Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/548

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GOR I. Fnwcis-Anxnnn, created a Baronet as above. is. James, m. Flenriette, dan. of Annesley Gore-Knox, Esq. of Rappa Castle. ni Henry-William, amajorin thearmy, 6. ness. 22 Jan. 1816. Sin tiossssv Gonswo, non and hair, 5. 1121 ; ac Dorothy, iv. Anneolcy, K.t.C.1l.S. v. George-Edwar’l, roams. B .N. s. Anna-Maria, a. to John-Frederick Knox, Ksq. of Mount asset ii. 11 Dec. 1591, leaving ioono, Falcon, cc. Mayo. is. Louisa-Maria, a. to Liens-Cot. Cuff, of B,at Castle, Co. Mayo. mu. Eleanor-Adelaide, ci. to Major Gardiner, of Farm Hill, cc. Mayo. iv. Charloilo-Callaorne, si. 12 July, 1961, to Ernest Knox, Eaq. of Castlcroa. James Knox, Eeq., assumed, in compliance with the will of his maternal grandfather, tho sarnalno an’t arms of Gore in addttion to thoso of Knox, by royal oign-manaal, dated 23 April, 1813. lIe if. 21 Vet. 0819. Crone isa—8 Bee. 1969. Acias—Quarlerly ; 1st and 4th, gil.,,o, of OakhnrsL of avbom heroafscr. a fesse between three eross-croeslels fitclsée, or, all seitihin a herdare, Barbara, si. Itichard Rcnloy, af Rrnley, en. Sussex. org.. for Gene; 2nd and Sri, go., a falcon rising, or, Elizabeth, as. in toll, Thomas Solsein, of Fristen, co Sussex, avisIon aa trio waved en the outer side and engr. en the llary, si. Sir Aasthany Bering, of Snrrenden Boring, Co. inner side, org., a crescent far difference forKaox. Ce,sls—ls, a wolf salient, er, for Gone: 2n,l, a falcon, close perched an a rest, ppr., fer Kaox. Lotte—In tier signs vinees. Seaf—Belleek EeswArst’ Gonsseo, Esq. of Oakbsn-nt, ill Ri.Uinghnrat, Manor, co Maya. GORE OF LISSADELL, s e Doom, DART’. C 0 Ri NO. GORING, SIR CHARLES, Dart. of hlaria, si. in 1600, Thomas Slaolley, Req. of Wormingbnrst, Higladon, co. Sussex, late of the 12th lancers; is. 2 June, 1828; A Dorotlsea, as. Nicholas Kverefield, Ksq. of Tiss Grove, ho his father, 19 April, 1859; as. 1st, 11 Feb. 1850, Margaret - Anna, HENRY (Iowsa’o, of Mighden, isa Waohissgton, witlaha the dan. of Jones Panton, of Plan rape of Bramher, Co. Sussex, so. isa 1609, Stacy, doss. of Gwyu, co. Auglesey; and 2nelly, Sir Theme Rvrrsfietd, and it. Feb. 9651, aged 72, having 21 April, 1857, Elba, 2nd dan. of had (with another men, who it. young, and ten does.) a soIl, the 11ev. Capel Molyneux. Tlae family od Grniwo ia of considerable antiquity in tho patent gnsnted to the said Sir Jamea for life, 15 Slay, 1678, ca. af Suesex, and may he presumed to have derived ita with a preeedessce of 1027. Ho 1,5. 2 Slay, 1042, Froucee, name from Goring, a pariah us the rapo of ArundeL JoHN, Lord of Oaring, lived ahout tho time of King (ache d. 04 Dec. 1694), asad ,l. 1 April, 1102, having had Itnanv III., arid avao father of John, the father af Robert (with othcr issue) an eldest aoo, do Goring. The last.mcsationed ttohort do Oaring was Olenv GORING, of Wappingthora, in Steyssiag, co. Sass- father of three acne, John, Thimaa, and Simon. John, the sex, capt. in a regiment of foot, I. 1646; who so. lot, Elizssiseths, eldest, lived in the reign of RowAwn 111., and was father of Ce. Derby (who P. isa June, 1073), and had issne, John Goring, of Lancing, en. Sussex, father of another ill. CssxnLea (Sir), aelao e. his grandfather in 1702; 51. ill John, of the same placo, whoaa aon, Jahu Goring, of Lancing, temp. ltcwov VI.’ sa. lot. Margaret, dan. of Ralph Radmylde Q:’y Slargaret, dan. and ru-heir of Sir Richard bleary, bin 1672; ii. in 1673. Cameya, wh’’so father waa summoned to parlianaent ill Hr sit dndly, 2 Feh. 1073, Mary, youngest dan. and co-heir 7 Riessoan II., and heir to Sir William Itadmylde, her of Sb- John Covert, Dart, of Slaugham, Co. Sussex (who nephew); and dnstly, Joan, widow of Ilnnaphrey Itrwater, re-ct Nicholas Best, of Ilorohana, Co. Sssssex), ossd woo of London. tie it. iii 1193, leaving iesno by hia lot wife, killc,1, 1087, Isy — Mooring, leaving issne hy bee, I. .Jonv, af Burton, of chosn hcseafser. ii. William. iii. Richard. I. Aan. ii. Jaan, as. let., Williana Leeds; and 2n’lly, Thenaas Allfa’ey. iii. Elizabeth, Os. Thomas Layke, of ea. Sassex. .Josia C,ossssco, Rae1. of hutton, ;i. Joan, dan. of the IV. Ssn HaRRy GonsNo, Bas’t. of Ldighden, 8. 