Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/58

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ABE 1 Alicia who obtained from the Prince Regent, 1813, the precedency of an earl’s daughter, and d. 24 April, 1147. ii. William. a. Anne, iii. to Edward Place, Req. of Skelton Grange, Yorkshire, and ii. in 1821. ii. Susan, ii. unto. tn 1785. iii. Mary, m. 12 March, 1785, to Thomas Horton, Req. of Hewroyde Hall, Yorkshire, who ci. 22 Dee 1829: she ii. 7 Aug. 1852. The earl, one of the representative peers of Scotland, it. 13 Aug. 1801, aaid was 0. by his grandson, Geoeoz, 4th earl, E.G.. K.T., P.C., hA., P.11.5., F.S.A., P.H.S, who was 8. 25 Jan. 1754, and woe createda Viscount of the United Kiaigdem 1 June, 1444. Mis lordship to. lot, 28 July, 1805, Catherine-Elizabeth, eldest surviving dau. of John-James, lot Marqueseof Abercern, end by her ladyship (who ci. 20 Feb. 1812) had a son, who it. an iufaut ; and ABERGAVENNY, EARL 011 (William Nevill), Viscount three daus., who all ci. e.g. uoei. The earl ci. lndly, 8 July, Nevill, in the peerage of Great Britain; and Earon 1811, Harriet, dan. of the lieu. Jelaoa Douglas, relict of Abergavenny, in the peerage of England; 6. 16 Sept. James, Vioceunt Haniilten, anti mother of the present Duke 1826 ; e. his father as 5th coil, 17 Aug. 1868 ; ste. 2 of Abereoru, by wheni (who ci. 26 Aug. 1533) he had, j. Gror,oe-Jonie-JAa,ze, 5th earl. ii. Alexander, maj.-gen. in the army, CD., Hut, of the Johustone, BarS, of Haektaeae Hall, co. Yoi’k, lISP., Legion el Honour, eonemanding the Curragh district SE. District ot Ireland; 6. 11 Dee. 1817; ce. 9 Dee. 1852, and has ieane, Caroline, eldest dau. of Sir J. Herschel, Burt., and i. RcoiNALo.W5LLiAM-BuAaeeav, Fi,rsaat lfeelll, 0. 4 baa Alexander, 0. 6 July. 1859; Francis-Henry, 0. 19 ‘I. Menry.Gilhert.Ralph, 0, 2 Sept. 1834. March, 1861; a eon, 0. 29 Nov. 1664; a son, 6. 27 June, no George-Montaeute, 1. 23 Sept. 1136. 1966; and four claus., Victoria - Alberta- Alexandriua, Caroline, Laulea, and Kathleen-Isabella. ii,. Douglas, chaplain in ordinary to the Queen, Canon and iv. Wihiani.lieauehamp, 0. 23 Slay, 1860. teeaeurer of the cathedral church of Sarun’, late rector V. Riehard-Plontagenet, 0. 11 Jan. 1562. of Donaghedy, of Northolt, and euboeq’ieutly of Great I. Cieely-Loniea. is. Alice-Macide. Stanmore, 0. laltlareh, 1824 st. 35 July, 1951, Ellen, dan. of George-Sholto, 18th Earl of Morton, and has, Douglas- WILLIAM SIEAUOHAMi-, 4th aon of Thomas, Earl of Warwick, George, 0. 1892; George-William, 0. 15 June, 1854; Wi!ham-hugh, 0. 1 Oct. 1852; Catherine Ellen; Ellen-Louisa. 26 Aug. IeOO, as “Wilhelm Beauchamp, de Bergavenny.” iv. Arthur, 0.11.0, guvernir of Trinidad; t. 26 Nov. 1529 ; at 29 Sept. 18’73, Itaehel-Emily, eldest dan. of Sir Mis lordship, a E.G., it, t° 1410. his granddan. and heiress, John-C. Show Lefevre, lt.C.B. fete poet, EveasLzv, V.) i. Frances, ,?. one. 20 April, 1834. The earl, a diotingniahed and respected statesman, filled wife, ni. variouo high public offices, diplouaatie and ioiiiisterial; ho S,a EDWAnO NEvILL, 4th surviving son of Ralph, let Earl was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs from 2 .1 tine, of Weetmereland, by his 2nd wife, Jeane, dau. of John 1929, to 2 Nov. 18:;8, and again fre,aa 2 Sept. 1841, to 5 July, of Gaunt, and uncle of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick and 3546, and constituted l”ii-et Lord of the Treasury 28 Dec. Saliebury, commonly called she hisg ,aeker. Sir Edward 1812, and resigned 7 Feb. 1833; when be wao made a thuo becoming possesaed of the castle and lands of Dergaveony, Knight ci the Garter; he also lord-lient, and sheriff- principal of Al,crdeenohire, ranger of Greenwich Park, an’l veuoo-, from 5 Sept. 1450 (25 Meu. VI.), to 19 Aug. 2472, elianrefler of King’s I ‘ollege, Aberdeen; he 0. 14 Doe. 1060, (12 Row. IV.) Ills lerdehip was a Yorkist, and high in the and was s. by his eldest eon, Geor.oe-Jouu-JAaira, 5th earl, who was 1. 