Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/550

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0 0 it lord-justice of Ireland. ills lersiship was a. at. his decease lcaving hsescc ps’occonccced in tico Easter ternc of that year, a by his eldest socc, - writ of sccncsnoccs was issued to the viseoncst, 2 Ascg. 1800, device, 3rd vjsossuct, who 1. 1539, and was s. by his to take lila scat in the Mouse of Peers. his lordship ci. 10 eldest son,* Ccisccslopssre, Mis viscount. This nobleman left, with several claus,, three sosis, naucely, 5. Jessie, his ccseeesssr. - ci. Thc,ncas, ereaird ices’s si Tas’a, ceicceic Nile ceased ccciii ereceenis, gsld. Cc-eel—On a ehapesu, gn., lovued np, cnn., his lsrdslup’s’lc,’n, ‘ilcsscccss, 3rd viarsisni, wics was a fox, ataiant, ppr. Ssqcpas’lec’s—Dexler a fox, ppr.; sinister, killed C July, 1074, liv Sir Fs sscsris lihindell, 1CM, of lice a lien c’acccpsist, or. 71,slls—Saiss since. Seci.s—GorcnansteIc King’s esncstv, ass! isis brsilsers, Williaccc ansi Winwssd lllussslell. ‘fhese gssilrsccsss l’eisg all, Isowever, aegis1 tied of usssrder, reeeic el isis scssjesiy’s pardssc 55 lice December of lice wince yeas’. sic. lViilicnsc. His lssrdslsip was .‘. icy his eldest cost, dances, dli viseossct, who left (srilh a class., Mary, cci. 3st, to Sir Thosn,ss Alscc, Fart, of St. Wolstasss ; 2ndiy, to Sissson i,sctlreli, Esq. sf Lsittrelstswss), a c,csc and ssseeesssr, Nsoeso Los, ills vise’ sicsst, win s . 3icsry, den. sf Nioholcss, 1st l’ive’cusst K bssl’ccs, I, cscscl Isad issue, I. Jesses. isis sssoeesssir. ci. Nicholas, ‘vhs .o. Elizabeth, dan. of Aalhssy, 2sdViseossnt Tars, assci Isasi isssse, Jeiies, wIse s. as ills viseeisiii. AsTssea 0’, sslte s. as Oils viseesissi. ilis lordship was e. ly his eldest son, Janss cc, 7th visessscsst. Tisis e,slcleman lsavissg adicered to his lçdttmate sscvorvi4ss, JAMes Ii., svas indicted fssr hightreasoss, ascii osctlawed sspocc thsst icsctiotcuesst, iii April, 11191. Ills lordship slyisig, h’swever, cvithssat ssscdo issue, icc the Gouie5 VIOCGUNT (Standish.Peennlengast Versleer), 3iaroh prece’lissg, scan -v icy isis l.crsthor, Jesse’s, 8th vises’sssst, issst lice title was scot aekasowlesiged, of Limerick ; Baeoss Kiltartnls, of Gont, go. Gaiscay; aithscsgls l”sesss icy his lsrdslstp, acid his three isssmediate euslonel of the Limerick artillery militia; 5. 6 Jnly, stscerss-crs. lie was s, icy isis brother, Aacrs’nsv, 9th viee’cscnt, wiso sd, in 1700, Mary, only elstld so. 4 May, 1847, Caroline-Harriet, Seddau. of Hens-y, of his scesels, Jrscco, 7s,lc vtsec,scsct, and was s. icy lab sssiy sscc, 4th Viscount Gage, and has iosus5 Jesse c, 10th vise ‘cccst, sshs s-c. 9 Fets. 172!’, Tlcc,masicse, 5. Jcccss-GAee-PneNIcteC,saT, 0. 21 dais. 1049. eldest vaca, sf JoIns, 11th Lord Trimlestswss, ansi hasi, with is. Peley-Chanlca-Pressdergast, EN., 5. 