1679, s. his ahave-namod ttnmphss-ey lhewster, and st ahortly ifter isle brother, Sb- Cisarten, 1711 ; so. Rliediet1s, oldest dan. and father, leaving iaane, Va—gory, wifr of John Shirley, of ci,-heir of Aitsuirol Sir George Staithew, Ksst. of Twickenhssns, Jafield, eefferrr to the king ; and a son, JOHN Goisswo, of tharton, so. C ‘notanee, dan. and n-as come tisaso representative isa parll:smesst for T’torohans at length heir, ef lienra- Byke, Eaq., and P. 16 Oct. 1320, assd hteyssing, and il. 12 Nov. 1732, leovissg (avith other leaving issue twa casio. William and George, and fonr lana. issue) an eldest son, Sybhll, Kleans’r, Jane, mmcl Anne. But WILLIAM tinnsa-o. Kcst. of hinrt’sn, gentleman of the yossngeat don, of William Blaektiurnc, ef Morton Ash, Co. privy rhami,er hi Es,w,ssen Vi., so Klizaheth, dial dan. and Essex (avho ii. 1719), and had issue, co-heir of Jidin Covert, of Slangham, eo. Snaoex (svho d. honey (Sir), of aehena hereafter. 16 Nov. 1538), and ‘t 10 March, 1112, leaving issue, I. itminy, of Rartac, 8. in 1921, af wham hereafter. ii. Gearge, of Ovingdeane and Tiatsav Park, eo.Sassex, Klizalseth, 8. in 1717; it. ‘ale ia 1784. receiver e,f sue Coort of Wants, us. Stare, eldest dass. and Sir’ Charles sit. 2udlv, 70 April, 1743, Elieatseth, sister assd re-heir of William Kverard, of Aiharne, en. Sussex; aad P. co-heia-ess of Sir tlohsert Fagg, hart, of Wioten, on. Sussex, 7 Feb. 1601, leaving lassie, George, so. Anne. sister af Edo-and Benny, Karl of Norwich, and was father of lIcence, created Bu-’,o. flarh,,g, 1620, and Poet rI Norseir)s, lf44; whiels titles t,eeame Itiddsslpls, of hliddolph Castle, Co. Stafford, and through her extinct en the death, s. p.. of isis son,, led earl, 3 March, 1670. at Cansoys, created 7 ttsCnaao 11., assd far many years in us. R’,iert, ci. Mare, dea. of Tlienaas Olney, and had an abeyance, lest aehich was terminaled, in 1031, in the person of a.iy child, Elizabeth. 4)39 GOR s. Anne, as. 1st, Sir George Delalyade; and lndly, Francis Rrosvna, Esq., brother of Viscount Mantaga. Ind dan. and co-bela- of the absive-namcd Kverard, William, of ttnrtoa, ni Isi, in 1163, Ann, dan. and heiress of llsbcrt liarbidgo, of Hayes, co. Middlesex, and had issue, Sir llenry, n-he was taslee a., and whose son (by his 1st marriage acish Kleaner Kingsmill), Sin WILLIAM, was created a Raranel, 14 May, 1622, avhieh tific became extinct, on the death, n-p., of his grandsan, Sir Wllhians, 20 Feb. l723. ito so. dnaly, liargaret5 dan. of Tlsamas Chalener, Req. of Koawacds, Co. Sussex, aeldew, 0m1, of William Coarthape, of itarsfiold. ansI afterwards, of Richard Mi0, of Orcathani, bosh eo. Sussex, by whena he was father of Gearge, ancestor af else Gaainoa of Beasveusbe sasat Cbaiiev, co. Sussex, which branches became extinct in the ,ssale line by the death, spas., of John Goring, of Ito reomhe, in 1738. and d. in iOdb. Kent; ansi it. s. js. sheriff of tlae con, of Sussex and Surrey in idlI, is. Elizabeth, lass, and c’s-bela- of Tts,isnao Wisennsn, of Bsslbridgs, co. Wilts, and ii. A1srll, 1617, leaving leone, tleawx, of Highdon, of whons hereafter. Edaeard, of Cobdcn, ea. Sssssea,os. in 1618, Klleabeth, eldest dan. of Sir Thsomea Evorsfleid, ef Dcnn, in itorsham, Co. Sssssex; and it. to 1617, leavissg issue. The mate hoe of this ranch appears, however, to have failed, risen 1005, in the sezassd geueratiass. co. Sussex. ilelhssgtoss, Co. Sussex. II. Ssii Hewwv Gowsseo, of hiighdcn, who, 5. 1699, a. no dud hart., on the death of Sb’ James Ilewyer, of Leiglstlaarsao, co. Suffolk, by virtue of a special limitation iii the cutest dan. of Sir Thamae Bisohopp, of Parlaam, co. Ssissex dan. and co-heir of Anthony Storcwood, of Alfreton, 1700, Klizaheth, yosmgcst don. of Richard Rridger, before ssamod (ache d. 27 March, 1741), loot Pep. in Jan. 1713. Edaeard, b-in 1676; P. in 1677. honey (Sir), 4th baronet. ‘lVilliosn, heat, in a. troop of hosaa, 8. 5 Nay. 1682; d. at Borceleun, s-p. zo. hhddleeex (aebo si. 29 Jnly, 1709, aged sararly 100), V. Sin,whe se. lot, It July, 1701, Mary, llary, 8. in 17-16; us. he Nov. 1767, CohvllI Bridger. of Itnelsissglsom I’laco, en. Snasex. and hail issue by bee (srho ii. 21 Fob. 1781), Anne, sister and heiress of this Sir W’dhiam, as. Richard aeas conveyed to that fasnily the eo-heirship of the tiarany her descendant, Thonsas Stenor, Esq., now Lend Camoyn.