Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/527

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G A L v. Charlotte, relict of Sir Ed e’ard Ceofloa, Bait. vi. Caroline, so. in laos, to else lien, and 11ev George Hushnut; Quoess CassoLssec to Essgaiod, and ci. ‘coo. and ci, in ISiS. vu. Georgiana-Charlotte, so. to the lIen. W. Bligh; and ,t. in Martha. Lnoretia. 1809. The Earl of Galloway woe enrolled aasoogst the peers ef Great I. WILLIAM PAyNE, Req., was erektod a Baronet, S Des. Britain, as Baron Stewart of Cssrliesc es. Wigtooo, 6 June, 1796. 1812, and aonumed, by sign-suounal, in 1514, the surname his lordship od. 13 Nov. 1606, and was o. by his eldest son, Oceans, 8th earl, K.T., adnsiral ef the bisse, 0. 21 March, 1768. iojnnefims of Tohiso-Wahl Gallwey, Eoq. of the island of This distinguished nobleasan is. 18 April, 3797, Jane, 2nd sIan. St. Chriatepbor. Sir William, who was a lient.-gou. his the of Ilenry, lot Earl of Uxhridge, hy whom (seho ci. 30 June, 1842) army, ;o. 19 Nov. 1504, Lady Harriet Quhs, only dan. of lie left issue, RArsnoLrn, present earl. Keith, vice-aIm. RN., CE., a. 3 Jan. 1611; as. 9 Aug. 1811, I. WILLIAM, present baronet. ;s. Henry. Stary.Cas’oliee, only dan. of Sir Charles Fitzroy. ECu., and sit. Philip. 5. Fanny. ii. Lmsioa. has issue, Georgo-Slonfgomery, a. 7 July, load; Mary-Jane, so. S March, 1864. to Reginald Dyheo Marshall, Eoq. of Cools- ridge hall, Yorkshire; Edith, ,e. 19 April, 1866, Edward, ord Sir William ci. 05 April, 1811. son of Sir Edward St. Anhyn, Bare.; Blanche-Caroline; Louisa. -Wilhelmina; Eleanere - Sydney; Rosa - Frances; Creation—S Bee. 1012. Aroso—Quarterly: lot and dih, per Caroline-Ethel-Gertrude; Slahel.Angsssta; and another doss. fosee, or and get., in chief, on eagle, displayed, on., in base, Jane, so. George, 9th Duke of Marlborough, ci. 12 Oct. 1844 a eaotle, org., for GALLwEr; lssd and 3rd, gsa., a Posse, Caroline, ci. esaso. 30 July, l8a7. Louisa, so. to William, dud Lord Feversham. Ills lordship st. 27 Starch, 1874. c’reolieee—Baron, Ii July, 1607; Earl, S Sept. 1623—Scottish 2, Bnek.ingham Gate. honaurs. Ilaren, 6 June, 1706—Great Britain, Arms—Or, a fesse, eheqoy, org. and ac., surmountedof a bend, engrailod, gb., witlun a treosure, llory-eounterfiory, of the lost. Creol—A pehean, org., winged, or, in her nest, feeding her young, ppr. dopporlero—Bexter, a ravage, wreathed about the heael and loins with laurel, holding a club ever his dexter shoulder, all ppr.; sinister, a lion, gu. Jfstto—Vireseit vulnere virtus. Wale—Galloway Reuse, Wigtounshire; and Cumloden, Kirkeudhriglstshiro. Town House—SO, Eaton Square. Note—Tise Earl of Galloway claims the representation of the Daruley fasssily; and Andrew Stewart, in his “Genealogical history of the Stoarte,” admits (obOe he argues against the probability) that if it eon be estaalished that Sir William Stesvort, ef Jedworth, was the brother of Sir John Stewart, of Darnley, then the Earl of Galloway nsust he undoubted heir male and reproaontative of the Darnley family, after the death of Cardinal York. G A L L W E V. PATNE-GALLWET, SIR WiLLOASI, in the peerage of Ireland ; SIP, for Eaot Retford. b. major in the army,M.P. for Thirak, I March, 1805 ; s. his father, as 6th viscount, 2 Fob. b.1807;a. hiafathor,aa2ndburonot, of Fryaton Hall, en. York, and sister of Lord 16 April, 1831; sot, in 1847, EmilyAnuo, Houghtun, and hoe a son, 3rd dau. of Sir Robert Gsuaer-Ennunn-MsLaEo Stosescron, 0. 18 Nov. 1544. Frankland-Ilusaoll,Bart.,by whom ho has bane, e. RALPH-WILLIAM, 0. 