Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/579

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11 A P to. Elizabeth, dan. of Janice lieriet, of Trabroun, and had issue (besides dana.), Tasasas, isis successor. Andrew (Sir), of ]led]sensc, has-sag sss. Jean, dan. oaf heir of John l.aiog, ef that place. Sir Andrew a. ins father as a lard of session. Jahn (Sir), of i’dagdalena, en. Ltsslithgow; an axlranrdiaary lard -of sessien, ansi lord-register of Seetlassd. Patrick, ussstcr—seerctary of state to Ins brstlsor, tIes Earl ef Iladdiegtoa. Aleaaadnr, general sf artillery, who lead a high eosnasaed in the troops sent to rIse assistance of Gusvaves-Aoau’nus, Kissg of Ssvadrss, nader the iat Disks of htamiltess. The eldest son, Isa Tnoasas HAMiLToN, of Priestfialsi, I. in 2161, atudied the law in France, was admitted advocate in 1117, and seen distingnisistng hinsself at thn bar, was appointed a lord of Session io 1592, by the titla of Lord Drnsncairis. Ha was anbseqncntly one of the eensmiesieners of the Treaenry of Excheqner called Ocfaeinse.s, assd king’s advocate. in 1604, he wan nosnhsatod a e,smnsissieoer by parliament to treat of a noioa with England. In 1612, be was received lord-clerk-register of Scetlassd; and in the same year, sneeeadad Sir Alexander Hay, as secretary of state. He was elevated tn the peerage, 30 Nov. 1613, as Lard Binning ansi Byres, was appointed lord-president of the Conrt of Sesaisn in 1616. and created Suit of ilfeis-ase, it illarch, 1610. His lordship set 1st, Margaret, dan. of James liotbwick, Esq. of Nswbyres, by whom he Kid an only dan., Christian, ss. 1st, to John, Lord Lindsay, and indly, to Robsrt, Lord Bayd. lie cc. lndly, lliaa F’enlie, dan. of Sir James Foulia, hart., by whom he bad three eons and three dana. ; and 3rdly, Miss Esr, by whom he had sin issne. His lordohip, with ties approbation of tls crown, aftsr the death of Sir Jehn Ransany, Viscount Haddingten, changed the title of Earl of Slelrese for that of EARL or Heonsanron, bnt with the precedence of the original patent. This nobleman acquired hy lIce lnerarivo offices he anjeysd, one of the largest fortnnes of his time, which was considerably assgmented by the dsscovory ef valuable mines upon his notates. He ci. in 1617, and was s. by his elder non, TssoseAa, 2nd earl; whe as. 1st, Katbsrhse, dth dan. of John, Earl ef Marr, by whom he lsad fenr sons and a dan., aod indly, in lIst, Jane, 3rd dan. ofGeerge, Pod Marquess ni Hnntly. bywhsm he left Ohs (posthumous) dan., Margaret, m. to John, 1st Earl of Eitetere. The Earl of ]laddingten having actively espoused tbo eanae of the envenanters, was unfortunately blon-n np in tlse eantle of Denglas, of which ha was governor. 