Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/573

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a-UT Adeline-Ilary, youngest dat). of David-Barclay Chapman, B essrev, 4th laaron, K .B. His lordohita ass. Masse, dan.aaad Faq. of Dawnohire house, Itoohamptan. s. Charlatto-Maria, ‘a. 9 Aug. 1859, to Richard flu Cane, eo-hsir of Sir Charles Moastagaa, Rust., and ,tieee sf lleaary, Rag., oldost son of Major Du Cane, 20th light dragoons. Earl of Manchester, by whom he had six osassa and foaar hans., ii. Katherine - Gwladys, vs. 9 P01). 1061, ta the Rev. a, his snceeaaor. Froderick-Ceoil Aldereen, youngest san of tho late Sir it. Feaaeuo, 6. 22 Oct. 1037, who, applying laimself to 1hz steady H-IL Aldeveon, a Baron of the Exchoqaor. sat. Mary-Enid-En nyu. iv. ConstanceRhiannon, cs.26 Oof. 1000, to Capt. the lion. C.-G.-C. Eliot, yvnngeat san of Edward-Granvills, 3rd and and is, else zest year atas appoiolesl taual—elsioi—jnstiee of the present Earl of St. Germans. V. Blanche-Vore. Sir John, who sat in parliansa,at for Merthyr Tyslvil, ‘6. 26 Nov. 1852. His widow a. 2ndly, 10 April, 1855, Charles levepor of llae (ireat Seal; and created, 27 Sell. 1001, J;snoN Sehreiber, Esq., eldest snrviving non of the late Lient.-Col, Janses-Aifred Schreiber, of Mnlton, Sullolk. t’vesfBa—1038. Ares—Az., Os, a rhevron, ar, between three swans’ heads, erased, ppr., as many eroases-maline, sa. f’v.’f— A swan’s head, erased, ppr., garged with a collar, or, and underneath ahau-ged with a eross-nsoline, as in 11,0 arnas, between two ostrich feathers, gold. AIetta—I”erro stats gladia. Seals— DanIels Hsese, ee. Glasnorgan; Canfard 3lanor. tvimborne, Dorset. a- U IL FORD. 11. ilwilgc. Ste EnwAan Noam, 5.P., fer Cambridgeshire, a famous lawyer, 6. about the year 1490, after being joint clerk ef the parliatneat, king’s acrjrant-a5-law, chancellor of the Court at Aegmentations, was elevated to the peerage, 17 Feh. 1513-1, belag then samtuenvd to parliament as Borea Sort/a of Kfrtttnp, no. C’aoabri’ige (a naanar he peovhased). His tordslnp a. 1st, Aliee, dan. of Oliver Sqoyar, Rag. ef Soothby, eo. Southampton, and widow of Edward Myrffnn, Faq., and ef John Brigadhse, Faq. of Saathattspton. By this lady he aeqaired a considerable fereone, and had, bane (Sir), his eareessor. Themas (Sir), a learned man, asho transtafed into English Geeeara’o Hevelsgiaaa Priaeipdaas, and FIssion/se Lire.’. Christian, as. to William, 3rd Earl of Worcester, KG. Mary, ass, to tteasry, OIls Lard Srroopc, of Ealtan, Lord N,srtls at. 31 Dee. 1364, and wan a. hy his elder san, Sam Ronea NOaTn, knight-bassneret, an dnd haron. This I. Slevy, asa. 10 Sir Wilitasa Sprissg, hurl. nobleman, whe was aautaaoaasdar.oxtraaardtnary from Qnaen us. Anne, as. to llebert Foley, Rsq. of Slourbridge. ELtnaer.Tn to Cueasa.oa IX., kisag of Frassee, avan nworua of ii,. Elientaoth, ass, hat, to Sir leosaert Wisensan, JO.C.L. ; and the privy council, asad eusaatitnted treasurer of the lsunoehold iv. Chelation, so. to Sir Geos’go Wenyeve, hOot. in the 39th yoar of her nsajenty’o reign. He m. Dudley, Lord