Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/578

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GUN The younger son, Jons Geaniao, EM., a. Mary, dais, of William Mason, Req. of Dublin, and was o. by his oisiy son, Itosnwr Grasiss, Seq., wits a. 1734, his cousin. Catherine, dan. of John Edwards, Eec1., stad dying 1730, left issue, i. ROBERT, Ins successor. is. sVillia,ss, an stlieer in the army, 7. in 1770’, iii. 31t55 1. Ii Fistic, of Siteliog inks! fell at tile storming ci linadelsale l5 177,7, leasing (‘stilt a younger dan.. 31 trgaroi, 5. lit Tastes hair,i, F,sq .), ass elder ,hsn.. Cailioriiie, to. in I 7s’2 to Willians Campbell, Seq. of Fnirtield, etc. .77”, antI hail issoe, 1 Whlliass—liunniisg Casipisell, Fsq. of Fairfield, ii. in 1784; a. in lOll, LIlacs, eldest duct, of Sir .Johis Ingilby, ci ili1iley. han., nut lint au snty st,n, Vtlliauus—lsgilliy, 7. in lot 2, Ii ciii. 6th Dragoe’n (lotted’, lost at sea in 107, 2 (leorge—Gaistiiuig Campbell, of Fainield, F,. l.C.S ; I. in 1753; ci. ‘ni. is 1075. 3 Charles Caeilduell, major 5.1. CS. ; i.. .lane-Weniyss, ether dais, of lIso. Les’rsos—(trans’illc Keith 3ttsrray, isis of J olin, 4th Earl sit lisnisore, ansI lift at liii uteccaso, in HADGtNCTON, EARL op (George Baillie-Hamilton), 1037, three sass, rio., t,eses’ cn—tiran title ii anning—Caitita atsel Baron of Binning and Byrne, in the peerage of bell, Eoq., riots of Fairlisici ; (7 unning—bleorge—Jolsts Caospiiell ; anti Fiieaslle—.trgyll CantIshell Scotland ; a representative lord; high coninsissioner 4 .bIexanclerCaollibell. 16.1. Co.’s (‘tell S’rsiee; s. Matilda, to the general ass’ntnlsly of the ehnreh of Scotland dan. of Jolts ‘l’hiisu shy, Fm anti has ia,se, 5 Napier Campbell, esipi. horse cr1., 16.1 C-S. ii. itt 1039. slejs.-lieitt. for Haileliitgton a lorsi its ovaitisig to the 6 Aitili’e,s Campbell, ral’t 11.1.C.S. I Marian t’osuphell, s,. in lots to Sir bleary Jervis-WlHteJeseis, qtteon; 6. 14 April, 1302; 10th earl, at the Ilarl. 2 Catherine Campbell, so. to Duncan Ilnaler, Esq. Tue eldeot son, 1. Sm Ilosssv Gusauao, 16.3., of lionlon, rc. Northampton York, nit tl lsae han issue, I. in 1774; after residing at the coons of Carlin and St. i. Groans, Lord .Biuai,ig, who by royal licence, dated I’otersbsirg as minister plentlsolen liary, created a Barotset 17 Oct. 1778. Sir Behest is. Anne, only daa. 51 Raherl Sutton, Esq. sflecflon, cc. Notla, and had issue, iiooaar.W’st.i.ieJM. his siteee500r. CliarIsite-Margaret, ittaid o( lioisonr to QUEEN CnAaLOT5E, cotisorl of Gossoc Ill.; to. 3 Jan. 1700, Colonel lion. Sleiclirn l5igb’, of lliettntond l’ark, Frother of Ilenry, 1sf Eat-I ilighy ant ii. in 1794, tossing issste, Roherl-Heary I lighy. a esloarl its lute army, h. in 1797 aitd Margaret— Isabella Digby, a. in 1914, Wullhuns-Chester Slaster, Req. of Knole lark, eo. Gloucester, ccl. Sects fstsilier gnards. htarbara-Evnlyn-lsahella, s. in 1393 to Major-General Ross. Sir Lobei I ssao o. at his decease, 22 Sept. 1816, by his only III. Clifton, F. ii Sine. 1131 ; d. 3 April, 1857. son, 10. Sin tleoaso-Wis.s.iaos, t. itt Fib. 1763; oc. its 1794, iv. Henry, it. H N., Rnt. of tho Medjidie, F. 20 Aug. 1832. Elieahelh, dati. of henry, lot Lord Ilradford, by selsom (islso a’. Percy, s’. an infant, 7332. ii. 5 Stay, iSlOj he had issue, Rosesv-ilesav, third barooel. Cem-ge-Grlasdo, F. 18 Dec. 1706; lient. 10th hussars ; killed 5. Mary, is, 7 Jnnc, 1025, to Hon. and Rev. Henry 01 Waterloo. llnsas-Joaa, preseot baronet. tirlands-Gosrge-Sullsn, of tllendn’ortlt, en. hauls b. 12 iii. Georgina-Sophia, sit. 17 Oct. 1801, to Harry-Foley Slay, 1709; cape. il.N.; assunted by reyal licence, in 1890, the addiliattal sursanse ansI arnie of Ss’TvoN ; he a. in 193(1, His lordship has obtained a royal licence, dated 11 ar), sian of Ailnnral Sir Michael Scyitteur, Ilarl., miii 24 March, 1859, to add HAMILTON, the original sister of Sir John—lls,lcsri Ccsluus—Se7’sneur. of Tm-hill; ansI left at tic decease, 9 May, 1792, ais only elnld, Mary-Diana, enrname of the family, to that of BAILLIE, asenmed c,i. 9 Isse. I s97, so lIon. henry-C 000ge l.isl,lell, 31.1’. for by his grandfathes’. South Norilstitisherlnisd, eldest situ os Lord Ilavenoteortls. Speneer-Greseolde. .1.1’., b. 97 lIes. 1806; is holy orders’ iii. in teaS, Anne-,lanelue, dan. of lances Coisnell, ‘i of Con— he,ctlt, eo. tsoue(siee, antI ‘1. 