Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/470

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ERS TSr. Caroline-Augusta, to. in 1823. to the late John Itorant, Itenry-Liawood Strong, Faq., barristcr-at-lasr; 0 Anne- Esq . of Brockenhurst, I tants, and has isso o, 1 John, S. 0025, an. 26 June, 1025, Lady henrietta Somerset, alau. of Henry, 7th Doke of Beaofort. 2 Itay-Ittehards. 3 William-Samoot, oapt. grenadier-goartis. iv. Emma. aa. to 1826, to the late 1ta’ar-Adot. J. Womyta, tt.N., M.P. of Wemyas. nod at. 17 July, 041. Ills tsrdolaap an. 2r’lIy, 14 Oct. 251 Ii, Iiarrtot Somerville, sioter of Lord Oaoaaervilto, by whaaaaa (who ‘I. 2$ Jan. 1664) ho loft, • Smnevville, 1,. 20 ,tnlv, 1817 ; to holy orators; a;;. 6 .Taane, is-IS, Alicia—Diane. dao. of henry—Ia-v 6,7th Fort of ltaachao anal? 25 Sept. ISO), Icavieg a 1aosthomotLa soot. 10 Nov. 1653. a. Fanny. va. I °4o, to the tale 12ev. ph Cartavrtght, rector of A nhoo, Northaoaptonatttrv. nod a?. 26 Mac. 1853. it. Stargaret—.?atia, S. postlsatanone ; v. Sept. 1646, to Froaterick— Aslehl t.oshtngtoa, Esq. yoongest son of Sir II. I.uslstngton, tlart. Tho earl, appointed kniglat-maroechal of Scotland in 180%, so. Eanse-Slowart, lieval.-col. in the arnay; 5. in 1709; sea. in and iii 1806 chsson a representative poor, wao for sovoral laer (ta-lao at. 2ndly, tames Nevtoaa, Fsq.) lead, Tisomas, S years lordhioh-c,ammisoioner to the church au Scvtl;aaod. Ho at. 28 -Ian. 1010, and was o. hy Isle olaloot surviving oon, WtLLaxar-Gn000r,l6th oarl, ItT. and DeN. 5. 20 Feh. 1601; as. 4 Boo. 1026, Eltoalacth Fitoelorence, ototor of the a. Frances, aaa. in 1802, lotte 11ev. Dv. Itsilan-l. penbeadary late Earl of Sinnotor, and natural daa. of hio late Majesty, King WaLLtaaa IV. ; and dying in 1016, left issue, WLLLLA5L-IIENRY, present earl. Ida-Harriet-Angnsla, -as. 1 Nov. 0541, to tlte Earl of Oains• tat. Margaret. ,a, aaa,,aa. Starch, 1007. borough, and 6.22 Oct. 1867. Agnos-Georgina-Elizabeth, as. 16 March, 1546, to James lv. Mary, an. 29 Jan. 1505, to taasid Morris, Faq1 trios at. 1015; laud, Earl Fife. Alice-Mary-Eusily. Lady Erroll st. 20 Jan. 3074. Caostises—Hereditary Lord-Itigh-Conslalde, 12 Nev. 1315. aoetalooov, the Stan. Ilesory Ft-skins, aood was n. lay his ssn, Earl, 17 Starch, 1402. Bares of tlse United Eingdem, It May, hlavava MaatoTauu, 2nd baruso, what cat. let, in 3000, Fantoy, 1831. Aroae—Arc.. three esculclteens, two aed one, gu. fleas—A falcon, rising, ppr. Saapaaracc.s—’l’e’e snen in country halaits, ends holding an en- a. Tuatasas—Aesonaca’s, u’ea’senl t’cvr. yoke over his shoulder. Jfvtte—Serva jsagsias. Sc u—Stains Castle, Aberdeen. Tows Jleeec—0, Graften Street. ElloltoNE, BARON (Tlaotnae - Xmcricttr Erslchoo), of Reotornoel Castle, en. Cornwall ; (a. 3 May, 1802 e. ills father, as 3rd baron, 19 March, 1855 to. 12 May, 1830, Louisa, dau. of 0. Netvnham, Esq. a. t’roonoos. as. its 1.824, 10 Galariol Shame, Faq. of New Tinohor Place, Sussex, anti relict of Thomas aa. Man-, ac. 16 June, 1.832, to ihe late hiernean, Count ale Logh, Esq. of Adlington, Cisosloiro, wloieh lady it. tat. Sevihla. sa. 23 Doe. 1030, is tleury-Fr.aucia htou’ari. Faq. 10 March, 1867. 