Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/437

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flys His lordship s. to the peerage upon the decease of ELiexeoTa, Countess of Dysart; and olitained, 5 Dee. 1679 his grandmother, 22 Sept. 1810, but to the baronetcy from CuAOLEO II., a cenlirmation of hcr hmonoore, wilts a c’latseo at the decease of his father, 10 MarcIa, 1833. ILIitcagc. The very ancient family of Tellemache claims Saxen descent, Jotsa, Duke of Laudcr:l:sle, KG., fits isiajesty’s cumnsisai once for and the name is said to be a corruption of the word “tahln,ack,” Scotland: by this nmarrhmga her grace hmacl no issue; tint by hser tailing of the boll; the Toltemaclies having flourished with the let, she had thret surviving eons aisd two does., viz., greatest honour, in the eo. of Suffelk, since the bret arrival of LiONEL, .Ler,f Ilouliagtoirci’. the Saxone in England, a period of mere than thirteen centuries. Tisonias, a ssulitary officer of eminence, wlso dishingesislsed ToeLEMAenr, Lord of Bentley, in Suffalk, and Stoke-Tollemache, cc. Oxford, lived in the 9th century; and upon the old manor house at Bentley appeared the following inscription:— “Before the Earmans into England Casio, Bentley was my seat, and Tellemaehe was my name.” Itunn ne TevLroAcne ushecribed the charter aaoe:lafe (about i Colhierine, vi. let, to .1 sines, Loot Isoane, clcleet son of Alexander, the reiga of King STernEa), made by John Ic St. John to Eve, the flmt ahbeae of Godetow, in Oxfordshirc. This ttugh, in Isle old age, assumed the coe’l at Gloucester, and bestowed upon that The Duchess of Lauderdale ii. 24 Aug. 1697, and was o. in her menastery a moiety of the town of hampton, which his son, own honours by her eldest eon, Peter, conermed, in the time of the Abbot llasnt,lin. The descendant Sm LsoNre. ToLLmsAessE, t. in 1640, Lent JIi’utiegtowcr, of Peter, Sea llneu no TOLLEaSACIsE, in the 2htls of Enwaen t., held of Itysart. tttv lordelmip represented the co. of Suffolk from 1699 the crown the manor of Bentley, and the fourth part of tIme untll he ceased to he an Evgtish eole000ser, hsy tt,e passing of village of Aketon, by knight’s service. In the 29th ef the canoe Gee act of union avtth Seotlood, lIe had declined an English menarch, WILLIAM and JeaN TeLLEMACHE had summons to attend the 16Sf, Grace (who if. in 1744), eldest dau. onit ce-heir of Sir king at Berwiek-upes.Tereed, previous to hts expedition into Thionoas ‘iVilbraha,n, ltart. of Weodlsry, ce. Chester, and had Scotland. Thus John took the black eves,, and Ins arois are note issue, remaining in tIme minster at York. Ssa LIONEL T0LISmsxene, ef Bentley, flourished in the reigns I. LIONEL, Lard IIm’etioytoii’cr, who ma. Misc Caventlleh; if. in of HErcoy Vt. and Euwaan IV., and was a personage of great influence and authority. He ‘ii. the heir ef Ilelmhsghain, in Suffolk, and by that alliance acquired the inheritance. Itis son, John, was father of LIoNeL ToLs.eosxcne, who was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk e. Elizabeth, vi. to Sir Robert Cotton, Bart. of Combermere, in 1912; and in l94e, obtained from IeENwv VIII. grants of the am. Catherine, vi. in Sept. 1720, to John, Marquees of Carnar snanor of Wausdeu, with the rectory thereof; the manor and rectory of Le