Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/488

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F E B child and heir of Willlarn Cnrtain, Eaq.,and a near relation estate for same who were as dignified. lie d. about itSS of the iticur Hex. Enatuern BURKe, and d. in March, and avas a. by his only child, 1833, leaving leone, EDeroan-iluexe, flow LORD Fcaerov. Frances Maria, so. in 1514, to James Kelly, RH. of Cahircon, It. Ilenry, fram whom descended the SalaLeys of L-cfsa, to. Clare. end of Ballybrieken Castle, em Limerick; formerly s,r Fuleher, twice married, but ci. o. p. Mr. for Limerick. Creetiso—lt Sept. 1856. A eisa—Go., three roaches, naianl, in pale, org.; a canton, ci Ssuavsttus, the eldest eon, el .abont 1125, leaving by kG ike last. Cecet—Slonsliog en a rock, Mr., SC osprey, er sea—eagle, wills lot wife, Matilda, dan. of Ridel of Halaughton, cc. wings rti.9flaycsl, ant., collared gemelle, no.. mensbcre’l. or, hot Derby, ing a roach in us claw. Sa,sp.,el’ co—Dexter, a lion, enohsois, gorged witl’.o cellar, ii. Psileher, who held font knights’ fees, bnt ci. a. p. sa., therefrom pendeut an eseotebeon, go., rharited wills tisree roaches, natant, its pale, erg. ; olnisler, a greyhonud, peon, gargod with a cubic, or, therefrom ;sendont as eeeateheon, v. Ralph. per pale, of the second, and gn., throo lions, pasoant gssardoit, In pale earnierehanged. AI’slfo—Mon llicn eat ma Roche. &nto—Trabalgan, Kildinsa, and Kilokanniek, eo. Cork. Derbyshire, he was the first of the family n-ire called himself FERRARD, VISCOCET, ace MASSAREENE, ViSCOUNT. blohert do Ferrers, Earl of Derhy, and d. ebont 1165. Be FERRER S. FEBREF,O, EARL (Sir Sowallis-Edward Shirley), Earl of lancaster, the khsg’s brother, by the service ef twa xriononnt Tamsvorth, and a baronet, 8. 24 Jan. knights’ teas. in the 15th of tho same reign, be had the 1847 ; a. hio father, so 10th earl, 13 March, 1859. The very ancient ansi hensurable fanstly of Sninrcv has of tire sams king. lii the lest Enaese.D it, he sass colt— had tho goad fortune io have boon illustrated by an historical stitoted one 0f the justices at the co. Wa,m-tek, far the gaol narrative, osespilod by a diotineuishssl ,nemlscr of delivery’, and in twa years after was elected ta parliament its ours hence. Sir Thamas Shirley, of Tiotelph’a liridre, far that eo. He c. Margaret, dan, and co-heir of Walter de ceraposed three disthict 315. histories sif the Strip, eve, ill Weldeshief, of Fuirhietd, cs. Iberby, cup-bearer to Enwsan of which are preoereed hi the tiritish Mnsenm. From these IT; and stying ha 1327, u-ace. by isis son, records ft appears ihat the Shirleys derive ‘feeeent from SaeuxLt,o or SEWALLUC Dc ETINODOR, wls,,ee name (says in the 14th yearr of Enw.sno lit. This Sb- Thomao is sold DUoname, in his .4’ifiqoilha of Wnewiekelit,e) agnes him is to be “ the great founder of the family of Slit rley, faneoua ha of the old Englteh steak. Tic resisted sit NetherEthigdan, in his time fuse his valour, and for the many services, &c., he the eo. Warwick, abant the rd.. p ,f Khsg re,idscesi Is’ the Kings ci li,egland, against the French.” EDWARD TIlE Coxressoe, which place had been the seat of lie to. babel, granstdau. of Edits, Lord Basset of Dray’ien,5 iris aneeotors, as there is re;aua,ie to believe, for many generations hefsro that pori ‘d. Alter the Cosequcas, the lordship of Etingdan was given ,ii, slrastvco osase remarks. The i.tuly’s legitimacy hal to henry, Earl of Ferraro, in Normandy, who was Inc of ths latterly been d,sut,tcd, ill dsfiassce of u-hat seems deeieive irineilsat advent urers rein, tire Norman iluko Winrr.s at, miS prossf. fer reasons which appear extremely aveak, ar rather was held sinder him hy ti,io Sewallas, with whose p”sterity, tie i-ease’ns at. cdl. Tie s’nls- eslessu for aeperoissu which in tha male line, it has eantinned to the present cc ign, the which ygo,,,og Burl cc yt,, fL51, was found ta he eonsin aud late Han. George Suihicy, svhs A in 1787, having bee,r serf Isle of Ihaiph. lssst L’’oh Bassett, ci Drayten ; viz., owner ttieressf. This long eontinnanee of osvnership is menfumed graudaei of Margaret, siisr t,s Ralph, Lard Basset, hit by ICODALE, svhe nays, hi his