Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/469

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ERR fact is, that the noble houses of Twccddale and Errofl clams WILLIAM, 9th earl. This uoldeman, who acted as ThanCOnSTABLE a common progenitor in WILLIAM OE HAYA, who obtained a grant of the lands of lived in manner so splendid that he was obliged to dtspsse Erroll from WILLIAM the Lion, and was kiog’o bntlcr in of his anciont paternal lordship s. Errall, granted to his that monarch’s reign. Ho s&. Juliana, dou, of Itanniph ancestors by King WILLIAM the Lion, and the lands tlsereunto do Soolis, Lard of Liddeod:slc, and had two sans, WILLIAM, his hoir and Robert, anceslor of the hooso of Twcoddaie, Patrick, 1st Earl of Kinghorn; and dying is 1030, was a. The cider son, SIR WILLIASI no Hava, n’as father of DAvID DC MAYA, who so. 1101011, dan. of Gilbert, Earl of passed, under an especial settlement, to his kinsman (refer Strathern, and had two sons, viz., GILBERT, his heIr. WILLIaM, from whom spring the HAYs s.f Legs, of P11/dIr, Lady Anna Drlllnniond, only dan. of James, 3rd Earl of SeggicIlea, ,tc. (See Duoxc’s LaoJcd Ge,, 113’.) From the elder son, GILBERT, dceeended SIR GILBERT no hay, Lord of Erroll, who adhering to Mary, who inherited at the death of her brother. RosEaT I., obtained from that prince a grant oh divers MARuAWFT, a. James, itb Em-I of Linlithgow, and 4th crown lands, and was creatod by charter, datcd 12 Nov. 1311, lila,, CONsTABLE or SOOTLAMD, to hi,osclf and his heirs for ever. The groat-great-great-grandson and lineal her father’s f,’rfcitcd estate for fifty-nine ycars, at the descendant 01 the constable, WILlIAM HAy, of Erroll, constable of $eotland, was elevated to the peerago, 17 March, 1412-3, as F,AOL OF atlai,,ted of high treaaoa, and exeenred on Tower Mill, EBROLL. ills lordship ,a. Deatrix Douglas, dau. of James, 3rd Lord Dalksith, asd dying HI 1483, wass. by his e’dcr son NI000LAs, 2nd ear1. wl,o IL witl,ouL isone in 147f, when the hononrs devolvad upon his blather, WILLIaM, 3rd earl. This nable,nan 5’. lot, Lady Isabol Gordon, dau. of George, 2,,d Earl of Huutly, by whom he had, WILLIAM, his successor. Thomas, who ,a. Margaret Logic, heir of Logic Almol,d, in Pcrthohire, a,sd was subsequently designated therefrom. His lordship ci. in 1704, and was a. by his eldest son, He bad a son, GE050E, who a. as 0th carl. John, of Broghanlesh. Beatrix. os. to Alexander Ksith, son and heir of Sir MAST, as Conntess of El-roll. 18cr ladyship m. Alexander William Keith, of Inncrugio. His lordship m. 2ndly, Lady Elizabeth Losly, eldest dan of president of Session ill 1682, but dytng without issue in George, 1st Earl of lathes, and had a dau., Mariana, Ia. Anne, relict of the unfortunate William, Earl of Kilmarneck, to David, 7th Earl of C,awford. Ire a. Irdly, Margaret, dan. of (Andrew) Eer, of A,,ldto,,,shnrn, aisd relict of Sir Earldon, of Kilmarnock ceased her ladyship a. in 1747) James Sandilands. lIe 2. in lIlt, and was a. by his eldest her grand-nephew, son, WILLIAM, 4th earl, who 15. Elizabeth, youngest dan of as constablo of Scotland at the eorenation of GEOROE III. William, 1st Lord Rutlsvcn, and falling at flodden Field, in 1761, and neglecting, by accident, to pull off his cap 9 Sept. 1313, was a. by his only son, WILLIAM, 5th earl, who si. Lady Helen Stewart, only in the most respectful manner; hnt his majesty cistreated dan. of John, 3rd Earl of Len,sox, and loft, at his decease, him to be covered, for he looked en his presence at the an only dan., Jean, who a. Andrew, 7th Earl of ErreD. his lsrdship dyi,sg thue witho,,t ,ualc issue, the honours of Session, by the title of Lord Covisogton, by whom ha had devolved upon his cousin (refer to Thomas, 2nd son of the one dan. only, Mary, EL to General John Scot, of Balco,sic. 3rd carl), Goonos Hxv, of Logic Almond, as 6th earl. This ,sobleman Carr, Dart. of Etal, en. Northumberland, by whom he had m. 1st, llargarot, dan. of Alexander Robertson, oh (besides ether daus., who ci. sums,.), Strowan, by Lady Isabel Stewart, nieoc of JAMEs II, by WILLs AM, } successive earls. whom he had A,sr,nr.w, his successor. John, of Ms,ebills. George, of Ardlctheli. Thomas, in holy