Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/450

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E G M The earl 4. in 1630, and was s. by his grandson, GEORGE Soanas, sen Earl of Wioton, who commanded The 2nd son, the East Lothian regiment at the dofeat of the covonantors GEORGE PERCEvAL, Req., Lord of Tykonbam, leo., so. at Portlrnd. in 1666, and at the battle of Bothwoll Bridge, Elieabeth, dan. of Sir Edward Bacnfylds, of Poltimore, in in 1670. lie so. Lady Mary Montgomery, loldeot dan. of Devon ; and dying about 1550, loft, with a dan., Elisabeth, Hogti, 7th Earl of Eglinton, by whom ho had no surviving is. to Richard tlilbert, Esq., a son, issue; and 2ndly, Christian, dau. of John Hepburn, of RecseAsmn PmocovAs.. The life of this ultimately successful Aldorston, by whom (who 4. in 1704) ho loft at his decoaso, 4 Sept. 1662, an oaly son and heir, GEORGE SeveN, 5th Earl of iVinton; who joining the degrso. He was 6. in 1550, and educated at St. Paul’s rising of 1711, wae taken at Preston, 14 Nov. in that year. School, then tho most celebrated seminary in England, His lordship fo,end moans, bowovor, to escape from the whence ho was sent to Lincoln’s-Inn, to acquire some Tower of London in 1716, and escaped to Honso, whore ho general idea of the laws, osteemed, in thoso days, an aeeamplishniont 4. uaoa. in 1740. From the limo of his lordship’s death the waebrillianl, bnt his oooduot dissipated and disorderly, so honours of the illustrious house of Seton remained dormant until 1840, when AncsseEeLn-Wn.LIATI, Illh EARS. OF much so indeed, that ho incurred the displeasure of his EOLINTON, the male roprosentalive of this noble family, was father, who, npos his marriage with Joan, dau. of Henry served heir male-gosoral of Gsorgo, 4th Earl of Winton. Crealisa—Baros, H Jan. 1446-40; Earl of Eglinton, 20 Jan. his riots, he might rsoevor himself by Lie wits. Thus 1507—6; New patent, with former precedence, 24 March, unnaturally cast off, Sir. Porooval found moans, by the 1615; Earl of Wistos, 16 Nov. 1600—Scottish hononos. credit of l,ie reversionary estates, and the assistance of his Baron (United Kingdom;, 15 Fob. 1506; Earl of Winton friends, to maintain himself soveral years, during which (United Kingd’’ni,, 55 June, 1055. Amos—Quarterly: let and 4th, grand quarters, quarterly, time ho bad three sons and two dane. but at length, 1st and 4th, as., three donre-do-lis, or, for SlcssTnOasrnse; through a failure of resources, and the increasing expon505 2nd and 3rd, gu., thrso rings, or, gemmed, as., for RotiNTON, of his family, ho was obliged to quit the kingdom, and all within a borduro. or, charged with a double troesure, travelled into Spain, whore he remained about four years. fiory-conntorfiory, gu. ;—Snd grand quarter, quarterly, lot Being then informed of his wife’s decease, he returned to and 4th, or, three crescents, gn., for SETON; 2nd and 3rd, Eughand, hoping, uow that the principal cause of his as., three gsrhs, or, for BurssAa; over all an ooeutohoss.por ale, gu. and as., the first charged with a sword in palo, faiLs’s dioplosuro had boon reroovod, hs might again ppr., pammsllsd and hiltod, or, supporting an imperial recover his good opinien ; but that hops proving dolusivo, crown, with a double tressuro of the last; the second his relations, and particularly Roger Cave, Req., of Stamfor,l, charged with a star of twolvo points, arg., for the title of Wsavoa;—lrd grand qnartor, quarterly lot and 4th, or, a sng.egod so his side, and, by that gentleman’s moans, ho lion rsmpanl. gis , within a donhlo trsssnro fiory-coonterfinry, gn., a label of three points of the last for the Royal conte-aeted an aoquaintanoo with Lord Bue’ghley, who, Moose of STEWART; 2nd and 3rd, or, a feoss-choqny, as and hsing pleased with his talents, and moved by his misfortunes, arg., a lahsl of throe points, gn., for STowAser; over all an escutcheon as. rhargod with three garbo, or, for the EARLnOM OF BUCRAN. Cecil—A female figure, ppr., anciently attired, as.. holding by employing lime in tho management of those stats affairs in her right hand an anchor, ,,r, and in tho loft the bead Which reqssired the greatest trust and sooroey. Thus he of a savage, couped, of ths first. Sappsrlsrs—Two