Wseteick-.’ku,e, that grsrndhhthee. But every pi ,sfssuud and properly qualified Etingdsn is the ‘‘lily place in tho esmoty which eas,ld glmy genealsgiat knews, ttsat inq’,iaihis’us u-ill perpetually mis— in an nntnterrnpted sueesssf on of its owners for so long a the very next eehstmo of sigdale would have suggested a slsaea of time. As appe.trs by Eenhlworth Register, Sewallns de Etingilun. by ins1uisitt’ us (wlsich arc talecu S ‘elba purpose of chewing heft re menti’ ‘net, founded suit endowed the church who srrc entitled to tire estates of the decessoed), are fierce of of Nethee-t-7lhsgstsu. That ho was an eminent man, is e,,l’sil, a,id not heirs of blsssd. And this avsms sbvieuoly the ohvions from his large ps ,5sessions us tire c’u’nnties of ease isa thse ltssset tnqssisition. ttalph, Lord Basset, the Warwick, Lincoln, Noelhaieptsun, asud Derby, in tha thee grauslfathor, in as injunction with II’dph. his grandson arid of the Oaxqoreoa, few being oilers-ed at that change to aever-sil of his manor-s t,s hinsoelf for life, remainder to Ralph, enjoy more titan a part of their estates, and even obliged to tire grandson, arid thee helm sf his body; remainder to the bald that pactiun by military and other services, from their fisher” (‘he of tl,e body ‘,f Ralph, the grand fisther; arid for crew lords. Therefore, if we nsay gloss of his antharity by usmt of o”et teo,’e, to Ralph de Stsifford for life, with divers the extant of his estate, svhieh amounted Is seventeen ‘thee rematndeeo of the lure of Stafford, die. This entail will hi’les of land in this place only, he must have been no less sit once aeeou,,t for the inqsusitisn ; u-hich finds Thomas, than a Thane in the time of the Saxens, schick was tIre iuetlssr, Isabel, if she was living), to be his beir. Lord same degree of honour amang them as a Bars,u or i’oer of Basset, by Ma avilh, dated hi 1105 (of wisieh a copy is to be England after the Narman Coxgueev far, as the learned fs,und in Marl. IISS , 4018, p. 210), entailed the lerdsbipa of Selden observes, little issere than five hides of land was an Rakedahe, Ac., on Sb- ffis,ghr Shirley, and the heirs male of 438 F ER Funcuen, u-ho 1. abant 1105, leaving issne, i StwALI,UO, his heir-. es Derby, avho ts’ok the name of Inevosi. iv. Nielsslaa. v. Robert. r. Meant, his snceees’’r. iii. hugh, spriest. v. Richard. Having translated his seat from Etingden to Shirley in LIE S,renttsy. He was’, by his eldest son, Beairv, who held five knights’ foes in Derbyshire, of gave the lordsbhls of lvanhtoak ta the nssnko of Bfldewas, and was a witness ta the foundation charter of Mes’evalte Abbey. lie left issue, by Jeanne, dan. and heir of John etc Clinton, of Essex, Sswvttt’o, his eon aud heie, who, Mi 1107, acknowledged himself ta hs,ld of William Ic T’erre,’s, Earl of Derby, those lime knights’ fees which tIonry life father, and his nnele, eametime held of Earl Rehiort., gnondficthcr to the said earl. lie isc. Isabel, dau. and ce-heir of Eabert ileynell, of Langley-Meynsehi, eo. Derhy, by who,n he had a dan., Elizabeth, wife af Jabn de Walton, sass ef Simon, Mishap of Norwich ansi a son and heir, Sin Jastre nr Sn,etrv, who was a knight, and had free warren granted to hina in all his decreases at Shirley, in 1247, and at Etingdoo, in 1221. ito ci. Attires de Walton, dan. of Simon de Walton, Btvhap sf Norwich, and had issue by he,-, sir Ralph, has sueceasec. Me ‘1. abasst 1278. Sra RaLen ne Surnmn-, ira the 7th year ef Enwaan 1., held the manar ci Eeten’boi, os. Warwick, of Rebound, custodies of the coo. Saleys and Stafford, with the eaetlc of Sbaewobuey, earemitted to his charge, and was sheriff ef the ess. Derby and Nottingham in the- 27th, 28th. and 10th Sin TnesrAs Suier cv, Kut,, 11.1’. fee the cc. Worsviok, This marriage with the heeesa ef Lord basset, of Drayts lissve met with, LI an inquisition mcliii’ ‘sieul by Dugshde i,e Is ash if superfetilhe- exanshied mud i’s thee preseiat instance, solution ‘ f the difficulty. The heirs frequently pointed out heir-apparent, in tire reign of lfnarson Itt, settled by fi,se Karl of Stafford, and not Sir thigh Shirley (or rather his bin body, ou condition ho should hear the name and er-mn of IL LilrRgc.