Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/478

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LXI in the sleath of the king. In 1 GPO, he resigned the command of the army to CeoastreLL; and time years afterwards, his lordship, coalescing with Monk, assisted zealously in restoring ttsc iii. ltegtaald. msssarelsy, attd seas sr,e of the commissioners deputed, upon Thomas, 9th lord, wat s. by hit grandson, CRARLES’StsowDEN. that occasion, to use king. Soon after tins cecnt 1 ;ord Fat rfax thin hsretent and 10th toed. represented mite cc. of York in parliament; ttot lie passed the latter end of his life iii rtttat rettroment. liii lordship to. t’rcotiou—i8 Oct. 1t17. Anne, dan. anti co—heir of Sir II oratt,t Vere, J.ord Vere of ‘iii— slcouz—Or, ttireo bars gemelhos, gn., sorstounued of a lien, bury, by trhoot Ito hail Ott only child, Mary, trite to. (icorp’c tO it act, sa. Vtlticrs, 2tttt doke of ltockittgltattt. lie it. in 1671, totten site Ci’etl—A lion, ltassant_geaedauh, ta barony derol red tilten his cttttiitt, I loony, dttt baron ; grattctton of tim lot terti, tltrottgtx hit 2nd ,st,fohis—Fare, Foe. tots, the lion, ant 17ev. ilettry Fairfax, rift tgletttorpe, Ce. York, by Mary, stats, of Sir I teory Cltointley. ‘flits nobletoan at. itranees, dais. anti heir of Sir lichen liarteick, of Tetoton, York— shire, by tetteits lie left tteo soot, i. ‘t’noatas, his sticcessor. ii. 11 eons’, of Teiotoo, cc. York ; to. Anne, datt. atid ott-heir of lttcttttrd I toi’riotttt, Esq., anti had, with oilier itstte, I tlos’toy, e’ho tt. .t. p. in 1709. 2 W’ti.eiott, sotto settled itt New fhttgtantt, schence tie remoerit to Virginia, attn herattie ntttitager of his coiioio’s (toni Fairfax) cstalcs there. Ito its. tiotce, anti butt three tons. ‘i’tto yetittgest, itot stireivor, ltnyas, a rii’rgyntan, 5. as Ptit itaron. tiit ioottsltip ,t. its 1689, anti teas e. it)’ the cuter, ‘I’tstosat, alit titteon ; eel. its ihte gttartts, tittil M.D. for tue 00. Slaatenlnis Hail, N0I’tlsttlosberlousd. of Yorit, srltieis teat Ito tt-at elitigeti to rettttt1nisla at tim ttnisn, npistt ceasitig tss tie a cetittittitter in Kttgtistttt. I-its lordship iii. Cattterttte, siatt. attst heir of Thoutzo, Lord Celepettper, by srltotts VIcn-AoatltuAt. SIR Wiensat-Gnonon FAIRFAX (eon of he had, t. ‘l’ttoams. its ittceettor, H. I ieney—Coirtcpper, 1. nttt,t. itt 1794. itt. it’obert, tr ho a. tit 7th littat. t. Margaret, ‘,t. Is the ltcv. Itantill W’ilktnt, DR., prehensiat’y service of his country, and continued in it for the long itf (‘atttstrbttrv. it. Frances, it. to Denny Marlin, lCsq. ; and dying 1791, left, taki,sg of Qneher nnder General Wolfe, and in the your I Deaax—91.atsax, lt Itoh)’ tirdent, trite isihterilesl at hIts 1775, when in command of It.M.S. “Alert,” ho raptured decease of tilt itttrle, Rottert. 7th lord, t.eedt Cattle, anti Le Cstist’eur,” the firot ship taken in the French war; the oilier estates itt itetit, wltett ltc aostteoetl tlte ttstnse of sorviee gu’eathy enhausced fnisna the ‘‘Arnthnsa “ being engtiged F’airftix. lie 1. o. t. lit 18th. 2 l’iiioie—M.stvta, tietil.