19 Aug. iSIS. II. Edwin, 0. 31 Jan. 1850. us. JJonol, 0. 7 July, 1801. iv. Wyndisam-Harry, 0. Ii June, 1850. I. Loouora-Aune. is. Bertha-Louisa. iii. Isabel. G A Ti chief of the oqssadrou cent to conduct hor lato majesty WILLIAM. The youngest son, assel armo of GALvwev, in compliance with the teotasoontary ‘alentioo-Riehard, Earl of Ijnos’aven, by whom (who ot. 11 Bee. 1543) he had issue, us. Caroline, as. to the Gaunt Lionel do Bouneval, and of. 12 Aug 1055. between two lions, paooasst, org., for PAyne. Crests—Of GALLweY—A eat, paosout-gnas’daot. Of FAvNE—A lion’s gamb, erased, holding fhe tower past of a tilting-laneo, in band. Sent—SO, Thirkleby Park, Thirak. Y’aess ffooce GALWAY, Vtscot’sep (Geurge- Edward - Arnndoll Monckton—Arttssslell), and Baron Millard, co. Clam, 1834; ste. 25 April, 1838, isis conain, HenriettaEliza, only dan. of Robert-Pembes’ton Mimes, Esq. iithtcagc. This family deduces its descent from Sinew MonexTome, of )Isncktoss, nenrltorengbbridge, eo.York, which lordship his posterity es;j eyed until it ovas converted it;to a nussnory in 1526, and hence denomioatevi Nssss itunekton. From this Simon descended lineally, Roeeov Moacsc’eon, Eaq , who became possessed nf the lordohp of Cavil, as. York, in 1414, by intornsarriago with (the great-grent-granddau. of Sir Jahis Cssvil, lCnt, of Cavil) Eleanor, eldest dan. and co-heir of William )tostyu, Esq. of IInnaeot, co. Warwick, and had two Sons, RALPH PAYNE, disthsguiolsed for his attachment to Cnaacm I., I. RonEnT, his heir. early joined the royal standard, and was present at the battle of is. John, ancestor of the Stoncktons of Lincoluahire, and of Warham Grunge, ro. York. The elder son, Jbsaanv Sloncwvon, ltisq. of Cavil, on. Tanet, dan. and heir Nathaniel, who left an only dos’., who se. William Woodley, of Robert Lucas, Req. of Ilsrnden, and was s. by his son, W5LLIAO5 itONcKToN, Esq. of Cavil, who was commanded in the king’s name, by the Rash of Hertford, in 1543, ts, AEnAnAM PAyNE, Faq. sss, Anne, don, of Ealph Wilhett, repair witb his tessoists and s’staines’s to Newcastle, ot oppose a threatened issvssaiosc of the Seats stud French, RALPH PAyNE, Eaq. This gentleman on. 1st, Alioe, dau. lie m. Anne, dan. of Sir Robert Aske, Mccl. (by Elizabeth, and heir of Francis Carlisle, Esq. of Antigna, and had iossov, doss, of John, Lord Clifford, assd aunt of usury, lot Earl oS RALPH, created 1 Oct. 1795, Raison Lsvsnovow, a dignity Cumborland), by wlsssn be had iosue, three costs, GAL WAY. Itiiiczugc. Worcester. ile left issue, AOIsAHAM. Charles, created a baronet, 31 Get. 1737. Esq., governor of the Leeward Islands. The eldest son, Esq., and was s. by bis son, which expired with his lordship. Jehso. Elicobeth. I e. Cnnswrovnssn, his heir. is. Thomas. iii. Robert. Ms so. Sndly, Miss Slargaret Gallwey, by whom he had, The eldest Son, with ether issue, I CstassTovsorn StnNcwvow, Esq. of Cavil, represented Stephen, of Tofts OTnIl, Norfolk, who assumed the name I and orms of GALLwEv. Otis ossly dan. and heir Charlotte, A ppleby in parliament. Its sos. Pmnces, dais, of George on. in 1797, John Ilossley, Esq. of Glemham Hones,, Suf- Otnesey, Req. of Duffield, assd bad a sssu asod successor, folk, and was mother of ass only dams, Charlotte, ra. to I StAnnAnusce Sioncsevooe, EOQ of Cavil, who oso, in lii’s, Sir .Teshssa-R. Rowley, Bart, of Tendrissg Hall, Suffolk. I Elizabeth, don, of Matthew Wentwsrth5 Esq. of Bretton, John, rear-admiral of the Hed, appeinted commander’in- I as. York, and had loosse, 477