Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/451

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E 0 iI ohio clause, that “the eldest son, or grandson, shall exist a haronet, after the age of twenty-ono years, at the same time with the father or grandfather.” lIe m. Catlierise, dan. of Robert Southwell, Es. of Kingeale, by wham he ha I four eons, Philip, Robert, John, Charles; and two dane., Catharine, ss. let, to Sir William Moore, ef Roecar bery; 2ndly to Cal. Montgomery; and Irdly, to Brigadier- General Feeke ; and helena, m. to Ccl. Daniel Daring. Sir John ci. at the age of thirty-six, 1 Nov. 1655, and was a. by his eldest son, SIR I’HILIF, who ci. scans. 31 Sept. 1660, when the title devolved upon his brother, the 3rd eon of the let baronet (the 2nd son, Robert, having been assassinated, 1 June, 1877, inthe Stmnd, London, byeome unknown hand), SIR Joan. This gentleman 4, 39 April, 1666, of a contagious distemper caught from the prisoners at the s.oeizes of Cork, where he had been officiating as forensan of the grand jury. He left three sons and two dens, by his wife, Catherine, dan. of Sir Edward Bering, Bart. of Susrenden, Kent, and was s. by his eldest son, SIR Enwano, who ci. in his ninth year, in 1601, when the title devolved upon his brother, SIn Joan,, after bscomhsg a priep-connohlor of Irelaud, and sitting for several yeare in the Irish Hones of Csmmeno, was elevated to the peerage of that kiisgdom, 51. Srr.N0RR. Tue lhonv lIon., 9. 1 Nov. 1782, whowas a by patent, doted 23 April, 1735, as BareR Pereorsi, s,f 8cr- member of the English bar, an,l wao successively solicitor iso, es. Cork, with limitation to the heirs male of his jeiesed the a,lmioistratiuun of the IJuske of Portland, as father; and 24 Feb. 1712, his lordship was created V&essot chancellor of the exchequer, and when the Duke died, Perres’ol, sf Elcelurt-, also in lhe eo. of Cerk, with the annual fee of twenty marks, payable ont of the Exehoqnor, attached, to ssspport the honour. Tn 3711, the visesns,t of the exchequer, first lord of the treaonry the 2 Dee. obtained a charter to oolonise the province t,f Georgia, in of that year. While thus premier, he unfortunately fell America, and being nominated president thereof, was ad’ frenzy of a 5H posed grievance, be was assassinated in vaneed to an earidom in the peerage of Ireland, by patent, the lobby of tho Ilonse of Commons, 11 May, 1812. Mr. dated 6 Nov. 1733, as EARL OF EononT. His lordship si. Pereeval sa. 10 Assg. 1700, Jane, 2nd dan. of the late Sir in 1710, Catherine, eldest dan. of Sir Philip-Parker A’MsrIcy, Dart, of Erwarton, es. Suffolk, by whom be bad 12 Jan. 1814, Lient.-Col. Sir henry Carr, 30CM., aad ci. surviving issue, Josen, his sneeessor. Catharine, oi. 11 April, 1733, to Thomas Hanmer, Req. of The Penns, eo. Flint. Helena, in. 10 Nov. 1741, to John Rawdon, 1st Earl of Moire, and ci. 11 June, 1746. The earl ‘1. 1 May, 1740, and was s. by his ssn, Jons, 2nd earl, 5. 24 Feb. 1710-11 ; in. 1st, 11 Feb. 1737, Catherine, 2nd dan. of James, 5th earl if Salisbury, by whom (who ci. 16 Aug. 1712) he had, with other issue, Jono-JAasno, his successor. Edward, 5. 