Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/528

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0 A T1 I. PHILIP (Sir), his heir. ii. John, of Carton cccii Unriond, eo. York, who co. Snoanna, daic, of William Berrie, Req. of c-c. Lincoln, and ‘1. 1622, leasing issue, I William, ‘1 so a. 2 Jolcci-Monekton, Esq. of llelton-snper-liontere, Co. York, major in the araiy of Cci 011L05 1.. CC. Jloi-y, elan. of Samuel Oldfleld. Ee’q. of Oldliel,i, eo. York. by srlwm lie had on only elnl,l, Ifiloabetti, who ci- in 1666, John Foeinfaine, Erq. it. II elI °n, cud had lisa, dons , ce ‘-heirs, viz., Elieabrtl, Foinotaino, a,. to Sir Iliehard Oobe,letrston, Kni. of 1-1 ,,ccmac ,hy and Theodooca, a. to her cousin, Robert II onokle c Eoq. 3 Eilmicnd-Moceekten (9 ir), in the arncy, ca Anne, dau, of Ilounmert, en of 1 tau,’nic’rte in, en- York. 4 Marmaeinke-Moneielcen, l6oq. of Ilodroyd, eo. York, ci. Mary, dan. and heir of litehard lierrie, Foq., lilt. of lie ‘dreeyd I lall, and assnuceil the name ol 13 CItRIC, but if. 0. p. Sun T’ncrup llostexsoee, of Cavil (eldest son of the fcrotnamed )larma,lcike), 9. 114, woo knighted 1617) 1 e J aan -, anel 1. 1616, having on illarth-a, dcm. and eu-heir of 1-raneis Snttiin, Esq. of Sutli’n, Cheshire, and was e. 14 his eon, Sin i’ciaececo Moececoreix, who was knighted at lick by CuuaoLre I., 23 ,J.m. 1641. ii e is. Margaret, ,lan. and co-heir of Thomas Saville, Req. of Northgatehoael, eo. York, and was o. l’y los on, SIR I’imuccs’ Iloseco-rox, Rut, of Cavil 011,1 Iloelrciyd, en. Ye’rk, who served sine time in parliament for Searlis’-eengh. This genlleman woe hononrably rtiothegnished for his loyalty to 16 ingo Cii oimrrs I - and 11 osronil tinieo im ,rieieied ii’ eosoeqi’cnee ; tn-lee bantohe’l ilnrhmg the civil war ; and fined at one time Lie greonliather, his father, an,) himort I, wera all seqneotered l’y t’noacwett. In 1669 he woo Ingim oheriff of Yorkohire, and received the thanks of the mayer and cldernaon i,f York fir the great oereteeo he had erlhrmerl in 1629, in boon dhug hincvetf in heading and one, en— ragiog the citizens agohiot the 1ocrliainentary comm andero, Ccl. 1.ilhnrne miii 1,ord Fairfax, Sir Philip ii. 1633, Anne, eldest lad, of Eot,ert Erre, Rog. (ancestor of the Earls of Nowburgh), of Ilighlos’, in the leak, eo. Lterby (which Acme was maternally descended from Willienn ‘to Fences, u. Slary, us. in 1700, Edmund, Earl of Conk; and ci. 1145. - (arl ]‘errsre, Derby, ceod N,,l ticeghac n) and by her hail tn-i, Vieeount Gaiway g, in 1751, acid w.cs s. by his eldest son, 0000, and one clan., Margaret. Williana, the youngest eouu, WILLIAM, 2nd viscount; who had been appointed in 1740, wasaltrnt. ll.N., and killed before Barcelona, in Spain, necoiver-gsnomnl of his Majesty’s crown ucnd foe-farm rents, l7tci. ‘The eldest son, Ilnore r Moveosno, Eoq. ref Cavil and Hoeh’oyd, .c. his father, I’d,. 1670, and n’ao an active p1-ole eter of flee RevoIntion Villa-Real, Esq. (cvbo g, 2 Jan. 1792), and bad issue, in 1680, aocd afler the aeeesoi,ou of King WcLLcaau, a John, g, cocci. 1769. ei,ncmieoionrr of Trade and l’lanlationo. lie sec-sod in several parliamento for I’ontefroet and Alelboreenglc, eo. Hexnv-WcLLI eat, 3rd Viseonnt, 9. 