Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/549

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GOR s. Charles, of Wiston, 5. 1744; 8. 1929. He m. three wives, 1st, 20 April, 1779, Sarah, dau. of Ralph Beard, of Hurstpierpoint, co Sussex (who 8. u. p. 6 Deo. 1797); 2odly, 7 June, 1798, Elizabeth, sian. of Edward Luxford (who d. S Aug. 1811); aod lrdly, 7 Stay, 1912, Mary, dau. of eho 10ev. Joho Bauard, of Winchester (who 4. in Nov. 1845). By his 2nd wife ho had iusao, I Elizabeth, 5. in 1799; os. 25 Aog. 1829, Roy. WaIler- John Trowor, late rector of Wiston, now bishop of Glasgow. 2 Mary, 5. in 1800; 4. in 1804. 9 Frances, 5-in 1991; 4. soses. 29 March, 1810. By his 3rd wife he had issue, I Charles, 5. 1917, H.P. for New Shoreham; oh 19 Sept. 1849, Juliana-Mary-Caro]ino, dan. af Sir WilloughbyWooletan Dtxio, Bart. of Market Booworth, co Leicester, and 4. 17 Nov.1949, up. 2 Joho, in holy orders, 5. in 1924, now of Wisten Park, Preaton), of Gormasauton, in the oennttee of Dublin Snseex; so. 24 Sept. 1901, isabella-Mary, only surviving aud Meath; Baron Birmingham, of Kel]o, in Oesury, dan. of Use late Freeman Thomas, Bsq. of Rattan. 1 Itary, 5. in 19t9; a. sects. 1849. Sir Charles-Matthew Goring slAng. 5709, and was z. hy and Baron Launciros, of the Naan, en. Kildare; its his oldest ams, VI. Slut Haawr, 5. 26 April, 1719 ; et. let, H Sept. 1767, cud Baron Gormaneton, of Wiaitewoed, in tise co. of John-Anna, only child of John Forater, some time governor Meath, in the peerage of the United Kingdom ; 6. 3 of Fort William, Bengal, by whom (who 4. .4 Juno, 1774) Juno, 1796; cc. 19 July, 1836, Letoretia, eldeet clan. he had ieaue, Cnxarxs-Feeorca, 7th baronet. Anna-Maria, 5. 17 Sept. 1169; so. 11 April, 1791, Thomas I. JnNreo-Wxs.etsas-Jooepn, ehamherlain to his grace Lewis, Eaq. of Gray’s Inn; and 4.24 July, 1849. Frances, 5. 6 May, 1774; ns. lot, II July, t799, Ret’. John Using, vicar ef Poling, co. Sussex (who d. 1804); and Sndly, 5 July, 1910, Rev. John Rideont, rector of Woodmancote, 11. Edwas-d-Francis-John, capt. 9th lancers, 5. 3 March, to. Snssex. He 8. 3 Get. 1969. Sir Marry ra. Indly, 1717, Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Ftoher, s. litargaret-Franees-Agnes. of the iolaud of Barbadoes, and hy her (who cl. 1780) had ci. Lucretia-Panlioe-Mary, is. 19 July, 1860, to John- an only eon, Harry Goring, 5. 1778, new living, noes. Sir Harry Goring sl. 1 Dee. 1924, and was o. by his son, VII. STRCRARLCO-FoutovenGonsan, Port., I. llJnly, 1768; His lordship e. hie father cc 13th Vioeonsat Gormata. sa. 9 Nov. 1799, Bridget, dan. of Henry Dent, of Canterbury ston 10 Fob. 1860, and wee created Baton Gormaneton, <who d. 12 Jan. 1816), and had inane, 5. MACn-DeNT, 8th baronet. is. Charles, rector of T,eineham, 00. Sussex, 5. 17 May, 1805; so. 2 Oct. 1932, Ilaria-Ambdlla, eldest dan. of the lien. Frederick St. Jeho, and a. 4 Ang. 1919, having had issue, I CaAvxa-CuAaLEs, hient. 23rd foal5 5.24 Oct. 1941. 2 George, 8. 1 July, 1941. 1 Georgiana Leutsa. 2 Louisa-Anna-Mans, 8. 10 April, 1019; a. in Ilay following. Hence ne Pans-rote, woo justice of the court of Commoss I Fmneee-Elicabeth. sit. George, capt in the army, 5. 29 Aug. 1906; a. sines, in the jesticee of the court of Hinge Bench. The eon and Sept. 1938. iv. Forstor, of Fertumna, co. Galway, 5. 9 April, 1810; to. Sin Peanut ne Pneorote, who was kidghted in the field, 19 July, 1919, Sidney-Eleisa, eldest dan. of Barry-John, 1981, by Lionel, Duke of Clarence, and obtained e grasst fos’ Viscount Avonmore, and has issue, I Harry-Velverton, 8. 19 July, 1840. 2 Yelverion, 5. 9 April, and 8. 1 Sept. 1842. I Forsler-Velverton, 5. 23 July, 1916. I Ida-Julia, es. 23 Nov. 1861, Capt. T.-B. Richards, 40th ceased of Carbery, eo. Kildare, lac made that the chief place iegimenl. 2 Cecilia-Augusta. I Stdoey-Bhzabeth. v. WIBiam, 8. 5 Dcc. 1811; sa 1937, Louisa Smith, and Me only eon, stop. 9 Stay, 1949. I. Bridget, 5. 