Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/475

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EX E E X E T E It. EXETER, MARQUESS AND EARL OF (William-Ailcyase Elizabeth, is, ho ‘fhoosao, Earl of llcrlcehis e. Cecil), and Baron of Burghley, co. Northampton, Diassa, a. lot, to Ilcary Vero, Earl ni Oxford; and lndly. to P.C., joint hereditary grand ahnoner to the Queen Anac, as. to ilcary, Earl of Stamford. in fee, capt. of the hon. corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, lib lordslsip 1. in 1640, and was c. by his oephew, late treasurer of Tier Majeety’s household, late MI’. bAsso, 3r,l earl (son of Sir lliclsard Cecil, of Wollserhcy), who for North Northampton, col. Northamptonshire trots. in 1641, by los eldest eon, by cho Lady Ehiosdscth Egcrtan, militia, and A.D.C’. to the Queen; 8.30 April, 1825 his wife, don. of John, 1st Earl of hrid’gcwaler, c. his father, as 3rd Marquess, 16 Jan. 1867 soc. 17 doox, 4mb carl, 8. 1628; who o. twice, end dytog to 1680. left Oct. 1848, Lady Georgina-Sophia Pakenham, 2nd Isy his 8rst wife, Lady Frances Otanners, dao. of Jolsn, Earl dan. of Thomas, 1st Earl of Longford, and has, a Bao,vsLow-Ncsav-GcoEoe, Lord Bnrghlep, 8. 20 nec. had four aena and fear daus., all of reborn d. o5m., except Iho 1840. TI. Fraocis-Itorace-Pierrepeot, RN., 2. 5 July, 1881. ITT. William, 8. 2 Nov. 1554. iv. A aon, 8. 1 March, 1807. T. lsabella-Geergiana--Eathrrine. Ti. Mary-Looiaa-Wellesley. us. Geergiana-Heorieria-Sephia. TV. Catherine-Sarah. v. Fraocer.Ensily. iv. Leuiea-Aleaaodriaa. JLiltcEgr. WIOLTAM CEcTL, a very eminent statesman, 8. at Eonrne, 1121, and was . toy Isis eldest sets, in Linealnehire, 18 Sept. 1520, sen and heir of Richard dons, lch carl; robe 7. toes,,. 5 April, 1722, raIson the honour, Cyeeel, an officer of the court in attendance upon Hmuav devolved upon Isle brother, VHI., wae appointed, leap. EowAao VI., secretary of Raort Naow, Stia carl. This nobleman as. in 2722, llamsahSoplsia, state, when he was knighted and made a P.C. His first eelaam he had issue, official employment ,indcr Qneen ELTEAnevn, was Ihe reausoptime of the aecretary-ef-etateship, and she elevated Tlacmae-Chambera, as. Ills, Charlatlo ilarosier, and d. 11 Log. hint te the peerage, by ties title ef Bares Berg/step, 91 Feb. 1871, and cenferred en him the erder ef the Garter in Jone, 1879. In the Sept. foliewing, at the decease of the Marquee, David, 4. in 1710. of Wiocheecer, he was cenetituted Loan Ilmsi Tueaee’nen, Margarrl-Sophia. ‘1. soio. 1738. and was chancellor ef the University of Cambridge from Elizabeth, is,. J. Chaplin, Eoq., Ihtankucy, co. Linrolo. 1658 to 1598. tIe m. let, 1541, Mary, otater ef Sir John Anne, of. tOtdoe. Choke, toter to Eowaan VI., by whom he had, Tsaoaae, his succeooar. ISis firel lady dying after a short period, he is. 2ndly, in of the Hon. Horallo To,easend, but dying in 1703, without ieeuc, 1546, Mildred, dan. of Sir Anthony Cooke, lOot, of Giddy cho henorars swvcrted to leie ocpleew, hall, en. Essex, by whom he had ancviving lassie, Ronxav, who was created Earl of Saliobury. Anne, Countess of Oxford. Elieaboth, rn. to William. eldest eon of Lord Wontworth. Thesnaa Vcr,som,, Esq. of I lanlssery, co. W,’rccoter (frotse whom Twelve times he entertained the Queen at his house for ho was divurced is, 1701), lee has1 no setrvivim,g laseec ; by lois several weeks togothor, at the expense of two or three 2ad, with Sarals (sehoses lie mis. 3 tIn. 1701, and wise sd. in 1707). thousand pounds each visit. His lordship cI. 4 Aug. 1508, dan. of Theares Itoggins, of ltolae, ca. Salop, he heel, and was e. by bie older eon, Tnoarae, 2nd baron, 8. 5 May, 1542; who was created Thoa,as. 8. 1 ,Tao. 1707 cal. in She arosy: sos. 8 Aug. 1810, Rorl of Err/er, a May, 1605, and installed a knight of the Soplela, so. in lola, to the Itight lies tlcnry-Manvero Pierre. Garter. His lordship so. Int, Porethy. dan. and co-heb’ of John Ncvil, Lerct Latimer, and bad isonc, s. WTLO.TAOT, his soecessor. is. ilichard (Sir), of Wakrrley, co. Northompeon, lIP. 8. 