Nsartla, at. las 1/77, anal was a. by his eldeot non, Whaifred, dan. ef Reheat, Lord Rich (ehasseeHaar of Enghend), Cua.eusvaso, 5th hau’on, wlaas hsviasg vs. Cathasritse, dan. of and relict of Sir Henry Dudley, hy who,,, he had twsa eons, Williaam, Lord Cvoy saf Worke, assal relict of Sic’ Ertward Jehe (Oh), who am. Derothy, dasu. and re-heir of Sir Valenlioe Hoacley, Hart. saf The hlough, co. Luascuoter, had been satmsnassaed Dale, LL.D., master ef the requests; assd dying lseforia Isis father, left, with other iaaase, tluoLev, aaeeeaaor to lisa title. f:ua.ousvca II., by tho title of Load Grey, of Bolheolsu, en. Henry (Oar), of llilden hail, no. Saifelk; ,vhase grastaleen, Sun l6eaav Non’rn, of )lildei, b]all, was created a Isaronet in Shaaffoa’d. SIlo iordahsip 1. but 1650, anal wanes. byhis eldest eon, 1660. (See Scnae’e SzIi’iet Baraeeioge.) ha lordship at. 3 Dee. a 000 aasd lae is thsas briefly charac, officer, avho serveal under the Duke of Stsrlhoroaagh its all tarized by Canaden—” He wae a person of great knoiaaaoa bio caunpsigsss, saasd had Isle u’iglst lsansd shot aft’ sat the battle and vivacity, with a head assd heart fit for tlse oerviee.” of lhlnuahoim. Otis borstolsita at. avithaant issne, tin 5714, w’hoas He was s. hy his grandness. Brot,ev, 3rd baron, who, according to Camde,a, “was thee barony of Grey coaaoed; basf j.hat of North devolved a perossu fatIl of spirit and flame ; yet after he hod consumed upon his eaauoin, the greatest part of his eotata in the gallantries of 5 nd as’s, of t)udlsy, 4th tbarssn Naarths). Hiss lasrdohip eras King JAsuEa’e court, or rather his son’s (Prisuce Ilengy), 6. )n 1704, said ‘sa. lob, las 1739, Lady f5nry 3lsantngas, daau. retired and lived more bonsaurably in tlae conustry upoaa of George, Earl sf ttahifax, hy avhaam (wlisa at. 7 Jlay, 1734), what was left that, ever he had doria bef,sro. ‘-‘ His tardohip he had one can, Fnnnnoara, his ss,oasaear ; wad asian. Lucy, isa. Fraasceo, dan. aatd eoheir of Sir John Bracket, of Bracket P. ian 1734. lIce ass. laialhy, isa 1716, R,izal’tth, VlseonnteaoUsawager Hall, no. Hertford; and dying 6 Jan. oopo, was .0. by his (who aI. 95 April, 1740), he had twa saurvimluag ehilslre,u, eldest son, 523 GUI of the laae its tise Sliddle Toospir, became one of tise great law lonsinsriea of Englatad. lta 1671, Ise se-as appointed oolieifor— geuseral, and received tine l,’moa,r sf knighthood. las I sI73, ho ooereeded Sir ilenesge Fisaeh in the attorney-generalship; Coasrl of Coussoson Pleas. Upets Ihe dealh ,1 tise Earl of Nsattisglsaas, isa 1002, Sir Frssaeia Nov11, aessa apiaosntesl lard— (issavoan, of Gei(riarsl, do. Massey. Tise life ci this rele— hrssted snan seas aeriften by isis youngest l,aastlser, henna RooTat, to avisielu we suasast refer for so Pall aooosant s,f his ssesusy virtues. Oils lorslahip a’s. Frsssseca, ltsst tOast. ausd coheir of l’lsonsaa Pope, Earl of foam (ees Bznasc’o A’s/last Bass’ooetssfsr), whirls lady sl. 4 Nov. 1699; he 1. 