21 June, 1030. other jessie, 5. ANTHoNY, isis snvrssssr. Is. Jacses, cehcc cc. l’csrelsa’. 2nd clan, of Sir Willecsglcby Asian, Sari., s svics,csc )cvlce cl. in 1791), ice left issue, I PCds’srd. 2 l’lsilip. 1 Caiherine. 2 liary, deceased. 3 Sydssey. 4 Fesntes. sIc. Jeccieo. cv. John. c. Caiharine, as. to Anticoccy, P-scat NIna. Is. b’racsees. sci. L’rislgei. sv. Elizabeth. v. 3largaret. His lordship ci, 31 Ott. 1777, accd was o. by his eldest sacs, knighls wiso nnited wiih Siecngbew, Las-I of Pembroke, in the AsTcsosv, 11th Tssesscnt, wlcc, ccc. I leccniettss, chaos, of Liscst.— tnvaaion of Ireland. lie landed in May. 1109, at ihe icead of General Johss Rsbiccocccc, f 1.srccstcscc if ccli, cc, Sssffislk ascd ten kssiglsla ansi too Isenclred archers, took us prominent part in dying S Dee. l7st, lrtt issue icy her (who was us. India’, to the seeerssfstl n-ar sshteh frEewed, and ebtusisced an ansple share Lient.-Gosc. Chnisiscpher Jeafl’rosc,cc, cii Dulliccghacu Itsssse, of lIce eanqssered lands. In 1177, he gave his caP-Ic of Prender— cc. Cocu’bnislgcc, ascii ci. C Fei,. 1021) acc occly son and successor, gad, in Wales, to lice kniglsis of Si. Jolsn of Jenssaiens; ansi J’tsiesc, 12th vIse’ oscct, who ‘yes 8. 3 Dee. 177.3, accd cc. Its eventnally joining that order, was icrisr of itlisnainhans at his 13cc. 1791, 3lc’r:arol, eldest dais, of Thccnaas-,rthcn-, Icid deailc icc 1200. Frscn elerald, his yotsngtst sea, descended the Viseotuct Seccthwoil, by celcscus (svho 1. Iii Jsccc. 1829) ho had, Peendergasis of hlayss, sehose bids tulle of MatcManniee gave s. Eew.san-AccTneecv-.Jcccsce, present peer. is. Arthor-Anilcony, 0.2 Jone, 1790; ‘P 20 April, 1527. III. Jentes, is. 24 Osict. httO. iv. lisiceri, 5. 23 Jaa. 1802; as officer icc lice allay. v. Charles, t. 20 April, 1803; cc. 1833, Alteia-alargareita, dass. 1207, and 122i. lIe *s. ilande, daa. and heir sf Robert do of V’ititace Nccrlh, lcq. of A orliclcrosk, cc. Gaicecy, and Icac Qssiccsy, sviils selccesc ice sequined lice low-n of Eaiaiseooiisy and issue. I Js’etee-E,iceaesi, is. 29 Nov. 1091 c 2 Charles, t. 19 es’nslalcleclsip of Leincter. lie ,i. 1220, leaving issue, P-ensue, Jane, 1977. vi. Edmund. is. it l”eh. 1000; ansi ci, in 1021. sos. ‘ficorcas. cc. 7 Nay, 1817; -cc. 9 Aug. 1843, 7fargaret, 4th lice Isssnsis of Isis kiccsssan layer de Qaiaey, earl of Wisehesher, an dao. of the lab Jeho ltacniien, Ecu. of Sondrssnc, eo. Ayr, a isescage for lice loyally of she Las-i of Penchaske Urn-lag the and ices isccce, I Jenieo-Jelce, 8.11 Feb. 1041. 2 TIcs-mac—Edward, 5. 16 hay, 1031. 3 AniIcscr.Jascces, 8. H June, hail. 4 A son, 1,, March, 1001. I llargarei-f’scolicca. 2 Carohcce-T)nnciaa. 3 Lasses-Mary. s-lsemn Ice had an only das., hlana, wife of John, Load Cogan. 