Church Hry; the naonors of Bury-Itall Willows and Overtioll, to hold of the crown by knight’s service. Tills Hod. Feb. 1727, and was a. by his grandson, gentleman was e. by his son, Ssa LIONEL ToLLeuAeue, of Ilelmingliam, high-sheriff of Lady Grace Carteret (v-he it. 23 July, 1719), ehmlest dau. of John, Norfellc and Suffolk in 1.567. In 1961, Queen ELszxezTis honoured let Earl of Gramsvilhc (lord-htcmltooaut of Ireland, and afterovarde Itehnstngham with tier presence, and remained there from the eeeretary-of-atatc to Greece II.), by whom he had hfteen cliiisIren, Idth to this 16th Aug. inclusive, being most hospitably and smunptueusly entertained. During her majesty’s visit cliv ,teod I. LIONEL, Loi’mb Iiimetfmmgfeieem’. sponsor to Sir Linuel’s sea, and presented tIme child’s mother Ic. W’ILEaAIIAII, 9th ram-I. with her lute, which is still preserved at Hetminghaue Hail, Co. III. George, en off ccv RN., killed in thee 16th year of hue age, Saffolk, the scat of John Tehlemache, Esq., Ml’. Lady Teltemache was dais. of Sir Richard Wentworth, of Nettlested. Sir iv. John, capt. EN., I. in 1710; kllheml in the 29th year Lionel was c. by hue son, Sea LIONEL Tots.esexrno, KnL, high-sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk in 1193, who m. Susan, dau. of Sir Ambrose Jermyn, of 29 Sept. 1777. He mu, in 1773, Bridgrt, dou. of Bobrrt, Bushbm’aek, and was a. by his eon, I. Sb LIONEL TOLLEMACe5E, Kut., high-sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk in 1669, evho was created a Baronet en the institution of the order, 22 May, 1611. Sir Lionel served the office of sheriff 1793. Lady Bridget Tollcmaehe if. 13 Slareh, 1796. of Suffolk a second time, in 1617. He us. Katherine, dan. of v. William, an officer E.N., lost in the 26th year of his ace, in Henry, 2ud Lord Cromwell, and gropcidame., maternally, of John, s. LouIsA, late countess. Marquess of Winchester, and was a. by his son, 11. Sew LIONEL. This gealleman had previously received the honour of knighthood. bee was one ed the bmsrgesses of Orferd, in the reigns of JAMEs I. and Cnxeevos I. Sir Ltenel vi. Elizabeth, dau. of John, Lord Stanhope of Harrington, and Isad issue, besides LIONEL, Ins heir, six dane,, Elizabeth, Ia. to William, Lord Allington. Catherine, ci. to Sir Charles llerdaunt, Bart. Sueannals, vi. to Sir Henry Pelton, Bart. Anne, us. to Sir Robert Broke, Bart. of Nacton. Jane, ow. to Thomas Cholmondeley, Esq. of Vale Royal. Bridget, sis. to Sir Nicholas Baceis, ltnt., of Shrublaud. Sir Lionel was e. by his son, lIt. Ssa LIONEL, who ra, Lady Elizabeth Murray, elder don. 2msdly, Magdalrne, dan. of teavhml Lvss’ie, Eeq. of Maivern Ilall, end heir of William Murray, 1st EaaL or DasAaT and bert cv. Warwielc. This lady emeretred use earl, and if. 2 Feb. 1933, Hseetiesgtewee,5 upon the decease of which nobleman she I-lie lordship ‘1. 