Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/547

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0-OR thing spear, fessoways, ppr., between three ancient crowns, or, V. Sin ST. GEnnnE Goon-Sr. Gnoncn, H.P. for the co. of for Gsanx the whole within a bordare, embattled, quarterly, Dossogal, who assumed the latter surname sspso inheritiseg arg. and or. Cs-es’s—Oat of a mural crown, a dexter arm, embowed, to the estates of hIs mateneal ancestors, hto mother being first &mour, ppr., garnished, gold, the hand grasping a falehion, es-heir, assd eventually sole heir, of her brother, Sir Richard also ppr., endued svith a boar’s head erect and erased, or. Sssppo’tes-s—Dexter, an eagle, ppr.; sinister, a stork, also dan. of the Ought lIon. Francis Bnrtoo, of Iiuneraggy, and ppr. tlfstfs—Animo non astuetil. Secst—Northeoort, Isle of Wight. GORDON, RANT., ace poai SMiTH (GoRDoj, EARl. who, havfng obtained the command of a battalion at the 0- 0 IL E. GonE, SIR ST. GEORGE, of was elevatest to the peerage of Ireland, iii 1704, Icy the title Manor Gore, co. Donogal; S. in of H, isis Gsi-e. In 1706, his lordohfp was advanced to the 1811; a. as 8th hart., Upon the 1708, his lordship, who bad attained the rank of lient.-gen., dounioo of his fathor, 25 March, was appointed consenauder-fes-chief hi Ireland, in the absence 1842. }tiitcav, This family is the parent stock whence the noble hooso of Leitrins, by whom ho had an only son, Baiph, Viseossnt GORE, Earls of .As-ran, hrasschod. 1. PAUL GORE, a captain of horse, settled in Ireland svhcn the peerogo expired; bnt the baronetcy devolved upon during the reign of Rr.szanexn, and havhsg obta.tned large his nephew, territorial grants, which he cossdcnsod into a manor, l’y Vtf, EALrR Gonn, Esq. (oldsot son [the other sons were the designation of Manor Gore, was created a BARONET OF £tnthsny and Thoroas) of the deceased lord’s brother, IRELANO, 2 Feb. 1621. Sir Fanl si. Isabella, dan. of Francis Richard Gore, Esq. of Sanilyeuoenst, no. Wieklow, by his Wiekidife, Eeq., aesd nioce of Sir Thomas Weuetworth, Earl of wife, Martha Fiott, of Guernsey), who then became the 7th Stra.fford, by whom ho had oix sons and seven dane. of hart. He in. Lady Grace Maxwell, dan. of Many, Earl of tho former, ,. Rsrrne (Sn-), was his heir; ii. Arthnr (Sir), Fambam, by whom (who it. 19 June, 1066) he had, ancestor of the Earl of Arran, and of tho Goons of Wosisforif, Sx. Gnoeeoe, present baronet. no. Leffrisi, now represented by WILr.sAs-Ooassny Goon, Grace, in. 2 Jsiae, 1047, to Frederick Dundae, Esq., B-P., Esq., H.P. ; and un. Franeio (Sir), of Artamazs, ancestor of Sin RobERT BOOTH-GONE, Dart, Sir Paul it. in 1620, and was a. by his oldoot eon, I I. Sen RALPH, who ns. Anne, 2nd dan. of William, 2nd Lord Canfeild, of Charlomont, hy whom he had an only son, Arias—fin., a fosso, arg., botwsen three crsss-erssslets his successor, III. Sm WILLIAST. This gentleman, who was a ps-ivycoemeilor Crest—A wolf; rampant, arg., collared, gee. in Ireland, and cesotos rotulorum of the to. Leitrim, us. Hannah, dan. and co-heir of Janses, son and heir of Sir James Hansilton, lInt, of Manor Ilamflton, cc. Leitriin, by whom he had, with five dane., two noses, I. RAtrn, his heir. ii. William, dean of Down, who as. honors, dan. of Henry ____________ GORE, SIR FRANCIS - ARTHUR Prittie, Eeq. of Dunalley, and d. 6 Jan. 1731, leaviesg issue, I William, bishop of Limerick, who cc. lit, Itary, dan. of Chidley Cooto, Req.; and, 2ndly, Itary, dan. of William French, Esq., by whom he had with three dane., hannah, Anne, aad Elizabeth, one son, William, who sa Itary, daa. of Michael Itoatl, of Dcrry, in tho to. Tipperary. 2 hlamihen, drowned in 1772. 3 Henry, an officer. 4 Frederick. 5 Francis. I Caroline, os to the lion, and Rev. Nathaniel Clemoeets. 