Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/534

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GTF Josi’o, his successor. William, coinmcmder RN., ii. 21 Oct 1860. George, a capIta the army, killed atAlbisera, l6May, 1311. Sin Roezav Gieroan, Knt., 8. 24 Feb. 1778, son of Robert Edward, who is. Miss Harriet Preocot; and d. in 1335, Clifford, s.f Exeter, bavhig attained reputation as a lawyer, leaving ionic, a dan. .Jiiliana, i, 5 May, 1815, to James was spp’’tnteil solicitor-general, 0 May, isl7 ; attorney- Ilaywood, Faq., of ilseQall house, Warwicksijire. Rebecca, ci. to the 11ev. T.-C. Gay, rector of lircamorc, general in 1019; and elevated Is the bench, as lord-chief- Slants. M.srtha, as to the Pier, Roger ititciseock, ansi ,1. his widow was created a peer of lbs realm(10 Jan. 1824), icy lbs title 11 Jan. 16l. Jnli,ina, ii. to the Rev. T. Crisp. Frances, ‘t, nina. was appointcd master sf tie rc,lls (hang resigned the chiefjneticoship) Sir William Cl. 26 Nv. loll, and wv— ii. by his eldest son, iv. Kiss Jiais, k S Jan. 1774; who ,‘. in l7s, Elizabeth, llnistah. He m. 6 April, lslO, IJan’iot-Slania, dan. of the dan. of Ri ‘hint Ta’ Ice, F’q. of lb erie in house, ci. Mid’ Rev. Edward Drsws, roctsr of Willand; she 4.20 Slay, 5857, dicoex, and by hi r u ho ci. 20 Oct. 1075) had issue, Inure, 1,. in 1501 ; ci. in 1821, ins ci a—in, Charlotte, dan. having had, of Sir Charles Watson, Ran, of Wratting Park, Co. Caso Iconrar-i”s.aacis, present hiaren. bridge, by whom ;vho Cl. in loll) he had issue, 1 Jons, lireae’it l’aronet. 2 Charles, conso,. leN., 8. 18 Jan. 18281 Ci. 5 April, 1664, Lydia-Marl’s, 4th dvi. of Major John Reran, hale lath regt., ii Ely lions”, Co. Woxford. S T’relerick, rip!. 13.1’. , 6. 5 Jan. 1012; is. ft Nov. 1860, Edward-Scott, 8. 26 Jhay, 1825. ii s’ei’, p eingi r d. in. of Jamco-Colq’dn’nn Kemp, Req. S t’h.,rhstls. lie ci Cuills. 17 July, 1806, Sneannah, sldcst dan. of the Rev. A.Cott,in, reeti,r of (iirton, O.imbn’lgoolur’, hrothc, of the l’i,o Sir Charles Cotton, Dart, of Slailingley, and dying before his father, 31 Jan. 1041, lsft by her a dan., 1 Maria-Ens sunah. sI. Richaid, 1’. in 1007; capt. in lbs 60th riSes. iii. Joseph, 6. in loll. i. Flies, e 10 atareh, 1010, to the Rev. Thomas Mann, of rector of Cranloy, Snn ey; and Cl. 81 May, 1862. West Ceevos, Isle of Wiglil. ii. Lonisa, sa. in 1027 to lserconsin,Robort-K.Gihhons, Esq. iii. Rmfl, 1. 11 July, 1s04. iv. Charlotte. Arias—Az,, a chosron, beta-eon three sthrrnpa, with leathers, Sir Joins 4. 20 STarch, 1014, anil was e. by his gransison, or, wtshstn a lio,’dore, engrailcil, arg., sean’s of pellets. Jussa, the lreo flat liarc,not. f’roalhss—Sl April, 1712. Ai-sie—Gu.,a lion, rampant, or, braocheo of oak, ppr. debr;nocdby a bond, aug., charged with oti,rtoanbetweeutwo Sogyocli rs—Dcxber, a hay horse, ppr., charged on the shonlder crosser, pats hitchfs. sa, (‘root—A lion’s gamb, erased anti with a psrbeouhs, or; siahsmr, a greyhaand, arg., charged on erect. ga.. charged with a bozant, holding a cniss, pat,’e filchOe, Ca. I/et;o—Cratior isIs urge pie. .Soah—Stanwshl l’laco, near Stainso, Middlesex. GIBSON, see MAITLAND, GIFFORD, EARL, 5ff TWEERDALE, MARQUESS. G 1FF 0 RD. GIFFORD, B tno (Robert-Francis Giffurd), of St. father, in Dec. 1551. Leonard’s, co. Devon ; 6. 