Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/418

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DUF (“cot—Out of a decal coronet, or, a lion’s head, as. .fcppeslrs’e If o et. lnrlly, 1719, Grace, ossly dais, of Isaac Maeartney, —Two angels, ppr., hair and wings, or, under rot,es, sanguine. npperinesl, as. ,lf,s’ts,Commo je ifs. 8s,i1e—tl1oite3 list! (Dudley), Co. Stafford; Wittes’ Court, no. Worcester; 4, rogen, s. William, i. Sosannat,. dau.ofThomes-Batcsaae Lane, Esq. co Morioneth; Ednam, co. Boxiorgh; and tnverg.arry, Co. s. Grace, ii. oeoi. in 1914. inverness. Togs lion—Dudley House, Park Lane. DUFFERIN. Jjr’i’gr.ti;N .tND Ct,,tsr.oyg. Bxnoa (Sir FrederickTemple filankn’isnd, KU., ROIl., civil), of ldalla.loidy Leoson, if. in 1004. anti Kill gloagit, no. Tiown, in tho peerage of Irelataci fiaross I lair )ebnvo, iL Claniloboyn, no. flown, in that of Anne, a,,. 1st, Feb. 1777, to tho Very nor. John Ryder. dean of the Uniteil Kinglsssn, and a Baronot, Lord-Linntonant no. B inn; into Unilor-Secrotary of State for India (a. in Jesne, 3826; o. no 5th baron, on the death of Dosrcas, a,,. in 1799, to Cot. 1’.-V.-Venanlf do Charsaihly, and his father, 21 July, 15(1 ; rn 23 Oct. 1862, HarriotGeorgina, eldest dan. of Archibald Rowan Hanliltots, Catherine, ala 1706, to Sir George Dallas, Bart., who ii. in of Killyleagh Castle, cc. Down, and has had isouo, I. ARCFI;BALr’-JAMES t,oynsc-TrMrce, 5. 10 July, 1501. ii. Terenec-J’’hn-Trnsple, 1c 11 March, 1660. us. Sydney-Temple, 0. 29 Mar, 1061, and 7. slit same day. ci’eatcel Ma-so, as B, ,1,o o,,,i tb’s’ toys, to Jisly, 1000, with iv. Tan-Tesn Ic, t. 0 Aug. te0, nut ,5. the aanse day. i. fteten-iternsio,,e. Lorri I) ullerin in ertaior lIMIt ngytenaL of the Hatniltone, tbrongh his mottaer, sent’ ‘r raproaentativn assd ssEse ncxnnat Ext;ca s,f Ot.tynnAosILL. (Fife iiifmt.) IL ill rag r. The Di aescsvaer,s, represented by the nol,la house of issna ; Iso 7. 0 Aug. 10%ti, and ivan o- P’y his bsadbor, Bufferin, arc of Sc’ ‘teh extractios,, and c in he traced in llaxe, led ia.aron ; 5. in Get. 5758,’;;-’. 1st, 19 Jnnc, 3784, the pnl’lia records of Scotland to a very early perle’!. One Stohetabol-Iieoter, Sisal dais. asurl ca-bohr of PoIses-I Teiaaplo, branch migrated to Pranre, of which wao the eelehratssl Esq., elder Isrother of Sir John Temple, Dart., lay whosn AnaM lb sruW000, privy conneillor to Many Queen ofde,sts, (whao 0. i’s 1720)1cc Isad iesne, ansi scatter ef the Presidial Court nfl’oitiers, Ito it there in 1. P,iihcrt-Tomplo, 5. 11 July, 1700, capt. 69th toot, killed at 1613, leaving ample proafs of lit5 taiento as a Civilian, a Poet, and a Divine; and was there tssterred with great is. lIons, 0.28 Sept. 1702; s7. eec. pomp nnder a marble nson,,meat, inacrihod with a tong epitaph, styling Inns “N’’bihio Seotna, inelytorssm majorsnn in Calo’lonit ns’tno,” The mate line of the French Black- Ills lordship it. Indly, 8 Jnly, 1801, Etiealieth, eldest dan. woods became extinct at the death of Sntnx Macsen on and co-heir of W’iDiam-Ilosir— Fbday, Roe1. of (toas,,otto, co. L’cac van, t:hevattec, S”ignonr dos Frsees in Poitnu, whose Moaih, asid had by her (who ,i. in July, 1042), eldest ‘laughter and ce-heiress. lIanse-Thdrhae-Dlaaved, at. I. William — Stenr, vicar of Baniaderty, cc. atntrin,, 0. 