Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/477

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FAG FAG GE. FAuna’, SIR Jony, of Wiston, co. FAIRFAX OF CAMERON, BARON (Chas-les-Snowdon Sussex; 5. 8 Sept. 1798; s. as Fairfax), in the peerage of Seotlansi; e. his grandfather, 7th burt. at the decease of his 1855, Ada, 2nd duo, of Josoph-S. Bes;bam, a diotingniehoel father, 23 Sept. 1822. Itinragc, JOHN FAGGE, Esq. of Brensett, cc Kent, ,s. Adr3m, dan. United States; and was elected Speaker of ths and heir of Clement Cobb, Esq. of Canter) ‘ury, and had a son, Honse of Representatives of the State of Alcaidi. JOHN Faunc, seated at Rye, cc. Sussex. This gentleman m, Miss ElixaPeth Hudson, and bad issue, I. Sin JoaN Faooe, of Wiston and Olystole, who was Utenarn PassrAx, of Walton, living lessp. llassi ‘s’). vs. created a Baronet 11 Dcc. 1660, for his loyalty to CnAnLro I., Anasiasia, dan. assd heir of John Caitborpe, and had, u-ills and his ellhrts in furtherance of the Restoration. Sir Js,bn othez jessie, m. Mary, dan. of Robert Morley, Esq. of Glynd, in Sussex, William, of lVailoss, whose direct dsseendaat (the 0th in one’ and had, with eleven other children, who ci. Morn., s. Honour, his successor. it. Charles, so. Miss Mary IIylaosi, by whom he had, with other issue, I Cisarles, who Ia. Elizabeth, dots, of IVillians Tnrser, Esq.. and had a son, WILLIAM, who s. as Oils harsact. ssz. Thomas, so. Elizabeth, widow of John Mores, and had a son, Joins, who so. and left issue. s. Elizabeth, so. to Sir Philip 11011, Dart. ss. Mary, so. to John Spcuce, Req. Sir John was s. at his decease, in 1700, by his oldest son, II. Sits ROBERT, who us. 21 Sept. 1671, Elizabeth, dan. ol Margaret, dan. of Sir Wihiaoe Ityther, of Ilyther, and was’s, at Benjamin Culpcppcr, Eoq. of Lindftold, co. Sussex; and d. Steeton Castle, co. York, which he had erected, by Isis eldest eon, 26 Aug. iTii, 1oang an only s’,n, lIt. Sin ROBERT, who in. Christian, dan. of Sir Cecil Misshopp, reign of Hoanv VIII. Mis lordship Os. Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Mart., and had, with two othor dane., who ci. usssa., Sir Robert Manners, lInt., aneeslor of the Duke of liatland, and Rosetta’, his successor. Elizabeth, who was so. is; 1743, to SirCbarles-Matthcu’Goring, Sin lVaLLtAss, u-he u-as IngIs-sheriff of she co. of l’ork, in the Dart., and inherited a portion of her brother’s eslalce. Margaret, Os. in 1723, to Gaweo-HarrisVasls, Enj. of Pesworlls, John Thwaitn, Req. of Denlon Castle, Yorkshire, tsp whons ho in Sussex, Sir Robert was a in 1730, by his only son, IV. Ssu ROBERT, who m. Sarala, dan. of William Wart), sheriff for the co. York in 1071. Craw-ford ssentione that this K. B. ; but dying without isono, devised his estates in Ecsst gentleman aas with the Duke of Bourbon at the sacking of and Snesex, at his decease, in 1740, to hio sister, Elizabeth, Rnssse, and that his failsor, being lngbly offended thereecitis, white the title reverted to his zonsin, V. Sin W5LI.sxas (refer to issue of John, lot baronet). Dorothy, dao. of Geergo Gaie, Req. of Aohano Gmnge, and had, This gentleman as. Elizabeth, dan. of Ahs’aham le Grand, besides ta-s daos., Esq. of Cantes’bnry, and had issue, JOHN, his successor. lEsion-Ward, Os. to the Rev. Philip Williams, prebcndary 0) Winchester, whom she survived, assd ci. to 1071, at the Charles (Sir), cot, in the arasy 1 killed at the siege of Ostend. advanced age of 00. Sarah, vs. 2 Feb. 1777, to Edw’yn.ldomphrey Sandyo, Esq.; Sir Thomas was s-by his eldest eon, - and it. in 1702. Sir William ci. 14 Nov. 1701, and was a by his oon, VI. TuE Rev. SIn JOHN, vector of Chatham, in Kent, who Ihis lordship as. in 1002, Ellen, dau. of Itobert Ashe, Req., and sL 27 Aug. 1700, Anne, only dan. and heir of Daniel Newman, eras a. at his decease by his eldest son, Eoq. of Canterbury, barrister-at-law, by whom (who Fennsrsasuo, 2nd baron. This nobleman, at the beginning ci. 16 June, 1007) be had issue, I. Jose,s, present baronet, 51. Jolsa-William-’l’hosnao, rn. in 1024, Prances, yoossgest dan. Newcastle in 1641, Lord Byron, in 164), and Gel. Bellasis (whom of Wm. CarIes’, Esq., 01.1)., of Canterbury, and ci. 1 Oct. he took pisoner) in Api-il, 1644, at Settsy, he had the chief 1040, leaving sorvirissg issue, JouIs-WILLIAII-CnAaLos, 0. 