Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/535

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GLA I. Tnossas, present baronet. is. Robertson, of Conrohey, to. Lancaster; 0. 11 Nov. 1800; as a Scottish baron, in 1296, to EowAnu I. of England. 05. 28 Jan. 1836, Mary-Ellen, dao. of the late hugh Jones, Hooo OE BOYLE, who, in 7099, gave bia lands to tbo Esq. of Liverpool, and by her (who d. in 1805) bas had, I John, 0.3 Slay, 1838; sO. 1002. 2 Arthur-Robertson, 0. 12 July, 1811. 3 TOugh-Jones, 0. 22 Slay, 1043. 4 Robertson, 0. 14 Sept. 1844. 9 Waltcr-Longneville, 0. 1846. 6 Franois-Rielsard. I Mary Ellen. 2 Anna-3taria-Hsywood. iii. John-Nellsosi, capt. tt.N., of Boss’slen Park, Chippenham, Flodden, 9 Sept. 1013. ByJohn Boyle’s marriage with Agnes late SIP., 0. 10 Jan 1807; so. 7 Feb. 1839, Elizabeth Ross, a portion of the estate of Iiawkhoad was inherited Honoria, dan. of Sir Itobert Ilatoson, Earl. of tlelvoir Park. by his Ond son, John, wlsile his own pre’porty devolvod and sO. 7 Feb. 1863, baring by 15cr (who sO. H Feb. 8862) had upon (isis eldest son David’s son) his grandson. issue, 1 John-Evelyn, 0. Nov. 1855, I Catherisse. 2 Arsoe-Elizaboth-Honoria, so. 22 Aug. 1861, to list Earl of Qocen MAnY. Mo ns. ltarian, dan. of Thigh Crawford, of Bolmore. I Alice. 4 Clara-Fraisces. - S Constanro-Elizaboth, ) 6 Edith-Helen, $ wins. 7 Lucy-hlarion. iv. Wssinoss-Ewawr, P.C., B.C.E., SIP., for Greenwich, of the finances io France. Jolsn Boyle, sl. iii 1610, and was the eminent politician and srritor, who has filled various s. by his son, high ministerial offices, and who was appointod Lord JOHN BOYLE, of Koiburno. This gesstleman as. Agnes, High Commissioner Extraos-dinary to the Ionisss lstands, in only dan. of Sir John SLaxwclt, Bart. of Pollook, asd loft Noe. 1850, appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer, for tiss an only don, and heiress, second time, in 1939, and retired in 1000 ; olsargod with GuszscL BOYLE, who m. her kinsman, DAvso BOYLE, Esq. the tos-mation of a new administration in 1060; 0. 29 Dec. of Ilalkshill. Tho oldest son of this man-tago, 1800; to. 20 July, 1039, Catherine, eldest lao. of the last Jona BOYLE, of Relhnrno, was SIP. for the en. Mute in Sir Stephen-Richard Gl)-ssns, hart., and hss, 1 William-Henry, late 31.1’. foe Chester, 0. 3 Juno, 1840. 1601. Ho as. lot, Marion, dan. of Sir Walter Stewart, of 2 Stephen-Edward, 0. 4 April, 1844. 3 Honry-Noviflo, 0. 2Apr11, 1832. 4 Herbes’t-Joho. I Agnes. 2 Cathorine-Jcssy, ci. in 1810. I Ilary. 4 Helen. s. Anne-Olchtenelo, ci. mesa. Is. Helen-Jane. Csvuliosa—27 June, 1836. As’ssss—Arg., a savago’s head, aifrontf, distllhing drops of patent, (toted 12 April, 1703, Baron Boyle, sf ,Sloa’arlsa. bloods about the temples a wreath of holly, vort, within an Usoasbrrs, Fcaadok, Largs, and Balry, Vtstoaat Kelbsrrao, os;rh one, floury, gn., all within eight marllots, so. Crest—Issnant from a wreath of holly, vort, a desni-griffin, sa., EAEL or GLA100w. His lordship a. lot, Margaret, dan. supporting between tho claws a sword, the blado enfiled by a of tho lIon. Patrtrk-Lissdo.;y Crawford, of Kilhirney, assd bonnet of hotly and bay, also vort. Mslto—Fids ot vtetnte. doal—Fasque, Lauronce Kirk, eo. Kincardisse. GLAMIS, LORD, Tee STRATHMORE, EAste oy. GLANDINE, VIscouNT, roe NOIIBUEY, EARL OF. 1704) had two dens., C L A S GO MT. GLA000w, EARL 010 (James Carr-Boylo), Vioootsnt Kelborno, aud Lord Boylo, of Koibnrno, Stewarton, Cusnbra, Fonwiek, Largs, and Dairy, in the pocrago of Sootland; Baron Ross, of Halkhoad, eo. Renfrow, in the peerage of the United Kingdom; a retirod captain R.N.; lord-liontenant and shoriff-prinoipal of Renfrewshiro ; b. 10 April, 1792 ; no. 4 Aug. 1821, Goorgiana, duo, of tho late Edward-Flay Maokcurio, Esq. of Now Hail and Cromarty. His lordship, who s. as 5th earl, and 2nd baron, on the death of his fatloer, 6 Joly, 1843, had assomod, by signmanual, thu a4ditioual sorname of CARR, in 1822. 