Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/575

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C; U I Thomas, in. Ilelen, dan. of R. Tiring, Req., and had issue. Hayes, admiral, RN. ; in. Susan, dan. and co-heir of James Finucane, Eeq., and ci. lOJoly, 1864, leaving issue. Darby, od Ellen, dan. of Baron George, and d. 28 May, 1857 leaving issue. Carew Smyth, (1. s. p. Edward, aooistant-baswieter at Waterford; to. Mary. dan. of William Stainer, Esq. of Carnelly, and had, Edwa d Stamcr; and Julia, is. lat, in 1840, Wellington-A Rose, Eoq.; and Sodly, Ills’, to Sir Edward Fitzgerald, Bart. The oldest eon, 1. STANDISH, lot viscount, for many years chief baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, obtained hie peerage by patont, dated 25 Jan. 1531. Hie lordship 8. in 1766, ‘a. in 1790, Katherine, 2nd dan. of John-Thomas Wailer, Esq.of Castletown, Co. Limerick, and by her (who st. 1852) had, 1. SxANnton, 2nd viscount. is. Wailer, barrister-at-law, Q.C., 10.26 Juno, 1823, Grace- GUlNNBSS, SIR An’csluR-FbIwARB, Bait of Ashford, Elizabeth, oldest dan. of Hugh, 3rd Lord Stasoey, and co. Gotway, and uf St. Stcphcn’e Green, in the c(ty of ii. 9 June, 1810, having by ber (who ci. 27 Sept. 3801) bad issue, 1 Standish, d. in 1844. 2 Hngh-ltasoy, m. Aug. 183, Zillab-Selina-Maria, eldest o. his father as 2nd hart,, 19 May, 1868. dan. of tbe late Wm.-llenry Itotehinoon, Req. of Rockforeot, co. Tipperary, nun was accidentally drowned, 3660: ho left .t,vo sane. Walter and liogh. 3 James-Waler, it. RN.; in 23 Jan. bill, Ada, youngest eminent hssee ci llagcnnis, in ovhich formerly vested the dan. of late W.-C. Bruce, Req., and sister of Sir W.-C. Viseounty of Ivesgh. Severe] mcsnt,ero of the lIagennis famolly Broce, Rart., and has a son 8. 9 dog. 1867. 4 John-Willlam-Wailer, hoot. EN., ci. 3 July, 3863. S Evevina. 2 Katherine-Grace, is. 16 Jan. 1847, to Thomas-Fraser Stogsnnis to MvGnisness, or Gniuness, is clearly traeesble, Grove, Req. of Ferne house, Wilts. 0 Charlotte-Isabella, is. 21 Aug. 1830, Sir W.-Can’nghams Rscnrstn, Eoq. of Celbridge, in the cc. of Kildsre, Bruce, Dart. 4 Grace, in, 11 hlorrh, lola, to James Young, Faq. of 8.aboot the year 1680. lIe s. Elicaheth, don. cf Wm. ttesct, Hareistswn, cc, Essoomnion. I Juliana. 6 Maria-Victoria. Its. Jamos, in holy ordero, 8. Horn. 7 Hay, 1820. iv. William, in holy orders, Archdeacon of Kilnsacduagh, dao. and co-heir of Willisot Wlsilmcro, Esq. of Dublin, by rn 7 Feb. 1827, Isabzlla-Sabina,lth dan. of Henry Hewitt, Mary, his wife, dan. of John Grsttsn, Esq., and cousin of the Esq., by whom, (who ci. 1854) lie had no issue; he si. 21 July, 1059. V. Richard, chief examiner of the Exeheqoerin Ireland. Asia’uea Gnsaosnss, Esq. of Besnmsnt, cc. Dubhn, J.P., vs. John, comm. RN.; 1. 21 Doe. 1867. vu. Thomao,late major 74th regt., in. 23 Jan. 1050, OiariaBe and D.L., 6. 12 Harch, 1768, held for many years, honoured is Sctedad-Isabel-Sofia, only dan. of the late FrancisLeeeon and respected by all classes of his fellow-citizens, the foremast BaB, Esq., secretary of legation at Buenos Ayres. plare amongst the merchants of his natire city rf Dobtin, His 5. Hans, in. 13 Dcc. 1814, to John, 3rd Viscount Gort; and connection orith the mercantile commuxity extended over more ci. 1854. as. Kathsrine, m. in 1826, to Dudley Persee, Eoq. of Box- than sixty years, and his public serrices doring thst long borough, cc. Gaiway; and ci. 11 Dec. 1849. lit. Isabclla. iv. henrietta, in, 1838, J. de 3lootmorency, Esq. ofCaetle of Benjamin Lee, Esq. of Herriun, cc. Bshlin (of a branch Itorres. v. Julia, iso. 28 Sept. 1845, to Otajor William Hawkins Dali. William-Smyth Grattan, of lloaumost and Fsrk Annealey, His lordship d. 21 April, 1840, and was o. hy his eldest son, Artbm’-Lec, of Slillorgan Iloose, cc. Dublin ci. nato. 1662, II. Snonlon, aa 2nd vioconnt, who 8. 16 Dcc. 1792, BENaANIN-LEE, created a Baronet. m. 16 Get. 1838, Gertrude-Jane, dan. of the Hen. Berkeley Sssan, in. in June, 1532, to the 11ev. John Darley, fellow of Paget, and had, STANnseu, 3rd viocannt. PAGET-STAseoton, prescntvistonnt. ltcotNaD-Gassssxon-SvAanisn, 8. 