Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/493

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FIF FIFE. FIFE, EARL (Sir James Dciii, K.T.), Vieoonnt Slary, dan. of George Skerse, Req. of Skene, and had issac, Macduff and Baron Braco, of Kilbryde, co. Cavan, in 1. JAMEs, ill, earl. the peerage of Ireland ; and Baron Skene, of Skene, in the peerage of the United Kingdom ; lord-bent, of principal of Elgisa,l,ire; s.c. hard, 1812, Anne, yascngeat the oo. Banff; 5. 6 July, 1814; ste. 16 March, 1846, dan. af Jaeses Stein of ltihhagie, and ,d. 21 Sfarch, 1851, lcav— Lady Agnes-Georgiana-Elizabeth Hay, dan. of Wi]ham-George, ing issue by her fo-Ita ci. 14 Feb. 1819), 17th Earl of Errohl, and has ieene, a. ALEXANDEE-WaLLIAM-GEOROE, Jniaceet,,f .iI,rcclscff, 8. 30 Na,. 1849. 1. Anne-Elizabeth-Clementina, a,. 17 Ort. 1561, to JohnVilliers-Stuart, 5th and present Olarqness Townahend. ii. Ida-Louisa-Alice, ‘a. 3 June, iso?, to Adrian-Elia, Imps, 1. Jane, cc. 2 Dec. 1a02, to 91a)ar A-P. Taylor, RE., and cf. Esq., and has a dan. ccc. Alexana. lv. Agnea-Ceeil-ltmmefine. The earl a. his uncle, as 5th earl, OMarols, 1857, and sac. Sarah, 1,1.20 Jssne, 1607, to Daniel Cshlyer, Ecq. of Gray’s was created a poor of the United Kingdom in the cv. Olary, sI. young. same year. TIe was made a Knight of the Thistle, His lardslsip l. 7 April, 1811, aad was a. by his son, 2 Marcis, 1860. iiiiragc. This noble family derive, from I’xrs MACDUFF, 5 chieftain of Fife, 27 April, 1527. ltis lordelsip sa. 9 Sept. 1790, Mary- great wealth and power, wha lived about the year 534, and who Caroline, 2nd dan. of the late John htanaers, Req., and Lc;uisa, affnrcled to KENNETH II., King of Scotland, strong aid against Counleac of Dysart, by ,vhom (wha 1. 20 Dec. lies) he had na Id, enemies the Picts. In reward of these services, Macdoff iasne. Tise earl diatingniahech lai,nself dnring 11cr Prniaatclar received fran, the naeearrh a grant af all the lands then called war, Itaving valnoteet-ed l,ia services, and obtained the rank of Otbelinia, which be himself had conquered fro,n the Piets, and etsjar—generah in tl,e Spanish patriotic arn,y Ite was n-ocmded which extended fraoa Fifeness ta Claelnnannan, from east to at the battle of Talavem, and again at tita atorsning of Fort west, and fram the river Perth on the senlh, to the rivers Tay Slaiagaeda, aear Cadic. The earl ci. 9 Olarch, 1i57, and was a. and Eme, Os, Ihe nnrth. Of tlsat tract af laud, selsieh lie called in the Irish Isanocira ftlae Barney nf the United Kingdom bseeona— Fife, Macdoff waa appointed herettitary thane. The 8th in ing ExvcNea-) by his nephew tite present peer. descent front him ,ras the MAcsuer, wish whom the genias of Shakeepeare has made t’rcafieoe—Racon, 2S July, 1730. Earl, A-c., 20 April, 1709, in the wand familiar. This pawerfal thane having mainly eontrihuted Arim;s—Quarlerly s I at as,d 411,, ar, a han, rampant, gn., fur to the destruction of the usurper, MAcBETH, and ta the OIAenurr; 2nd and 3t’d, serl, a fe,ae, daneettde, erm., between restoration of OtALecmac Ceasacacre, the latter kieg confirmed a hsas’t’e Isead, eahoased, in els,rf, anti twa raralhnpa, in base, or, to hiaa his co. of Fife, of which lae treated lsiin earl in 1061. tar Durr. The lStls earl, DeNCAN, dying in 1353, withaut i,a’se male, the rarldam ling, gu., beatreweci avilh esentrheuna, on, each charged with a became extinct. His ,leaeendant, ha,vever, DAVID Deer, lion, mmpaat of tlse ac’rundc on his back a ksaight in camphete received, in l4el, from Resest III. a gmat af eenaidemble charged as the escutcheons; on the helmet a n-realh of the lands and af the barony af lhsddavll, which caneanned lobe aae calenra, therean a ,lemi—lien, rampant, gn.; 2nd, a deoi-liou, ci the chief titles of the fmnlly, until alienated in the lsrginnhag t-atupaat, ga., hol,hng in_ tise dexler pace’ a broadewerd, ppr., of the reign of CHARLes TI. The descendant of David Duff, OVILt.IAM Duer, Rag., was elevated to the peerage af Ireland, Sccpjserf’-a—Twa eavagea, wroathe,t about tise head and ,e-aist by the Qaeen Regent CAaotsae, as Berets Braca ef Kiltrysic, over their choeshders, all ppr. 28 July, 1735; and advanced ta a visesonty and earlden,, jdlcflecs—Dee jmivaete. Oven the 2nd erect, Dens jovat. 