Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/536

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0 L A Elizabeth, is. 2 Dee. 1828, to Janice Hope, Seq., 3rd son of the Right Hon. Charles Hope (or’ PonTooN). Helen, iii. 1 June, 1829, to the late Sir Charles-Palrymple Fergoesen, Bait, of Kilkerran. Hamilla-Augusta Eleanera-Charlotte. Lard-Justiee-Geiieral Boyle ,o. Sndly, 11 July, 1827, Camilla-Cathorino, eldeetdan. oltlic late David amythe, Req. of llethves, a senator ef the College of Justice, and by her bad issue, Genrge-David, in holy orders, 6. 17 May, 1828; iii. 7 .Jan. 1861, Mary-Christina, eldest dan. of the late William Robins, Cog , Ilagley Bobert, b. 2 Dee. 1858; capt. hA.; ci. 1858, Frances- Sydney, dan. of F’rancis-F, Sankey, Sag., M.D arid has issue, Ilenry-Dnndas,b. 1 Feb. 1833; E. IC. S.; tI 13 April, 1853. i. Groone-Tt’assmevsi.m, 6.28 April, 1841. Amelia-Laura. The Lord-Justice d. 4 Feb. 1883. I Helen, ci, in hi9o, to Thomas More, hoq. of Warristen; i. Emily-Catherine. and 1. in 1885, 2 Elizabeth, en. 10 Nov. 3805, to John-Itonet Sinollott, H. Jane-Anna, it. Fob. 303.3, Seq. of Donlull, rear-admiral RN., who d. in 1842. The earl it, in 1748, and was s. by his eldest snrvtving son, e]ulest dan. of Rieli;nvl-Carr Glyn, Eoq., late Bengal Jnns, 3rd earl. This nobleman ma, 11 July, 3705, Elizabeth, Civil Service, auul has issue, 2nd dan. of George, Lord Roes, of Jlalkbead, and eventually heir to her bn,ther, Williani, the 17th and lost ii. A son, 6. 11 Doe, 1007. Lord Ems of that line, by whom he left issne, Gsnono, his snecenoor; and E;iz beth, who was ci. tim the late Sir mm. Margaret-Ilenrietta. George Douglas, Dart., and d. in 1801. His lordship filled I the imp rtant office of liigh’eomnmissioner to the general assembly of the eborch of Scotland freon 3784 to s7?2, He The family of OLson descend from Cilmin Treed-MAO, of d. 7 March, 1778, and waco, by his son, Oceans, 4th earl,, F,R.S., &e., 6. 26 March, Cumin of the Dlack Foot, of Glyn Llbiros, in Casmnarvsnelure, 1766, who obtained the British peerage of Barea ef Balk- of tIme fifteen peers cod flourished in the year 843. The head, cc. lies/i-es’, 11 Aug. 3815. He ma, 1st, 4 Olarclm, arms he bore are the same as the family now hive. The 1788, Augusta, dan, of Jamees, 14th Earl of Erroll, and sixteenth froni hini in a direct line, n-as granddan. and heir of Sir Wildain Carr, of Etal, cc, Northumberland, OLson, of Glyn Llyvso (or Lltdeon),in the parish snd by her ladyeldp (who d, 23 July, 1822) had of Lasdnrog, Caemnarvooslni-e, Esq., chose name is inserted issue, John, Viseeus Kellsrise, 6. 1783; a naval officer; d. 1010. of North Wales, to adnut and regulate the order of bard,. Jasiss, present peer. William, 6. in 1952; ci. in 1813. Isabella, it. in 1834. Elizabeth, d. in 1839. Angtmsta, en. in 3821, to Lord Frederick Fitzclarence, wbs spelling of his n-unie to Oi.yasc. and who beeanie ancestor d. 38 Oct. 1054. His lordship si, Sndly, in Nov. 3824, Julia, dan. ef the RicumAen Gs,SN, hA., institumed, in 1587, rector of LIanvactble Eight Hon. Sir John Sinclair, Dart., and by her (who d. 18 Feb. 1886) had, Gsnnns.Fnonemnrn. 