3tiiitat. Tue tloec. Tssnasae Easoaaar, 5. 21 Jan. 1740, 3rd son of Henry-David, 7th Earl of liaschan (sec list ,ligaily), having v. Fhtzatelh. ota. 1 April, 1S32, to Sir St. Vindcnt-tteene served both in the arsny and ssavv, devoted at length, his talents to the lvar, te which he was called in 1776. thifted va. hiarrielt, ca. 29 Aug. 1033, to Chsrles Woodmasn, Faq. of with the most powerful eloqsssnce, lair. Erskiue attaissed at once the summit of his profession as art advocate ; ho winch vaT. Jano-Ftunsor. as. 29 Ang. 1037, to .?ames-ltonry Callander, capacity he cosotinued until the year 11117, when he was appohoted Loun-llsun Cnsrarns,vvu car CoasT ilasvsaa, and elevaled te the peerage S April iii the sante year as Daunts His lordship aaa. 2asdly, 21? July, 1.041, Ann-Bond, dasa, of the EnsasNn of Rcslsra’cl O,stlv. Oils tordsloip 1st, 29 May, late Jotau Travis, Faq. (whairhs lady a?. 15 April, 1801); and 1770; Frances, dan. of tlaniel Moors, Feq., SIP., by whona Only, fI Dec. 3502, Anna, uddosv of Thonsae Caldorwcod (who 1. 02 11cc. 1803) he had issue, a. Davm-1teaTAaU, 2nd baron. as. Iteary-tlavid, to holy orders. Dean of ilipen as. 4 Stay, ford, D.D.,Arehdoacen of Coventry. 1813, Stary-Ilarriot. 3rd dan. efdolsn, let Earl of I’ortarliegIon, by whese (svho a?. 06 Dec. 1827) he had isssae, I Itonry— Crcalion—Daroio, 5 April, 1506 cIa-cats—Az., three garta, or. David, 6. 10 June, 1664; 2 Gesrget 0 harriet ; 2 t,euisaLucy, Crec?—A atoxtsr aran, embcau’ed, couped below the eltaoso, lIce vs. 21 Slay, 1640, te tlse 11ev. Thomas-Frederick floatsass-Read, Isand grogaing a elut, all ppr. Saspaarfea-a—Dexicr, a eterk Itector of Winterteghana, Lineolashire, and 6. holding lathe beak a snake, both ppr.; einiator, a griffin, gas., 1860 ; 3 Cardiac l 4 Fanny-Loaha, va. 16 Sept. 1047, to charged aao Sloe breaatu’ith a mullet, or. Jlatlo—Trial byjat-y. 420 ERS Agnes, so. 20 Aug 1009,10 llel,insou Fesvler, Faq., barraslerat—lase, stipcndisry macistrate at Stanelteater and 6 TulsaItsariella, as. 17 Felt. 1056, to Liont.-Col. lirsadley ldarrssen, tale Ills hussans. The Dean of ttt1on d. 27 Jasly, 1800. TaT. ‘1nov.55 (the ilight lion,), tate one of the judges of hlae coasrl of Co,oanen Pleas 5. 12 March. 1780; as. 10 Dec. 1.814, Ilenrirtta-Eliea, saly dan. ef henry Trail, Esq. and 6.0 Psor. 1004, havteg by lace (sells 1. 21 Aug. 1863) lsaal, I henry Trail, S. 21 Dcc. lSl5 tat. 10 Dcc. 1006, EilzaSarale, only data, of the late Iterbert—Wiltiam here, Faq. oi l’sle Hors, co. WeaSard, comas. U.N., and at. 21 May, 1055. 2 Tlsensas, las losly saviors, late rector ofoleppingley, Iteds, non’ rsctsr of .tlderley, Clssatoirc, 5. 12 Nov. 1028; at. 8 April, 1.676. Fanoasetiate, Sri dan. of Use late llenry.Jelae Adeano, Faq. of talaralsane lUau, Caanbridgcslaire. and has tlena’v-Adeanc. h. I Starch, 1s07; ‘i’heseaa-Fdsrard, 5 24 Jolts: lshO, Raabert-Stsaarl, 5. l’s Dec. 1050, sod FdsvardJahn, S. IOAps’il 1064. I Anne. 2 daslia. totS, Fliza-Itland, data. of t-hclalo iicut.