3tiizragc. Ssa RICHARn on llo-es,a, Rut, of Relburno, living 1srp ALnxAscnna III., sa. Isiargery, dan. of Sir Walton Gumming, and had issue, RounaY OE BOYLE, of Rilboruo, who swore allogiancc, 485 C L A From this Robert doacondod monastery of Paisley, for the good of his soul; and from whom lineally sprang Jonoo BoyLe, nlain at ths battlo of Bannockbnrn in 1488, whoso son, JOHN BOYLE., obtained from JAssr.s V., a grant of divers lands in the isle of Cumbra, near Butt, so. Agnes, dan. of the Baron Itoss, of Hawkhusd, to. Ronfrew, killod at Josssa BOYLE, of Itelburno, who woos, by his son, Jona BOYLE, of ltolbnrne, who adhcrod to tho party of Rilbirney, and had a sos .Joisy, and six d’,rss., of whom tiso 2nd, Manors, widow sf Matthew Boss of liathing, was as. Dully to Br. Jassses Law, As’elsbiohrp of Glasgow, and their descendsost was tiso f;smosss Johss Law, oonsptrofler-general Allantoun, co, Lanark; and dying in 1601, was s. by his oldest oon, Dovsn BOYLE, Eaq. of Kolhnrne, who, having represented the to. Bnto in tho convention pm-liament, and being sworn of the ps’ivy eonncil, was elevated to the peerage of Scotland, 31 Jan. 1699, as Lss’ci Boyle, of Koltus’ao, StemorIon, Cambra, Large, oaci Dssley, with remainder to his issue male and heirs male whatsoever; and created by nistor of John, Viscosmt Garnoch, by whom lao had, Jona, his successor. Patrick, s lord of session in 5746, it. cam. 91 March, 1761. Charles, ci. snssss. William. The earl as. 2ndly, Jane, dass. and heir of William More, Esq. of Rowatlan, Ayrahire, and by her (who sO. I Sept. Jane, heir of Rowallan, m. to Sir James Campboll, KB., of Lawers, slain at Fontanoy, by whom she was mothor of John, 5th Had of Loudoon. Anne, d, aona. His lordship ci. 1 Nov. 1733, and was s. by his eldest son, Joaa, 2nd earl; so. Melon, dan. of William Morisoss, Eoq. of Prcotossgrarsge, co. Haddington, and bad, with other issue, 5. JOISF, his successor. ss. Patrick, so. lst, Agnes, dais, of William More, Esq. rf Caldwell, by whom (who ci. in 1718) he had iso issue; ssod Indly, Elizehotla, dan. of Alexander Dunlop, Esq., by whom he left at Isis demise, in 1798, 1 John, of Showalton, ci. 30 Jan. 1837. 2 David, lord-juattoe-general and president of the court of session in Scotland, so. 1st, 24 Dec. 1004, Elizabeth, eldest den, of Alexander Montgenserio, Esq. of Annick Lodge, and niece of Hugh. 12th Earl of Egltoton, and by her (who ci. in 1822) he had, Patrick, of Shewalton, Ayo-shsre, 0. 29 March, 1806; m. in 1030, Slary-Frances, dan. of Sir Robert-B-B.Hlpbinstono, East., and has, Davidl, It. B.N., 0. 1833; Rohert-Hlphinotone, heist. Bengal cavalry, 0. 1037; Alexander-James, 0. 1842; Grmme, 0. 1848, sO. 1092; Elir.aheth-Magdalsne-Grsense ; Mary -Elicn ; and Helen. Jane. Alexander, capt. RN., 6. 9 March, 1810; so. 2 July, 1014, Agnes, yoesngost dan. of James Walker, Eaq., and has issue, Patrick; Jamco; 4tlexansler; Janot Elicabeth-Holosi ; Agnes-Margaret; Henrietta-Cumello; and Frances-Stontgomerie. John, 0. 9 Sept. 1819; so, in 1031, Jans, 2nd dan. of Thcodons Walnond, Haq. of Colder Park, Lanarkohire, and has issue, Hessny-David; Montgomene ; and Jane-Flora. Williaen, lient.-col. 89th regt., h. 25 Jass. 1521; so, 14 June, 1813, Louisa-Catherine, eldest don, of tbo Her. Henry Parsons. inennsbssst of Sandbncst, and baa issue, Williasu-Usnry-Bavid, 0. 11 Feb. 1001; AnnaLossioa-Alexanelniua; and a slass. .ts’ehibald-Thomas, Is. 14 Aprll, 1022’, d. 27 SLartb5 1503