Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/574

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G U I s. llrownlsw, 17.11., in holy orders; 5. 17 July, 1741; bishop of9 Tassecse5 in holy orders, 0th earl, 0. 19 Dee. 1772; hens. L’rhfielsl (]77l), bishop of Worcester (1774% and bishop of 1st, 20 Eels, 1799, Esther, dau. of the Rev. John llarrisou, Winchester (1781), successively, 1115 lerdslnp so. Ii Jan. Isy n’hous (who it. 10 Aug. 1821) he had no isssse, FIts lord’ 1771, 1 lenrietta—Maria, tan, end co—heir of .1 olin Bannister, ship us. 2udly, 4 Slay, 1820, Hasyist, dau. of Lieut.-Gnuerah Eeq. ; and dying 12 July, 1 820, left by her (srlao ii. 1796), Sir Mousy Words, G,C.14.. and by her (avho as. Sadly, 10 Feb. I Fnuarss, Oils earl. 2 llrosoalow, Is. in 1770; and it. 20 Sept. 1029. 3 Charles-August as, prelsendary of W’iaehester, 5. 23 in ne. 1807, Jsuhu-Lottsom ROUst, Esq.) had (to survive infancy). 1705; is,. in 1001, Rachel, 2nd doss, of monsns janis, Esq. of Laverssolse I tossse, hunts ; and ,t. 19 Aug. 1825, leaving, Rresesslosc, of Itollas llnssse, Stssravshire, 5. 0 tao. 1610; (soiss seas so. Sadly, 10 .lnly, 1001, Is Slajor Biehaoss, 51.1’. for so. 12 lice. 1825, (trace-Anne, duo. of the 12ev. Thonsas Coffey, and has isosse, Chartes-Angustas, 1, 10 Nov. 1029; as. 27 April, 1805, Slaehel-ltlizaleth, slsa. of Sir Francis Grant, of The Ledge, Mellon 91cc hray. l’s-esident of tlan Royal Aeadeusy, and tins Frederie’lissslley. 0, 0 Nov. 1806. itrossnlow—,lolin—,Tars is, Ii. 24 Feb. 1531; a,. 14 misc, Isi. Charles, late lieu;, rifle brigade, Ii. 29 Dee. 1840; so. 20 1849, Margarc;-h’ranees—l long lloeilonssld, 2nd dan. and co—heir sf Keith, llaesl,snalil Slaealister, ef Inis— srynieh. Aruvieslure, situ In’ lice (is iso it. 5 Jan. 1801) has Itrosenlow—llasniltoo. 1,, Morris, I 8751. Barbel, so. to Jssnies I layseard, Esq. of Loudsoater House, is. 1°rons’ei, us, 11 Nor. ha82, Is llenry.Jeffeeys Bushby, Esq., I lisle, his’ a nell a-H aria. Cssruline-Assgnsta, ci. 13 Oct. 1840. to the 11ev. Ersksne TIse earl, who had been Slanter of St. Cr,,ss l1sopital, h(ss,d Ks, rector of f3nedgeley, eo. Glosseesier. Loistsa—Frodeeiea, so. 21 tin. 1841, to John—Sansuel Gssildfsrst, rects,r of St. hlary’s Ssuthanaptsiu, assd reetuss’ of Bowles, EM of Mtlioss Hi II, ltei’ks, I Ilenriettis, ii. to Use 12ev, lVitlissns Gssrssier, HA., peetiessdary assit n-as o. toy Isis gs’andonss, Duncav-Foeness, present earl. of Winetsesfl’r who 4. 1835. She ii. 10 Oct. 1817, Cs’eotiaaa—Itaross, 27 Sept. lOSS. Earl, 9 April, 1752. Arms— 2 Lacy, 4. Now. 20 Feb. 1070. 