35 hay, 1745. lone. Mr. llonekton cm. These!, ,oto, youngest disc, and Ehiealeotb,su. lot, 2 Sept. 1774, to Shn Francis Sykes, Part.; co-heir of John F’ienuitoine, Lsq. of Jlelton-onper-llontem, Fronees-Chcsnlette, m, 15 Fob. 1722, to cbs late Anthony by n-hone lie left an only surviving Ion, Jona Mnrui-ornac, Esq., h. 1693; who was created a peer ilis londehip in diffcc’ent pac’Iiounents c’opresented Pontefmet ef Irelanrl, 07 J (119-, 1727, as Be’ coo Kill,’ ,‘,l, cc. floes’, and and Thirek; and in 1763, oesnmed the uauus and arms of VesenneeT Gou.wax’, having o- In the family estones hi AnnxeneLL, pursuant to tho will of his aunt, Lady Frances 1722, onel pecrehaserl the present feocotly residence of Serlby, Annnde’ll, sister of John, led Duke of Rntlaccd, and widow cc. N,itts. Ills leerdship rcpresente’l Clieheree, Co. lancaster, of Rtelcard Acucccdell, only brother of John, Loud Arondell, in pac-liecmecut, cud ofterivardo l’ocutefrecct, eo. Yorle. of Tnsniee, The vieeeecnt ml. in 1772, and was e. by his In May, 17il4, Ice woe appointed a eoecmissiener for his eldoat surviving son, majesty’s rL’renno in iceland, ann took his seat in the hlEsmav-WuLLIAO1, 3nd vhseoucnt; who ci. mmmccc. 2 March, Ilonoe of Lords there, 4 Oct. liii?. In Oct 1746, his lordship 1744, and n’as n. by his brother, woo app’ ehited onrsovor-gen. n’f his nio)esly’o hononc-s, RnErnT-3InscoTOM-AneODnLL, 4th viaeouut, RB., and a wee,ds, fc,reeto, dc. in England and V,’olee-; an’ I in JecI3-, cnivy-eouneillon, amid representative of York and Pentefroet 1749, received the degree of LL.D. at the installation of in different parliaments; 9. 4 July, 1750 ; oc. let, 1 3lanch, the Dnke of Newcastle, ehontell,ir of the Uniserotty ref 1773, Elieabeih, dan. of Daniel Statbew, Esq. of Felix HaIl, Cambridge. The vioeeon-,t ia. lot, Eltooboth, don, of John, Essex, by n’hom (who ci. 15 Nov. 1001) he had issue, 2nd hake e’f llntland, by whom (who g, 22 March, 1710, aged 21) he lefi issne, u. WILLiAM, his successor. ci. K’eleeert, a lienl’-gon., geevernor, and eemmonder-inchief mu. Charles-Frederick, ci. usia. 1753. of New York, and governor of IJerorick, and Iloly cv. Anguotns-Pbihip, ci. ccssm. 1102. island, ii. I hay, 1732. The udseount is’ 2ndly, 1714, Jane, 4th don. of Henry- I. Ehioaboth-Mary, ii. cia’s, 13-30. Warner Weslenra, 5sq. of Qnsrn’e County, by sshnm (who mu. Hennietto-Slecnia, cc, in 1323, ibmbert-Pembentnn Milnes, it. in 1761) he had, with other issue, u. John, if Finesliade Abbey, Co. Northampton, in tics army, 9. 2 Aug. 1739; ci, Miss Adams and il. 3 Jan, 1830, hosing had issne by her (who g, 30 Sept. 1662), 1 Jane, cf edO 01. 2 Eleanor, cii, l’hilip, 9th Earl of llarhnrrengh ; ii. 1666. ll:s lordship i’m. Inilly, 130J, Bridget, relict of Peter-Auniol 3 Mary-Anne, cc. Sir George Pigiut, Mart. ; acid d. 1933. Hoy-Drunoncond. Eoq., and enly child of Pemberton ShInes, ii. Henry, t, 13 Joly, 1740, a general in the n-my, killed Req. of Wakefield, cc. Vnnk, hut by hen (who ci. 1315) bad in tlee Aineriron war. ccc. Edward, 9.3 Nov. 1744; sc.l776, Sophia, dan. of George, no issne. He ci. 23 July, 1310, and was s, by bis eldest son, Lord Pigot, by whom he had issue, I Edward, of Somerford HaD, Co Stafford, ci. 17 IIareh, in 1326, obtahuced a royal licence pennoitting him to discontinue 1243, aged 76. 