Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/523

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Gal dignities were inherited by Lrrd Noel, who by his wife and co-heir of Thomas, 4th Earl of Southampton, by whom (who d. at Brook, 25 Nov. 1680) had issue, BAPTIsT, bls successor. Henry, se Mary, dan. of hugh Ferry, Req. of London, WnsoTueaLEr-BArviav, his successor. but died a p., a prisoner for loyalty to King ChARLEs. Ehzabetb, ‘a. to John, 2nd Viscount Cbawerth, in the Jane, so. to William, 5th Lord Bigby, brother and sureeaser peerage of Ireland. Mary, si. to Sir Eraosous de Ia Fontaine, of Kirby Bellers, Elizabeth, so. to Richard Norton, Eeq. of the co of Southampton. in the co. of Leireseer. Penelope, d. cola. On the breaking out of the civil war Lord Noel raised forces The earl so. lndly, Mary, widow of Sir Robert Worseley, of for the royal cause, and departed this life in his garrison at Appuldurcemb, in the isle of Wigbt, aod dan. of the Hon. Oxfard, S llareb, 1043, and Lie widosv erected a handoome James Herbert, of Kingoey, in Bnckinghamahire. He d. in mural monument to his memory in Camiolen church. l,ord Walovueoncv-BAPTI5T NoEL, 4th Baron Noel, 5th Viscount Noel was s. by his elder eon, BAPTIST NOEL, second Bares, Noel, and third Viocount eldest dan. of Fulke Grevillz, 5th Lord Broeke, and had two Campden. This nobleman was as faithful a cavalier as his daus., his ca-heirs, viz., father, and robed a troop of horse and company of foot for Eliaabzth, so. in 1704, to Henry, 1st Duke of Portland. the eervice of the king. For his estates he was obliged Rachel, so. in 1705-0, to henry, 2nd Duke of Beaufert. to pay to the sequeetraters £9,000 composition, and on His lordship d. 21 Sept. 1090, when all the bonours devolved annuity of £150 settled on the Teachers of the period. He upon his kinsnsan, (refer to issue, of Baptist, lid Viscount sustained the lose of Ide princely seat at Caropden, which Campdeu, by los fourth marringe). had been burnt down by the royal army to prevent its BAPTIsT NoEL, Esq. of Luffanham, in the Co. of Rutland, becoming a garrieoo to the parliameutariane. Hue lordship :3rd Earl of Gainoborongh. His lordship so. Lady Dorothy lived to witness the reetoration of the monarchy, ar,d was Hannso s, dan. of John, let Duke of Rutland, and had issue, made lord-lieutenant of the co. of Rutlimd. He so. 1st, BAPTIsT, Viscount Campden, his successor. Lady Anne Fielding, daei, of William, Earl of Beubigb, by John, d. in 1715. whom hebad no eurriviog issue. Tie eeponeed, 2ndly, James, lIP, for Rutlandahire, d. nose. 1752. Anne, widow of Edward, Earl of Bath, and dau. of Sir Susan, so. to Anthony, 4th Earl of Sbafteshury. Robert Levet, Rut., but bad only one atill-bom child. His Catberine. iliary, d. in iTiS. lordship wedded lrdly, Hester, dan. and co-heir of Thomas, The earl 4 in iPsi, and waa a by his son, Lord Wotton, by whom be had issue, T. Enwaan, his successor. ii. Henry, of North Lulleoham, in Eutlandohire, who so. espoused Elizabeth, dan. of Willians Chapman, Eaq., by Elizabeth, dan. and heir of Sir WiBiani Wale, sod left an whom (who so. 2ndly, Thomas Noel, Eeq., grandson of the only dan. and heir, O Juliana, who ia Charles Boyle, 2nd Earl of Burlington. I. BAPTIST, } 5th and 6th Earls. i. Mary, so. to James, Earl of Northampton. II. Juliana, Ia. to William, Lord Alington. iii. Elizabeth, so. to Charlse, Earl Berkeley. The viocount so. 4thly, Lady Elizabeth Bertie, dan. of lloutague, Earl of Lindsey, and had aurviviog issue, I. BAPTIST, of Luffenbam, in the co of Rutland, H.P. for in. Juliana, so. to George Evane, Lord Carbery, and S. that shire, so. Suoaooab, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Fanobasv, and left, at his decease, one son, 1 BAPTIsT, wha inherited, as 3rd Earl of Caiusborougb. John, so. Elizabeth, dan. of Bonnet, Lord Sherrard, and vu. Mary. viii. Suaanua. had issue, 1 John, 91. F. for Northamptenohire, who d. coos. 2 Thomas, ol. Elizabeth, widew of Baptist, 4th Earl of BAPTIsT NOEL, 5th earl,whs d. in minority, en his travels, Gainoboreugh. 