Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/616

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Sir James if. 1(1 March, 1861. Creatioa—20 April, 1799. Arms—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, or. on a saltier, so., nine lozenges of the field, all within a liiird,ire, gu.; 2nd and 3rd, arg.. a yoke, ppr., in chief, and in base, three escutcheons, gil. Crests—A rock, ppr., over it the motto, Fins; a falcon. ppr., charged on the breast with an escutcheon, gu. Mottoes—For Dznoyaipt.x, Firm; for BAY, Sorrajugnm. Supporters—Two men in country habits, holding in their hands, dexter, a piengh-sharc, ppr.; sinister, an ox-yoke, ppr. Seats—Park hay, Gienluee; and liunragit, Wigtoushirs. Tserii /!s000—lOS, St. Ii corge’s Sqsa re. H A Y. HaY, SIR JAMES - DOUGLAS - hAMiLTON, lIarS. of Barbara, only child of Ilonry MaeJJovval, Req. of Maker’ Alderston, in L’orwickshiro, North Britain, forinorly lie left a dan., Ann, iR. to John Scott, of Gala, and a son, an officer in the army; f 28 Dec. 1800; in. in 1819, IV. SiR Ileanv HAv-MAeDOwAL, whe ‘in. 11 May, 1782, Jane, 2nil dan. of William Sandereon, Eeq. of Isabella, dan. of Admiral Sir James Douglas, Mart., and if. S1iringbank, and has issue, I. Hrrrna-MAcLEAN, 5. 1811, ,,i. 1852, Anne-Charlotte, ANNA-MARiA, w. to Gen. Sir Ti’onaas Brisbane, Bait. dan. of Dr. J. White, and widow of Lieist.-Col. W.-C. Bird, of the tICS. ii. Williinn-Thomas. iv. Howard-Augustus. I. Anna.Maria. iii. Augusta. v. Han-lotte. Sir James s. his father, as Gtla harouct, in 1833. 3tIiiragr. Tins family aiseientiy seatod at Hnntingdon, hi East i. Augusta-Hill-May, if. unee. in Harriet-Napier. Lothian, and at Mordingten and Tharneydikce, in Berwickshire, Sir Themas if. in 1835. NB., is of great antiquity, being descended in direct line from tue old house of Locherwort and Yesler, whose Aries—Qoartvriy; ist and 4th, az., three ebeqnefoius, arg., progeintor woe William de Maya (sic aiili’ II cv of Se, ilti’lrl’l, fir F’aason ‘2nd md 3rd. gn., three bare, erm , for Cifferd Bail.) The immediate ancestor of the flays, harts, of of Yswrrse; over all, upon an escutcheon of pretence, org., Aidereten, Tnouae Hxv, of Alderaton and liermisten, one of the Grist—A goal’s head, erased, arg., armed, or. clerks of the privy council and session, 8. in 1625, wao 2nd Se,aji,irliis—Dexter, a eenntrynian, holding cia his ohoni— sen of the second marriage of Sir Jehn Slay of Ban-a, lord- onguled. or, gorged with a cellar, ac., charged with three clerk-register (lineally descended from Sir Edmund flay cinqiiefeiie, erg. of Limplnm, younger brother of Sir David hay of Tester, JIotle—Spare nought. anceeior of the Marquess of Twecddale) ; lie ni. Anna, dau. of Sir John Gibson, Part, of Pentland, and had issue, i. Jones (Sir), his heir, ii. Wilultom, ii. yoneg. iii. Alexander, of Huntington, sheriff-deputy ef Hadinglon, in. and if. in 1745, leaving issue, I Tnouss, lord of session, as Lord Huntingten; in. ______________ of Arborfield, Berks. 5. in 1799; Margaret, eldest dan. of Sir David Sini-my, ef Slanhope, Part-, by his second wife, Margaret Scot, and if. in 1755, leaving a nnn,enius issue, among th,’m, ALaxcainen; David, major in the army, if. in 1022; William, if. o. p.; Peter, eel. 11. F..I.C. S.; and Thomas, (the 10th son) 31. B. of Edinburgh, ia. the dan. of James Graham, md sister of Lient.-Gea. Samuel Graham, Lient,-Gevsreor elf St’rling, and it. in 1811, having had, with dans., two Sons, John, M.D., RICo., and David-Walker, M.D., J0HN-MeAUCi,ANr officer 12th lancers, 8. 