Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/577

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GUN Viscount Powerocourt, and has a son, 5. 7 Doe. 3805; Tuosias Guansiwu, of Ash, 6. hhhl, ,l. at Southfhect in 1550 a son, ii. 28 Feb. 1868; and two dans., Catherine-Isabella having had (with four dana, who all ,l. ieaas.) four seas, vi z., and Mary-Emily. Georgisna-Maria, at. in April, 3545, to the Hon Capt. i. Peter, vicar of ttao, as. in lel2, Ellen, dos, of Frasicia Henry-Thomas Howard, 2nd eon of tho Earl of Suffolk, and d. his widow, 23 Nov. 1519. Jane-Elizabeth, as. 9 Dcc. 1844. to J.-Wtngfield Stratford, Esq., only eon of the Hon. J.-Winglleld Stratford. General Sir John-Wnght Guise, who dtstioguished himself ii. Thosaas, of Saulhflest, rt. a. p. 20 Fch. 1654. dnring the French war in Egypt, Hanover, and the Peninsula, is;. Itehert, of Stcaphaas, iii. 8 Nov. ItS!, I lorothy Barham, had a cross for his gallant conduct at Fuonteo dOnor, Salamauca, Vittoria, and Nice. He d. 1 April, 1865, and was o. hy his oldest son, SIR Wtttaaai-Vxnxow GUISE, the 4th and prooent baroust. Orentioa—lO Dec. 1783. Aesos—Gu., seven lozenges, vale three, three, and one; on a canton, or, a mullet, pierced, sa. Creel—GuI of a ducal coronet, or, a swan, rising, ppr., collaivd and chained, gold. Soppaefers—(granted by royal oarraat dated 12 July, ISiS, to Sir John-Il. Ouiae, Bar;-, G.C.tI., and the hrira snob of his oody, to whom the dignity of a baronet shall doscoad under tile potent of creation)—Dextcr, a ssoan, as-g., crustily and loagned, gil., beaked and inenshorod, sn. collared and chained, or; sinister, a bear, sa., bilicty and collnred and chained, or, languod and as-sued, gn. The soorranl for theec supporters recites that Itsr Majesty has been pleased to grant her special licence for their use, “in order to give a testinsossy of her approbation of the services of the aforesaid Sir John-W. Guise.” Motto—Quo honestior eo tutfor. Seat—Elmore Couit, co Gloucester. 4 GUNNING. OL-NN1N0, THE REv. Stit HENET. i. Basant, tsf Caeilecoote, who so. Sarah Geraghty, and was JOHN, of Eltham, no. Kent, MA., late tector of Wigan, rural doan; h 5. 17 Doe. 1797; a. hio brother as - 4th baronet, 22 Sopt. 1862 ; as. 27 Fob. 1827, Mary- Catlaeriuo, 2nd dais, of William-Ralph Cartwright, Esq. of Ays;ho, labs M.P. for the en. of Northampton, and has a son, Groaoa-Wsts.sans, 5. 10 Aug. 152S; to. 12 May, 1851, lsabella-Mary-Franeeo-Charlotte, dan. of Cot. CheaterMaster, of Itnole-park, Bristol, and has HusesT-HEasT, 5. 17 July, 1852; Fredsriek-Digby, 5. 13 Nov. 1003; Clsarles-Vere, 5. 