26 April, 1718, by the titles of Viscaaut M”ccteff and EARL Under the shield, Virtnle ci epcri’c. Fcre.* Nis lordship s’s. let, Jane Ogilvie, dan. of Jamcs,Earl of ,Se,cfv—Daff h-louse, an’l Balvessie Casth. Banffshire; Innea Findlatcr and Sealield, and chancellor nf Ireland, but by l,cr Macar, Maray; Share Lo’lgr, as,d l0elgaty Castle, Aberdeen. (who ci. 1722) he had no isane. tIc 55. 2ndly, Jane. dan. of Tncea Jdsosc—4, Cxvendish Square. Sir James Grant, ilart. af Grant, and by her (‘vhs ci. 1788) had, with four other children, ,vha ,l. scata., JAnes, hi, successor. ALEXANDER, who a. his brother. George, cc. 7 april, 1157, Prance,, dan. of Gsn. Dalzell; and 11.23 Nov. 1818, leaving a son, George. Lewis, sa. Deberah, dan. af Griffith Davis, Esq. of Hanvich, en. Essex; and ci. a. p. 140cc. 1811. Anne, es to Alexsader Duff, Rag. ef batten, North Britain; and ci. in Jane, 1801. Janet, a,. 1st, In Sir William Gordon, Part, of Park; and Tndly, to George May, Esq. of Mnnnthlairy; and ‘1.3 STarch, 1758. Jane, s,c.23 Get. 1753, to Keith Urguhart, Leg. of Meldnsm, Edmnnd-Bevereham, 5. PAng. 1862, cZ. 21 Feb. 1863. sheriff of lianff,hire. (Sec Enaxe’s Lacccdesl Gectiry.) Melon, es. in 1764, ta Robert Daff, Lag. af Loggir, vice-admirnl at the lied, enmmandtng at Gibraltar in 1778; and tI 1778. Snphia-llenrietta, s,c.7 April, 1757, to Thamas Wlsartoa, Eso., The family af FSLMEE was originally cesled at else manor of a commissioner of Iii, Ilajesty’a excise in Scotland. Margaret, m. 6 Slareh, 1768, ta James Bredie, Eag. of Merst, in the parish of Gtterdes’, las lienl, a-here Robert Pilmenr FIL liredie, lord-lieutenant of Nairnahire, and was accidentally beret ta death, 24 April, l7Sd, having had twa Sons and three dana. The eldest con, Jansca Brndie, Req., was drowned at Madrac, leaving, with other issue, a scm, the present Williaua Ilcedie, Rag. of Beedie, lord-ileatenant of Nairnaltire. Mis lardship ci. 30 Sept. 1703, and was a. by his 2nd and eldest surviving sess, JAMEs, 2nd earl who sras created a peer of Great P,rihcie, 19 Feb. 1780, as hARes Psax. Ills lerdship nc. t.ady Dernihea Sinclair, only el,ild of Alexa,ader, 811, Earl af Caiths,eca bat dying ,rilhecct ,nalr i,anr, 24 Jan- 1d08, that barony expired, while else ocher haneur, drvolvrd npan Itia brather, ALEXaNDER, 3rd earl; 8. in 1701; who Se. 17 Aug. 1775, cc. Alevandor (Sir), a general in the army, ml. 37th fact, G.C. 55., af Delgoly Casio, ca. Aberdeen, haul, and sheriff- 1 JAMEs, present earl. 2 Gcarge Skene,5 fee,uerly SIP., lerd-heul. of Mnrayslssre, t. Idle. I Catherine, ad. 11 Ang 1841, ta Jahu-L. tlicardo, Esq., SIP., who 1.25 Assg. 1862. 2 Laui,a, s,,. II Drc. 1545, to Sir Richard Breok-e, Part., and ,l. 23 Sept. 18114. 22 3tay, 1800. cc. Acer, ns. 16 Ort. 1509, to Richard-Wharton Duff, Esq. of Orion; and ,t. 2-1 Jan. 1529. Inn, and ci. ISII. JAMEs, 4ic earl. ItT., DCII., knight af Ihe Order of St. Ferdinand of Spain, and af the Sward cf Sweden, t. 6 Got. 1776; whe eblained a harany ef the United Kingdens ac Baren Irrlsnd. Baron fDnilcd Kingdous), 1007. C,ran—ist, a hos’se, icc full gallop, arg., corered witlt a mane— arnaoar. with his a,rar,l drawn, ppr., on In, sinister arId a shield, hilte,I and pomoselhed, or. seith laurel, and Icelding in Iheir exterior hands branches of trees F I L M E R. FILSIEE, Sm EDMUND, of East Sutton, co. Kent; late capt. gron.* ** guards; fermevhy M.P. for West Kent, D.L.; 5. 11 July, 1835; e. as 9th hart. 8 Jan. 1857; ‘so. 21 Oct. ____________ 1858, Mary-Georgi;cna, eldest dan. of Arthctr - Ma,-cns Cecil, Lord Sandys, and has had a son, ILi:tcagr. The Qacen was pleated en grant, 2 Jane, 1S07, ta SIr. George Skeet Duff, and his siatera, the rank and precedence of The creation in the patent is “Earl Fife,” net “Exs’l ge’ Fife-” a younger eon, and the daughtem of an earl. 443