wiverns, continued till the yoar 1586, when, whilst the court of vort, vomiting firs, 1’pr. ilotlo—Gardos him, Seolo— Spain was meditating the armada, an English ship succeeded Eglinlon Castle; Skolenorlie Castlo, asid C’sylofiold House, cc. Ayr; Pslnoon Lodge, Honfrewshiro. J’ow,i Jfoooe—3, Countrios, whteh, by tnttmatto,ss from abroad, wore known Upper Bslgrave Street. E GM ON T. SE:3 EOMONT, EARL OF (Sir George Jamoo Porosvnl), moist of Ireland for a soriss of years, oktatnod grants of Viooouait Porcoval, of Kanturk ; liarost Percoval, of forfeited lands thsro to the extent of one hundred and one Bortoet, and Baron Arrien, of Lohort Castle, no. Poe-k, thousand statuto acres. Ho m. Cathsrino, gs’anddau. of Sir in the poorago of Ireland; Lord hovel and Holland, William Usher, clerk of the onunoil, and dau. of Arthur of Enusore, co. Somerset. in the peerage of Ge-eat Usher, F.oq., by his wife, Judith, dais, of Sir Robert Nowcameo, Britain; Baross Arden, e’f Arelon, co. Warwick in tlao peorago of the Unstsd Kingdosn ; and a Baronet s. Joon, his heir. of Ireland; b. 14 March, 1794; sit. 24 July, 1819 Jano, oldest dan. of John Ilornby, Faq., of The Hook, Hasets. Ills lordship, an admiral on the roaervod list, s. his father, as 3e’d Baron Arden, 5 July, 1840; and on the dcclii of his Cousin, henryFrederick-John-Janice, OtIs Earl of Egmont, 28 Dec. 1841, became 6th Earl of Egulont, 1Luicagc. DAvin PERCEvAL, Lord of Tykonham, Ro]lesten, &c., in the co. of Somerset (hino.dly descended from Asoolin Gensl do Porooval, who accompanied tho C”mononese to England), see. Alice, dan. of Thomas Bythomors, of Ovorwors; and dying iii 1534, loft isens, Jamos, d.s.p. in 1546. GEORGE, of whom presently. 400 E 0 M Thomas, ancestor of the PEROEVAL5 5! Jleplsa, in LanoA9hire, and of the PsecxvAts s,f Ito Cs. ef Wesfsrel. person was ohoquored and eventful in no ordinary of the highest description. In both his progress Young, Roq. of Bookern Weston, eo. Dorset, oñtiro]y abandoned him, observing, that as ho bad ruined himself by who had married the Lord-Treasurer Burghloy’e sister, and having ondoavoured in vain to procure a roeonoihiation with his father, determined to promote his fortune in taking frema Spanish vessel letsorsfrom the Low to contain the secret. These letters being brought to Lord Harghloy, were laid by his lordship before Qneon EtssAoovn in council; but tho contents heing in ciphoe, the lord-treasurer proposed that the papors shonld be ontrustod to this Hioleard Poresval, who returned thom the next day after they wsrsplacod in his hand to hsr majesty in person, deciphered, translated, and fairly tranoeribod in Spanish, Latin, and English. This was the first certain tutolltgonoe of the Spanish design, and Poreoval was admitted instantly into tho queen’s favour, and l’rom that moment hts road to he,nonr and fortune was open and unimpeded. Having ssebsoqnoeetly filiod the office of secretary of the Court of Wards in England, for several yoars, leo was naminatod, in 1610, registrar of the Conrt of Warde in Ireland, where, after obtaining considerable landed property, ho 4. ins 1620, and uvas s, by his son (hy los 2nd wife, Altos, dau. of John Sherman, Req of Ottory St. Mary’s, en. Devon), Sun’ PeocewAt, Rut., a very distinguished statesman, who, having heese actively employed in the govern- of Moystown, Os. Longferd, and had issus, is. George, 6. 15 Sept. 1635; registrar of the Prorogative (hurt, Dublin ; so. Mary, dan. and heir of William Crofton, Rsq., of Templs House. co. Sligo, and had isouo, I Pastes’, of Temple ltonoo, on. Shigo; 6.1 Aug. 1070; aaeostor if the PsesucevAts pg Tosoplo .Usase. (Sec BvsJoE’a LoariedGesstry.) 2 Wliham, dean of Rmloy; 6. 14 Dee. 1671; no. in 1706, Cathori,is, dan of henry Prittio, Esq., and loft isons. (See Dnnxs’a Losmdod Gealr,j I Charles, 0. 0 Feb. 1674, major of Withor’s dragoons; served in Pertugal. and was governor of Donia, in Spain. which he gallantly defondod; killed in a duel, at Ltahi,n, 6 Slay, 1713. 1 Cathartno, as. to George Breretan, Req. of Cartgstany. 2 Mary, 4. young. Sir Philip dying 10 Nov. 1647, was o. by his oldest son, Sen JOHN PERCOvAL, Ent,, who was eroated a Eorseoet sf Ireleaof, 0 Sept. 1001, by patont, eontatning this remark-