478 GAL 2 George, also of Somerford hall, 9. 1778; ci. 29 Dee. 1291. 3 Jshca, ci. 1022, 4 henry, general; 9. ii Sept. 1780; us. II Dee. 1339, Anne, only don, of Johcm-Groecn Smytlce, Eeq. of hilton, Co. Sal’ep, by ide wife Anne, sister of Loud Weneleydale, and it. 135-i, leastccg issne ; h’raeeis, 9. 7 Ilac-eh, 1144; Arthen-, 9. 23 Jecly, 11-13; Mary-Anne; Lneec,orec ; acid Alice. 3 h’hilip, judge at Gonrnekpore, in the East Indies, 9. 3 III arch, 1787; ca. Miss Carter; and ci. in 1350, leaving, Ederard-Menry Crodoek, H.E.I.C. civil service, Den- gal, of Ftneolcade Abbey, eo. Northampton, 9. 12 Sept. 1012 : who cc. 1st, Careelhce-ll,caa, youngest dacc. of C. Woodenek, Es,3., and byher (who g, Sept. 1920) has line Can. Sophto - Itoaa. lie cc. 2ndly, LlartcCatherine, yonngeot dan. of M. Tydd, Esq., and by her has, Edweurd-h’hthip, 9. ib July, 1840, ci. 22 Sept. 1266, Ctcc-isue hello, Dccl el,,cc. of lice 16ev, C —0, F’rcnanie, vie’or of ‘fyone’, Warcsielcstitre ; Clacccl, 8. 26 July, 1344 William-Parry, 0. 7Apr11, 1346 ; Hngb,9. 7 Aug. 1947; Horristt-Leon,urn ; acod Esnly-Jacce. George-l’okenham, dee. Emily-Mary, dan. of Sir Vonsittart Steiuchieuse, Euurt. Jobuc E,hccoaatacue, do. icc 3049, Jmclia, don, of Colene, Tlcorcat,,sc, and tey her(whe ct. in 1351 lcas,Jetcn—Ilecory. Chaclntts-Sohebia, ma. to Ilojar-fbeen. George Whiclcents. Eliea-Lsonora, is. 21 A1eril, 124-I, to the Rev. WilliamGenrgu’-Lrigb Wasey, inonniteol of llorstlie, Salsp. 6 Claude, et. in India. 7 Ricgh, noetor of Ssoton, R’cthundsbirs; g, 1322. 3 William, in. 29 llamh, 12ei5,llelsn, 4th dan. of thelate Geddard Richards, Rot.. col. E.I.C.S., and has issue, henry. lt.CS., ecu. 3 ltecreh, 1827, Clcecrletto, 2nrl daca. uf ttce Rev. E,icvard Jisige, and has aeon, 9.20 Jan, 1360, and a don.; Frerlrrick-Edmcord ; Inglis-Georgs, MA. in heilyierehers, I nccocot,euct of f’nseuc, Steeff,,cslahire, eu. 2 Feb. 1259, Rlioeehettc-Fsthor, eldest don, of Francis Corner, Esq. of tics line-st5 Staffordshire; Jokn-Rivae, Os. 1354, Re,se-Canbeniceo, dacu. of Thomas Taylor, Esq. of Val,etta Lodge, Clilton; Marmadnhe-Littlejobn; SophiaAnne: Emma-Louisa; Fanny-Leonora; Anno-llarta; acid Charlotuo-Geongiana. 1 Sophbc, ml. 1335, 2 Leonora. I Anuce-SIac-ia 4 Emma-Frances. in the ens. of York, Westmonland, Dunham, due. His lordship ad, 12 Aug. 17-17, Elioohethc, don, of Joseph da Costa Reoccur, 4th viscount. 2udly, to Sir Drumncnnd Snoitb, Ut. ; and ci. II Jnly, 1515. Muc-Iton Bennett, Eaq. ; amid ci. 10 Sept. 5025. I. Wcc,u,cAoi-GEOanE, OtIc Viscocicct. II. Robene-Iteury, ci .aismue. loll. v. Canletou-Tboucae, capt. in thh annoy, 9, 9 Jan, 1797; and ci. ccci. at Qnshsc, II Slay, 1335. Req. ‘uf Fryston Hall, Yenhahiro,’ and ci. I Slay, 1947 leasing omus son, ltichond-llnnckton iltines, naw Lord Itongic ten, and nice dou., ltemontetta-Elio.a, ccc. to hen cousin, tIme pncsecct ‘Viscount Galwicy. Icc. Cbanlotte.Penenilme, ml. u ‘no. 1306. us. Frances-Jane, ci. t July, 1354. WILLI,eom-GeioOne, 5th viocoont, 9. 23 Slancb, 1732, who the use of the surname of AunocesLL before his titles