6.3825; ci, 23 April, 1856, Hon. liontagr Wiilliams and Thomas. Abercromhy, dais, of George-Dalph, 3rd Lord Abereromnby, Tisoaiaa GLYN resided in Lmndon, and had a son, and has a dan. tlcrlrodc. Diana. re. 4 Jnly, 3819, to John-Slaney. elder son of thc Bight H n. Sir John-S. Pakington, Dart. Ths earl d. 6 July, 3043. C,’nmliese—Baron, 91 Jsn. 3669; Earl, he., 35 April, 1703 memory ia Dissington Church. TOe ma. Olae’y, dad, of — (in Scotland). Damn of the United Kingdom, 11 Ang. 1015. Davies, Bog. ef Shcllin;;ferd, Oxfom-dshire, by whens be had, .4ries—Qnarterly: 1st and 4th, or, an eagle displayed, with with four d’mnn., four eons m. Christopher, sshs d. smasm mm. two heads, go. (a coat of inginentattnn); Sod and 3rd, per Edward, rector of Dronghtou Pmuggs, Oxfordshire, who bad bend, embattled, arg. and go., for Duals; over all an esenteheon, three eons, who all died, and four dens, ni. Robert, iv. or, charged with three stags’ horns, erect, go., two Thomas, and one, for the paternal coat of Boyce of A’elbsrse, Crest—An eagle, displayed, with two heads, per pale, embattled, Ronomar OLson, the 3rd son, was 6. in 3673, it. in 1746, an,) arg. and go. Siepperlei’s—Dexter, a savage, wreathed about the temples by svhom he lead two sons, William, n-ho 0. young, and and loins, holding in the dexter hand a branch of laurel, all I. Ricuxop Gs,yrs, 6. in 3712, banker in Londiun, createil ppr. ; sinister, a lion, per pale, embattled, arg. and go. llfslto—Dominuo providebit. Feals-—Han’khend, 00. Henfrew; Kelburn Ifonso, Ayrshire’ and president of the royal hospitals of Dridowell and Etai, en. Northumberland; and Crawford Priory, eo. Fife. Dcthlem, He en, 8 Jose, 1736, Susannah, only child and GLY G L Y N. Grim, S;n GEouuE-LEwns, of Howl), en. Surrey, in hel7- oi’ders vicar eu ldsvoll 5. it) Sept. 1804 s’ as 4th bait., uiior else donimso of his brother, 28 July, 1840 ci lot, U Sept. 1848, Eunly-Jane, older dan. of Josiah Birch, Seq. of Lsist’aslmire, auel St. i’otersb umi’gb, soil I uy her (sv]ao ci. 2)1 July, 1854), has had issue, H. Gervas-Clement, 6. 2 April, and it. Ill April, 1850. Sir George sm. 2ndly, 5 May, 1859, Henrietta-Amelia, (lerras-powell, 6. 5 Oct. 1102. Anna Lsvli-m. L 111t71flC. Ho was chief of tie fourth trilue of North Wales, one in n commission of 0 ELizaec’rii (1367), to several gentlemen lIe su. Itatberino, Jan. of Tlisnaas Mos;yu, Es;. of 3lesmyn, and had two eons, Tlienaas. who was grandfather to the ehiefjumslice who, in the reign of Cmmaom_es II., changed the of the cldsr branch of toe faintly, nose of Itawardema Castle, Flu ntoluite, and and ehaprli’y of Llanvwrogin, in Auglcsey, (ree RowLxcn’s Asglruey), and ml. in 1617, leaving two sone, Cneisrrrmms:a OLson, vicar of Benford, 6. in 15961 en. Margene Needhom, by uehom be Lad three eons and two daos, He it. in 1663. his eldest son, RnnnaT G,.YN, rector of Lttle Dinoington, Gloucestershirs, was 6. in 1653, and it. in 1702. A tablet c-an pot up to his svas b’iried in the family vault at Ewsll, Surrey. He en, Miss Aue Maynard. niece of Sir William Lewen, of lOwell, a Daronet in 1730. Ho rspmsented in parliament the cities of London and Coventry m-espcetivcly, was doctor of laws, heiress of George Less-en, sf Swell, Eeq., by whom he ham-I three sons, m, Robert, 6. in 1737; ci. in 1743. H. Omoane, Sod hart. mu, Richard, who it. in 1741. lIrn. Susasnah Glyn d. in 1750, and Sir Richard en. 2nd13’, March, 1754, Elizabeth, dan. and co-heiress ef Sir Robert Carr, of Etal, Norlhnmbom-laaad, by whom ho left issue, 5. RmCHARn-CANR, 6. in 1755; created a Baronet, fdre OLson ef GamoiDl. H. Thomas-Clayton. s eel. in the army, 6. iii 1756; me. Olenrietta-Elieabeth-Sacksille, dan, and beireen of the Very Rev. Thomas Hsllingberry. archdeacon of Chichester, and had i-ssuo, 1 Thomas-Clayton, in holy orders, of Dnrringten House, Essex; si, Jomanma-Julia, dam, of William Hanimond, Esq. ef St. Albarm’s Court, Kent, by whem he had femar 1- GLENEI,G, BAnON, See pest, PEERAOES RECENTLY EXTINCT. GLENTWORTHm LORD, 58€ LIMERICK, EARL. GLERAWLY, VISCOUNT, see ANNESLEY, HAuL. 486