10 Sept. 1800; a. stsns. 12 Starch, 1949. is. Anna, 5.11 Jan. 1003; d. eutos. 14 Aug. 1810. iii. Elizabeth, 8. 20 AprU, 1809; os. 19 May, 1914, JoshuaBohert the prior of Kilmainbaaeo. He es. Elizabeth, date. essd bets Olinnitt, Esq. of Anaghbegg, co. Tipperary. iv. Ida, 5. 8 Aug. 1814; ci. II Feb. 1934, Aubrey-Wtlliam mother, Emma, dan. of William Fitnmassriec, Baron of Beauclerk, Esq. of St. Lsonerd’e Lodge, in Cowfeld, co. Noes (su created by Hcxutv Ii.), and his wife, Helen, sister Sussex, and ci. 23 April, 1919. Sir Charlea Poroter si. 26 March, 1944, and wan e. by Lie Preotons obtained the Isarony of Naas. Sir Chriotopber eldest son, VIll. SIR hAunT-DeNT, whe was 8. 10 Dee. 1801 ; as. lot, CHRiSToPHeR Pateoroir, Baron of Naee, iso right of bLo 2 Aug. 1027, Augusta, dan. of John Harvey, of Thorp Lodge, mother, who es. Jane, den. of Sir Jenico D’Artoio, Rut., neai- Norwich (froth whom ho wee divorced by act of Parliasucut, and wee o. lsy his ehteet eon, 21 June, 1841), cud had issue, CracKLEs, present baronet. Augusta-Elizabeth, 5. 4 Get. 1912. Sir Ilan-y m. Indly, II Slay, 1042, Mary-Elizabeth, dan. was appointed that prince’s deputy (he beinsg in soinorit3-), and heiress of John-Griffith Lewis, of Lhsnddyfiau, cc. witis power ti elect a ds loety hi hin4seB. On the 7th Assg. Anglesey, and widow of Jones Panten, of Flee Owyn, iu in the same year (1479), be wise elevated to the peerage that county, and bad ieoue, 5. Itargarsl, 8. 11 Jon. 1844. ii. Emily-htary. 5.22 Juoe, 1046. sit. Diana, 8.9 Feb. 1949. ev. Henrietta-Maria, 5.20 Nov. 1940, 4. 17 May, 1867. Sir Harry a. in Paris, 19 April, 1819. Creotieo—23 July, 1627. Arosu—Arg.. a ehevren, betseecn lord-deputy, 8,, the fams,sse battle of Htssieletossgh, in the three annulets, gu. C-cut—A lion, ram’aut-guarslaut, so. lPo provissee of tossnanght, where, svith Lord Killeeu, he led JIollo. &uf—Highden, near Steyniag, Sussex. 499 G 0 R MA N S T 0 N. GOt51[ANSTON, VISCOUNT (Edward-Anthony-Joins the peerage of Ireland, premier vieconut of Irelaslrl; of the late Wiliiana.Charleo Jerningham, Eeq., next brother of George-william, Lord Staffos-d, and bee, the Duke of Abercorn, H.P., lord-Iteut. of Ireland, 5. 1 June, i8a7; a. 8 Jan. lSl, Ismay-Louiea-Uronla, Ird dao. cf Patnek, let Lord Bellow. 1949. Arthur yarrell, Req. of Moynalty, co. Heath, and lies isssse (See Dccxc’s Lasdesl Gentry.) on. Charlotte. in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 8 Dec. 1869. iLilltitfiC. The first member of thie very ancient and distinguished family which we find upon sweord to Ireland ie FRILl? DO Pnesrox, whose gnse’loon, Piece in the let year of Enwaun Ill. ; assd in 1331, oiee of heir of this learned person, ever of the manor of Gormauston, in the cos. of Dublin and Heath, was Lord of l’reeton in Lancashire, and filled the office of Loan-HIon-CnaxreLtnlt er IssELANn. Deing pee- of his residence. His lordship is. lllargaret, dan. and heir of Walter de Btrnsingham, Lord of Carbery, and wee o. by Sec Cnasevopncie PsesseTox, Rnt. This gcntlosnau was insprtooued in the caatle of Trim for corresponding with of Wiffiam Lanudres, Baron of Naao, in the right of his of Richard, Earl of l’cmbreke (by which marriage the was e. by his only eon, Sin BOBERT I’oeceTox, ;vhs’ was appointed deputy to Sir John Dynbam, lord-chancellor of Ireland; and Richard, Dsskc of Vine, yonngost sen of Enwanu IV., being constituted lend-deputy s,f Iroland, .1 M,sy, 1478, Sir B.obert of Ireland, hy tlse title of Vsosoarrcr (tssraiAxovorc, of Oss’asso suites. His lordship sat us the parliament of 14915, and in that t,f 1401. Hod. 150:3, antI wa o. by his eldest son, Sin W1LLIASI, 2nd vise,onst. This iss,l,leinan filled the office of depssty to Sir .Jauors It, shot, lor,h -treasurer in 1498. Iso lI’’4, bia lordship atte,sslLJ tioe E,srl of Kildare, the winge of the bawmets; aisd in 1525, ho waa appointed 2 lt2