19 March, 1817; e. as 2nd baron, upon the decease of his fatlior, 4 Sept. 1826 s’s. 2 April, 1845, 1’rodorica-Charlotte, eldest dan. of Thomas tdladstones, Esq. of Leith (whs Cl. in 1909), by Lord Fitzhardingo, and has leon,’, s. Enaie’-Fsrnrnicw, Ii. 5 Jnhy, 1819 It. i’llsvarl-Iiid ort, 8. N ‘v. 1051 iii. l’dgar-Rorkeley, 8. 3 March, 1857. Iv. 51 niric’s Ilaysisi nd, 8. 1 Slay, 1 p9. V. Eltiei-’ivi’sn, 6. ii .tpril, 1001. i Eva, ri. 14 Slay, bosS, to henry Trotter, Esq., grin. in 1798. Me to. 2ndly, 25 April, 1200, Anne, dan. of gaardo, elitrst sian of R.-T. St’retter, Esq of horton Hall, Andrew Robertson, provost of Dhngwall, so. Ross, and Rdhsliiirgb. it. Itarriet-IMa, as.1,Tan. 1005, to Lioat.-Csl, the lion. 1831) had issue, Archib Jd-Dsuglas Pennant, grenadior gnarihs,Cnd son sf Lo,’d Penrylan. iii. Emily, ss. 2 Jnno, 1063, to Rohcrt—Thiimas—Napicr l;rnee, Kiog if Scotlaod, thins s Lady Joan Seanfsrt, a descendant Sleir, Req. of Calders Castle, cc. PerIls, and Rnrnhracs, lrnco, stsd from ti,hs allianos is clearly traced the dossent of ltisnfrewshire. Iv. llvclnio-Mary. vi. Ehspetb-Fitrhardingo. 484 GLA 3Lt:tcagc. jnstice sif the Court of Coinmies Pleas, 8 Jan. 1024, cohen he ol Il.snor. Girs’s,nn, of SI. Leceard’s, cc. Di’saa. Otis lordship in the April foilowing, ssnd constituted deputyopeakor if the house of Lords. Mo was also recorder of John, in Isoly i rdsrs, SI. A., reeler of Siddington, Gloncestsrthis’s, 8. 27 Nov. 1021 ; i. 18 Sept. 5851, Alice-Fanny, dan. of Rdwai’d-Simcoe l.sica-s, Esq. of The Grange, Devon, and baa, lfdward-llrrbi’i 5, 6.7 Aug. 1604; Mildred, Ethel1 lI.iry, sijid Iteatrice-Misbel. George-Robert lposttsu,n’ sic). in holy orders, rector of lhaekci,ford, lIsten, 8. 14 Nor. 1826; silO Oct. 1853, liaryAnn-lIonel, din, of Tbomaa Norbnry, Faq. of Sherrhdge, Co. Worcester, and has, 1 George-lleni7. i. 10 Ang 1884. 2 Robert, 0. 553 June, 18.57. Cbarlotts-3)orotby, a. 25 April, 1841, to George-Henry holland. lDaq. of Dnmblcton. Harriet-hans. C,,rolinc, a, 2 Feb. 1048, to the Rev. John-Usury Sapte, his lordship 4. 4 551st. 1026. Ci eahoii—00 Jan. 1924. Ci’, Cl—b panther’s bead, conped, ahfeontO, between two the body setlh three ern,iaei spots, in pale. MotE—Non sire noonne. .fcab—Rintsn Rail, Ileeefsrdshhre. GILFORD, LORD, Sf6 CLANWILLIAM, EARL. i. Juno Rooisav, 8. 28 April, 1832. i. Lonisa. at. Anne, in. lihary-Sehina. iv. Evelyn-Morcoiha, Cl. 24 Jan. 1852, v. Ida. vi. Prances-Margaret, ii. 1513. Sir Thomas s. as 2nd baronet, at the decease of his ILiiit;tgr. 1. Sm home GLADsTONE, 8. 11 Dec. 1761, eldest ann of Ihelen his wife, dan. nf Walter Netlson, Rsq. of Springfield, and grandson of Jnhn Gladetoneo, ef Toll-Comber, near Rtggor, co. 1,anark, by Janet Aitkcn, his wife, dropped the final o in Isis name by royal lhecnse, 10 Feb. 1655, and was created a Raronet, 27 Jnnc, 1546. ho e. 1st, in 1781, Jane, dan. of Joseph Shall, Rsq. of Liverpool, which lady it. s.p. sheriff-substitute of that cc. , and by her (who at. 20 Sept. Thrench this inarrhage the present fancily of Gladstone san show a dsseena frors t4cn’ III., king of England, and Robert oI henry 111., is, James I. of Scotland, a descendant of Andrew ltohsei Ison, the s!irriff-snbsthnte of Iiossbhre, wboss dam;. Anne is. as above, Sir Jshn Gladstone. (See SiR B. Deaar’a Jiopab Deeccols.) LADS TONE. 0 GLADSTONE, Sift THOMAS, Dart. of Fasqne and Balfonr, co. Kincardinc ; is. 25 July, 1804; m. 27 Ang. 1835, Lonisa, 2nd dan. of Robert Felloeves, Eoq. of Shotesham Park, co. Norfolk, and has iasne, v. Rleanoi-e VII, Edith Charlotte.