Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/471

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RS ERSKTNE, Lonu, see 1Lw, EARL. ERSKINE. ERSKINE, Sxu THOMAS, Ilart. of eesirt, and his ambition hscreasing with his fortune, he was Canibo, eo. Fife, 8. 23 July, 1824; raised to the peerage, in 1522 (being at the time majorgeneral s. as 2nd Part., on the death of ins father, in 1841 ; m. 15 July, 1817, Duneannon Fort), as Lean Eaamoscoe, Baron of Limerick, cs. Zoida—Maria, only dan. of John IV,xfsmt. Dm’ing one of his campaigns in Csnnanght, FfHiott, Faq. of Hollybrook, Co. having fails,, in love with the beautifnl sister of O’}’laherty, Sligo, and has issue, I. FveLeioTT-WlLi.iAM5, 8. 28 Oct. 1850. ii. Thomas-Harry, 5. 12 May, 1860. I. Zaida-Mary. Ii. Elytia-Rnth. iii. Harriett-Caroline. iv. Harriet-caroline. v. A dan. 3Lincnt. 1. DAvin Esssinrnc, Req., grandson of ths late Earl of Hauls, Catholic yet, witisout resorting to legal naeasnres to annul H 19 Feb. 1792, was created a baronet 27 Ang. 1821 17 Aug. 1821, Jane-Silence, dan. and heir of 0’s Rev. Hugh 2nd dan. of the lion. Walter Fintler, 4th sail of James, 9th Wi]liares, of Conway, by whom he left, at his decease, 1811, Earl of Ormande, but by lssr had no issue. His lordship 4. I. Torne, present barenet. ii, David-Holland, 11.11. consul at Madeira, 5. 1810; so. only son, 28 Dee. 1856, Angosta-Jane, dan. of George Stoddart, 1. Sin Tsu,amae ltossomeoz, 1st baronet. The severity and Esq., his predecessor as Brilieb consul at Madeira, and singularity of his case created eesmstderable interest; and has soon, 8. II Dee. 1859; a sosi, 8. 18 July, 1861; a dan., there is scares a doubt that, but far the melancholy state Mice, and twa other dana. iii. Hugh - Henry, 8. 1839; Se. 2 Jan. ‘1866, CwenwyddFrances, of civil war, usurpation, and destruction of property, at das. of the Hen. R.-T. Rowley, and seidew of Capt. that period, “pest legal inveatigation into the matter and H—S. Fakenhain. i. Jane-Silence, tf. in 1826, n. Ilarriett, 4. 10 Jan. 1860. Eemonde tewards lab lady, soid the legality of his eeeosad in, Mary, 4. in 1253. iv. Caroline. Creation—IT Aug. 1821. Arms—Quarterly: let and 4th. gn .,aregal crown within not fail to have been acknowledged. Before, hosvever, that a dessble tresenre, fiory-eonnterfiory, or; 2nd and 3rd, arg., could have taken place, Sir Thamnas died, and his eneeessor a psle, sa., within a bordnre, wavy, mm. Crest—A garb, fessewiee, or, thereon a cock, ppr., wtngs grandfather’s property. Sir Thonaas Esmande, as already expanded, charged with a bend, wavy, sinister, az. JIslts—Veihlant et vaillant. beaf—Cambo, fifeshhe. ES MO ND IS. EsasoNnE, Tn Rtose HON. SIR Lard Mayo’s influence, a few menthe h,ter (26 Jan. ltb2S), Tiloalas, hart, of Ballynastra, Wexford, P.C., 8. 10 Dee. 1786; of Thomas Hutler, 4th Lord Cahir, and dau. of Sir John ‘‘ I I s. his uncle, as 8th hart., 10 Dec. Fitagemld, of Dromana, ee. Waterford (of the line of t I , ‘I 1803 ; in. 1st, Mary, only dan. of Desmonde), and had issue, t t ‘‘4 E. Payne, Esq., but by her (who s. Laonnmeee, his heti’. 7 March, 1840) Isad no leone and 2ndly, 16 April, 1856, SophiaMaria, widow of the late Hamilton Knox GroganMorgan, Esq. of Johnstown Castle, and dan. of the late E. Rowe, Esq. of BaHyerose, co. Wexford, which lady €1. 22 Nov. 1867. Ittiicagc. This family is of very ancient establishment in the en. of Wexford, where we find John Esmend was consecrated Bishop of Ferns about the middle of the 14th eentnry. The immediate founder of the present house, JOHN EssioNnE, Esq. of Johnstown, en. Weaford, sa, Isabel, dan. of Themas Rosseter, Esq. of Rathmaeknee Castle, and left a sesa, LanneNee Esasoane, Esq. ef Johnetew-n. This e-entleman so. Eleanor, dan. of Walter Walsh, of The .Masintahas, by whom he bad two sons, and was s. by the elder, Ws,,nass Eassomene, F.sq., who to. Margaret, daei. of Michael Furleng, Esq. of tloretewn, and had, with seven dane., fenr eons, vie., ROBeRT, living iss 1616, who continued the line of