Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/417

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DUD 3tmncigc. I. ADMIRAL Six JOUN-T5500IAS DIJCKWOnTII, 0.C.B., a. at Loathorhead, Surrey, 22 Feb. 1747 (son of the Bee. It. Tjiiek worth, AM., vicar of Stoke Pogis, Rocks, and minor Canon of Windsor), a distinguished naval oEeer, who, as captain of the “Orion,” shared in the victory of the 1st June, 1794, and who, when vie3-admiral, signally defeated o French foot, near Oeoa Bay, i’s 1806, lie was created a Baronet, 9 Nov. 1813. us co. lot, Anne, deos. ond heir of J. Wallis, Esq. of Trentonwoonwith, Corsswall, by whom (who ii. ha 1797) hr bad issne, George-Iteoey, 9. 23 Joes, 1782; lt.-esl. 45th foot; killed at the battle of Altasera, 18 May, 1811. Be is Penelope, doo. of Bebert Fansteowe, Esq., re,oiofssioeer tiN., aod left an only Lor,i Ward ‘1. 4 Oct. 1070, and eves a. by his cl,lest son, dan. and heir, Anse, ci. to Sir Robert-Perry Dooglas, hart. Sarah-Anne, ss. in Nor. 1803, to Sir Richard King, Part Sir John is. tndly, 14 May, 1802, Snsannah-Catberine, dan. costlier, in 1751, ssmereoslett also to lice llmeomey sf Btietluy, of Br. William Boiler, Bishop of Exeter, and by her (who as I ltl e baron, an,t becamno La an lie’ sire- ann Women. ci. 27 April, 1840) left, at his decease. 32 Aug. 2217, an omsly II is lordship ‘ci. Framecee, ‘tan. of Ste Williammt Brereton, son, the present bare,net. C,vahiote—2 Nov. 1513. Areeo—Arg., en a chevron, no., he tween two docks, ppr., in chief; and a naval erowe, of lIme second, m. WmLLmamI, who s,’ . Fesesees, chasm of Willians tallies, Esq. of in base, abonsb, fired, between two estoiles, or; on a eluef, wavy, also ao., the words “ Sr. Boamesee,” withia a branch of laorel, entwined witla snelher of oak, gold. (‘eel—A tower, tile battleelects partly demolished, from the top flames issnant, ppr.; on the sinister side a sea-lion creel, so., lhs lsws pressing against the tower. Ssjspsrlero—Bexter, a Sierras figure, holdoeg in the exterior hand a sword, erect, ppr., pommel and mIt, or, aronnd the heed a halo, eenipssed of sevenleen esletles, of the test; arross lime dexter shsnlder, a heir. ac. peedent, ondsr the feet the hide sf an ox, ppr. ; sinister, a ttriltsh sailor, leal.sled ptw.; heldieg in the exterise hand a flag-staff, thereen a flag em a rear-a,lmiral of the White, ppr.. isseriheel with the word “Otmaumsea” in letters of geld Met e_Biseiplto$s, fide, His lordship was e. i’y bis grasude”ie, perseverantiS. Seal—Wear liense, near Exeter, Deven. D U DL H DUDLEY, EARL OF (Willians W’aed). of Dudley Castle, pateeut, shntod 21 Apr21, 17(2, as Vieos’N-v itt i’Lt v •mND Waxn, in the an. of Stafliard; and Viscount Eduana, of Ednnm, Esq. of the city of Bnbiims, ‘7’ wbcm ho had case non, Jnmmss, in the co. of Rnxburgh, both in Use peerage of the his sueeese’r; anti Omedly, Olary, dene. anti bcmrssa of Jolosm United Kiugdom; and B.tRON WARn, of Birtningham, Carver, Esq., by evbsm he had uoiotber scervieieug son, co. Warwick, in the peerage of England; 5. 