23 in 1770, Jean Phi’ippe P.eilin dc Ia Bor,tadikre Clsevalitr, Seigsienr des t’nt,’s. A scion of the l’ifeahire faintly (from which Fifestsire family also deeired the Poiton branch), was desist Boacgwooo, 14oq. of Bausgor, en. Dean,, 7’. in Se,’tlard in tIc), who 1 ‘eea,r,e p osesoed of considerable land’id u’operty ii’ Ireland, which he settled on tho nsasa-iage of Ins scsi. lIe ‘1• Ic May, lOt;, and was isaterrod at Bangor, is. tlonry-Stcvrrsna. 0. 4 at’sg. 1019; late captain 1711, where list aid tllaetowe,,d arms of Fifeshire snay still has aeon en his loin1 ‘atone. 113’ Janet Clerko, isis wife, he had, avith three dane, a nasa asod sse:ee0ssr, Jonas BLxrcw000, Re1. of lialtyteirly, in the Upper Clandeboyo. s. Marianne, ci. 11 Oct. 1011, in Use ‘cnerahte Archdeacon on. Dewas, who was attaii,tsd by Jaasrs II. TIe ii. Elizabeth-lbsrcas, silO July, 1019, to P,ear-Adm. JansesI st. Ann,, Wanelsope, and if. 1005, leans,0, with thsve dano 1 Isabella, wife ‘f Aloxander hamilton, P5g. s.f tlallyvernon; 551. Seplsia—Leisisa, ,,a. 1st, 1 den. lsas. to Ilana-llantiltaa, Marg.sret, svife of loin, 5a,narlara Bog, ; md 3 Anne, wife Seq., who u7. the folbnodng ytara and lndly, in 1817, to Catat. of J. Rw’c, Req., of Newtosv,s .trsls, an only eon, Jong Beanioweon, Ito’j. ‘f Ballyleisly, also attaintesi by iv. Itenrielta-Catherinc, Os. 2 Feh. 1041, ho the halo lion. .Jaasra Iii. pwlianient. lie in, Anne, da,,. of Itobert hamilton, Peg. of ltillyleaash, and by her (who S. It Sept. v. Anno-Dornthoa, a. 1 March, 1842, ho T5;mni,l-Ssowart ICcr 1741) hi I ioono, 1 It’’ncow (Sir), ins heir; IJames, ancestor lZsq., 51.1’. of lIontaita, en. Dos-n, eldest coast the late David of the Booeino,sons—n,,w Feigns, of S’drtfeld an,l 1, Ursula, IC, to Michael Ci’omie, Tsq. The slier aon, 1. Siss R,,oenc iloaestw. eea, , f htcltyloidr, in the caine Lr,rd Tbnfforhi ,i. 18 Nor. 1879, assd was e. lay hto oldest surviving no., 0. 1 Nov. 1st94, wan cleated a Dasowew t,o’ Incrayn, Frna c, 4th bar,,,,, capt. RN., 0. 6 Slay, 270-I ; who i’s. 4 July, 1 Jnty, 1762. Sir Iislaort i,. tot, 1121, Joyce, sistorofJoce1,h ISP,, llslesi-Sutisia, lass. ‘f the late Themao Sheriaiao, Sag., Lcea,as,, lot Earl s’f Mtlltowrs, lay wb,’na he had, 5. Jeers, l,is heir. as. Leeson, it. toss,, in 1773. i. Margaret, “i-Is Den-sri Banks, Big. 36$ DUF Ps,j. , lay whom ho had, is. Dercas, il. isis. at mite adoaneod age of L, in 1513. iii. Sarah. so. Elleabeth. Sir Bol’ert, was e. at his deeaase, in 1774, Isy hin oldest son, II. Si,i JoTn, 51.1’., sntso a,. Slay, 1751, D,srcan, eldeat