31 Oct. 5839; Emma-Louisa; and Georgisa-Mary. IL ttttzcC. The senior line of the Gunning family teas, for very ;nauy years, seated at Trcgonnisg, in the county of Corswall, but became extinct there in 1587, at the death, without male issue, of Sir John Canning, of Tregenning, Eat. Witusax Gowaixo, the younger son af Thomas Conning, of Tregonaiug, Esq., totted at Net Its Stoke, Co. Somerset, It Hen. IV. By his wife, Alter Long (who survived him), he left at his decease in idOS an only son, Joua Goaa;ao, of North Stoke, who at. Jane Wtlshsre, and left issue (with a dan.) one son, Tuosras Gosiesico, of North Stoke and Swanswick, whese grnudsan, JouN GuNNsNo, of Swanswiek and of Cold Astan, co. Gleuctater, as. Mary, dan- of William Dodtngtou, Esg. of Todingtou, and of. in 1562, having had issue, I. Tuossas, of Tueaey’s Court, Cold Asian, st. in 1603, ancestor of the Gussisos, ef Laugrirl;se, represented fthrough hta mothei, Elizabeth, eldest dan, and co-heir of Joseph Gunning, Esq. of Langrtdgs and Swanewtek), l’y Joseph-Gunning Fttz-Sinaaia, Bag. of Tregattisyn, and of Stuns Hall, co. Oxen. H- Robert, of North Stoke, whose great-grandaan, Sir Robert Conning, Rut., of Bristol and Cold Aslon, as. Anne, only dau. of Sir Robert Cann, Baet-, MB. for Briatol, hut d. s. p. in 1082, tracing an only sister and heiress, Elizabeth Conning, who m - Sir Thomaa Langten, Rut., mayor of Friatot in ttee, sad was ancestreas of the LAaoToNa, cf Newton Ford, aes,r Balls. ;ii. William, of Todingtou, so. Ann Savage, but it, op.1609. iv. PETER, or wnow pretenny. i. Mary, so. to Mr. Stshes, of Cold Astou. The fourth son, TUE Etc. Psrrs Gusrssiea, of Broekland, co. Esnt, afterwards Cesstlesssun’a Jfsagaciase of Janaary, 1o14, given o’et’fls’hisss ct of Ash, in the same eennty, us. Elizabeth Alehorn, and if. in Uterus fat, as written by lIme parists dens of hlemiagfurd Gray, 1507, leaving an only son, 527 The f,surth eon, Rseuxssn Geeamo, Essi., 5. in ttS7, setGed in Ireland, and was fssther ef Jonas Grawixo, Esq. of Castlecoote, co. Raseommon, who to. Otargaret, dan. of Edward Malone, Eag. of Castlsceote, and had twa sans, viz., fattier of Bryan, of Castteeoote, avtao had issue, 1 George, 5. young. 2 Jonas, of Caatlee,sote and of itemingford Grey, en. hunts its. in 1731, lIeu. Bridget iloarke, dan. ef Theolsatd, Otis Viscoatat burke, of Staya, and by her, who it. 1770, had, Joaa, a geaeral officer in the arnsy, aeho dialinguished himself at g,ttnker’s hut. Geaoral Gmsnisg as. its toeo, Saaasnah Shuffle, and left an eoly dao. and heir, Elizabeth Gunning. t, fat 765, st. Major Janice t’innkelt, sea of Bartholomew t’lunisett, Etc1. (oaete of Peter Burke, Esg., J-P., of Ems Italt, cu. Tipperary), and usa tnotheref Gunning Floakelt, Esq., J.P., en. Eascamnaon, aaho as. Letitia Ffrraeh, siece of Deals, 3rd Lord Clannsotrfs, anti had a son, Jaases-Gunning Pluaketl, an ollicer in the army. lions, asia 1702° Gvargs-WOti:sau, 0th East of Carentry, and if. 30 Sept. 1760, leaving issue, George-William. 7th Earl of Coventry; Story-Alicia, to Sir Andrew Bayatua. Start.; and Anne-Margaret, as. is 177S to Ilna. Edward Foley, SIP. Elicaheth, created 1 Slay, 1776, BaE,s.vcaa IlAolILvow, af his ssshledos,, en. Leiresler ass. let, 14 Feti. 1711, to James. 