10 Ang. 1640, with several at’ his khsdred and adherents, by tha treachery of hie page, one Poe-is, an English boy, who alas psrishsd. Hewass. hyhis eldest sos,, 3rd earl; who so. the celebrated and beasstifn Hsns-ietta da Caligny, eldest dan. of Gaspard, Cemte do Celigny, and great-granddan. of tha eelebratsd Admiral do Celigny, bnt 4. hi minority, a. p., 8 Feb 1645. The coustesa an. indly, Gsepard do Champagne, Comic de la Ieee, a Hngnenot nobleman, from whom she got herself eepara±ed, and tnmsd Catholic. She d. at Paris, 16 March, 2761. The earl was a. by his brother, JOHN, 4tb eaa-l. This nobleman see. Christian, 2nd dan. of John, 15th Earl of Crawferd and Lindsey, and had issue, a., lsi,a esceesser. a. Margarst, ss. to Jolsn Hope, Ecu. of Itepelsssn, n’ho was lest is his passage to Scotland, I Slay, 1685, leaving isano, CeaseLea, 1st Earl of hicpotossn. is. helen, as. to Sir Wilhasn Aastrntlscr. 155. Snsae, to. to Adass Cockbisre, Esq. of Grinostena. His lordship 4. 1 Sept. 1661, and was a. by his eldest son, CHAnLE5, 9th earl. His lordship so. in 1674, Margaret, eldest dan. of Jehn, Dnks of Eothaa, lord-ehanceller of Scotland, who, npon the demise of hsr father without male inane, in 1661 (when the dnkedom ceased). became Countess of Eethea. To prevent the junction of the two sarldonts, it was tentracted, bowevsr, at the period of her ladyship’s nuptiala with the Earl of Hsddiagton, that the Earldem of Eothoa ohonid be inheritod by the eldest eon of the marriago, and the Earldom of ltaddiisgton by tlse second; in consequence of which cosstract, Lord tiaddingtrtn was a. at his demise, in 1611, by his 2nd son, Tssoasaa, 6th earl: who nbtahsed a charter of the Earl- - dean ef Haddiagton, 29 Feb. 1617, and was appointed also, by charter, 23 Jots. 2691, hereditary keeper of Hoyreod Park. His lordship m. Helen. dan. of John Hope, Eaq. of Hapetossn, and eister of the 1st Earl of Hopotsass, and had, a. Cnaai.ea, Lord Bioaisg, into, dying 11 Jan. 1733, left (wins * ‘The les’otleecs and sielern of she preseisr East of htsedd)ngtoe, otlsar issuse) by isis wife Enehel, dan. ,and heir of George marked thesis, lead Ilse prrredrsie’e of the yseissgrr eisildress of a Baihile, Eaq. of Jsrviewood and Mellerstsin1 529 11 A P I Tisesias, wise a. Ins gi’aedfatl icr. 2 Gcergc, who aassnseed use sssrnasiso sf hlass.eee, uuoss in lscritiisg the estates nf his sssatrreal grandfsther. lIe as. Eliea. dass. of Jolts Assdresea, hsq., sissi ci. 16 Ale-il, 1717, srI. 74, lean ag issue, George, of Slellcmtesin ned Jerviawood, 6. 8 Grt., 1763; salts sit. 13 Jot), 1001, lIar), a-essssg-cst dan. of Sir Jaisses Prissgls, Part., aad ci. 11 Dee. 1141, saving ty tier (a-ho ri. firt. I 869) luasl, Gcoaee, 1Db asciI turssssst earl. 5Cisarlea, Lord Jcrviswesdr, t.ord of Session in Sect— bed, 6. 3 Nov. l1t4; ci. 17 lice. 1131, Anne, 3rd dais. of tbngls, Lord l’chsarlh, and isaa issne, Georgc-t’alriek, P. 11 Jnlv, 1134. Caroline-Rachel, si. 1899. Aliro. Ilaria-Tlseresa. Janses Pt-logic, 6. 30 Jan. 1116; in Use army, 4. snsss. 1142. Isolserl, 0. 25 Jcec, I ItT s lose snajor in llsc arissy. 5Jolsss, rector sf Elsslssn assd eanusa reskicisliar ssf Veils, I. 3 Jan. 1110; us. A1,ril, 1837, Ceeilia-Slary, eldest dan. eflise late Rev Charles ltawkisss, rason-scsideatisu’y of York sited Isas lead Isaac, hhsegls-Jolsn, I. II April, 1838. Tlsesnas-Gcss’ge, 6. JO Jse. 1842. Angnsla-Slsrgnret, as. 17 Fete. 1061,to Thcnsaa-Edward lode, Esq. ef Italten I’taee, Yortstsirc, yonager son of the Isle Jeliss loner, Esq., of liese-erley hail, in tlse sassse co. (see isuaae’a L,sssde,l l?eetup). llar7-—lirssrgisses. Ceeihia—Clesieeisttna. I.ssnisa—hsaelsel, ii. II Sept. 11117. Ileatniee-Mary. Eatheriae-Grisaelt. 