4 Anas.c-3baria. lb M.citida-Jane. I 1”rscseec-ilnrnesie. ile ccc. 2ndly, hiauilcia, class. ef Oticicarsi sic Bun-go, sccct cister of 7 3lsey-Chetcline. s, 3i;clilda, c.. 10 Jane, 1042, to lfaiilcecv-EIiac Cerhallv, Esq. lice Earl ef Ulster, by sehccns ice had lilsess-ico an only dan., of Ceehahen hall, is. ileallc, 71.1’. His lordohi1c olctcsicced5 icc 1000, perccciosiosc fri ‘so lice erewcs eslalos, ineludiicg forty koigltts’ fees in WexOsrd ansi Cent5 fell to iccutitsste prsseeediscgo in the occscc-t cit ificcg’s ltecseh for 10 llsein tcssse na co-Iseirs, ss-lcilct she nepreceutalion of lIce the reverasci of the outlawries of Nbehsclas, the 0th visecsscrst fanniy dessi-ced on liii bcuihen, (which icacl been reveeneci at the l100ts’ratbon), accd st Wis.ucsas Pt i’etansasssT, yonnger csn of Philip: tie olsisined Janice, the 7th vicesunt, agcsiscct whoccc tics ecctlawa’y slid the isrclcisi1c of Nes’easlie, eo. Tipperary, from Jeffrey de hIs- sot pass ucctil after his decease ; acid ci favccssnsicle jscdgcnesct rises, eic-ea 1230, us exchange for other lands. By Ida wife * The Ibis. iiartisc f’s-estee, 3rd con of denies, 3rd visesccssl minglcacsc; he had lasso, Jolun and Jusensy, of srhsm nIce former seas aneeslor of Jscss h’sceaTocu, Ecq. of Belfiscice, lhf’. fee cl.s. j. in 1271, c’lsen his beosher, Navan )svho seas ereaied, in 1000, ,Bscrscc Teas’, bcct d. a. a in Jereate at Fssuannauasv, is. to New-cache. Richard, Lord 1021), and of she FRecTeaus of Ssraicsafscocc, as. Oheaih. 500 GOR Feic. 3000, mcd was s. by his eldest sea, Enwxsco-AsxausrJosnc, the 13th acid present viseensst. Creafisiss—Viareont, 7 Atcg. 1170; Baron of the United iCingdons, S Des. 1000. Arose—fIr, sn a chief, sa., ticree Castle, Balbriggan, and Whilewossi Ileuce, eo. heath. GORT. isi. Stascdiah-Willissm-Prendergaat, 8. 23 Feb. 3034. iv. Jeffrey-Kdcvard-Frossdsrgast, is. 27 hlaech, 1091. c, Iselda-C’arolins. Is. hlabel-Eliz,st.cs-th. siT. Carstine-hiariss. Iv. Khealaeth—hlaria. v. L’oriccna-Jntia. LIiiragc. Mxresee, Lord of Poendergasi, in Penchralseshire, “ a righte satiaents captain,’’ says iioliscelsesi, sras one of lIce Norman nance to lice barossy sf Clanncon-es, and of sc’lsielc family Lord Oeancccoee reprececits lice Castle hfaegarret brands, snbsbisi lila eldest cell, Pususe at PatseunoxeT, snac cnncmoned as a leurun in 1206, bin heir W’cuucsss, of svhcem Iserescften; ossci hdsss’idi, celia seas icc Baruscs’ War, hot seas released icy esyni scnit signed at Runny— mesle, 12 June, 1211, cicsning lice conferences s-itO the barons, soicirh renuliesi in nbc grant of Magna Cicanfa. Tue eldest ness, (tissue nu Pnesennnssv, cs-ho fscsncied lbs AbIcey uf Enniseoc’iisy, cc. lit, ilsdilda, dais, of Theslsald Ic Bshillor, by ,3falihda, c-Ice ccc. ilauoiec de ileels5wt; and dying in 1271, his Alianote, sc-lao slcpearo to isave been co-heir uf Wiitians do 12cr- Slant, hesveven, coniccied his eight thencie; and Flees de Ben- 1819 ; a. his father as 4th Tincount, 20 Get. 1865