orders. Elizabeth, os. to William, Lord Keith, son and heir apparent Margaret, so. to Charlos Cameron, Eoq., and a. in 1832. of Willia,n, 4th Earl Marcsehal, by whom she had Maria-Elizabeth, s,. to the Rev. George Moore, son of the fonr sons and four sisms. Margaret, a. Lawrence, 4tb Lord Glipbant. His lordship In. 2,sdly, IIeicn, dau. of Walter Druce, of The earl a. 3 June, 1778, and was a. by his eldest son, Pitcnllen, and had another dau., Jean, ss. 1st, to John GE0R0E, i4th earl. His lordship m. in 1706, Elizabeth Leslie of Balquhain; and lndly, to James, Lord Balfour of Jemima, dan. of Joseph Blake, Eeq. of Ard.fry, co. Galway Clonawly. He was s. by his eldest son, ANDREw, 7th earl, who sI. lot, Lady Joan Hay, only surviving WILLIAM, 11th earl, t. 12 March, 2772; assumed, 29 March, child of William, 5th Earl of Erroll, and bad tbreo 1791, the sn,-name and ar,ns of CARR. His lordship n,. sons and a dan. His lordship ss. Indly, Lady Agnes Sinclair, thrice: by his let lady, who si in 1793, Jane, dan. o dan. of George, 4th Erl of Caithness, and had Matthew Bell, Esq., he had an only dali., Bnlcibclla-Jane, another son, GEOROE (Sir), of Killonr, who so. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir EARL OF); by his 2nd, Alicia, youngest dan. of S. Eliot, Patrick Cheyne, of Esselmont, and had a son, ANnREW (Sir), of Killour. This gentleman ,a. Olargarct, I. James, Lord hay, lulled at Waterloo, 18 June, 1813. sfstor of George, 1st Lord Kinnaird, and loft a son, SIR Jono HAY, of Riilour, whoa-as 11th Earl of Erroll. ise Samuel, 1. 9 Jan. 1901; a capt. in the army so. 2 April, The earl a. in 1581, and was s. by his eldest son, yRancss, 8th earl, who m. thrice, but had issue by his I. Isabella, rn. 14 April, itlO, to Lieut.-Gon. Wnm. Wemyss 3rd csnntcss, Lady Elizabeth Douglas, youngest dan. of (ae” Wnoovss, E. or), who a. Ii Nov. 1852; shed. 28 July, William, Earl of Morton (silly). His lordship a. in 1631, sm.llarriet-Jomima, ss. 11 Dec. 1812, to Daniel Gurney, Em. and was a. by his eldest son, 419 CnARLLI, 12th earl, who ci. nasa. in 1717, when the henonrs devolved upon his elder sister, Falconer, fnd con of Sir David Faleoner, of Newton, lord- 1718, the honcnro devolved upon (the son of her niece, who was beheaded and attainted in 1748, when the JAN ES, Lss’sl Bogs?, as 13th carl This nobleman officiated when the king entered, he apologized for his negligence solemnity as a very particular honour. His lordsllip a. let, in 1749, Rebecca, dan. of Alexander Lockhart, Esq., a lord His lordship ,a. lndly, in 1762, Isabella, dan. of Sir William James, accidentally drowned in 3797. Charlotte, a. to the Rcv. Wilhiam-Holwell Caer, and ,l. in 1811. Augusta, 155. to the Earl of Glasgow, and It in 1822. srelsbisbop at Canterbury, slId a. in 1804. Phaminia, IS. to George James, Esq., and a. in 1821. and was:. 11 Jnne, 1708, by his brother, si. in 1821, to the Yen. C-N. Wodehonse (gee KIMBEOLEY, Esq. of Antigua, he had, mm. Wu..s.IAO1-GEOEOE, 10th earl. 1812, l.onisa. only dau. of the late Vicc-Adrn. the lien. Dlmeonobe-P1e3dell Bouverie, RN., and i. 21 lsav. 1847. of North Roncten, co. Norfolk; and a. in 1837. F 2g2 ERR of Sectland at the coroaation of CIIARLEO 1., allnexed. lie i,i. Lady Anne Lyon, only dan. of by his only son, Gr000E, 19th earl, who d. e.p. in 0674, when the honours to George, yansigest son of Andrew, 7th carl), Sin JonN HAY, of l6illonr, as 11th carl. His lordship m. Perth, by wbo,n he had issue, CnARLES, his successor. Earl of Calendar (attainted for his acecseisn to the rebellion of 1105), and bad a aon, who ci. yomsg, and an only dan., Lony ACME LIYIMOOT0NE. who obtained a lease of rent of 8721. Il:. lIce ladyship ss. William, 4th Earl of Kilmarnack, who, engagi’og in the rebellion ,f 1741, was 19 Aug. 1740. The countess a. 14 Sept. 1747, leaving threo sons, JAMEs, who s. as 13th EARL OF ERROLL. Charles-lloyd, who, being involved in the rebellion of 1745, msde his escape to Franca, and eontin,,ed On the Contissellt for twenty years. He returned, however, and resided at Slams Castle. He ci. at Edinburgh in 1782, leaving a lois and don. William-Boyd, an officer in the EN., en board Commodore Ilarnet’c ship at the time of his father’s exeentiots.