dan. and ce-lick (by Ann, dan. of General Nicholas Price) of James Stcvensn,a, Req. of Killyleagh, son of Mann Stevenson, Seq., by Anne, bin wife, dan. and oventnally solo heiress of .lamoo Itaseilt,as, of lleilsbresk, on. Antrim, nephew and ovenletal heir of Jansen Ilamiltosi, l’ioeeonat Claneboyo, father of James, Earl of t’lanbraositt, by whona he had toane, Ilohert, 7. i’,a,si. in 17Sf. Jaasrs, liii hoir. Jelse, in holy orders, 7a. ha 1797; is,. 1st, in 1775, Seplna. dan. of llitt heusen, arch,leacan of ibsen ),rlnels lady si. in 1001) aad Indly, 4 June, 1003, Etiea, eldest dan. of Josias Duprc’, Fag. of Wllton Park, Ilucits, and relict of Cal. nriee she diod 12 Dee. loot, lIe ‘1. 5 Jan. 1533, without issue. hans, successor to his brelher. I’niee, ía. 14 Jan. 1760; s,. 1st, 13 Aug. 1707, Louisa, led dau. and ne-heir of William Sonthwell, Req. (which lady ,1. 10 Sept. 1001); ned ledly, in lsn4, atnae, led daes. of Richard Cnv, g54. of Castletosso, only sen ef ltiehaet Cea, archbishop ofCashot; but 1. s.p. tn 1310. Itis widow 0. 0 Oct. 1016. Henry, erected a baronet. (Sic Sic hleanv Bexcewoan.) Lisniore; ss’lso is. 1793, s. p.; and lndly, 1706, to the Boy. Janses Jenes, reotorof Urnc’y, 3rd scsi at the llight lion. Theelstsilue Jenes, 31.1’. of hleadtirt. Mrs. Joeos ii. in Octal. 1817. es. in 1001, IsJssnesGeoen, Esq.; and’7. 11 Jan. 1837. 1. an July, 1010. 1811. She din 1040. Sir,Tohn ,7. 17 Feb. 1799, aisd was s. by bin eldest surviving soil, III. Sus J.easeo, 0. 8 daly, 1715; avl,o inherited the poocago 18 Fol,. 1039., .at the deceaoe ‘if his niethor, Donnaa, remahiaher to her ladyship’s maele issue liv her loecasoci hnoband, Sb- Jrdsn Diaclewood. Ills l,sedshi1i because, also of the famlly of the lot Raise no t’exnsnaasnte. lIe at. 11 N,av. 1001, Anno—Dora’tltea, osdy elan. sif Jobsa, lot Lord Orict, bat by her (avbo 0. tO March, 1565, aged 03) had no Waterloo. iii. Pnuen, isis ae,ceossor. Benrietin, a. in .t1,rll, 1807, to Witlia,sa-Sle,s-art hlanallton, htsq. of arousa,’s hail, no. Donegal. April. 1802s a.,. 11 htarols, 1012, Eheaheth. dau. nfflobert ttasscitton, Rag. oh Closisilta, 00. Ibeiblin, anal has isaac, I Itana-Stovonson, 0. 28 Nov. 1531 a,s.19 July. 1S61, Jane, yoisageat daes. of the late Sir John West, G.C.n., stdn,snel of the Fleet. 2 Rolsert—II’itlians, an nifleer Sletl foot, 7,. 7 Jan. 1841. 1 I’riee-Frcderie, hieot. P-A., 0.11 bet. 1841. lancers, i. 25 At’cil, 1017, Lady Asnohia Calact, sister of the had of Essea, noah d. 21 Oct. 1001. Walser-ilshep hiasat, son of the nistsep of lisa-si and Connect and ii. 22 Feb. 1041. lasnilson Ward, RN., soss of the Into Di. I len. Ii. Watch, Alexander Grant, tICS., son of Janses Grant, Ibq. oh Cnrrymnny; and ‘1. in 1812. Thsnaas-Clstwnrthy Shcffingt an. Ret-, Bog. ci Portaro, and ,7. 23 Gel. 1882. saiss, * Isy Grace, siater and heir et John Aldrialge, Itsq., lIP. for Rillylongh, and niece of Lhnot.-Gcnerat George Slanartney.