22 Feb. 1799, and was a. by life brother, became — * WILLIAM 9IUOEAT, sen of the Rev. Wtlttam Mmsrmy, ministcr taut hal no issue. hr if. 9 tllareh, 1021, v’hen the pcecuge of Dysart, co Fife, preceptor to COAOLEe I. when Prince of Wales, was raised to the peerage of Scotland by that monarch, LocesA, CouNTess or DaeAov, 9. ho 1749, who em. hi 1765, with whom he seas a favourite, 3 Aug. 1613, as Lend Jlomihiogtomeer John telanners, Keg. of Grantimamme Grange, cc. Lisecoln, by whom and EAEL or DvsAaT, with rcusainder to tile heirs, mate (who nf. 27 Sept. 1792) leer ladyship had, and female. (He was descended from Wthltam titurray, Lord of e ‘WILLIAM Lonml JIe,ifii,eleieei’, fu. in 1766, who aaeumed the Tisllibordine anti Hunttngcower, ancestor of the tsuties of Athotl, who flourieded in the 12th century.) the lordship so. CsvnsMINE Hence, of the House of Claehmannan, and Isad, ELizAEETH, who inherited as ConNvEso or Dvsarr. Margaret, m. te William, 3rd Lord Maynard. 387 in the charter, alteseing her haslyshfp to nemntnate any of ticr issue ohe pleased as tier heir. The ceuntcss, aftcr the ml,’em’aeo ef Sir t,ionel Tellrnmaehc (who it. in 1669), vi. 17 h’eb. 1671-2, l,ioseclf is thee wars betovecu JoNes aod B ILLIAOi, ill Ireland ; aod st. of a wemusd received, as comloander-inchief of the expedition agoiemst lIrest, in 1694. ‘William IlK.; st. in tise Weot indies; had Itie nitefortune to kill the leon. William Cacaegie ieo a duel, in 1601. Elizabeth, o,. to Archiball, let teiskc of Argyll, audit, in 1731. 6th Earl of telomy; and 2odly, to John, 11th Earl of Ssmttaerlaoml. lIP, for Orford in 1670 and 1601, who then hoeanao 2nd Earl of tmarony, upon the aeceeeion of Qucrn ANNE. Ills hom’dship eye. in 1712, leaving one eon and one dau., viz., LIONEL, successor to Ins grandfather. Iteorfetta, me, to John Chutterbuck, Eeq. of Mill Green, Essex. ca. Chester; and mf.e. p. in 1740. von, eldest son of the DoLe of Chandos; and ci. in Jan. 1714. LIONEL, 3rd earl, E.T., I. in June, 1797; vi. 22 Joiy, 1729, of which tier following survived infnney, by a fail fm-eaa the naast-hcad of the “Modest” man-of war, in a voyage to Liebon, Oct. 1 Ito. of hats age, at Now York, in a duel, by Levil Ituncaster, lit Earl of Nortteington, amid rchiet of the leon. GeorgePox Lane, and heft as oimly eon, Liouel-ttoberv, who entered the let regiment of foot-guards, and v-as killed, in his 19th year, by the bursttng of a shell, brfmire Valenciennee, 14 July, the “Eepulse” frigate, in a hurricane, 16 Dec. 1776. em. Jane, vi. let, 23 Oct. 1771, iv Jchn-Delap Ihahhiday, Keg. ef the Leaeov’es, cv. Salop, by sehoma she Imaul fomer children: Johv, time ehuhesh, as amlmmairah tie the It.N., i. Lady Elizabeth Stratforil, dade. of John, Karl of Alulluoreugh, t’y svhuch lady (who ct- hie endow 13 May, 1961) ho hod frills oilier issue) John ‘i’ollemache. Eeq., 91.1’. O’r So:mthm Chacohtre, ef lidminghaom Hall, Suffolk, avd I’cekOurhian Castle, Chacahiro (we I3ruNEe’s Laomlerl Ge,mfro). lowly Jane ma. 2ndly, 4 llarch, h592, G.-D. Perry, Eeq. ; and md. 20 Aug. to the same year. this lordehip ‘1. 10 llareh, 177d, and wae a. by Ills sea, LiONEL, 4th earl, v’ho ii. let, Charlotte, ihlcgihiomate dan. of the lIon. Sir Echsraril Walpole, ltD., aisd sister of I1.lh.II. Maria, 2tuehoeee of Gloucester, wise if. withavut isemse, 9 Sept. I 70v ; and B’lLooxnoai, 9th earl, hord—hmigls—eboe’ard of lpsovtcha. This esoblemuan me. Anna, dan. of hiavkl Leevis, Esq. of Itislnem Ilahi, devolved upon his only emarvivisig sister, smsnmiammio of ‘I’As.ssAau omaly (ereatcih a Ib-iromeet 5 .Iamm. 1793;; o. to 1790, Catherine’. Ian. of Francis (Ini:y, b_eq. of tehoaa. co. Cork; and it. It MarcIa, 193i, leaving by leer (who survived till 21 March, 1992), 2 C2