9 March, 1930. is. 27 Aug. Ehizatieth. icc. in April, 1040, lo the Rev, W’ihhinanJameson, of 1887, Fronces-Arobells, cely dan. ol the flight Hon. William Sereoford (see Wrroaroan, H. or). Hardreos-Staodioh, lient. Rd... 9. 20 Oct. 1841. Berkeley-Standish. 8. 24 Oct. 1848; d. 83 Aug. 1858. Frederick-Standish, 6. 20Apr11, 1847. Sophia, auG Feh. 1962, to Edovard-Wilmot Williams, Bog 2. Sta Basjxnss-Lac ut-issaso, Sort., 3t.P., LL.D., J.P., and of Horringeton. Borortobirs. Gertrude, ss. 2 June, 1853, T.-G. Ncrbury, Esq, tate capt. csrshiniers, of Sherridge, Worcester. Kathleen -Eleauor- Henrietta, os. 21 Nov. 1855, James- in, 24 gob. 1827, Elizabeth, 3rd don, of the late Edorard Henry-Augustus Stenart, F.sq., only son of the Dcv. C-A.Stetsart, Gninness, Req. of Dobhin, sod by her (who si ‘21 Sept. 1585) of Sooningdsle House, Barks. Amabel. The viscount ci. 22 July, 1818, and waso. by his eldest son, ii. SasjAausts-Lcn, roy. horse guards (blue), 6.4 Aug. 1842. III. Svarsnasn, as 3rd wioccunt, who was is. 8 July, 1832, a. Anne-Lee, Os. ii June, 1063, to the lion. and Rev. WilBam and is. 23 July, 1833, Adelaide, dan. of the late Arthur Conyngham flonket, treasorer of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Diemasrhaosett, Esq. of Bsilyseedy, Hf’. 8cr the co. Kerry, eldest son of John, prescnt Lard t’hunket, and has a sun, and by her (who d. 4 Dec. 1867), had issue Standish, b.33 July, 1934; ci. 17 Jon. 1990. Cecilia. The viscount ri. 10 April, 1860, and ovso 0. by his nextbi’other 10th April, 1817. To the mosideence and energetic and F000T-STsNnion, the present viscount. Creotims—28 Jan. 1831. Arms—Per pale, gu.audaa., three Cathedral of St. Patrick. Thoogh almoac in ruins sohen he lions, psosant-goardant per pals, arg. and or, the coetre lion commenced the groat work, orhich he corm’ied out at his own charged on the side with a portcnllie, so. Creot—A horse’s head, erased, arg., charged with a portcnllis, oc. Sosppac-eero —Two lions, gnardsnt, per fesee, arg. and nr, each charged en the shoslder with a portcnllls, so. JJslle—Vnlneratus non victus. Seal—Cahir-Guillamore, cc. Limerick. 525 Dublin, MI’. for thg city of Dublin, 8. 1 Nov. 1840; ILinntgc. The famlly of Gutsooso claims sieaoent from the ancient snd lie intrrred in the chnrcbyard of St. Cathrrine’s, DobBs, and in the parish register, the transition of Ihe name from The first who tore the name, as st present spoil, was Esq. of hutton Stead, co. Ritttarc, and by her (who was t. in 1600, and ci. 28 Aug. 17421 lca,l issue. The eldest son, Aavnua, Esq. of Beaumont, ca. Dublin, cc. Olivia, Itight Hon. henry Grattas, and had issoe, of schick the 2nd sen period may be estimated by the universal regret of the whole country at his decease. He a. Anne, eldest dan. andco-heiress of the English family of Lee, Earle of Licbfield), and bad issue, ci. 21 Olareh, 1814 (sec ltraon’s Lns,Je,5 Gentry), Trinity College, abc ii. Usc. 1836, leaving issue. Mary-Jane, in. in Oct. 1845, to the Rev. Dovid Pitcairs, of Torqnsy. Looisa, ni. occos. 35 Jas. 0538. Hotlybank, cc. Dublin, and hos issue. Rebecca, so. 13 June, 1844, to Sir Edmnnd Wailer, Dart, of Newport, co. Tipperary; who si. 9 Slarch, 1831, SIr. Gniuness ci. 9 June, 1895; his only surviving son was DL., lord mayor of isnbhin is 1931, and one of the ecelesiasdeal conmmiseisners of Ireland, usiso oros 6, 1 Nev. 1798, and had iseoe, a. AaT,sua-Enwaaz’, present ban. tam. Edseard-Cecil, b. 10 Non. 1847. William-Lee Plnnket, is. 19 Dee. 1864. He was elected SIP. for the city of Dublin in 1860, and created a baronet of the United Kingdom by patent dated patriotic spirit of this genllcnoan los native city cf Dublin osves much ; especially the restoration of the venerable sole cost, and under his coon personal direction, the Cathedral, restored in exact cosforusity ovith its original style, is now the finest specimen of church architecture in Ireland, In commemoration of thu patriatlo act, 11cr Majesty granted to the baronet and his successors the right to bcar supporters, (1 ‘.5- G U I N NESS.