28 Sept. 1216, the lleanehampo, Richard, who predeeeased him; Geonor, and is. 5 Nov. 1840, Mary, 2nd dan. of the late George hie sueeeaoor; Alice, to. to Sir Thomas Grey, Ent.; and hlaillie, Eoq. of lleilerotaiu and Jervioivoode, and aister Katherine, to. to — Iwarby, Esq. His lordship to. 2ndly, of Geerge, 10th Earl of Iiaddington, and had, I. Geoaer, preseot earl. ii. James-Ileery, 0. II Oct. 1045, 0. oosi. 12 Feb. 1660. ni. J000-CasipoeLL, 0. lAng. 1617. i. SCary, is. Feb. 1863, to Walter-ltngh, preornt Lord Psiwarth. ii. Ii Oct. (16 Row. IV.), and woe a. by hie eon, u. Harriet. ni. Catherine. Ilie lordship 0. 22 March, 1064, and wao o. by his eldest BeaoAvrNNy of this family. his lordship to. let, Margaret, eon Groaur, the 6th and preoent earl. Ceealieno—lharonet of Nova Scotia, 1642. Earl, &c., is Esgland, and had by that lady, who it. 28 Sept. 1485, with Scotland, 30 Nov. 1682, Viscount of the Uuited Kingdom, other issue, 1 June, 1814. Aeeis—Quarterly, first and fourth, as., three s. Gronor, his successor. hearst heads, couped, within a double tresouro, aiherned with roses and thistles alternately, or, for Goanon; second and nailitary man of high reputation, and a knight-banneret third, quarterly, first and fourth, get., three ein’paefoils in the time of ulenav VIII. Ms was eventually, however, pierced ermine: second and third, ai-geut, a lymphad with the attainted and beheaded, on the charge “of devising to sails furled, sable; the whole within a bordnre of the last, for maintain, promote, and advance, one Reginald Pole, late HAMILTON. Cenlo—l GORDON, two arms, from nie shoulder naked, holdiug a bow, pre’pec, to let an arrow fly; in com memoratian of the deed by which Richard Cieur tie Lion waa to deprive the king.” Sir Edward Neville bad,o. Eleanor, slain at Chaluz, in Limousin, by one of the family’s sup. poeedancsotora, llortnindde Gourdon,in 1199. 2 I1AaiILTON, out of a ducal eor,,net, or, an oak tree fructed and penetrated tr.uiavcrsely in the main stem by a franae saw luscribed with the word “Through,” all ppr., the tree charged with an eccuteheon, arg., thereon a heart, gu. Step. 1 Catherine, ‘a. to Clement Throgmorten, Eoq. of Reedy, porlerg—Gn either side an antelope, argent, armed and isnguled, or, gorged with a collar, flowered and eounter flowered, and lii,,o refined ever the back, ae,, the collar charged with three roses, of the second. Mstlo—Fortuna eaquetur. &ol—Jloddo Reuse, Fraserburgh, Aberdecoshuro, Ills lordship is. a second time. He it. 20 Sept. 1492, and ABERD OUR, Logn, see MORTON, EAEL OF. AB ER GA VENN ‘1. May, 1848, Caroline, dan. of Sir John-V. Bempede. March, 3553. IL thlcagC. was summoned to parliament Ire,,, 23 Nov. 1192, to Tue Loov ELIZABETiI BrAoceeAaip, only child of Richard Eeauehamp, Earl of Worcester, by babel de Spencer his was eommened to parliament ae Banou Dean. confidence of RowAeo IV. lie had issue by the heiress of Catherine, dau. of Sir Robert Howard, Knt., and sister of John, Duke of Norfolk, by whom he had three surviving dane., Margaret, to. to John Dreoke, Lord Cobbana; CaihaI’ioe, ci. to Robert Tanfield; Anne, to. to Lord Strange. Re Sio Ceoaoe NevILL (who had been knighted at the celebrated battle of Tewkeebury, 9 May, 1171), as 2nd Loan dau. and heir of Sir Hugh Fcctne, Hut., subtreaaurer of It. Edward (Sir), of Aldingten Park, in Kent, who was a Dean of Rxete,’, enemy of the king, beyond the sea, and dau. of Andrew, Lord Windsor, and widow ef Ralph, Lord Scrope, ef Upsal, by whom be left, I Enwsen, who .s. as 5th Boseon lluooAvrtenv. 2 Henry, of Biliingbser, in Berks, from whom descended the Nevilleo of that co., ancestors of the Lords Draybrooke. eo. Warovick. 2 Srances, ci. to Sir Edward Walgrave. S Elizabeth, ci. te Thomas Emeys, or Henyues, ef Yorkshire. wao s. by his cldeoe son, Sin Geoaoe NevILL, 3rd Lord Dergavenny, lila noble- man was created a knight of the Bath in the reign ef EnwAao V.; was distinguished against the Comish rebels loop. MENNY VII.; and became the companion in arms of Hconv Vhf, in his French ware. From the last monareh 8