10 command at the battle of Otareton Moor, in the July of the Oct. 18)0; John-Charles, b. 20 March, 1010; Prances-AasseJesnisas; sasne year, and there, defeating the royal arsny nndez Prince Jane-llary-Gesrgiana, so. 10 June, 1 SOS, to Edredharry ltnpert, he tsok possession of the city of York as governor, lots Littlehales, Esq.; Julia-Augusta-Lee; Lncy-ItarrietGerts’ssde; lordship ns, 1st, Lady llary Sheffield, dan. of Edmund, 1st Earl and Amelia-Elizabeth. its. John-Charles, ci. 17 Feb. 1031. iv. Jshn-Prederick, t. in 1014, in holy orders, vicar of Sewn Chapnsan, Esq. of London; by the former of erhom he had Cashew, co. Wareeick; so. 3 Sept. 1044, Itose Emily-WOrd, three sons and six dana.,’s and eras s. at his decease, in 1147, by 4th dan. of the late George Baker, Req., and granddaa. of isis eldest son and conspanien in arnie, the late Dr. Andrews, dean of Csnlerbnry, and has, I Tnoatas, 3rd baron; wise bad distiagnished himself as a Prederiek-Williaso-Aston; 2 Arthur-Ernest, I Rleassor-RosePrederiea; republican snilitasy leader, as Sin Tnonas FAInOAt i-Ic u-as a 2 Alice-Geraldine; 3 Adela-Coeslanre; 4 Ocrtrode-Jaee-Pctlding; part;cipator is; the victory obtained by his father at Seihy, and 0 Floronee-Lssey-Jomima: aside Olary. he co;nmanded the eight wing of the parliamentarians at a. Elizabeth. is. Sas’als-Anne. sss. .Assgsssta, vs. to the Rev. Henry Feuding, vicar of Iticass, geseeral-in-ehief of the parlisneent’s arnsi;-s, and soon after Cantes’bary, who d. I Fob, 1063 (see Doansan, RAnt or). iv. Ltwy. v. Jeinima, vi, in 1644, to the Rev. AllenPeildiag, M,A,, who took Dridgewater, Dartmouth, Bristol, defeated Lord llepton, ci. 7 May, 1060 (see Deassess, EASL os). Sir John ci. 23 Sept. 1012. £‘reotiaa—ll Doe. 1660. Arsss—Gn., two bonds, vair. Crest—On a wreatla, an ssls’ich, wiags expanded, as’g., of tIse independents, and u’as esslirely free of any participation iseaked, legged, and ducally gorged, os’, holding in the heals a * Dorothy, one of tIme dane., is,. ltielsas’d Olalton, Eoq. of horseshoe, tsp” Seoh—Olyslsde, near Canterbury, Kent. 427 FAT F A T R F AX. as 10th baron, 21 Aril, 1846; as. lii Jan. laeryer of Cineissnati, Ohio, son of the late gallant Majos’ Robert ltenl;am. Lord Fairfax holds the office of Clerk of the Supreme Cotsrt of California, one of Isigh positisen asul reeponeihilit.y in the JLihitagtI. cession), Ssu Ynossas O’asorax, of Waltoss, was zveated, in 1620, Vieo,aisl FssG’ias’, sI Recta,, c’s. i’ippcs’ory, 10 the peerage of Irelansl, a dignity that expired with Charles-Gregory, Viscosss,t Pairtix, in 1772, wlsess isis estates eventtsally devolved on Charles-t;rcgory t’igott, who assnnsed the surnanse of Pasneax, and is the present Cnastes-Geoaoo Passpax, Req. of (lilting Castle. Sin Guy Passeax, of Stoctoss, who, having served the office of allorney-geecrai, eras oppoinled one of the justices of the court of Ring’s Bench, 20 Sept. 3470. This learned person vs. Sin Wss.s.,aee, one ssf the justices of the Common Pleas in the was s. at his decease by his only son, 16th and 31st of BENnY VIII. lIe s’s. Isabel, dan. and heir of aeqnired that seat, and eras e. by his eldest sssrviving so;;, Sin Toonat Pasnrax, of fenton, who served the office of settled Steeton on his youngest sos;, Gabriel. Sir Thomas so. Tssonas, his soecessorEdward, of Newhall, a poet, the translator of lasso’s Gscifs’ey ssfBessls’qsse into E,sgliols verse, assd author of a Treatise on Demonology. lOs 55. in 16)3. Ssn Tnenas Fasvoax, Knt. of fenton CasGe, who was created a peez of Scotland, 15 Oct. 1627, as Baros Fasneaa 00 Caasesson. of she ciril war, u-as tke parliamenlary goneral for York, and because eminently dkiissguiehed. Afler detesting the Rasi of of 3lulgrsve; and Indly, Rbeda, dan. and ce-heir of Thomas Marston Hoar. In the 34th year of his age he was appointed ranted the King at Nasetsy, retook Lefeester, beat Cot. Goring, forced the Prince of ‘O’ales to retire into France, and then, reducing the onlire ssf the lVeot, dmro the ICing from flxferd, in Kay, 1646; in which year be u-as osade gorernor of the Tow-er of London. After s;ss’eeed;ng to the haressy, lie redored Cohetsester; but Iso belt no Isas-t in the subsequent proceedings Popheten, Yorkshire.