5lhssasas, rear-adsn. TIN., 6.30 Slay, 1011. Elseabeth, c’s. to Jelsa, 2nd ltarqssess of Bresdallusier, arel 1. a. p. 28 Aug. 1161. Mary, eec .1 Nov. usd6, to George, 5th Earl of Atees’dcea. Gesrgissa, see in 1135, to blrnry-Frsneis, IsIs Lard halwsrlls, and P. at Nice, 2 April, 1859. Calhcrea-Charlotlc, 555. 1840, te hlertraus Earl of AsIct’sss ’isheass 5GriseIt. Chenries, is. 27 Nov. 1764; in hotly orders, archdeacon of Clcvelssnd ; se. 16 April, 1797, Charetle, 3rd sInes, of Alexander, Ills Lest-I sfthsaea; P. June, 1620, lsavissg by her (whe ‘f. 4 Dec. 1166, agod 94), George (Sir(, JLC.H., 6. 4 Get. 1708; rnvoy-cafraordi. stein’ asssl issiaisler—plse. nt Florence; P. its 1130. Charles-Jslin, at one liner SIP. fusr Avleshary, t. 4 Jan. ldtI; see. 13 Jan. 1821, Carouse, date, of W’illonghhy, 4ths Earl of Abisgdoa, aael 1. at ttosses. near Genoa, 21 Aug. 1163, leaving had, I’eregrinr-Chssrlrs, is. 23 Slay, 1153; sit. 12 Jssly, 11-11. Stary, does. of Edwss’d Way, Esg., and ‘1. 21 Frh. 11611; Leslie-George, lirut. ll.N., I. 1836; Carehsse-Sophia-Ehisabethu, as. 114-i, Count Francis Caisso;ti do Ilonhion, ase’l d. 1894; and Ensily-Eheansr, eec. in 1847, to Gccrgc, Cossust des Gracyn, of Geasa. W’ilhiane-Aleasndcr, adaih’nl EN., hate secrchsry to the Adsesir;dty ; 6. 8 Jiusse, 1802; ues. 17 Slav. 1636, Lady hhsn’ies Ilasaillon, enly oietcr to 11w Slarqssess of Abcrros’c, aId Isas had issue, I George. 6.5 3iai’elu, 1137, d. 18 Jan. 1148; 2 W’illiasec-Aicssader, 6.1 Sept. 1844; 3 Ghtsrlcs-tis,lsert, bs.24 Sept. 1646: 4 James, 6, 24Apr11, ld98 I hiarnirt-Eleassor, s,t.22 Sept 1863, Is lteary-S. King, Eoq., J.l’., of Manor htonse, Chige’elh, gsscx. sod 15cc a son, Arlhni’-hlansiltes, t. 24 Jan. 1168, sod a dasi. S’iees-)hary; 2 t.asss’s-Fraaees. Ken, CR., late govri’ssnr ot use Lerwarut Ishaseds, 6. 1 d14; cc. 1034, Esssma, does, of Chearlcs Pihair, Essp, and has had, Aagseha,rf. 1615; Clrmeotisa; FhsreorrCharlotte, eec. 8 Feb. t117, to Major Frederic Playly, lladras staff corps, 3rd son of Use late W’entworth hiaphy, Esq. of Weston hIeshI, Snffetk ; Eleanor; and Essne a. ‘7homas, t.ia 1109; set, It Api-il, 1836, Asnr-lbsria, Intl dan. ef the hate William Ileysolds, Esq., of lhihford Iheesse, hlaahe; and it 39 Get. 1831, at Eosobay. his widoer so. Sedly, in 1643, Major Joseph-Scott Phsilhips, hale nf tlse hleogal arliltery. Gerald, rrreieer-gess’ral of Droita of Admiralty; P.17 ltarch, 1861; os. 23 Sept. 1133, Angtssls, 411s dan. of ties lab Calesel Anslcreen Slerehtad, of Widey Csm’l, Drveashiro, asseT lsae head isaac, Charhes-I,eelie, capt. lIst foot, 6.11 Dec. 1631. Joisn, 6. 50 baa. 1137. Ilenry, RN., I. 21 April, 1840; ci. 1114. lEssouss, 6. se llareh, 1844, Gerard, 6. I Des. 1145, Geos’gc-Geeatsevns, t. 1 Ang. 1847. Ehcabethe. Cisarlntee-Sophia, Aisne. Slary-Fraaeea. Asagnssee-hlhere. Cespatrick, Rear-Ad. hl.N.; 1.27 Feb. 1117; all Api-il, 16-19, llary, eset;’ olsild of lisa issle ‘fbsonsae (Irene, Esq. of heerna 11611, Wiltshire; and lsaa iesue, Rosy, and Charletle-Elizabesle. earl grasstcd to tlstan by es-orranf, dosed 9 July, 1899. 2 11