Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/609

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HALT 4 floury, merchant of London, ii. ,i. p. is. William, so. tho dan. and heir of John Webster, of Amsterdam, merchant. i. Lottice, vs. 1st, to William Wasbbonrne, Fog. of Washboumne; vs. Adam, killed in a deel, d. ce,,i. aod fndly. to John Clont, Fog. os Kssightwick, s, A dais, ci. to Ililke, of Illasctoke Ca-itle,in Wai’wickslsice. both in Worcesterebire. mm. Mai-y, m. to Esisoby Shuckburgh, Eeq. of Naseby, in lie 1. about 1709, and was s. by Isis grandson, Northamptonohiro. in. Margaret, so. lot, to Sir Goorgo Browno, Rut. of only dan. of Sir iticliard iioare, Rut., lord-mayor of the Radford, in Warwirkshire and audly, to Sir Itobert city of London, and one of its rcpresemitstives in parliament, Fishor. hart, of Paek-ington. me. Anne, rn-to Sir Thomao bite, Bait, of Aston. Sir Edward 1. in July, 1629,° and was s. by his eldest eon, 1. EuWARD L5TTLETON, Eaq. of Pillaten hall, in the of Christopher Ploston, Esq. of Catton, in the co. of Derby, cc. of Stafford, who was created a B,vrenct by King butd. issueless, 18 May, 1012, when the hlanncc’cevcxrsncu. CHARLES I,, 28 June, 1827. Sir Edward os. heater, d Lu, Sir Edsvard had removed the seat of the fansily frs,m Pillaton of Sir William Courteen, Rut. of Linden, and liy her (who lIall, to Tcddcsley, in the same co. ihis estates and the so. 2ndly, Thonaas Theme, Fog, of Shrivock, in bhsopshire, representation of the fasasilydevolved upon hiagrand-ucpb cw, had issue, i. William, who 0. r. p. em. EDWARO, his heir. us. James, . s. p. e. Auue, ii. to — Cole, Eeq. of Shrewsbory. ci. Margaret, cc. to Robert Napior, Eeq , eldcot son of Sir 1012, IIyssetmcthe-Stsry, dams. ,,f Richard, Marquess Wdllceley, Robert Napier, of Luton Hoc, cc. Bedford. Sir Edward was a zealous royalist, and had to pay £1347 m. ilyaeinthc-Anne, ii. 10 Jely, 1011. for conspositien fur his estate. He was e. by his son, II. Sin Eowann Lsnteroc, who so. 1st, Mary, dan. of um. Caroline-Augusta, so in 1810, te Frodcriek-Jotmn-11’ihiam, Sir Walter Wrottealey, Bart. of lVrettesley, and had, Eownn, who d. in the lifctisne of his t’ither, 24 Jan. Mc is. Ooslly, 11 Fels. 1052, Car,,line-Anne, dan. of Richard 1704, leaving by his wife Suoaonah,dan. of Sir Theophiluc hurt, Fog. of Wirkasvorth, amid wuslow cf Edward-fl. Davessport, Hiddnlph, Bart. (which lady 0. 11 Aug. 1722), 3 Enwaco, ou000saor to Ins grandfather. 2 Thecpbilus. ci. acm. S Fisher, barrieter-at-law, 0. in 1740. lIe had so. 1834, as chief secretary fc’r lrehsnd. lie n’aa lar,l-hiculessant Franoes, eldest dau.f and co-heir of James Whitehall, of Stafferdmlnre from 1854 to 1802 ; be was made a P.C. icc Keg. of Pipe Ridwaro, in Staffordshire, and bad two 181:1. His lordship sO, 4 Slay, 1001, amid was.’. hsy tus emily acne andadan., viz., Enw,eoo, 4th baronet. Pioher, barrister-at-law, ci. ltary, only dan. and heir Creafisss—11 Slay, 1835. of Thomas Seare,Esq. of Nerthreppe, in Norfolk, but A i’ees—Amg., a chevron, between three escallops, sa. Theee, had no issue. FRANCes, em. to MoncroN WAm.mmoosE, Eaq. of Hathortoss, witim the motto “ung Lieu et ung roy,” were the identiral co. Stafford, asad had a son, Monemorm WAbnonoc, Eoq. of hlatherton, who m. Cr, si—A stag’s bead, eaboased, sa., attired, or; between the Anne-Craycroft, dan. of A. Portal, Eoq., and had attires a bugle-horn, gold, hamsgisg by a bend, gu. by her who d. 17 March, 1843 (with four dane., Clara; Charlotte-Anne, os. in 1810, to the Itcv. Gcorgc .Suppsrbcrs—Doxter, a stag, ppr., gorged with a collar, or, Chotwode, and 0.1217; Sei’hia-Elieabeth,oi. inIStO, therefrom peudent an eecocheocm, arg., charged wit Is a bugle, to the late Mon. Vice-Adsn. Joseclino Percy; ast,l or, themefeem pessdesst an eococlieen, chargsd as the dexter. Caroline), one son, Eowxcn-Joaa, created Lord Hatherton. I Snoan, ci. to Sir Johu Coryton, Bart. 2 Mary, is. to Edward Arblaster, Esq. of Lengdou, in Seala—Teddeoley Park, near Penkridge; and Hatherten Staffordshire. 3 Elizabeth, ia to Mumphry Hodgetto, Fog. 4 Catherine, ci. to Johms Flayer, Eaq., s,,n of Sir John Floyer, M.D., of Lieblield. 