3 Etizabelts, is. in 1502, to Thomas, 4tis Lord Wahsinghaas; A dragon’s head, erased, so., dueslly gorged and chained, and 4.18 Slay, 1045. s, Louisa, so. to Jelsss Boyle, I 4th Lord Willossghhy de Ia scale noblesse;” “Assimo et Ode.” Sesl.s—W,sldershare ll:’oiee; and it. in 0790. Thu baron in. 3rdly, Katherisse, Cssssitrss-Ilswager sf Reekinghaso, dau, assel e,s-heir s,f Sir Robert Pssrnese, Hart. e,f W,slslss’shssre Park, Kesst, by whssim (svho ii, ‘22 Den. 17uSd) be hail uis issue. His lordship was created F7AnL OF Gt’inrono, by ietters patesst, dated 8 Apsil, 0752; and dyhsg d Assg. 3780, was a. I ‘y his elder son, Fiss,nrnsoK, Sssd Eat-i eaf Gasilfssrd sssel Otis Lard N,srtls. This ua,blesssass, who was F. 12 April, 1732, was installed a kssiglit ol’ tue Garter, and filled the highest olfiesol situations hetwes’ss the years 0779 asud 3783, under the weil-kuowis d5’aigssatioss of Loan NossTss, heissg prime-snissister of Great Britain within tbatpesiisd, from 1770 ts’ 1701. His lordship is. 20 Hay, 1720, .tnne, dan. sisid heir suf George Speks, Esq. cii’ White Laehisigfosi, eo. Somerset (ace Buaon’o Lonsied Gentry), by n-hem (arho d. in 0797) he had issue, Gnosoa-AuorsTes, Leest fs’srlh. F:aawrss. ). 415 and 5th earls. i’acntniie, I Catherine-Anne, s.. in 1780., to Sylvester Douglas, Lord Gleniseerie Gutl,LA,atonff, VISCOUNT (Pagnt-Stnndieh O’Grody), ; and ,t. 0th tel’. 1st?. Anne, iii. 1798, so John, lit Earl of Sheffield; 4. in 1032. Charlstte, is. 2 April, lsOO, so Lient.-Col. the Hon. John b. 29 Nuua’, 1895, a. lola brother as 4th v;aco’nst, Lindsay, who ii. 8 Slaeeh, 0820. Lasly Chas’loite Lindsay 10 April5 1860. 3tiIIragc. ‘1.25 (Irs. 1819. The earl 4. 5 Aug. 1792, and his ehsraetsr is thus briefly The family of O’Grady claims a eommoss descent nvith delineated by Edmund Barks;—” He was a moss of admirable that of O’idrien, from the ancient mossarehs of Irelassd. parts, of general knowledge, of a veesafile understanding, Daray O’Goanv, of Kitballyowen, cc. Limerick, eldest fitted for every sort nf business; of infinite wit and sea sf Doeogh O’Grody, hsy.Ohorgaret, doss, of Sir Thomas ulsasantry; of a delightfiul tcmpsr, and with a mind most Bsowae, lOut, of Csemas ; su. in 1033, F’aitb, doa. sod en-heir disiaterested.” His lordship was a. by his eldest son, tlnoston-Auaasraa. 3rd earl, 5. 01 Sepf. 1757; who so. 1st, of Sir Thomas Stasdish, Nun, of Sandoss-Cheyne, 00, Lancaster, St Sept. 1785, Slaria-Frauees-Mary, dau. of Gsorge, 3rd Earl yousssger son, Staisdish. frosss whom the families of Elton, of hluekissgbasnshire, by whom (who 4. 23 April, 1794) he Capperessliese, and Stillss’gan derived), a son and heir. had a dasi., Maria, si. ti John, 2nd Marquess of Hale, assd TIssosoo. who, by Prances, diii, of John Anketell, of it. in Sept. 1871. The earl usa. 2nclly, 28 Feb. 1700, Sunau, Farril’y, Rail., lund issne, dan. of Thsusas Cosstls, Req., the late opulent hanker, by Jutes, O’Gaoruv, of Kilhallyowea, Esq.. sss, 1st. Catherine, whom (oho ,5, in 18271 be hat tw, more dos’s., Susas, Bor,,ssess N,,nTss. as, ho boo. I aaa, Is Cot. John dais, of Thady Qssin, of Adare Manor, Eaq. ; and his only Svslsey hone, lssose N ciii), 91.1’. tsr listsurdoisire, 2isd son sOis, by fhis nuasyiago, avas father of John O’Orady, of