Johnstown, which became exaimee a few years sines in the male line. LAuRENcE, of whom presently. James. Patrick. The 2nd son, Sia LAURENCE Esssoene, abandoning the religions creed of his ancestors, declared himself a partisan of Ei,meaenrn, and a convert to Frotestantiem. In 1601-2 he commanded a trosp of 150 foot and horse in her Majesty’s service, was knighted by Sir Henry Sydney the vteemy, and served in Connsnght in the same corps d’armfe, en the expedttesns of the Irish chieftains, Moreugh-ni-dse O’Flalserty, Dynast 421 IS S M of West Cennanght, and Sir Thesbald llenrke, 1st Viscount Mayo, whe, to preserve their estates, had asade theh’ submission a short lime previously to the lord-deputy, and accepted cemmands in the Queen’s service. Sir Lanrenes Esmnnde’s zeal and aetisity in his military eperatians proenrod for him in an especial degree the favour ef the ef all the king’s forces in irelami, and governor of he si. her, and had one son, Tsioaias. It happened, however, that Lady Esmonde, a devout iloman Catholic, fearing that her child naight he brenght up a Protestasit, fornted the resolution of carrying off the infant by stealth, and returning to her faiaily in Connaukht. Tins act ofniaternal ,levotion appears to have been not at all disagreeable te Sir Laurence, as affortling hins a pretext for casting suspicion on the legality of his union, that of a Protestaat with a the marriage in due form, he some time sifter ms. Elizabeth, 26 March, 1646, beqneathing all his extenatve eetstss to his the accoenpanying eirsnn,staisees, the conduct of Lord marriage (his first undivoreed wife still living), Sir Thomas Esmende’s right of snecession to his father’s peerage could had to occupy himself with entering into possession of his noticed, was reared and educated with his maternal relations ; and npon his uncle being raised in the peerage to the dignity of Viareeaf Bean-c, of JIaye, by privy-seal, dated at Westminster, 6 Feb. 1626, and by patent, 21 June, 1627, Sir Thomas, who had already been knighted icr his ensinent services in the cause of royalty, as genss’al of horse in the armies of CHARLEs I. was created, throngh a DenoNeT us- laseaNn. Sir Tlsoma.s a. Ellis, widow is. J:nnes, of Halliastragh, who at. Barbara Vincent, of the ee. ef Limerick, and had issue, LAURENcE, his heir. Patrick, Chevalier d’Esmende, eol. in the Austrian service, who was for a considerable time in captivity in Turkey, He left an only dan. and heim’, who et. Charles, Count Kavanagh (of the family of Harris), geueral of cavalry in the imperial ai’my. The elder son, LAUNENeF. Esamomeos, Esq. of Dallynsstmgh, ml. at the age of 84, from a fail from his borss while hunting. lie at. let, Elizabeth, dan. of Henry Drownrigg, Eeq. of Wiagfield, en. Wexford ; Iadly, Mrs. Wyse, of the Olamaor of St. J,,hu (previously Miss illastermami, of Castletown); and ardly, Miss Dagg, but had issue only by his let wife, viz., JaMes, hits heir, who a. as 6th baronet. Elizabeth, ‘a. to O’Dsyle of Barrahara. Frances, a. to 1715, to Howard Ryan, Esq. of Mount howard, eo.Wexford, and hiahlymnrhsgh, eo.Wieklow, and had tsaue, 1 John-Howard Ryan, Eoq. of iilannt Howard and Dallyzsuntagh (who em. Plitllio, dan, of Themas, Conut Sutton de Cinnard, a,md was grandfather of the present Rev. William-Edward Ryan, of Dalhymnrtagh); 2 James Ryan ; 1 Ramonde Ryan, who lost his life in the rebellion of aTM ; and 4 MajurHen. Francis Ryan, who 4. tn 1814, leaving issue. Mary, sa. to Framscis Magan, Esq. of Emoe, ins Westmeath (uterine brotiser of the O’Connr Don), and had with other issue, a son, Thomas Hagan, Esq. of Emee, who mo. Cathe,ine, dau, of William Brahaaoa, Esq., and ml. 1514, leaving a son and hqir. Francis Msgsu, Esq. of Feces, who ss. Margaret-Mary, dan. of 0. 5. Jlnesey, Esq. of Westown, and 4. 1541, leavimag tlsree dane., hi, e’ ‘heirs, viz. Mary, wife of John Lentaigne, Esq. of Tallaght, J.P. ; Margaret, wife of Michael Cahill, Fsq.,J.P. of Dallyeonra, and Anna-Maria, ma. to Michael Csreorau, Eaq., Barrister-at-Law.