5 Jane, m. to John Eggington, Fog. of Staffordshire. is. Walter, major in the army, rn. Lady Anne Knellys, dan. of Nicholas, Earl of Eanbnry. He fell in a duel, and left no issue. m. Elizabeth, so. to Walter Chetwynd, Esq. ef Ingcotrc, in Staffordsbira, and bad issue. is. Hester, is. to Homphrey Pcrsehcnae, Esq. of Reynolds flail, in Staffordshirs. Sir Edward cc. lndly, Joyce, dan. of his cousin Littleton, of Teddesley flay, and by that lady had, s. Deverena, who d. oarn. at his scat at Tamwerth, 7 June, Sir Henry Marahaoaan Havelork was with his fssthem 1747. 55. WaIter, el. aces. sic. Hesiry, depnty-governor of Cork, left no issue. iv. Fisher, barrister-at-law, succeeded to the estate of his the gloriosms march to the relief of Lueknow. lIe eldest hrotlmer. V. William, capt. RN., left a eon, 11 A V I Edward, who inherited the property of his uncle Fisher. lie ci. his cousin Joyce, eldest dan. of Stanford Wolferstais, Esq. of Statfsld, and d. e. p. is. Sarah, so. to Stanfo, d Woiferstan, Esq. of Statfold. ill. Sin Enwaoo Lri-rrra’oN. Tins gentleusase so. Mary, temp. Qoeen ANNe, but d. s. p., 1 Jan. 1741, and was e. by his nephew, IV. Sic Euseono Lsnomevnec, who os. Fmnees, eldest dais. Itowxeo-J osice-Was,uns’er, Eeq., wls,, thsrcsmpon assumed the surname and arms s’f LmTromdm,es, amid woe created, 11 Slay, 18:11, Bastow ilavsmcnrsew, of llathert,,n, in the co. of Stafford. Ills lorilebip svae 8. loMorel,, 1791, and ci. 1st, 21 Lice. amid by her (svhe 0. 4 .Jass. 1140) bail issue, 5. Ene’xao-Ilmrms,sau, prrsesit leer. mm. hisuilv, os us 1212, to t’hsarhes—Evelyu, Viscount Nesraric, who ii. in laSS. 11cr ladyship sO. If Slarchs, loll. Earl of Casan. Esg. of t’apesthssrue, cii. Cheater. His lordship was for many years 51.?. for Stadsirdsbirc, seed held office, in sois, EsewAao-IlscccacsD, formerly Ml’. for Waleall mid South Staffordehire, nosy hid ll.sseocc H,oTnrcmoN. ensigns of the great author of The Z’saerce, aud arc ecrupulonely preserved hy the family. stringed, sa.; ministeralien, gn. gcrged with a distal coronet, JJsile—Uug Dien et ung roy. near Waleall; beth in Staffordshire. HA V ELO C K. ‘ HAVELOCE, Sea FJENRY-MAcesn’ MAN, Hart., V.C., OH., colonel in J the arissy, sole of thse faneosss Mtsjor, General Hemsry Ilavelock, 1(0.11. Is. 6 Aug. 1830 ; created a Baronet, — 22 Jan. 1858 with reneaineler, in defassit tsf issue smiale. to the heirs 7 male of the hotly of his father. in Persia, ameel, ae Ins deputy aeeistasat-asljutasetgeneral, sharesi in all the toile anti engageneemate of was tw’iee severely woncsied, since on tIme 25th 501st., acid again ou the 19th Nnv. 1357. LIe obtained the Victoria Cmeee for his cosedscct at the battle of * In the ehaaoel ef Psnkridge church, against thee north Casvnpore; and was at the storming of the Insassnabarrah wall, is a very noble monument of variegated marble, whereon and the capture of the Kaiser Bagh, when Luekuow’ was finally taken, in March, 1858 ; and arches, one above thee ether, the arms in great nmeasnre also at the routing of the enemny in Azimghnr, in the following April. He was appointed seeonsl in command of the 3rd regiment Iludeon’e Hos’eo, in Bombay, and was a capt 18th regiment. Ho sic. 10 hay, 1865, Alice, 2nd dats. of henry -George- Francis, 2nd Earl of T)cmcie, and laae had a dan., Alice-Margaret, ci. aim infant at Tadosseac, Canada, 9 June, 1867; aisd a dams., Is. at Montmcal, 1 heov. t The other daughter and ce-heir married Mr. Justice 1867. are the effigies of two knights and their ladies, under two broken off. The names of the children, with their elEgies, were about the tomb, but the latter are entirely defaced. Undenecath is a Latin epitaph, and over minE of She knights is the following inscription, in letters of gold’ “Reader, ‘twas thought emseusgh, upon the Tomb Of the Great Captain, tb Enemy of Rome To write no more, but (Here lies Hannibal); - Let this suffice thee thou, instead of all, Mere lye two itnights, the Father and the Son, Sir Edward, and Sir Edward Littletou.” Parker, of the court ef Common Pleas. 559