650 Janke of Itomitton, hy a-hens (who Sin 1756) she had two seas, James and Douglas, who inherited successively as 7th asd 8th I;nloes of tlautilton ; anti a dan., Elizabeth, avfio es. in 1771 Eda-ard, 12th Earl of Betty, and was graadatather of the present earl, tier grace sit. 2sdla’, 3 March, 5759, John, 0th Babe of Argyll, and by him (a-ho ,l. in 1000) left at tier decease, 20 Dec. 1790, ta-a sons, George-William. 6111 duke, and Jahta-Dassgtaa, 7th duhe l and ta-u daus., Augassta, so - to (teaeral Clavering, and Charlotte, m. in 1059 B 11ev. Edward bury. Catlseriae, sit. 6 Slay, 1760, to Robert Trovers, Esq. of Lasdas, and ,l. 26 Slay, 1773, leoatng a das., Hriauna Travero. Lissy, s/. ussas. 51 Bee. 1752. S Baritaby, as. Ann, dan. of Thosaas Staatnlon, Esq. of Galway, and sad a don., Ass, so. to Charles h’bakoney, Esg. of Holyss’chl, ce. Roscoosn;aa. I Margaret, as. four times: hat, to John Edsards, Esg. of Dsslstia, and had a don., Catherine; Issdly, to William Lyster, Eoq. of Atbaleague, co. ttooeanimon, and had a daa., Liselta, ass - in 1707 to Ca;tt. Essex Boa-en St-dly, to Capt. Francis houston; and dthty, to Viscount Baurke, of Olayu, wtsona she survivod. 2 Ehieabnth, as. Wilhiaas Stitehnll, Eag., SIP. for Ituatiagdon, and had a son, Eaight Stitchell, of Shute Lodge, ca. Devon, who tss, in 1570, Amelia-Charlotte, dan. of Viscount Slaleaworth, and it. in 1797. S Anne Slary, at. Hon. Henry-Claarles Caalfeild, son of Wilham, 2nd Viscount Caulfcild, of Charlemont. ii. Jonas. Of this lady and her sisters, so troll rensesuberest as tlse heaatifnl Sliasea Gunning, an iulerestiag acesust appears in the in Huntingdsnahire, to James Sladdca, Eas1. of Cola lull Plouse, F’nbham —refer also to BURKE’s Jfeassaasce 5sf’ foe .ls’iafecesscy. GUN Tracy, Eeq. of ltoa, and ,I. 0 Dcc. 1615, lraaing tsy Iser (avhu ass. Indly, Edward Ileashaw, &q., and it. in 18457 oa only son, - Peter llsinn’u;g, bishop of Ely, 6. 11 Ja;t. 1015; it. uacs. 0 July, 1654- and left at his decease, 20 Get. 5049, four sons, viz., I Robert, of Meapham, 6. in 1012; ass, is 1007, lane Brwdo; and ,l. in 1059, leaving on only child, i’etcr, of Mnopls:siu, anceator of the GrsnssNaa of Fs’i;sctuhos’y, retsresesstcsl by George Gusning, Eeg. of Frindsbssry, capt. lot (lltsyat Bragaono, avho commanded a troap of that regiment at the Battle of Waterloo, in which he waa serorely wounded. Captain G;suuiag as. in 1531, Sarah, yussngeut an. and eu-heir of Robert Teurnay-Bargrove, Eaq. of Enstry Court, co. lIens. 2 Arthur, 6. is silo; sl. 0. p. in 1600. S Ttoaans, 6. in lOS7b si autos. in 1006. Willions, of Ely, seereinry to his cousin, Bishop Gunning; 6. in 1679; aa. in 1607, Story Barrow: and ,f. in 1704, lessviag a aoa, Ileary, SIA., of St. Jaha’o Cell., Comb., preceistar af Ely Catlsesbeal; as. Story Stuart, of Stuatney, and 1, is l7fS, leaving ta’s seas, viz., Stuart, b. is 1714, reeler of Ufford ; and Peter, father of henry, PtA., of Chriat’a Cull., 5. in 1772, st. is 1054. sv. Riessasu.