19 April, 1744; in. in 1772, Sarah, dan. of isbn Ilowarth, Req., by whom (who ci. in 1809) be left at his decease, in 1814, Margaret-Cecil, ci. ii5in. 21 Jan. 1010; Mary, ci. ansi. 4 Jan. 1947, and Isabella. Catherine, is. Thomas, lot Lord Newhorongh; and ci. in 1762. Tho earl in. inffiy, 26 Jan. 1710, Catherine Compton (3rd dan. of the Hon. Charles Dempton) who was rreated a peeress of Ircland, 13 Stay, 1770, as Earesesa Ardea of bled f’eslle, with remainder to her ladyship’s beiro male: by which lady (who ii. 17 June, 7704) he had, s. Cn,eas.eo-Go000R, late Baron Arden; ii. 1 Oct. 171fi; who was created a peer of the United Kingdom, as BARoN AIWEN, of Arden, sin. Warwiok, 20,Jnly, 1402 ; in. in 1787, Margaret-Elizabeth, eldest dan. of the late Sir ThomasSpeocer Wilson, Dart. ofCbarlton, in Kent, and ci. I Jnly, 1040, having bad loans by her (who ci. 20 May, 7011), 1 John, in. Elizabeth—Anne, dan. of Robert, 0th Earl of Cardigan; and ci. in 1019, his widow in. 10 March, 1024, the Rev. William-John Brodrick (now Vioeonnt Midleton(, and ci. 21 Nov. following. 2 GeosencJa.osne, his heir, present Earl of Egmoat. 3 Edward, 5. 30 July, 1791; ss. 20 lfarch, 1811, Jane, eldest dan. of the late Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, by whom (who ci. in 1824) he had no enrvivingisene. lie ci. 11 Marob, 1e40. 4 Charles-George, in holy orders, sector of Calverten, Racks; 9. 21 Bee. 1796; si. 1st, 21 April, 1929, Racy, only dan. of the Rev. Primatt Knapp, roctor of Sloenston, and by her (who ci. 6 Nov. 1812) bad one surviving child, Mary. who so. 12 Oct. 1861l the Rev. Richard-Norris Russell, rector of Beaohampton. litsoko. He as. indly, II Sept. 1943, Frances’Agnes, 2nd dan. of the late Ven. George Trevelyan, archdeacon of T,nsnton, and ci. 26 July, 1919, having had by he”, CIsAnLrsGeonos, 5. 19 June, 1943. I Arthur-Philip, in holy orders, chaplain to the Queen; 9. 22 Nov. 1799; os. 15 Dee. 1844, Charlotte-Anne, eldest dan. of the Hon. and Rev. A.-G. Legge, and ci. 1.1 June, 1893, having had issue by her (who ci. 21 June, 1859), Augustus-George, 0. 2 Slay, 1829; in. 12 Aug. 1852, Emma, 2nd dan. of the late John Ilatthswa, Esq. 401 E 0 M Cbarles-Jobn, 8. 14 Ray, 1831; in. 34 May, 1852 Eleasier, yoscugeet dan. of the late J,’hn Matthews, Req., by whim iwls” ‘1. 11 Jssee, 1004) be has issue, Augustus, 0. 1876, an,l Charles, /,. laos, SpencerArthnr, 9. 27 done, 1832; si, 2 June, 1888 Marianne, eldest don. of the late 11ev. Gec’rge isnunage, of l’apanai, New Zealosid, a,,d has Arth,srCharles, 0. 2 Aln’1l. 1810, Ilenry-tiodfrey, t. 20 Aog. 1801, and Mary-hionriet;.a. Ilonry-Legge, comm. ELI., 9. 2 April, 1830. llelena-leonora. Fmneee-Charlotte, in. 20 Aug. 1446, to the Rev. 11.-S. Cerjat, rector of West hereby, Surrey, and ci. 3hept. 3149. Louisa-Mary. Caroline-Adelaide, as. 14 Feb. 1263, to the Rev. Jdward ilenry Land, os, MA. Charlotte-iealuella. a,, 21 Jan. 1843, to the Rev. Janice Percival, is,cssmbent of Frerfartl,, Rants, younger sen of Staniey-O. Percival, Req. of Bridgefeot house, Bas’net. I Catherine, ci. ness. 11 Aug., 1919. 2 helena, si. in 1016, to the Rev. Frederick-Stewart Trench, eldest son of the Very Rev. 1’. Trench, 1)1)., dean of ltildare, assd nephew of Frederic, 1st Lord Ashtown. lIe ul. in 1460. 