Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/59

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ABE he obtained the Garter, with many- high and important commands, and was summoned to parliament in the 21st of the king’s reign, as “George Esoyle tic Jdcrgaeeony, C’Oiealer.” At the coronation of Queen ANNE BOLEYN, his lordship claimed sneeesefullythe office of chief larderer. He ti. in the 27th of HENaYVIII., and was a. by his eldest son (by Mary, his 2nd wife, dan. of Edward Stafford, DukesfBnckiugham), HENF.y, who was summoned to parliament as 4th Lord Bergavenny, in the 3rd and 4th of EnwARn VI. This nobleman was committed to ward,for striking the Earl of Oxford I. Henrietta, Ia. to SirJ. Borney, Bart., and it. in 1822, in the chamber of presence, but nbtained, within a month, His lordship was advanced, 17 STay, 1754, to the dignities of special pardon for the offence. lbs lordship was one of the Fiacetmf Nceill and EARL OF AvenoAveany. Ned. 18 Sept. peers who sate in judgment upon the unfortunate MARY of 1785, and was a. by his son, Scotland. Hs st. Frances, dan. of Thomas Manners, Earl of HENRY. 16th baron and 2nd earl, K.T., 5. in i7&s, si. Untland, by wham he left at his decease, 10 Feb. 1536-7, an 2 Oct. 1781, Mary, only child of the late John Robinson, only dan., ELIZABETH, the vifs of Sir Thos. Pane, Kin., Eaq. of Wyks Honas, ca. lliddlcscx, many yoars Secretary to who then claimed the barony of Bargavenny; but, after a the Treasury, and by her (who if. 16 Oct. 1796) had issne, long investigation, the Hones of Lords decided that the said barony belonged to the heirs male; whereupon the e. Henry, Viscount Nevills, 5. in 1781; d. in 1506. crown, to give same satisfaction to the heir female, granted, n. Ralph, Viaconnt NevGlo, capt. R.N., 8. in 1786; at. in by lsttcis patent, the barony of La Despencer to her ladyvbip 1812, Ilary-Anns, dan. of ths late Brncs Elcock, Faq., and her heirs; and her conatn (revert to Sir Edward in. JoHN, lrd earl. Iv. WILLIAM, 4th earl. Neville, 2nd son of George, 2nd baron), EDwARn NEvILLe, was confirmed in the barony of Bergavenny, t. Mary-Catherine, a. in 1802, toTbnniasMysrs, Rag., and as 5th baron. ISis lordship as. let, Catherine, dan. The earl it. in 1841, and was,. by his eldest surviving son, of Sir John Bromc, of Halton, in Oxfordsb.ire, by whom be JonN, in holy orders, Ird earl, 8. 25 Bee. 1789; d. nay. had four sons. Ho as. 2ndly, Grisald, dan. of Thomas 22 April, 1811; and n’as a. by his brother Hughes, Esq. of Uxhridge, bnt by that lady had no isane. WILLIA5I, itt holy orders, 4th eat-I, who was 5. 25 Juno, Ho d. in 1585, and was a. by his eldest son, EnwARn, as 6th Baron Bergavenny, snionnoned to parliament 1722; and Ia. 7 Sept. 1824, Caroline, 2nd dast. of the late from 19 STarch, 1604, to 14 Nov. 1621. This noblsman Italph Leaks, Rag. of Longford hall, cc. Salap, and bad, claimed (2nd JAdes I.), the RnoLnoM OF WEsTsIonELANn, ti. Italph-Feiham, 8.25 Nov. 1812; as. 12 Jnly, 1860, LanisaMarianne, but unsuccessfully. He at. Machad, dan. of John Lennard, Esq. of Knoll, in Kent, and had, with other issue, hENRY, his successor. Chriatophcr(Sir), of Newton St. Lone, Somsrsstshire. KB., s. Caroline-Emily. who to. Mary, dan. and co-heir of Thomas Barcy, Esq. of a,. Renrietea-Augnsta, in, 10 Jnly, 2510, to lOs late Ran. Tolleshnnt Darcy, in Essex, and was a. by his ass,Richard Thomas-Edward Lloyd-Sloatyn, Sit’. (who C. S May, 1861), Novilla, who was a. by his son, George Nevills. Esq. of tt,. Iasbel-Slary-Frsnecs, so. 29 Jan. 1054, ts llss Ran, and Sheffield, co. Sussex, who ci. Mary, dan. of Sir Bnlatrods Wbitelock, Knt., and left two sons, 1 GEOROE, who inherited ltev. Edward-Vcscy Rliglt, reeler of Eetherfisld, Snasex, as 11th Baron of Absrgavanny; and 2 Edward, commodore The earl, who bad boon rector of Dining, Kent, tend vicar RN., so. Hannah, dan. of Mr. JerveisThorp, and of Frant, Snasex, d. 17 Aug. 1802, and was a. by his elder dying 1701, left a son and dan., viz., WILLIAM, who a. as son, WILLIAY, 5th and preaent EARL OF ABEROAvENNY. 