—gen. iii the aritty ; trite titlierhiril Belle Pone.” But Captain Fainfix niore particularly front hit Itritutter Leetis (‘sittte, titid aesitittesi I lie ossnac if diothnguished hhmoehf at the mentorable hattie of Caniper. F’amen. lie ‘I. e,t it. in Isli, o’iten Leeds Castle liaised down, on the. 11th Oct. i797, in o’hheh engagement lae aeted to the reltrescitisitire i,f his aitiit tint hoir—stt-tate, Ihie tttto us flag captain to Lord Buncaut, en board 11.91.5. Tonerattlo Fieaaot-W’vamt.ou Mania, Ftq. The baron teat s. itt 1710, ity lilt eldest soit, Titttttas, tilt borsti , ‘l’itit nOltlrniati ittitenited froits his and ttierit open that oce,tuion, be received the honoor of is;ntilter a tutirtattttl forttttse, ceitsioting itf sevorstl zitantirt in knighihood, asid was soon after appointed eoloooh of marines, Kent, eotsttcs its tue isle if W’igbt, and ii tract of laitsi lit of the Red, Sir Wihliaes Fairfax iii. Margaret, dan. of Virgittia, called the Nortiteeti Neck, cottipnised within the ,Saenneh Charters, Eoq., oohiehtor of customs for Scotland, beitniarics of the rivers l’obottiachc atad ttsip;talizisttorlt, eon— atud by her left (with thrco other eons, Ji’oeuib, who 1. or js. touting, Isp ettitnution, 9, 709.009 acret. F’rotit tilt fsitlser he md e. p. ; Suonnet, who it, n. i. and 5. p. iii hnntisa ; ausd I tilted teti Dentoit I tail aitit nttitcr trtsienly in Yorktltire, titit he Wiiliant-G songs, who ii. r. putt I a. p., stint a dan., LI usry, woo ohiligeit Ity lilt tisotlier tutu giutitlitiotlier tti dis1tssse of ihote, s,s, tot, tti Saniutel tireig, Rog., csspt. atud oiausmiasiouucr itt in either itt reilectit the Cote,epper ttattttors. II it lordslit1t httd a the Itovsiuut uussvy ; tiuud haiti9’, to Wiflians Somerville, Eon1.) ceuiniitsion in the liorte—gtiaritt, bitt visthtng hut ittisi’rictttt a fisnrth son, u’ho sturvived bins, eshttct at out the year 1729, lie teat to caistis ateti ivitit the toil, 1. Henna’ Fauueox, who wsss Ii. 1 Feb. 1790, and eustered ehinair, anti hicaistics of Virginia, that ito resolved to s1truid the the British arnty itt 1500 sehcts lie woo proooisteuh ovith a remainder nif his life there slid hue scott after crct’tnit tire ooitiunission by the Doke of Ytirhu. lie served with the old niansietto, ltd roir anti fireettsray Cetirt, totters he et’ittioised 09th (rifle-brigade) in the Poithnsnla, 1812-17. Gui his return ever afler,ea,’ds to crude in ti stale of itarottiat taotpthality. lilt to Eusp’hausni lie, teat preuttoteni to a osuspausy ha the 9.7th light dress teat 1dain anti tiittltio. his itittitners itintlest otiti tin_affected, iuifau try, auni he reuuaitied with this t’egtoieuit till tue end anti tilt style of thnitig tttagnihcent. Snehi teat hit generosity, of his military career. Gn laceoming a otil. in 1041, lie ttittt he gave op lilt Enghtsla estates to lilt tirottier Robert, and retired finns the arniy, sifter a ocu’vico of nsou-e thast It years. rho ottrpltts of his Anierican inctinse wuts distrilottc,t amotig Ins tie si. lot, ha Jan. 1 p70, Arciol tohnl-Mistttg o none, led dan. line tsetghttt’atirt. tilt prtoeipat anintetiteiti seat hititting ; autO if Thouti,os Wtlliatsstots, Euq. (ntisv Wilhtaunaon-Ilatnoay) of ii tter the chair lie teat icone to itiette