3 C’andine-Franoes, Os. 8 Nov.1921, to Sir W. fleatheote, Mart. of Ilnroley, and ci. 3 Ilareb, 1915. and atternoy-general. Tie afterwardo, 11 March, 1997, 10 Oct. 1809, Mr. Perreval berasoo, as well as chancellor the victim of one John Bellingham, by whom, under the Thomas-Spencer Wilson, Dart., by whosn (who Os. hndly, 26 Jan. 1844), he left issue, 1 Spencer, of Elm Grove, Ealing, 9. 11 Sept. 1791 ; so. 3 July, 1821, Aona-Rliza, youngest dan. of Gee. Maciced, of blacleod, and ci. 16 Scout. 1819,having had three sons, Spencer, 0. 20 Sept. 1121; John-Spencer, lient. 1st Waikstoo Iboyal Victorian Vu,lnssteero, 0, 3 Fob. 1043; killed 21 Oct. 1867, in a skir,niolu with the hlaori, at the hlaoka River, New Zeslan,l; Nonnan-Spennsr, 0. 31 Oct. 1818 ; with cighi ulauss., vie., Anna-Jasse, Fanny- Sarah, who ci. nasa. 29 April, 1214; Emily-Isabella, ci. nasa. 18 May, 1819 ; Lsusisa, Maria-Anne, EleanorIrring, as. 17 April, 1060, to Alexander hhatlsesos, Esq. of drdross, SIP. ; Jane, and Ilelen-Jlargaret. 2 Frrderiok-Jarnes, 0. 6 Oct. 1757;ss. let, 21 Jnly, 1827, Mary. eldest dan. of Win. Ilarker, Esq. of linen blouse, ce. Derby, awl by her (who ci. 24 April, 1841( had, Speneer-Frederick-Jahn. 0. 24 Nsv. 182;), in. 10 March, ls07, I.:llen-xnse, 2nd dau. of the late Owens Norton, Esq. ef Edgbi’t’ ‘n, Warwieksbire, and F’redecicalilary-Jasie, s6 18 April, 1861). to William Waterhouse, Esq. lIe su. lndly, 6 April, 1044, gmma, 2nd dau. of the late Ibaiple Gihoect, Req.. and ci. 12 July, 1801, having by her lua’i, James-}’cancin•Hsratio, 0. in 1845, ci. 1842; tleorge-lJrummoad-Inee; Charles-AngnstnsTrevelyan; Islontagis - William - Cairn; and JamesWilde-Godli’ey. Henry, in holy orders, 0. 2 Aug. 1799; so. In 1926, Catherine-Isabella, dan. of Andrew-Sorkeley Drssmmend, Esq. of Cadland, and has issue (n’tth a dan,, Catherisee-Ilary(. henry-Spencer, 0. 8 Jan, 1827; vs. 1911, Fanny, elulest dan. of the 11ev, Thomas Taylor, and has issue, Ascolin-Spencer, 5.13 Feb. 1843; Amy; and Liliass, 4 Slndley-Montagai. 0. 21 Oct. 1600 so. 24 July, 1927, Mary-Jane, eldest dan. at the late Gee. Sir jhichard llonrke, 30CR., the distinguished g000rus’r of New South Wales, and dyicg 2 ,Sepf. bIG, left, ChacleeSpencer. ii, 17 Feb., 1029, barrister-at-law; as. 2 Jase. 1868, blary.Elless.Vere, eldest dan, of the lIne. Robert O’Flrieu and niece of l.ard hnehiqnin ; and isahelJane, as. 30 April, 1141, to Arthur Arsnhtnge, Req. 5 John-Thomas, 0.14 Feb. 1801; late espt. 1st fsot-gds.; ss. II Starch, 1E’4, Anna, dais. of the late Thomas Gsa’dner, Esq.. and has issue, Jans-hleatrioe, AliceFcederic.a, Selina-Maria, and Fauny-Losdsa-Charlotte, ci. 1062. 6 Ernost-Angssntiss, 5. 17 Slay, 1907; captain 11th hnssars; ns. iu May, 1940, lleatciee, 4th dan. of Sir Je’ha Trsvelyass. Dart., and has issue, Freest-itngnstns, late 98th foot. 9. 28 March, 1114; Sprsscer-Gesrge, 9. 5 July, 1217’ Hugh-Spencer, 1’. 24 April, 1919, deceased; Alf’-cdSpenees’, b. 14 Jaly, 1841; Edmnud-Dndhey-$peseer. 9. 1 March, 1942; Cecil-Ilenry-S’pencee. 9. 8 Slay, 1949 Jane-hiaria; Roatrscc; Fredes’ica-Fa nny; Emma-Catherine; and Lonisss-Ilarehett. I Jane, in. in 1121, tshsrcOnsin, Hon. Edward Pereeval and ci. isi 1824. 2 l’raaseco. I Maria.