Nilhahlyosa-en. of Slajor—l escersil Sic t ‘tsirles I sos-Ic, (.0 , Nonyss, B.) Georgiano, 5, 25 Aug. 1 572, Hetweeu these threeladis:s the barony of Xos’lh, sf Xirtlisg, Gerald, 21t1s Lord ttiusale (else claimed thio, the premier fell into abeyance aposs his lordship’s demise, £5 April, 1003, Barony sif ts-niass’t, hust the hlossoe of Lords decided in and so essutinned until tise decea’e of use Slarehioness of fiuvs,ur of John Ito Courey, I’lsq..flic heir neale). Mr. G’Grady Bale 1041, when it vu’ote’t in hasty Soossu 2(es-th. The earl’s os, Sadly, llonera, dass, of Slojor-Gen. I’ateiek Aless, of other hono,srs devoloed upon Isis lsrotlisr, Faoaesa, 4th earl, 1>. 25 Den, ilOi, who so, 19 July, 1000, Sxaaossn O’Ooenv, of Cable Guillasnsre, Eaq., who Maria, 5th dan. of Tlsosnas Boycott, Esq. of Wrexham, and ac’;niyod thai seat by uu’sreiage with Honora, don, send Coheir afterwards of Rudge Ilall, Salop; hut 1, a. p. in 1817, whan of Csduir (Inillsumere, 4, a. p. ; and Danny. The lsstter, the pesr.’ge devolved upon his hruutlser, Fieennsssrse, 5th earl, 5. 7 Feb. 1706; chancellor of the Benny O’Goany, Esq. of Mount Prospect, en. Limerick, ssssiversity uuf the losulan Islands, assd hssight-grsiseh.ersss of lsigba-sbcrifl’ in 17S5, is. Mary, dan. of muses Snsytb, Esq., the loniau order; at whose dereose asisss. 14 Get. 1827, the and a, in 1801, heaving, with several dass., e,urldom reverted to his cousin, (the eldest son of Hrewulow, Sveaason, croated Vss0011ssT GusLs.aosonn, Sssd sass of the 1st earl), 524 0 U 1 s. las,ss.nv, fount lfi,s’ih, 5. 7 Ang. 1029; so. 17 Oct. 1850, Clsarlutte—91 usia, Orut class, of else lion, and 10ev. W’dhsasss Edess, reeler of htisiuopabsstsrsso, by isis soife, fiso Doasoger Lady Grey do Ruthyo, and 4. 28 Jan, 1800, having by her I sever, late 13th light drags.) had, I DtJuLnY-F55N5i, present peer. 2 Sloseroa’WsLLIAn, 0. 31 Oct. 1852. 3 Cecil, 0. 25 April, 1855. 1 O”lnra.Slildrcd, si. Frederick-henry, hat seerctnsy in she diphosnetie servien at Ilerha, 0. 1 July, 1834. Alit, 1885, Ansy-T.ssiisa, youngest dan. of the lucy. J.—T. Slaine, Sl.A., of Ilightoss Wood, lsasspshiro. 5. llsisaiet, s. 20 Assg. 1802. to tiessl.-CoI. Genegs Wards, K. hI,, ui Sqeses’eyaa Cossrl, Writorloans, ]tesit, hsars’ssser—os—haw, ansi hsus linac. OIl Alreaflord, New Airesford, osod Bedstead, st. 28Jau. 1061, An., aben, p000ant, or, hotw. three flours-dc-lie, arg. Creel— es. Ssuppss’Ieri--Tsvo mastifl5 p1or. lifeline.—’ ‘Ion vertss cot Park, Kent; Glesiham Hall, Wiokbam Market, Sssffehk. C U I L LA 1 0 RE. of Cahir Gss(llasuos’o, co. Linaerick, and Boron O’Grasly. of Ruckhartou, in the peel-age of Troland, assd IIrssfl, en. Limerick; and left issue (witls o Esq., who so. Mary, eldest dna. sad co-heir of St.Wolstaa’s, es. Kildaro, ansi hod issue, of Jerenuiah Itaycs, Esq., by nvhom be left issssc, John, James. us. SLay. dass. aed heir of Bssvid Nasls, Esq.,.nssd 1. 11 J ssly, 1820, i is 7isasse.