27 March, WmLeeoam. This lordship el. lie 1774, amid wao a. icy bie elther some, 1817 ; e. his father, as 11th Lord Ward, 6 .Dac. 1835; Jomsa, 2usd viorsesmut, LL.P. ; who 1. withosmt teono, imi elevated to the viseounty and earldeeo, 13 Feb. 1860 1755, wbemi the bsnoesrs devolved emtt in bin half ‘ir’ ‘thee, Ia. let, 24 April, 1851, Seliua-Censtance, eldest dau. WiLLIAM, 3rd viseeenut, t. 21 Jams. 1720; us. 1 Ameg. 1790, of Hubert do Burgh, Faq. of Woat Drayton, Co. Jselio, tmed clan. of Gu’dfrey Oheoville, If sq. of Csuetbwoite, Middlesex, which lady d. 14 Nov. following. This Yorkslsire, icy wham tee hash an only seem, Jomes-W’mLLmast. lordship to. 2ndly, 2 Nov. 1865, (ieorgina-Elizabsth, ensinifieermt benevolesece of character. He ci. 0 April, 1db’, 3rd dau. of Sir Tlsonea,s Moucrciffc, Dart., and has, amid wan a. by lain seem, Ufacottof Edi,sstss, 5. 25 May, 1867. tiimcav. The famtly of Ward is of great antiqssity, end has bessa the tifles e,ceeferre,i oem hinaself, together with tlas Viee’omruty seated for many esmitoriss in the county of Norfolk. Weccsam WARD, ith son of Edward Wa,’d, Esq. of Bixlay, Ward devolved sac his see,ssmd csnsimm (eec onpe’e I. in that shire, was a wealthy goldanattls in London, and WmLL5aM-bhUnsnLE, lttb lord, iea holy seclers, 9.9 Jan. 1781, jeweller to the Qoeess of King CssaoLes I. Havissg a very who eu. 22 May, 1516, _tmeBem, ,leumm. of Wilhtanm tmooebPillamee, ample fortono, he resided at Heal, in Staffordabiro; and of Bnsseomudale, en. N,,rfeik, and lucid, in his liietiine, Edward Sutton, Lord Dndiey, bestowed WiLLiaM, isis tmehr. Frances, his granddau. and heiress, upon HUMBLE WARD, Esq.,tbe said William Ward’s son and heir; which Frassees, upoms the demise of her graisdfatber, Lerd Staffonslslere, f,,r eeeany yearn MI’. for I ts,,ll,’a’, amuil laces Dudley, ha 1043, succeeded to that barony (created by writ of Aliee-Jmehis, cs. 10 Jane. 151,0, t’, (Sipt. ,iaemurs-Koimle F’rstoem’, summons, 21 Fob 1i42, litb Enwann ttl.), and heoanie Fnsxcns, BaRoNess DDnLEv; when lice hoshand, hlnmblo .hte2a—Scesnneeah, s,. h-h .lnse, 10-12, to lice Piglet lbs. Tienntnu Ward, above nsontioned, was knighted, and snbseqsiemetly, Leigle- Ulsucecluhecs, 15.1 i,, lsishs,fe of itesilueseor, need lean esotee. 23 Msreb, 1 544, elevated to the peerage, as hinasoce, Tlomusew Wo,sn, sf Bir,,eiogaasu. ldis lordship had, This lordship ci. 0 Bee. I Sf5, ammO w,’ s c. ‘,y Itie s’’’ms, VmLLI,mM, i. EDwaan. lets s,srresser. ii. Willtam, estee 01. A nice, tiers. ansi sole heir of Tleon,ss Cc’erlis’ca—btsroey, 21 These”,, hilT- 4. Viseoisuss, ‘y u,esd gaol— i’orkes, Esq. of Wtllisgesrerlli, ro. Staffs,d (by llebeeea dom, 13 Fele. I a’50 c—I ‘let-gop. or scsI c. a tend, srm. 367 DUD his wife, wise was heir te the Padleys). Isle. Ivan thus seqoirteg lbs seat of Willisgswertls, took 01’ life abode there, sod uses s. by isis only sen Wmee.rasm, MU. fir flee cells ly of Staflbrd