed a Barooet. younger Soli, Joas BecKon, Eq. of Fliuthans, in the on. of NoltingLain, • r. Thomao3 no, dan.of Julio C pphsger, Eoq by svliom lao ha-I, Stephen rssil 7Th’ aos, a,,d 1. iSIS. Ii is ci- lee s’-,i, Srerise,n Deourn, Esq. ef Calotirne ‘Jr t anlstouo, in the co. i I Wilts, 31. 1’. for Cahro, was, on the 7th J one, itaehael, os, lo William Wilson, Req-of Ayloo, co. York, I 352, soid of the hero,litament as tenants in-tail of Cal- Dorothy, oi. Jeltery Jackson, Esq ol W’oodlord Itridge, gosex, stone, C disc, ho. lie it I ‘‘il, basing or Anne, * dan, aisd Tho ehlest suns is’isrg son, ca-heir of lb ophrey 11 iokors’iile, alderman of London, by Gnoauon JACKSON, Es h- secretary to the Admiralty, judgeadvocr,te whom he hal i_sue’, J me. ir ta bit ory llay no. Req. r-f Cool- rev. ia Its’ c-i. if Saloir ; Mary, a. ti Thomas Nelson, and Coleheotor, was created a B-srosuet 21 Juno, 1701. Ho Eo.i. of (Ira ill rio’o’li,, irs tho Co of hocks (see B’ one’s is, lot, his oonshi, Mary, osdy don, and heir of William Las7 ,l Ge I-p ; Mrrrgarot ci. 1-i Wrsller-Parker SnatCh, W’ard, Req. if Oislo-o ‘ngh, bry Francos, dan. of Sir Francis Eoq ; Lyinol ciii J ‘liii. L3-s’nol 1svhs seas 2b.L’. for Cahao, Vincent, Hart. of et ‘too Da’’o on, co. Surrey, and lay her 1 God ol. 0. p , 5551 tho y -songor, Joan Droo’n, Eq. of Calstoue and flarth’sm, was had thrce sosrsdvtng d:s’ao,, 3l.F, for ‘aloe, I 623, anti a oil, in the rtsy,ilist arm-, hi Mary, in. Iii, to Geiroral Matthews; arid Irolly, is Richard tho timos if Co.cntsto I lie is. lot, Elizabeth Elkioet’in, Katherine, os Ia Francis Loogo, F.sq. of Olaoworth Pooh, relict of Ii- 4cr I -tivor, E—q., in the c.. if Wilts; and tin Jane, dan. of William Winter, l-:s’. of C’olfor-I, in the Goof Elizalrolh, ti. Ia ‘flionras—I renoIr Itorsey, I.sq. of Bracosi Hall, Olsuecator, 113’ srhoias he hoil, WirLi stir, his oldoot cuss and hoir, alit1 Ott phois, who 1. -oisrsg, aird was boned It lIe ‘a, 2nnlly, Graco, dais, of Owyn 0 -ltlotane, Esq. of Goldshine, N’ ‘s-. left, at Coruloam. Ho iF, I 646, and too descendant Oni’nnn Dr’onnoT, Esr1, of Has thain, Wilts, and Dow’hob, Dni-kott, Esq. of Hartbrani hiosise, an-i widow of ttoslaert DorsotolMro, was one of the o -nimissi,’uers of exoiso, and Noalo, Esq. o1 r-haw house, Wilts, hIts 2nd wife bsisig roprosenteil (aloe in liar iamout in 1732. Ho or Grr,co, heiress ol the Dssekrtt faintly, Sir tif rgo aos’rsnod, by sigissusass’r.uh, dan. aiid hoir sf TIrr’mas Skirmor, Eoq of Doss-tub, co Dorset (and his ssifo. Grace, duo, and co-heir of John Blnghsm, Eoq. Hanthasa, the siamo ass’l arms of DockeR, By his Sod ol Binglsaoss Mole’ robs’, and Q’sarrolslone. D0100ll, by w’iolsi naannia-;o ho hod, Goon’s, whr- o his fathom as 2nd barosrot, lie had ioouo, William, who ‘7. yiong Ly’ ‘nd, 1,.:’ Jan. anti Eotlrem, who 5. in 1702. lb d, 13 Doe, l-s22, aged 07,° 1711, sI 13 Jo’ro, 17517; Thonoan, to If FOe 1712, who f’r’eofioss—2h June, 1791. roprosenteil L atne in parliament in 1734-1763, for which A errtr—t5srarlorle r 1st arid 1 lh, so,, a salsiro. aug., for harr-osgls tb-a lhici’y had sat for noas-ly Iwo oont’srios Drenervr 2ssrl and Jrd, go., a foote, arg., brorsooou three eheldealees, George ;, who iF. 20 Ott. I 7°C; Shissnor, €1, 6 March, I 7(7 ; Grace r IIart irs, sob i ,i - Tharnas It ‘mo, or Es_Sold, in I, tiorno’ros e, at., on a fesso, os, I,olss eon hluroe oalliro5, arg., an the corirety if Ms I-hose-a, Eq., sn I was aroat grandno thor annnlol, sn_i 2, hsreenn, as htefore; 3,, go., a lion naaternally- t i t’so bi’ooot Sir Walter-B ‘cbhrfo Far .pihar, raniliano, aeg. t 4, Wronesoan, go-, a snllire. org., lreDooen B oct ; antI I athorh,o. lie 5. 1733, anti all tho Sons it. 5. jr Iwelve eross-ct-ssslois, oo 2, L.oao.osmee, ar-c., his’s bars, go., on Gino, the rldret dan., I, 15 Pa!,. 1714, ri. Owyn a enorois of Ilsr hosI, a lion Irassanl, or; 6, Gcnoiaa, gobs, three O ildot trio, L’-q. ‘C Oshlotcine, on, Srdt-p, Iry- whom she had orsahions, eros,, hss’o and one, ros-elled, srI 7, herrsronHaas, arg issue, brace and liarb,ira. ‘I ho oiler, Gow o,,,i lot, Biih’rrt Neato, Eoq. of Shaw Htinoo, Paoennrss,ce, arg., a chevron, go., betss’ren Ihrce hnm-çst 10, or, Wilts, by whim oho Ira 1, Grece Elinal oth, ri, to SsevaNe-r, sa, a chooron, ,,r, between three gnilOno’ heads the late A’hroiral Sir harry (b’-irnsrIi Scale, Mart., 0CM., oraseil, org.; II, ltsnanase, so,, a brnd, e,,tised between six and tt.C.M. to., of WoIbsoilti ‘Si, C5. iloots, and it. 1053 and crsiooes-, patH, or, qtsai-tor-iog oesnino, a lion rampant, gnles, Lydia-1”rasseo s, vets,, s. Moor 0-nIt r, Eel. i-’ho or. boGy, crowssod, or. Crec’.o—l Drenera - Ag-.ii-b of loocodes’, oeot, Sir Go -rae Jo-ks -n, Br,rt. , I solo’ as—siniesl tiso surname of floss’rrrd, az, Iiandcnl, orb 2 Jacnsoa A shcldsriko as in lie Ilnckctt 1,1 i3 00,, in she l.a-I, IS - -re, oh,’ 7, y- on,;; C-c -n 0, Srijsjtoi’lssss—’l’os o parrots, o-erl. S5rsIa—ltorlltam 1 louse, Wills who o, as in 1 I otrt. ; riss I Ksth- r, who il sets ‘s. 1706. TIre asud 1103 don, Fssere. 2nd bar toot, Sin Gcor’rc, F.R.S., liP. for Lyroh gt-in, b. 17 July, 1777 ;ii. lot, 17 JuIr’, 1016, I—Poll,., Ian. 01 Stain- hank 11 -y I, Esq. ol il-trosril Castle, Go, Durham, and by her (wios 1. (let. 1044) ha-i isosse, (bout to Fons ii, lireocnt haroauct I sal ella, or - 0 J ‘so. 105r5, t’s Sir bongo Enrrard, Mast, of Waltuaauspt as, fLints, lie ,,r, fndly, 30 April, 1246, Charlotte, dais. sit Edis,ond Soymtasr, Fsq. of Inlrolnses, oa. forks, and sl, ttiJssr.e, 1050. ibis