5 Salt. 1603, sod arms s asy ltia soaa, ,. Fnaweus, lund Baron Guilford ; lab lordslsip a,,. lot, in 1001-3, Elizal jells, 3ral alan. of Fulls, Lord tirooke, by wlaons lao had ito saurvivisag baste ansi lnshly, Alice, lnsl sian. end ce—heir of Sir Joist, lisaaavnlssar, Bssrt. taO Belles,. no. Litazoln, hy the eo—lseir of Gossrgc Brysigea, Lord Clu’aussloa ; and dying in 1720, woo a. lsy isis only son, Fnaasrua,lrd Barous Gnilfard, wluo iuuherited the Ilarony of NoRTn, at the decease of William, the 0th boron; lest of tisot presesully. us,. lasadlcy, sa Tasrkey nsarclsanf, avlsa as. Asssse, slats. of Sir ltobert Cause, hisart., and asiatoar of Sir ltol,es-t (iuusnuug, of Cold Aahton ; and at 31 Dec. 1051, lcaaeiug a son, Dtsdley, of 0 lemham, its Sasifotla, wiso a,’. (‘sal heriuse, dan. and co-Iseir of Rtil,u Tale, Rag., governor of Fsart St. George, oust heel issue, Dadle)’. Ausne, Mary, anal Elites, ci avhousa the survivor, Ansue (ea-lseir with her abler llary) as. tlse loots. Niehoisse II erteet, of Groat 11 lounhouss, in Sssifolk, and hod several sossa and sIesta., of whouso site only survivor so. site Ibis. Rd avsard Stratford, alterwardi 2nd Earl of Aldhorongis, hat 1. op. iv. John, 1)1)., clerk of the viaset to Cnent.ra II., and pvc— bendavy of Weettnitssler. lie 1. s’ss as, in 1652, beissg at tisa time matter of Trioity College, Canstridgo v. 3lontagu, who at. in 1710. vu. Roger, of ttougham, ias Norfolls, is. 3 Sept. 1631, author of else interesting saseaseir of his tlsree elder brothers, so smell knoavn so T/ue Lireo of 1/se Sort/se. lie was falher of toaise Nonvn, Req. of Itoaghato, who left by lane, his 2nd wife, dan. of IF. t,she, Rag. of lhitcha,n, to-a dasso., Jone, ass. to Josiads Hoydell, and Artnina, so Rathaniel Kent; and two eons, Foun’eant, his heir I and Edward-Idoger, reclor of Ilingatead, Norfolk. The elder, FouasTauw Roam, Rag. of floagham and hastings, 6. 1-1 3loreh, 1740; as. Arabella, dau. of Isaac Slratt, Eaq, of ltasn1olead, and had tavo sans end one dao., vie., Fesa.vua-F0000asra, his heir Charles-Rdaa’ard, reeler of GLide ‘.skeforsl, Dovooiritire; anal Arabdlla, ‘as. to Sir John 3leade ‘the oIled son, Fa550uo-FoennatcK Reeve, Req. of Iteughons and thasaisga; h. 2 July, 1778; ass. Rlizahelh, doss. of Ihe Rev. IV. Wlsitcav, s-lear of Ilastisogs, auad hind isesue, Fennnnsra, his heir; Chau’lea-Wsllism. in hoD’ orders; Dudley, as. and he, taad issue t Roger-llontague; Edweual ; Francis 5 anal Avahel a. Hr. North at. 0 Oct. 1021, and was a. say his eldest son, FeenEetee Nonva, Rag. of llousgluom end Ilastinge, 6. 2 July, 1400; who as. 1025, Janet, widow’ of ltohvrt Shaltlewoeth, Keg. of Gawthorpe hall, and daa. ol Sir John Jlajorilsatuha, Bert., and has Cisarles, 6. 1820; lttarisune; and Janet-Catherine. 2ndly, to William, Earl of I’artaaaatla. to paarliaaaneust las the lifotisue of his fasther, 13th Waatuau, 0th Ham,, Na’rth saad SasS Laard Grey, as military Tsa.wcao,lral huron Gea)lfaard (refer to Sir Fraaacis North, of Leevisham, dsasu. sf Sin Arttaur Katye, lay whom Gusssonn, Essor, Os’ (Dtldloy-Franais North), and Barou Ottilford, of Gosilfoi’d, uo. Surrey; 8. 14 July, 1851; i. his grandfather as 7th earl, 29 Jan. 1861.