Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/449

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EGL lands in East Lcthian, which, being called ‘ Saytun” ((lie of Scotland, and by her, whoa. 12 Nov. 1600, aged about 75. dwelling of Say), gave rise to a name and family which became had issue, pro-eminently dishugnishod in the annals of Scotland. i. George, master of Scton, it. in Slareh, 1562. His brother - Gcossns SETON, of Setsn, only son of Sir William Seton, Reboot was served heir of him in the barony of West- slain at Vernenil, and the lineal descendant of Secher do Say, of Saytnn, was, soon aftor 2l1 April, 1448, crested a Is. ihoaoirr, 0th Lord Set, ‘Ia. peer of parliament. Re 50. in the place of the Blaclcfriars au. John (Sir), of hlaruas, knight of the Order of St. hago, at Edinburgh, after 15 July, 1478 (tho date of a charter mastor ef the household, ned one of tho gentlemen of the granted by him), and was hurled in the choir of the same, bedohamber to Itiog l’RILIP II. of Spain lloiog rocallod giving to them twenty marks of annnal rents out of his lute Scotland by ICing JAasra VI., he was appasntod one lands. He ri. 1st, LAnv 3IAROAReT Saewar,T, only dan. brother Alexander (oonstiusted an ordinary lerd), 17 Feb. and heiress of the gallant John, EARL 05’ mORAN, constable 3507; and lie (l. before 11 Jnue, 1594, whon a slueeosa,,r of Fmnce, killed at Vornonil, 124, and had a son, J0nN, who it. in the lifetime of Ins father, leaving by ancestor of the Snows of Barns. Sir John Soton, of Christian his wife, dau. of John, 1st Lord Lindsay, of hams, was served hoir of his father, Sir John Setoss, of Byres (which lady ma. 2ndly, Robert, Lord Kilniamirs, properly 2nd Earl of Gloneairn), aeon, George, successor iv. ALEXANDER, high chancellor of Scotland, created to his grandfather. Hess. fndly, Christian Murray, of the house of Tullibardine, d. in 1032, and was e. by his s ‘n, by whom ho bad a dan., Christian, so. to Hugh Douglas, of Csrchead. GeorGe SETON, 2nd Lord Scton, who s. his grandfather, and was one of the commissioners for settling differences on the marches appointed by tho treaty of Nottingham, 22 Sept. 1484, founded the collogiate church of Soton, 20 June, 1493, and endowed it for tba support of a provost, six prebendarics, and two singing bsys. George, Lord Seytoun, was one of the conscrvatora of treaties with the English, 30 Sept. 1497, and 12 July, 1499, and witnessed the assignation of the dower of Margaret, Queen of SDotland, Paisley, was mothor of the 1st Earl of stbareoru; and it. 24 May, 3503.- Hem. Lady Margaret Campbell, eldest dan. of Cohn, 1st Earl of Argyll, and by her had issue, Grossue, 3rd Lord Seton. John, who as. Sinclair, heiress of Nortlsrig, with whom ROBERT SeT0N, 6th Lord Setoo, who stood high in the he got these lands, and was ancestor of the SETON5 favour of JAMEs VI., was ematod EARs. OF WINT0N, Lord ef.20srlhrig. Martha, m. to Sir William Maitland, of Leitbington. ?hs elder son, Gooaoe Srrow, 3rd Lord Scton, fell at the battle of in that year, being the day King JAMEs VI. took his journey Floddon, 9 Sept. 1913. lIe so. Lady Janet hepburn, eldest to England. Ho so. Lady Slargaret llontgomory, oldest dan. of Patrick, 1st Earl of Dothwoll, and had (with a dan., dan. of Hugh, 3rd Earl ef Eghioton, beh’oss of her nephew, Mariot, iii. 1st, to William Mastar of Berthwick; and the 5th earl, and by bor had issno. 2ndly, to Hugh, 2nd Earl of Eglintoun) a son, Gronoc SETON, 4tb Lord Soton; who m. let, Elizabeth, Ooonoo, 3rd Earl of Winton. dan. of John, Lord Hay, of Tester, by whom behad issue, Geosson, 9th Lord Seton. John, whom. Isabel Ealfour, with whom he got the lands Thomas (Sir), ancestor of the Snows of Oliscafab, now of Carraldstane, in gife, of which a charter was granted John (Sir), whose only dan. m. Alexander Sloneiss, of to John Soton, brother-german of George. Lord Seton, and to Isabel lialfour his wife, on her resignation, 9 Oct. Iaabel, 8. 10 Nov. 1593; m. let, to James, 1t Earl of 1953. He was ancestor of the SavoNs of Garrison. James. Marian, see. to John, 4th Earl of Menteth; and 2ndly, to Earl of Ilotbwell, and had issue by both. John, 11th Earl of Sutherland. Margaret, m. to Sir Robert Logan, of Restairig. Eleanor, isa. to Hugh, 7th Lord Somerville. Jieatrix, m. to Sir George Ogilvy, of Dunlugus. Lord Soton sa. indly, Mary Pysrres, or Perle, a French of Jo,bn, 1t Earl of Lauderdale, bnt by her, who it. 6 July, lady, who came into Scotland with llary of Lorrain, by Gooaos Sovow, 3rd Earl of Winton, was 8. Dcc. 1594; whom he had a son, Robert. The eldest son, Geoaoa SnOw, 5th Lord Seton, was one of the commissioners lot, Lady Anne Hay,- sl6est dan. of Francis, 8th Earl of appointed by the parliament of Scotland, Erroll, and had issue. 