1848. Eilinbnrgli. Lerd II, nitisigtein’o eldest dan.. alai-gsiret in. let, — Wren, Req., and 2ndly, Sir Alex,iniler-f.,’horlea. George i.cith, Shirt. Lord llnntingten’s eldest son, Ellen-Anne, iii. 23 April, 1868, to John Sisnends, Esq. Arzxnesneii, of Slerdington, advocate, si. 1st, in 1755, Jane—Douglas, dan. of — llaieilti,n, Seq. of Jiardowie aeil lenerwiek, by his wife La’ly Mary Kerr, dan. of Robert, 4th Earl and 1st M;erqness ‘if Lothian, and had issue, THOMAS, who,, as 5th baronet. George, if. s. p. 1780. Alexander, if. s. p. Mr. Alexander Hay ci. 2ndiy, Mice Pringle, of White- bank, and if. 1788, leaving issoe by he,’, Anne, eldest dais, of the Mon. Ilenry White, one of her 566 HAY John, a captain in the army, barrack-master of Newcastle; who m, Iliso Kerr, of Breadmeadows, Eerseiekifnre,and ii. i sea, having had issue, s. Alexander-Murray, is., and ii. 1564, lerviag two sons n. 4’illiam-Ken-, Madras horse art., ie. and has a son; in. Tbomae-Pasley, capt. 22nd Madras N.i., who ‘ii., aisi if. 1638, leaving issue, I Wonlie, lient. Madras staff corps, vvho m. Alice, dan. 55 Br. Poi-teons, Madras army: 2 James-Shaw, heut. SSth regi , who is. Jane. eldest don. of John Morin, Req. of Allingtin, Dnmfriesshire, and has issue; I Loraine-Geddee, eeeigie, 55th rege. ; and 4 MaryFlizat,eth, oi, to Charles Dathnrsf,, Req. of Iiydney Park, Gioucestersliire; iv. George-Eon-, 18th Bengal infantry, if. 1828. Charles, W.S., if. s.p. 1811. 2 John, of Reetalrig, secretary to Prince Charles; attainted 1745; his son, Alexander, if. 5. p. 1791. iv. Thomas, of Merdington. v. William, e,f Jamaica. The eldest son, I. Sm JoHN hAy, of Aldersten, was, in consideration of the services of the ancient fannly he represented, created a Knight and Barenel of Nova Scotia, 22 Feb. 1105, with remainder to his heirs male for eve,-. The patent was eeeempanied by a large grant ef land in Nova Scotia, to ho styled Ihe Barony acid Megality if Iel,ierstoo. Sir John si. Catherine, dan. of Sir George Snttie, Mart.; and dying in 1706, was e. by his shiest son, II. SIR THOMAS, capt. of dragoons, at whose decease, e. p., 26 Nor. 1769, the title devolved en his brother, lH. SIR Geoaoe, lient.-col. of the Sects Greys, who m. eros,, and assnnied the additional surname of MacDewal. Il April, 1825, leaving three dans., Menristta. Elizabeth. Theharonetey, at Sir Henry’s dceeass,passed to his kinsman, V. Sm THOMAS (eldest son of Alexander Hay, of liordington). lie in. 2 Jan. 1793, Anna, widow of Major Minghans, and dan. of Sheffield Howard, Req. of Neav York (a scion of the noble house ef Norfolk, and a loyalist, who lost a large amount of property during the War of Independence in America), and had issue, 1. JAa,Es-DauaLAsHAanLTON, present baronet. n. Henry-Cranston, an officer 22nd regiment, if. s. Ji, Ci’u,tioe—22 Feb. 1705. three escntchce,ns, .,the paternal coat of HAY. der as, ox-yoke. ppr. ; sinister, a buck, ppr., attired and HAYES. HAYES, SIR JOUN - WARREN, of Weatmineter, co. Middlesex, MA., in holy orders, rortor e. his brother, as 3rd baronet 5 Sept. 1851 ; us. 10 Sept. 1844, Ellen, 2nd dao. of George Bean. champ, Esq. of Tbc Priory, Bet-ks, brother of Sir IV.. B. Proctor, Bart., and has issues Ituiicagc. I. JOnS.MACNAMARA HAvEs, SIP. (grandson of Psniel Hayes, and son of Jobja Hayes, Esq., by Margaret, dan, and ce-heir of S. liacuamara, Esq. of Ballyhally, eo. dare). physician to his majesty’s forces during the first American war, was created a Baronet, 6 Fob. 1797. Me ie. in 1787, llajesty 5 council of Now York, by whom (who if. 18 Jan. i848) hs had, HAY Hi. Hamilton. v. Monry-Cransten. ii. Slary-Jane. iv, Louisa,