the sehuole tell to roirtake Lixnsttuint, ci’. Esliuuhsurghs, amid of B axissi, its lioxhanrgh. htu hospitality, lie hati stern educated in revithstthtttsary iruti. shire, uoud by her (soho tt tO .7,0_a-, L4-t) bud isouur, cipiet, atsd loot tinttihteti higta ttetietau of re1ttthihht’an hitcety, lIe i. WILLI.ias-GroRor-Ittsoou:or-TATLOn, pu’coent baronot, teat heat, anti coslits reteerttiti of F’t’etlcriek Cetttity, atitt lire. it. Thomas-lidivard, fortnerhy H. LI. Bengal Cheil Sereire, titieti at Cite Itrerinetal courts af W’hnehester (tt.S.), st-lucre, dtiri,t g the scstioit, he kept an 011cc lai,le. lilt Iitrdsttijt it. iii. Itouny, rapt. RN., F. itt 1077. unto., at Greetssnay Court, in 1787, triton the title devolved i Ehizahsth-Maiy-Somen’ihle, ou. 17 Sept. 1161, to James. npitn hit ousty aureteing brother, itosezy, 7th h,arots. ‘thus tiettleman ti. tielee, hut it. seititotir istite, itt 1797, telieti his Ketitisli peeterty nlrvoheeti oposa hit Ho os. 2ndhy, 19 Dcc. 1801, Sarah, oh-host dan. of the lato eu’pht’te, the 11ev. I lentil’ Marthis, uittitt the itareny wsts etttilrated William Asteht, Eoq., MI’. four the ott. Bentfno’d, bitt Pm the by the I muse of Litruts tii I Ohio to lilt hoitussetits, ‘toe P7ev. Isnyax ltsiacaa,tehe hint hecsutie tilt Lord i’oir. IRIS, in ci ttustnterustiout itf hits fssther’s sliotingttiohcd naval fax, lIe ti, Putt Cary, and teat s. by his son., liii ben ; h. itt I 762 ; seho retitled ot Vaneitise, Creation—it Fob. ISIS. Fairfax Ctitmty, in Virgitsia, U.S.t’attd ii. there, 71 April, 1946. Penis—Az., a chuevron, betwnen two Score-dc-he, un chief, I he s’s. ilsrre tunes, liii bait ittite suhy iiy hits lent wife, itlargaret, and a Cumperdown tuodal, in base, or, the medal boing doti. of tviihiaiti I Ierbrrt, to I cliii getuthentan of thin noble fatuity pnndeiat by a striped ribbon, us. and org., with tho word of that natise, viz. t Aotewr, seho ii. cud jtairbe, leaving tue tens, viz., I Coaoens-Stsowntie, present Lone Fxine.ox. 4’ht F A I 2 Jonu, a phsytieian,now resident at tVoodburne, Maryland. ii. Gi’lando. Snppsnlees—Itextoi-, a lion, geiardanh, so.; tinistet’, a bay hone. a FAIRFAX. FatuifAx, Sin WILLt.tM-Ggoncat. HgntaialT-’I’.tyLoih, a captain 15th foot, Ii. 1831 ; oorvenl in tite Cnitisea, tund obtained a nionlal and clasp for oei’vicc at the siege of Sobastoptal s. hit father, at 2nd hart., 3 F’ob. 18110 sit. 17 Sn’pt. 1838, itlary.Ants—Pasvootu. lIargi’as-e, only dat,. of W. - J. Pawsotu, Esni. of Jt iuicgr. Jooe1tla F’surL’ox, I-kq, of Btigolittt, who woe descended fruini the same stock as the BARoat Founeox), woo born in tho year 1720. At an early age he entered the naval pertitd of sixty-throe yours. In 1780 lie was present at the at the oonae ttme in ltcr cehebs-ated action with the ;“ and in conoideration nuf his acknowledged bravery lIe substqnesi thy attained the rank of vice-admiral ii. 16:12. Liehig Gregory, Euq., svho nf. 9 .‘ilssy, 1063, astd has Menry.LisukdoegaL-John Fairfssx, h. 20 Nov. 0062. bad ‘iii tostue. Col. Fsuhrfssx was eu’oatod a Bssronet, 21 Fetu. set-vieoo : he it. 2 Feb. 105th. * Mrs. Somerville it the celebrated anihor of .hfcelianisoi of the lleuicen,’, alsO other works.