14th Lord Absrgavsnny; and Mary, ‘a. to Charlsa-Chambarlain Rsbord, Faq. of SmalllSsld Place, Snrrcy. Mis lordship sI. I Dsc. 1622, and was a. by his eldest son, HeNov, 7th Baron Abcrgavenny, who at. let, Lady Mary Arsaa—Qnartcrly, first and fourth, gn., on a saltier, ar., a Sackvilla, dan. of Thomas, Earl of Dorset, lord-treasurer of rose, of the field, barbsd and aeedsd, ppr., for NEvILLE OF England, by svhom he had an only son, Sir Thomas Nssills, MARY; second and third, or, fretty, gu., on a canton, per KB., who prsdsccassd him, leaving sevsml children, of pals etin. and gold, a galley, aa., for NEYILLE OF BULMER. whom dsns. shone survived. His lordship s. 2ndly, Kathstins, Crcat—A bull, ar., pied, as., armed gold, and charged on sister of Edward, Lord Vaox of Harrowdsn, and dying the neck with arose, barbed and needed, ppr. in 1641, was a. by the eldest sop of this marriagc, JOHN, 8th Baron Absrgavcnny, who d. a. p. 12 Dcc. 1600 collared and ehainsd, and at the sod of ths chain two staplca, and was a. by his only brother Geontoe, 0th Baron Absrgavenny. who ct Mary, dan. of rert; on the sinister, a pcrtonllis, or. .AlsIIs—Ne vils velis. Tlaamaa, son and heir of Henry Giffard, M.D., of Bnntan Scafa—Eridgo Castle, Sussex, near Tnubridge Wells; snd Waylet, in Essex, and dying 1606, was a. by his only son, Gsonoc, 10th Baron Abcrgavcnny, whoa,. flenora, dan. of John, Lord Bcllasis of Worlaby, but ti. ,. p.26 March, 1694-5, when the barony passed to his kinsman (revert to descendants of Sir Christopher Nsvills, sen of Edward, 6th lord), GEONOE, 11th baron, who as. Anne, dan. of Nehsmiah Walker, Esq., Co. Iliddlsssx, and dying 11 March, 1720-a, was a. by his sldcr son, Ga000E, 12th baron, who ti. a. p. 15 Nov. 1721, and was a. by his brother, EnwARn, lath baron. This nobleman at. Catharina, dan. of Lient.-Gcneral Tatton, and dying in the 15th year of his age, 9 Oct. 1724, a. p., was a. by his cousin, WILLIAM, 14th baron (refer to issue of Sir Christopher NevOlle, 2nd son of 6th baron). His lordship so. let, in 1725, Catharina, Lady Abcrgavenny, widow of the last lord, by whom he had an only son, Gsonoa, his successor. Ms so. 2ndly, in 1712, the Lady Rebecca Herbert, dan. of ABtRGDON, EARL OF (Montagn BeaUs), and Baron Tbamaa, Earl of Pembroke, by whom he had one son, Norreys, of Ryeote, en. Oxfnrd, DCL., high ataward William, in holy orders, and three dane., all of whom it. ntssa, of Oxford and Abingdon, lord-lieutenant and enatnarotulnrnm The baron it. 21 Sept. 1745, and was a. by his elder son, Groanc, 11th baron. His lordship tn. 5 Feb. 1751, lIonrietta, dan. of Thomas Pelbana, Req. of Stanmsrs, cc. Sussex, aa 0th sarI, 16 Oct. 1854; an. 7 Jan. 1835, ElicabethLavinia, and sister of Thomas, 1st Earl ofChicbester, bywhsm bsbad, I. HENRY, 2nd earl. et. George-Henry, in holyorders, of FloworPlace, co. Surrsy; Vornon-Harociurt, Esq., H.P.5 and by bar (n-ho rI. 16 5. SPec. 1760; vs. 1787, Caroline, dan. of the Ron. Oot. 1858) has, K. Wslpole, and by her (who d. 21 Dee. 1841) had issue, 1 George, in holy orders, rector of Cbiltingten, cs. Snsso ; 8. If March, 1792; it. nata. 20 Sept. 2525. 9 ABI 2 Henry-Walpsls, in holy orders; 5. 20 Nov. 1800; so. 28 Slay, 1551, Frances, yonngest dan. of Sir Edmund Bacen, Dart.; and if. in 1807. His widow so. 2ndly, 29 Oct. 1840, l’tamblston-Francia Cuataaice, Eeq. of Weston House, Norfolk. 5 Regiaald-Henry, of Dangstein, Sussex, 5. in Sept. 1807; Ia. 2Bec. 1947, Lady Dorothy-Fanny Walpole, dan. of Horatio, 3rd Earl of Orford, and has, Edward-Angnstns, 5. 28 Feb. 1511 ; Horace-John, 8. 12 Ocl. 1551; Ralphhenry, 8. 4 Feb. 1801; and Msresia-Borotby-Angnsta. Hod. 7 Aug. 1844. - and ci. a. p. in 1526. Her ladyship if. in 2825. C. in 1807. it. Honrietta, if. uam. 28 July, 1827. I. WILLIAM, present sarI. 2nd dan. of Sir Charles-Pita-Roy Slarlean. gsrt., and has Edpb-Wilttam-Flantagenet, 5. 12 April, 1060, and twa dane., Constance-Emily, and laabsl-Lonisa. eldest son of Lard Sloatys. eon of Edward, 5th Earl at Darnley. Crsaliss.a—Barony of Ilergavenny, originally conferred on William Ecanehamp, 22 Nov. 1192. Sir Edward Neville sumatoned, 1 Sept. 1450. Earl and Viscount, 17 Ilay, 1754. dappsrtara—Two hnlls, ar., pied, sable, srmsd, naagnlsd, or. Barigea—an the dexter, a rose, gn., seeded cr barbed Birling Manor, Maidstone, Kent. Tasan House—IS, Portland Place. ABINGDON. of Barks; ii. 19 June, 1808; a. his father, only dan. of tha late George-Ot-anville a. 1Iexcraou-Anvnu, lard Naeesya, 6. 13 STay, 1525; so. 10 July, 1818, Caroline, eldest dan. of OlsarlesTowneley, Eaq. of Towneley, Lancashire, and has had SloarAou