79 Mae, 1867. Jolus, niajor RICO.: b. 71 hoe. 1901 ci. Jeosie, dan. of This ie abraneh of the ducal honse of Hamilton, epringing 11ev. Joins’s llabingtes ; and 1. in 1849, lttvtisg Icad, ssitit from Tnosiae BasuiLvoN, of Orehartifoid, who acquired, in othser issue, a son. htccbert-llenry, otto 1.24 Jtinc, 1858. Williato—tletavius, a ealctlea its the army b. ‘25 July, 1804. 1522, from John, Rarl of Lennox, the Barony of Bathgate, Elieahetli, b. 27 Jas. t 8t3 ; if. otis. Sir George, tsiio represented at different periods the boroughs Tnossao H,slsse.Tnte, who fell at tho battle of Finkie, of llaotings, tVigan, antI East (Oriasleacl, si. 7 .tpril, 1823, and 18 Sopt. 1547, leaving two eons, was e. by his c,lclest eon, Ill. Ma Iloaeav-llEsav, into eras 1s. 26 Dee. 1798, asd ti. 0cm 22 Sept. 1862, when lie was 0. Isy tile next eurriring J,clun, a scenlar priest, who, lea ring Seoilnnd on scm-tint of brothw, the EEC. Sia hIrssY-JanN Graassa, the 4th and present baronet. Crrolise—17 Oct. 1778. A ct,ue —Go., on a fesse, esannole, between three doves, ppr., an many crosses formcte, per pale of tile first and ae. Cool—A dove, Folding in Ilie dexier claw a eadacens, r. JIolio—h mperio regil onao eesluo. Ssol—Hos’lon, S7orthantptsnshire. HAD H A P P I N G T 0 N. decease of his kinsman, Thomas, Earl of Haddingtstti, 1 Dee. 1858; or. 16 Sept. 1824, Georgina, dan. of the Yen. Robert Markham, archdeacon of 31 Des. 1758, was antheriecd to take the surname of Arsien itt addition t,t itaililir, and to hear the arms of these fasutlies qnarterly, seas I. 26 July, 1827; ml. 17 Oct. 5 854,Helen, dan. of the late Sir Jehu Warrender, Hart., isy his wife the Mon. Frareca-ilenrietta Arden, dais, of Lord Chief Justice Lord Aleanley, and has had issue, 1 Gronun, b. 29 Dee. isse ; 2 Riel’ard, b. 28 Aug. 1858 ; 3 Heiiry.Rsbert, I. 4 Oct. 1862; assd I Ruth; Isabel, ci. an infant, ii’ Nov. 1859’; 3 Grisell; 4 A dan., F. 13 July, 1868. ii. Robert, major in the army, F. 8 Oct. 1828 l nt. 18 July, 3051, Mary.Gavin, dati. of Sir John Pringle, Dart, vi. Arthur-Charles, in holy orders, vicar of Ridgmont, Beds, F. 18 Feb. 1838; ia. iSfd, and has isene. Dongise, 3rd oon of Sholts, 78th Ran of Morton. su. Frances. Vernon, Eoq , SIP, of Iianbnry Hall, Worceotershire. IL IhICitfit’. co. Linhtthgow ; and in 192-3 purchased the lands of Balmcrieff, in (he same shire, lie was e. by his eon, F it t ii is. Ins rrligiccn, took op his abode at Paris in 1973, and was ajqeistled pnictessor of phiiloso4ty in the college of Navarre. Sic bee;csiue Icilor ho the Cardinal de Iiosrbosm, in 1771 ansI to F’rasisis de Jeyense, afterwards a cardinal, in 1975; and was cl,osc’it sector of the otoiscroily of Paris, its 1951. lie was a eealoucs panlicas of the Lessgne, and one of Ibe eonncil who olfered Ilte croon to l’titrse II. of Spain, in 1991. when Ilnsav IV. etutered loris, to 1994, bla,oillaa sea, arrested, bitt lund libenly soscs alice to depart tress Paris. He retired to nrsssels, ned itu 1601, ventsmrert in resisit huts native coast— try, after sit abtenec of neas’ly lliinly years. Be fonnd a lcocsoi’ry asyluitus oh Ilte caslle of Lord Ogiht’ie ; butts 1009 was arrested icy a pasts’ of life-quarda, and eotnnsitted to the ‘rosrer of t.oadoit, where lie died. The eider son, Sin Tutosiaa Hastst,TON, of Prieotfield, had a charter ef Baltiyii, Drunscaiu-n, and Priestficid, in the year i2’37. He was adnsittcd a lord of Session iii 1807, but resigned his scat on the bench to his 2nd son, the next year. Sir Thomas 1123