1670, Ilosnihion, dao, of Peter Darrell, Esq., by whosso (who st 17 01. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Aelhony Cope, Eat. aed hart, of Jan. 1837) he had no children The otarqurss sl. 1 May, 1804, Itanwell, eo. Oxford, and had issue, I Dxvsn, who a. as 3rd carl. I Elizabelb, as. J. liavero, Esq, of Stokorstoo, co. Leicesler. May, 1824, Isabella, dao. ci the late Williaate-Slephon Poyalz, iii. Edward (Sir), 8. 1671, a famous mililary commander, Req. of Cowdray tloose, Sussex, and had, created Viecaoot IVO,obleslan; bat dying a. p. ,a. ii, 1678, time digoicy expired. to. Chrioloploer, drowned in Gorosany. a. Thomaa, 2. 1578, as. Aaoc, clan, of Sir R. Lee, Mayor of Loodco. i. Cathcrioc, d. nnos. ii. Lucy, rn. to William, lttarqueso of Winchester. iii. Stildred, m. lot, to Sir ‘I’hcmao Itcad; sad 2odly, lo tv. Henry-Peyote, 8.10 tlct. 1817; sI, 10 Nov. 1558. Sir Edomoid Tralford, of Trafford, co. Lancaoter. iv. Siary, 00. to Edward Dooey, Earl of Norwich. v. Saaao, rd uoos. 425 EXE vi. Elicabelb, ol. 1st, to Sir William llatloo, lOot.; and 7odly, to t,ord Chief ,Tootice Sir Edo’ard Coke. vii. Dorothy, as. to Sir Cites Aliogtao, of ltorschcatb vni. Praoces, os to Nicleolao, Earl of Tbanet. ‘The earl rn Zodly, S’raneoe, dao. ci William llridges, 4th Lord Clsaados, and widow of Sir ‘fhcsnan Smith, master of rcqswsts to Jassre I., by whom he bad an only dan., Anne, of. Sept. 1621. his lordohipd. in 1622, and was c. by lois eldest aoa, WILLIAM, 2nd earl, KG., 8. 1066. lbs lordship is. Elicahehh, only dan. aod heir of Edward Manners, Earl of ttnoa,s,l, by whom (who st to 1201) he had a son, lVsLLTaas, wIse, io right of his mother, became J.oo’oi floe. lie or. Ehizabcth, dna. of Sir Thomas Lake, ef Cacoons, co lliddleoex; but 4. c. p. in 1618. The earl so. lndly, Elioahetls, dao. of Sir William r’nsry, Eat. w Otawoted, Suffellc, awl least three dasse., isis co—heirs, sir.., Thamaa Bruce, Earl of Elgio. of Rnbaa,l, an ossly ssorviviog son, Joas, Sib ea,’l. Tlsis oobtcnsao aT. Anne, only dan. of Wilhates, Earl of tlcvo,lslsire, and wi,lew of Claarles, Lord Ride, as,ol eldest son, Joos, aed the youngest dao., Ehicabeth, wife of Charles Royho, 4th Earl of Orrery. Lord RacIer dying 22 Aug. 1100, roac o. by his aon, Jeox, 6th earl. Ilis lordship as. 1st, 1007, Annahclla, dat,. of Jolia, Lord Gssalstoo, aed sister lo Clsarlos, 1st Earl of Tanker, yule, by wlaoao he isad tao issue, lie so - Sadly, 1680, Elizabethdao. and co-heir of Sir John tirowatow, hart, of Rchtoa, CO. Lincoln, and by her had issue, dooms, his successor; tlaowso.ow, who inherited as ftla carl; and Elizabeth, se. to Wflhiaao Aislabic, Req. of Stndley, to. Vork. Ills lordship d. 21 Dcc. dao. and heir of Thomas Chaoebcrs, Esq. of Derby, by RootersLow. Isis succesoor. 1713, leaviag en only east, Haney, who inherited as 10th earl. Tise earl ml. 7 Mar. 1754, aad was e. by hi, eldest sun, NoowraLow, Oia carl; tsba s,. lo 1740, Lohttia. daa. nod hecir 1-Irsee, 10th earl, 8. 14 March, 1751; abe Seas clccaled to a marqocseato, as Maoqrnss or Exe’ree, 4 Fob. 1801. He so. tierice by his first ssmarriage, wills Essissea, oaly sian. ansI lecir ef Raowwr.ow, ln,t Illarqncos. La’hy Sophia Leonan, dau. ofCharloe dth ttomkc of Richmond. poni, and of. in 1823. Itis hordelsip so. lrdly, 1800, Elizabeth, Doelsese dowager of and was a. by hia older Ten, beo,rnorr, lad marquess, reho teas 2,2 July, 1705, and cs. 12 i. WTLLTAsT-ALa.exNO, preseot peer. ii. Itrewalose - Thomas - Slentagno, esajar Northamptonohire militia, 8.27 Feb. 1827; cm. 27 Aag. 1854, Cloarlohtc-Alexandriaa-Mabella, ossly dan. of Edward-thompson Curry, Enq., Poritieh Conaol at Ostr,sol. ni. Edwanl-Hcery, eonsia. tiN., 8. 25 Dcc. il 12 Sept. 1802. v. Adrihert-Peret’, hale heat. lot rife isrig., 8. 18 July, 1841. t. Stary-Frencre, m. .1 Oct. 1861, to l’udlry, Viscotmt Sandon, cidrel sea of tire Earl of’roe by.