seidow ol. 12 Nov. 12(2. dFalBiTv iii )acJttiii. Tho Jacksons of Rio’smr-nd mid Thirsh, Yorkshire. drlvc frrrm a oo. ‘n- irs esrco -I Ic os it’s th, ,Irsot-rs trio of iiiokiot’ a (croatod 1 s.c ‘0’ s lust,, b H.5OLL, I ), a sehoni wero, Or-tit’or J 0. sc—i a, ‘f Thirek, ct Yo rlc, Esq , seh-io. — dross. ‘of — ‘a, -f —, sit-tsr TIni oh, Iry so hosn’hc bad, of Saxtues llarl, Yr rkohrc, svlsooe son, Tht-m is t’uckott, s-tiled tis Slao1,loM-al - u,Cas rlai fort, and .to’oes, o-.Io at Use deoeaoe i f isis father. dl Ang. 1-077; ot. 17 Dec. ,Iohs Mrher, i I Ills frtrtplo, I on o 0. 1 ,ionol sorts fdlosv i-f 1850, Mary Iaaliella, ytrosngoot don, of tleo late John Josno Colle;:o, Crtsobrrdsc, ni-I rs gs’o.tI t,encfaeltro to Ih,st Boiler, Em5. ‘f Ilorval, anti has had imane5 eoilogo at so’ rica thero is a 000ins root of loin, with ass inscription. Ahoat the year 1004, Asithons- Dssckott, the la-t of this 5. Johsa.Bnlloe, Ft. and 651250. bnusch of tha Duczoars -0 Gei,3ei’os, strld the estate Is Sir John 1. Oiory-Georoir-sua. is. Eoelyn-Ilas’rhot. hriwlher; and he an-i isis brot ‘u,s tie-i without issue male, isi. I”anuuy.Crtthertnc, 5.24 hare-h, 1262. andlho siamo and fasiii y sss Wo,tsn--i’Irurd are stow extinct. o Up ia his dembi’, she -alit mao SI ,rrra’I , Iioq. of Stsrrwo— * The criohiralod circansnaoierslor, Caps. Ciroh, is searS the hosry-, hy is-lion she liar trio si mud heir’, tOt-i homas Ib-in-ardes, sense of Ins ohrtigalis’ius lo trio t-ra’oaet (Ii less sIr. Jaolusan), create 1 a bas’oni’t if 11, md a’rcust-ie’if (ho isresent Sir Henry nomi 0 nfler lsins ‘‘I’,tro ,Iacks’iir,’’ to hoso Soath Wrilos, and E’lwards. (Sit BnssKc’s La,olod Ootl,’y.) ldd DUO John Pyhns, Esq. of Thirok, By hoe he had osie or-si, halpls, of Nsrnsassby Hall, Yorkshire r ut - Mary, dais, 01 Iiets,irrl l,eo-io, Esq. of Flthans, in Kent, sird sI, in 1719, loosing a soir, William—Wan I, solso itt - Stiorsrsssa—t,osrtsa, dais. of Edsoiss 1iarlio Asbyn’. ci bCisrgston hi,Io, Herbs, and 7. 1041, Ii tetrsg Irrud soillu other issue, Whiharn, nose of Nor— maislsy, to the fleet, and successIvely SIP. lbs Weymanth Clon oh, Req. Norfr,tt, and ii, 1620. (Sic In ene’a C sure-nt tr.s.) Nosfslk, rind 5. 5 Jao, I sIC. (S—u hr ann’s isnisleil Oe,sloo) co Sal p hty Grace, ‘Ian aol c--heir of George in 1797, nuder tho so ill of Tt,rimrsa Dniehott, Ksq. of l.lrr., for Joonoos - ‘fl’e loosest l,arenet also stoarlero three horns, so.. strinced, gist 0, itceossunin, org., Ihrco Lendlob, on., on o ohtrf of lIe toot, a lion ram]rassl, of the firott 9, arms en tire l,moost a sabstre, Cii . ,Yosto—,ic vortx Ic droit. DUO K WORTH. DCcKwonrss, Sm JOHN THoIi.ts-F,IrhLgn, of Topsluassu, on, Devon, 7’. 17 March, istiD ; .s. as dssd hart., i’oiot Jackson” in looso Zr-alr.nnl,