17 Dcc. i557, to be present at the marriage of Queen Mary s. George, Lord Seten, who fought with Slontreeo for with the Dauphin of France. His lordship adhered to the Khsg Chas’les, and was made prisoner at Philiphaugh. party of the queen dowager against the lords of the congregation, lIe it. 4 Jnns, 1148, leaving by Lady llenrist Gardon his in 1555; and on Queen Mary’s return from wife (who as. 2ndly, John, 2nd Earl of Traqnair), soon, France, was sworn a privy eouncillor, and appointed is. Christopher, I. 3 3larcb, 1617; it, 30 June, 1618. master of the household to her majesty. After the Iii. ALEXANDER, created Vsaeouosr or Kiwosrow, with murder of Lord Darnley, the queen and Eothwell went limitation to the heirs male of his body, 6 Feb. 1650. His to Satan, where they passed some days, and there the contract of masviage between them was signed. Lord Iv. Francto, t. 1 May, 3623; it. young. Seton was one of those who waited for the queen on the v. Another son, a. ysnog. banks of Lochieven, in May, 1509, when she effected her I. Margaret. t. 28 March, 1615; it. nism. in 1627. escape, coudnoted her by his castle of Niddry to Hamilton, Is. Elieahotls, ‘a. in 1637, tss William, 7th Earl Mariachah, and joined the association isa her behalf. After the battle The Earl of Winten sss. Sndly, Elizabeth, dan. of John, of Langaids, Lord Satan retired to Flanders, whom he Lord Ilorries, and by her had iesne, remained in exile two years, and drove a waggon with Christopher, 0.28 Jone, 1631. a great scholar, who, going four horses for his livelihood. His picture in that employment was painted on the north end of the long gallery of coast of Holland, in Jsuhy, 1648. Seton. Lord Scion was in Scotland in April, 1570, actively William, I. 8 Jan. 1632, who perished wiih his brother, employed in tho cause of Queen Mary; and in the same year he was sent to the Low Countries to solicit the Duke John (Sir), of Gairmiltoun (new Garletoon), ancestor of of Alva to assist the friends of her majesty in Scotland. In Hobart (Sir), af Windygenl, created a I;aronot in 1671, 1583, he wont as ambassador to France, but it. 8 Jan. following, 3oabesss. to Francis, Lord Sempili. Sophia, it. yeeng. aged about 55, and was buried at Setou, where a monnment remains to his momory. His lordship so. Isabel, Anne, m. to John, 2nd Earl of Traquair. Jsan, it. Bass dan. of Sir Wihiam Hamilton, of Sanqnbar, high treasurer Mary, ss. to James, 4th Earl af Carsswath, 399 E GJ HegIra, 3 Fob. 1001. of the extraordinary lords of Session, iii rictus of his was appointed ins Isis place, deceased. lIe so. Anno, yonogoat dan. of William, 7th Lord For ‘os and was blame, 3 Oct. 1615. 4 Slarrh, 1605-6, EARL OF DUNrORaSLINE, his lordship CRAnLEC SEToN, 2nd Earl of Dunformlino, who bad, with a dan. (ilenriot, m. lot, to William, 5th Earl of Wigton; and 2odly, to William, 15th Earl of Crawford), two acne; tbe older, ALEXAN0ER, 3rd Earl of Dunformllne, it. o. p., and was a. by his brother, Jawee, 4th Earl of htunfernslioo, who woo outlawed and forfoited in lOOt), for his participation in the baills of Kihiieranky. his lordship it. z. p. at St. Germains in 1694. WOliam (Sir), of Kyllismore. Slargarct, as. to Lord Clau’l Ilamiltsn, commondator of in March, 1016. The oldest snrvi ring son, Soton and Tranent, by charter, dated 10 Nov 1600, erecting the lordship of Scion into the Eas’ldem ef Winton, to hiss and his heirs male. lie it. in 1003, and was buried 5 April EoesusaT, 2nd Earl of Wioton. ALEXANDER, 6th Earl of Eglinton, whose lineal male descendant and representative is ARORI5ALD.WILLJAM, present Earl of Eglinton and Winton, K.T. represented by Mice lteid-Seteu, of Leyten, Fsstx. Cenlterallers. Perth; Sndly, to Francis Stewart, eldesi son of Francis, The eldest son, Honoar SETON, 2nd Earl of Winton, m. Anne, dan. of John, Lord Thirlestane, high rhasmeellor of Scotland, sister 1609, a’ged 26, had no issue. IIis brother, d. 17 Dee. 1650, aged 85, as.d was buried sst Seton. He m. Grussne, sneeesser to his grasdfaihea’. male line is extinct. and bad issue; and it. in 1620, aged 22. on his travels with his brother, William, was lest on the 1646. lbs SETOWI of Garldooo.