-Cel. Smilh, and by 29 Olarcla, 1810; Ettuo-Steseavt,, it. 8 Sept. 1011, ,?. in 1813; harry, 5. 11 Aug. 151-I. Col. Plraleino was deputy—adjutant— general to Ito balUe of Waterloo, svhere lao lest an ama. lie ,t, 46 Aug. 1817. and prrccttlae’ ef Cloiclaeatcr, svlao 7. Ii April, 1817. She 6. 25 Starch. 1039. at. Fhiaalaoth, at. 17 Noe. 1790, Is the late Sir Dovid Frskine, ItnI.; and ,t. 2 Aug. 1800. site a?. 15a14. Loral Ervkiaoo cat. faachl , Silos S;acah Shack, by whoaoa he also heft issue, ills lordship died vf tefasumatisu of the cheat, 17 N,,v. 1824, at Atnaonahell, asear Faliutaargh, ttae seat of his data, of Gsnvrol t’adsvalladsr, of Phiadel1ahia, and by her (what d. 2.4 March, 164:1) bach tosne, at. JeuN.CanarALe.xnnn. halo in lbs CS., Bengal, at. tat, 30 AlarsI, 1529, Sbat’garst, ystsasgesl alasl. of Ito Isle Johass 3ior— tyn, Esq. of oaa T7 vene, aasd by taco )avlso at. 41 .?asIOo, 1062) laas laad. 1 Wilhiaaas—Sl aenaclaton. capt. Otis laa;ccrs, 5. 7 ,lan. IS-Il, as.l July, 1064, Caa’olsno-Ahico-Marata. dan. of the hate Williaasa tlrisastato, Req.. aol Isoas a son, M’antosga, 15. tO .tuly, l63; I Panny-Slacnaglslen, tao. 12 Jan. 1561. Is SlaniiaIs-G. Iloacley, Faq. of Sylvan Park, co. Otealls; 2 Morgaret-Cetherine. The lIen. J.-C. Fraktssc on 2ndly, 25 Jen. 1865, StaryLauiaa-Cnllen, eldest dan. of the late Cad. Alexander Canapboil, CII., F. lt ,a,f lllaehtanrn hlsuae, Ayrshire. taa. David, major late of the 21st rogt., ooleniol aecrotary of Natal; as. 12 Nov. ISIS, Fasso-Storia, eldest dan. ef Josiah Spade, Esq., anal isy lace (svlae at. tat- Pteteraasaritzbarg, 3 Nor. 1860) han, I Stoart-Tosvnaeod, Ia. 23 Nov. 1041; ac. 17 Jan, 1666, at Cleland, soar Pteteranarilzbnrg, Jessie- Smith, lrat dan. of David-Dale ttaschanan. Faq., nsensher of also Iogislat’ve cetaneth and advocate aaf Ito supreaae court ef Natal; 2 St. Viaeent Wlsitshed, 5.22 Feb., 1546; 3 RobertIlonry, 5. 25 July, loIs; 1 Fanny-Cado’ailader; 2 AnnieB;srtv’s,. iv. B,laa’ard-Ilturria, It 31. covey exta’aeritinat’y and minister plenipolonliary to too Icing of Iho Hollenes; 5.28 Starch, h-S hi; cia. 24 July, 1047, Cardiac, u-blow of aloe Isle Andrew Luughnan, Faq.. and has isaaao, Stars’ - Slasaal ; ElizaholhStvoarta; Fvolyn-Constanre: and Cloriatian-Fdith-Fhoaner. v. Jasnes-Slasart. so. Countess Lerchenfeld, and has issue. h4aunsgarten, of Ilavaria. who ‘f. 11 Jan. 1546. nosy Sir 11.-F. Iless’ard, E.C.D., 2nd son of the late Henry hheward, Faq. of Corlay and a?. 12 March, 1035. TV. Stouarla, cat-I tIci. 1821, Ia Yeats llresa’n, Faq. of Slnppiugton, Feet, 11.51. Conaal at Genoa, and 5t, lois widow, at Genoa, 17 Sept. 1863. ldasrkins-Wbilalsod. tItan. Ale salon. co Warwick; and ‘1. 19 Nov. 1555. Faq., of Cmigferth, co Stirling, and 6. 30 March, 1846, Re a?. 31 Jan. tstl. Durham, Faq., of Large and Polton. Ho at. ho March, 1535. Mis lordahita’o widow a. 3 April, 1516, the Von. J. Sand- E R S K I N F.