3 Beunee, ol. to—, don, of Adam, Esq. I Elizabeth, d. siam. 2 Bridget, so. to David, Lord llilsington. S Alice. s. Catherine, so. to John, lot Duke of Rutland. is. Slarths-Penelope, so. to — Dormer, Eeq. His lordship 4. at Exton, 29 Oct. 1682, and was z. by his nephew, Gerard-Noel Edn’ards, Eeq., who, thereupon assnuiiug rldest son, Enwono NOEL, 3rd Baron Noel, aod 4th Viscount Campden, succeeding to his father-in-low, Lord lbarham’s baronetcy, who bad been created by ICing CHARLEs II., by letters Ssa GEEARn-NOEL NoeL, Dart. he m. Oat, 50 Dec. patent, dated 3 Feb. 1081, BARON NOEL, sf Tifcltfdd, with 1780, BIAnA, only child of Chance Middleten (see issfsn remainder, default of male issue, to the younger acne of amily of MinoLevon), lsanso Barbasn, sold his successor as his father, and was advanced to the dignity ef EAnI, OF Becomes Mo ‘ho’s, and t’y her Isail isssie, GAinoE00000n, I Bee. 1002, with similar limitation. His I CnAoLxs-Noes., his bcir, created EARL OP GAlnoaoaouo H. lordship was constituted lord-lieutenant of the eo. of II. Gerard-Thomao, H. A., in holy orders, ranou of V,niuchester, Southampton, warden ef else New Forest, and gevzmor of Portamouth. lie Ia. let, Lady Elizabeth Wriotbesley, dau. OAT be acquired the bordahip of Titcbfield, and bad issue, Francis, r’. to Simon, 4th Lord lligby, and d. in 1684. of Simon, Lord Digby. Juliana, d. nua. 1089, and was o. by his son, Campden, and 2nd Earl of Gainoboroogh, who so. Catherine BAPTIsT Neet, 4th Earl of Gainsborongh. This nobleman 3rd Viscount Campdeu) be had issue, so. Charle, s9. young. i. Elizabeth. II. JANE, so. to Gerard-Anne Edwards, Eoq. of Welbam Grove, in ihe oa. of Essex. 11cr only son, OxaAon-NoEe, Enw.aono, aoanmed the name and arms of NOEL, upon inheriting the estates of ha uncle, Henry, ttb Earl of Gainsborough, and was the late Sic GERARn-NOEL NOEL, MART. (Ace iofro.) in 1700. Iv. Pcnelepc, S. young. a-. Anue. TI. Lucy, so. to Sir Horatio Mann, KB. Ix. Sophia, sis. to Clsristepber Ncvillc, Eaq. His lordship d. 21 MareS, 1750-51, and woes, by his eldest eon, it Geneva, in 1759, when the honours devolved upon his brother, llr.nav NoeL, 6th earl, at whose decease, noso., in 1795, the Ecos.nosr op GAinse000sr’on, and all the other honours become extinct ; avhile the estates passed to his lordship’s the surname and arms of NOEL, and ouboequently became 5. 2 Dee. 3792: so. 1st, in Feb. 1005, CharlotteSopbia, dan. of the late Sir Lucius O’Ilrien, Dart. of Dremoland, and by her Iwbo 4. 31 Aug. iSIS) had issue, 1 Anna-Sopbia, so. in 0035, to the Rev. Philip Jacob, canon of Wslschester, and d.tu 1855. 2 Louisa Diana. S Charlotte-Christiano, so. in 0932, to the Rev. JamesDrummond honey; cud d. 19 Dec. 1845. 4 Emma, ol. in 1810, to the Bee. Charles-Edward Kennaway; and S. to 1843. o Elizabeth-Webmau, io.7 April, 0513, to tlse 10ev GeorgeAugustus-Seymour, tncnmtrnt of holy Trinily, Winchester, and ,f. 20 Sopf, 1865. 0 Caroline-Maria, Re so. Sndly, 15 May, 1041, Susan, 5th dati. of the late condition, an application was made to parliasoent 055 1778 to rebnild it. A piece of freehold ground was purchased on Sir John Renuaway, Dart., as,d ‘4. 24 Feb. 1051. ni. Horace, a major iu the army; 9. 13 Nov. i780 ; S. Dcc. ClerkeuwellGs’een. sod the present ediflce raised tbere about oso7. sv. Slenry-Bobert, RN., 8. in 1754; d. in 1.000. v. Wilbiam-lliddletoll, 9. 2 Slay, 1790, wIse was elected H.P. for hi,itlandshire, in 1550. at the decease of his father, Sir Gerard Noel, but resigned his seat in 1840. slid bttheree no engrasing has 00cr been made of it. Sir He woo appoiuted to tire conimaud of the Rntland militia Baptist Hicksalso bniltCampdeu House, Kensisgton, inifi2, in 1039. He so. 20 hay, 1517, Anne, dan. and sole heir of name, and coiled it ‘Hicks’s ThoU,’ after ye name of the founder, who then freely garo the same l,enoe to them and tbeir enccessers for ever. Until tbio tinse the justices of Biddlesex held tbeir usual meeting in a common ion called the Castle.” The erection of this Seoeiene blouse, from 1010 to 1012, cost Sir Baptist about £000. Prior to its co,,strnction, the nagtetraces used ts meet at the Castle close by. Sucks’s Hall lasted mere than a century and a half, wheo, falling into a ruinous 0742. In the committee room is a handsome chimney-piece, carved in wsod (fe’s;’. JAMEs h.), removed from the old hall; and in tbc dining room a portr;dt, in a fine state of preservati’ n, of Sir itaptist Iiiokr,aleoremseed from the former Seesiosss house. Itt5 not kisowo by whom it was painted, which was destroyed by fire in 1883. 473