2 Elizabeth, cc. to the Rev. Robert Broreton. Sir William dying to 1700, was e. by his eldest son, I V. SIR RALree, M,P. for the co. Donagal, a pnvyconndlllor, e. Jane-Louisa, d. 16 July, 1131. chancellor of the Exchequer, and subsequently n. Matilda, b. II Sept. tllh; ea. 27 March, 1253, to Leeal.Csl. iso 1729, speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland, upon so. Sarah-Jane, sic. 19 Dcc. 1160, to Edmond-ll. Pery, Esq., the retirement of the Hight lion. Wam Comoolly. Tbts gentleman succeeded, in right of his mother to the estate iv. Elizabeth-Louisa, is,. 19 Dec. 1867, to Capt. Joho-ltsrvey of Manor Hamiltoss, and beautifying the island of iiallymacmanns, ho Longh Erne, gave ft the name of Belie Isle. Sir Ralph ss. lot, Miss Coin lie, dan. of Sir Robert Colvillie, of Newtsswn, to. Lof trim, by whom he had two dans., v. Augusta-Gertrude. Hannah, so. to John Donellan, Esq.; and Rose, so. to the vs. Agnes-Frances-Nira. Right Hen. Anthony Malone. He a. lndly, Elizabeth, only dan. of the Right Rev. Dr. St. Geoe’ge Ashe, bishop of Sir Francis who is lord lieeetenaot and cuntosrotnlornm Clogher. by whom he had three sons and fsnr dane., ST. GnoEon, hts heir. RALPH, successor to his brelber. Richard, of Sandymoast, es. Wiekiaw, ii. 16 Oct. 1720, and was high sheriff of co. Mayo in 18±0. lie was S. in 1165, leaving three sons, RAnree, who inlseriled, as created a Baronet, 5 Dec. 1868. 7th baronet; Anlisoay; and Thomas. Jane, sa. to Charles Cents, Esq. Elizabeth, Es. to Froderiek-Cary ltaenilton, Esq., 2nd son of JAMTe Exox, Esq. (son of FaaNees KNox, lieq. of Bapps Henry Cary, Esq. of Deagiven (see DUNe.cNDLE, II). Catharine, Ca. to Jazies Daly, Esq. (Me DENOANOLE, B.) Mary, os. to Frederick Gore, Esq. Sir Ralph dying 23 Feb. 1732, was a. by bin eldest son, 497 0 0 II St George, of Busimorc, Its ne. 52 Sept. 1745, Anne, only sister of Franeis-Pierropoint Bnrtoss, Lord Conynglesisu ; beet left no issue at his decease, in 1740, wisess the title devolved upoes life brother, VI. Sin RALrH GONE, a distinguished military officer, battle of Laffoldt, 2 July, 1747, when only a eaptatn, ovving to the foB of his senior officers, dtstieeguishcd lunsself so highly, that he received the thanks of the Duke of tuml,erhoid on the fsllowhig day, at the head of his rogfsoont. Ito subsequently represented the to. Don ogal in parliament, and VisesvsslF sf Belleisle, and ins 1771, created EARL OF Ross. tn of Lfoestonant-Goneial l’itt. Lord Ross ci. let, 23 Fols, 17.54, Catherine, dan. of the Right lion, Thomas Conuolly, by whom he had iso issue ; acid lndly, Alice, dan. of the Right lion. Nathaniel Clements, and sister of Robert, Lord Bclletsls, who d. issneless in 1789. Hts lordship il. in lSf2, Martha. cousin of the Earl of Zotland5 and ii. 15 Jan. 1062. Elizabeth. Sir Ralph ef. 20 March, 1242. Crealis,i—2 Feb. 1621. fitchée, or. MeRe—Solo eslvss sernire Des. nGORE. SKN0E-, of Bolloek lL’usor, Co. Mayo; h 23 Juno, 1803; set. 4 ni Aug. 1829, Sarah, dan. of CharlesNeobitt Knox, Esq. of Castle Laeken, and has issue, e. CeessuLas-JAMRO, b. 20 Sept. 1831. n. Arthur-William, late capt. GIlls rides, 5. 20 Oct. 1836; as. 10 March, 1861, Ilarrfette-Emily, dan. of Richard-M. Garden, Esq. of Fishnsoyne, to. Tipperary. William-Boyd Sanndere, BA. eldest eon of the Hon. Staten Pery (see Lessnsicn, E. or). Rrswne, Esq., A-B-C. to the DoLe of tbereern, eldest son of T. Browns, Req. of Auglsentafae CsOtlCe eo. Tyrono. vee. Oetavia-Calhcrfne. of en, Sligo, and colonel of its militia, 3lAulctuc. Castle, en. hlayo), H.P. in the last lrteh Parlinee:ent fee Taghmore, co, Weoferd ; was 1. 21 hlareh, 17,4 and ci, 19 Jan. 1 tOO, Lady Ilaria-Lonisa Goes, eldest dan. of Arsisnr-Saundors, 2nd Earl of Arran, by whom (who d. 6 March, h27) he had, 2K