in lies reigns of fleeces Acer and tieeoee I ; cs. Moe7-, ‘lame, of I lie hlaem. Jslees 0 rep, of l7nfield and dying in 1720, lcft (besides dases.) leon sons, vie., I Jone, sf aolssmse leerrafier, as I ,t Vied. ltsidlev ned Ward 2 Wilhione, tn lesly ordee,,reehsr of hliceule ; c. l:mieabeelm, dasm. of Johie I lasslses ; aced ‘1. in 1 Lit, leaving isssee, Ileseselde, e,ius c. fei 1779, Sasaneeale Ileecesfi t tied ef. in 1700, leaving a moms, V,’iLLuAmm—ileMoLe, eoleo e. an I 0th Pemmi Warsl. Frances, Is. te Washington, Earl Fcrmves; and ,f. 4 Batch, 1512. Knw.snn, 2nd Baron Ward esbo, at ties strmoioe ‘f bin 53.iet. of httoidford, en. Chestor, ant sole heiress of her brother, Sir Thomas, amid leash, with other issimo, Olaxotolse t’oslle, en. Warwiele, unit lead tssoe, I Eneeaen, echo s. his grnodtslher. 2 WiLLiAM, soho lolserited at clue decease ef Ins ncphesr. 3 l’raeees, us. to Wilhioeie Lea, Uaq. of ll.cles-hssees Grange, Sahep, ned had issue, Fesenmaasno-DrnLeT Lea, es-ha n. to tlee Psers’esy of Dodley. Anne, is. W’itltana Smith, Req. of hli’lgasre, and lied a men and heir, tbn Iste For,nmn’oNDo-IssnLer Seimen, Esq. of ttales-Owen Orange. (5€” Ibexes L s,,’i,,s (.‘essc’y.) Frances, si. Walter Woodcock, Bsq., mmd left issue. hare, c, Dr. Bervey, antl cs-c. p. Catherine, see. Thomas Jardon, Req.. nod ci. op. Eltealeeth, oc. the Rev. 11. Psi sroe, and d..m. p EDWARD, as IOtb hiaron Bodlev and 3rd Boron Wesrd. This nobleman cc. Diana, close. sf Tb’ fleeces howard, Bog. of Asbtoad, Siserey ; and dyismg in his neimssrity, fsm 1704, was s. by bin pnstbeseieosms son, Ensvasen, 13th earl amid 4tb hnmeces ; who 5. a, sun, in 1731, whets the famnily bomasurs reverted t’e his emmsele, Wmccmaam, 34th east and 5th baron; at whose decease, i’sse, in 1740, the old Barony of Bsedley dtve’lved iepsme bin nnpbew Fnseo’enannn-DULLEv Lea, Esq. (refmr to Em’ammres, graseshdsos. of Edwaesl, 2nd Borosu VIsual), at whcsoe decease, louses., imi 1751, it felt imalt’ nl’eynnco lcotes-eoma his Bistern, as it still conttmsemto asnomegst their ropreseeitativss, while the Barony of Ward passed to the Lerd htudtoy saud Word’s ktnsnaama (refer to Willione, a ‘us of 1st Lord Worth), JORN VISED, Eoq. of Seslghey Park, Staffiwdslnre, as 0th baromm. His lordship was a’Ie’nneesh to a vise’ unity, icy letters of Vo/ley lie so. tot, Aonia-Maria, class. sf this, Ponrebier, Bin lordship was chistteegseisberl Icy flue tenreut ased most Joses-W5LLeAM, dths visecoint, ee-ho was rrs’,ste.i Fiseessub Relsieco’, of Eitesoe, in Raxseuce’glusluic’e, amid I, us i B UD5EC’, ofD,”5lm’sJ f’,csbls, in 15t7; 151,1 ‘1. osoc. d March, 1021’, wbaea s,f Beidley need Ward, t,ceame extbmel, evbilo the llar,”siy ‘f Bumble-Dudley, 9.20 Bee. 1021; ,c. 17 Pee. l°11, Pleaseri,esmisa, 3rd dame. of Tluonusus I lass-lees, Rug. t’f I ttenlc’y lI’cmmae, loose, Wihhiauo—llttnsble—Bsedle3’, 6. 19 Fri. 1’ hOc fmmeesltn— 1st life gisards, ABCs .eead I lrimrirltsi—Msee’ia. Aenehia, ‘1. in 1530. - pm-csemit poor.